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ABSTRACT: The relationship of sex, race and region to methods of suicide are used to test the validity of two theories which attempt to explain the choice of methods among suicide victims. The two theories, lethality of intent and differential socialization with firearms, are briefly discussed. Data are collected from official death certificates in five cities during a three year period, 1969 through 1971. The findings provide little support for the lethality of intent theory. Although the differential socialization theory receives partial support, one can argue for a broader sociocultural perspective on methods of suicide which includes location in the social structure as well as regional socialization.  相似文献   

In the United States, