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Each child observed a communication game in which two dolls sent messages to each other so that the listener doll could pick out a matching card.Allocations and justifications of blame were examined as a function of the age of the child, adequacy of message, correctness of choice, and seating position. The results were generally consistent with two propositions. Younger children passed judgements as though they were asking themselves whether the message sent was inconsistent with the speaker's card — only when this was so was the speaker blamed. Older children blamed the speaker and cited the inadequacy of the message whenever the message did not identify the speaker's card uniquely, even when communication was successful.  相似文献   

Gesture and language are tightly connected during the development of a child's communication skills. Gestures mostly precede and define the way of language development; even opposite direction has been found. Few recent studies have focused on the relationship between specific gestures and specific word categories, emphasising that the onset of one gesture type predicts the onset of certain word categories or of the earliest word combinations.The aim of this study was to analyse predicative roles of different gesture types on the onset of first word categories in a child's early expressive vocabulary. Our data show that different types of gestures predict different types of word production. Object gestures predict open-class words from the age of 13 months, and gestural routines predict closed-class words and social terms from 8 months. Receptive vocabulary has a strong mediating role for all linguistically defined categories (open- and closed-class words) but not for social terms, which are the largest word category in a child's early expressive vocabulary. Accordingly, main contribution of this study is to define the impact of different gesture types on early expressive vocabulary and to determine the role of receptive vocabulary in gesture-expressive vocabulary relation in the Croatian language.  相似文献   

In the present study a representative sample of students from a general college population were exposed to a list of written food cues and asked to rate each of the foods according to its nutritional value. Subjects who were exposed to the food list subsequently reported increases in hunger, desire to eat, and number of foods currently hungry for, as well as reduced fullness, compared to controls who were not exposed to the food list. Also, there was a trend for the food-cued subjects to report hunger for lower fat foods compared to the controls. The results are discussed in terms of previous research and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

In the present study a representative sample of students from a general college population were exposed to a list of written food cues and asked to rate each of the foods according to its nutritional value. Subjects who were exposed to the food list subsequently reported increases in hunger, desire to eat, and number of foods currently hungry for, as well as reduced fullness, compared to controls who were not exposed to the food list. Also, there was a trend for the food-cued subjects to report hunger for lower fat foods compared to the controls. The results are discussed in terms of previous research and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The development of lying to conceal one's own transgression was examined in school-age children. Children (N=172) between 6 and 11 years of age were asked not to peek at the answer to a trivia question while left alone in a room. Half of the children could not resist temptation and peeked at the answer. When the experimenter asked them whether they had peeked, the majority of children lied. However, children's subsequent verbal statements, made in response to follow-up questioning, were not always consistent with their initial denial and, hence, leaked critical information to reveal their deceit. Children's ability to maintain consistency between their initial lie and subsequent verbal statements increased with age. This ability is also positively correlated with children's 2nd-order belief scores, suggesting that theory of mind understanding plays an important role in children's ability to lie consistently.  相似文献   

Is has been suggested that there exists a linkage between the mental representation of pretense, the acquisition of the cognitive internal state lexicon, and the development of theory of mind. Using an empirically derived taxonomy of pretend language, predictions derivable from such a relationship were tested. In three related studies, the pretend lexicons of 4 1/2- to 5-year-old children and the adults who interacted with them in home and school situations were examined for evidence of sophisticated pretend language use, for parallels in child and adult pretend language, and for connections between pretend and other mental state words. Results did not support the hypothesis that pretense and the language associated with it were linked to mental state language acquisition. However, the findings that are reported provide converging evidence for the claim that pretense in young children is a form of acting-as-if behaivor rather than a form of mental represetnational activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine if aphasic subject groups differentiated by the fluency of their verbal output employed rehearsal as a strategy for maintaining verbally coded information in primary memory. A task based upon the Brown-Peterson paradigm was administered to 10 fluent aphasic patients, 10 nonfluent aphasic patients, 10 right-brain-damaged patients, and 10 nonneurological patients. The findings indicate that the nonfluent aphasic patients did not rehearse the verbal information while the fluent aphasic, right-brain-damaged, and nonneurological patients did rehearse. In addition, both fluent and nonfluent aphasic patients encoded significantly less information into the memory system initially and performed worse on the task overall than right-brain-damaged and nonneurological patients.  相似文献   

The study investigates the hypothesis that children's ability to attribute second-order beliefs facilitates their understanding of evidence, as seen in the ability to distinguish between causes and reasons. Seventy-four children 5–7 yr old were given belief and evidence tests. The belief tests assessed their ability to represent and reason from second-order false-beliefs, and the evidence tests assessed their ability to distinguish between the cause of a situation and a person's reason for believing it. The relation between performance on the two tests was determined, taking into account general language and non-verbal reasoning abilities. Results show that performance on the belief test and on the evidence part of the evidence test improved significantly over the age range, and that a significant proportion of variance in the evidence test scores is accounted for by second-order false-belief understanding, over and above that accounted for by general language and non-verbal abilities. The argument is made that second-order false-belief understanding is fundamental to children's epistemological development, underlying not just their understanding of evidence, but also their understanding of inference and truth.  相似文献   

Groups of 5-year-olds in two experiments described multidimensional triangles for a listener. The attribute differentiating referent triangles from nonreferent triangles in Experiment I was constant across trials for the simple condition group, while any one of three attributes was distinctive on a given trial for the complex condition group. One-adjective messages by subjects in the simple condition were virtually always informative; in the complex group, such messages were predominantly ambiguous. The boundaries of the variation effect were assessed in Experiment II. In addition to the simple-complex variation of the relevant attributes, the values of the irrelevant attributes either varied across trials in the diverse groups or remained constant in the constant groups. One-adjective messages were informative only in the simple-constant group; in the other groups, such messages were predominantly ambiguous. Thus, young children can base their communications on a comparative analysis of stimulus arrays, but performance deteriorates when there is any variation in relevant or irrelevant attributes. These results were discussed in relation to various theories of the development of meaning and communication: the cognitive overload theory, the broad context theory, and the perceptual saliency theory.  相似文献   

The previous literature has reported that when children are asked to judge the truth or falsity of universally quantified conditional sentences of the form If a thing is P then it is Q they typically give responses, e.g., responding "true" whenever there is a case of P and Q even if there are also cases of P and not-Q. Three experiments are reported that address possible sources of this error. Experiment 1 shows that the error survives on sentences that refer to particular things as well as to things of a particular kind, and further shows that articulating the necessity of the consequent (... then it has to be Q) eliminates the error for adults and reduces it for fifth graders, although it does not affect second grade performance. Experiment 2 shows that for second and fifth graders the error survives to problems that are not universally quantified and for second graders to problems that are not conditionals although are otherwise structurally similar. Experiment 3 compares various verbal formulations of such universally quantified conditionals: Second and fifth graders do not make the error when the quantification is expressed with the surface structure that makes its universality most explicit (all things ...); the error tendency is greatest when the indefinite article is used (if a thing ...); and formulations using any fall in between. We argue that such erroneous evaluations of universally quantified conditionals have more to do with the quantificational aspect than the conditional aspect of the problems; children interpret the indefinite article as existential, although they resist the error when the cue to universal quantification is completely clear. The error appears to result more from the surface-structure form of the stimuli than from an inability of children to appreciate the logic of universally quantified conditionals.  相似文献   

In this study an attempt was made to extend the notion of disembedding from the perceptual to the verbal semantic domain. Fifty-two undergraduates were presented with the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) and with seven verbal tasks. A Factor analysis made on test scores, as well as other factors, evidenced a factor that linked to gether the GEFT and one of the verbal tasks (Word groups). It is argued that both tasks require the restructuring of an organized context according to new given rules, and that disembedding is a mental operation which applies to both verbal and perceptual domains.  相似文献   

C Moore  D Frye 《Cognition》1986,22(3):283-298
Two experiments tested McGarrigle and Donaldson's (1975) claim that the intentionality of the experimenter's action in performing the transformation in number conservation tasks misleads competent children into performance errors. In the first experiment, their naughty teddy paradigm for presenting ‘accidental’ transformations was replicated and extended by including transformations that altered number as well as ones that left number unchanged. Results with 5-year-olds showed that the naughty teddy procedure promoted inappropriate conservation with additions as well as appropriate conservation with length changes for small numbers of items (four). With larger numbers (seven) the naughty teddy effect was not apparent at all. It was concluded that the children were distracted by the teddy bear so they tended to judge the final display according to appearance-based strategies, such as counting, subitizing, and length. A new paradigm was devised to test the McGarrigle and Donaldson (1975) hypothesis more adequately. Intentionality was bypassed by giving th children explicit reason to doubt the validity of the experimenter's intention as a cue to the required answer. Conservation tasks were set in the context of a game in which the experimenter was said to be trying to trick the child. The child had to be on guard for the tricks. Results showed that, even under these conditions, 5-year-olds do confuse number with length. The results conformed closely to Siegler's (1981) characterization of conservation development in terms of movement from appearance-based strategies towards transformational strategies. It was concluded that the study of context will be best continued in relation to analyses of the knowledge and strategies children have available in a task.  相似文献   

120 Ss from six age groups (range 7–22 years) were tested for their understanding that others' responses were related to a preceding behavior in Ss. The understanding was tested after experimental interaction episodes with Ss as participants. The results indicated the following development sequence: 7–9 year old persons relate others' response to Ss' behavior in situational terms, 11–13 year old persons relate others' response to others' perceptiodcognition of Ss' behavior, and older persons are able to relate others' behavior simultaneously to Ss' behavior and to dispositional properties in the others.  相似文献   

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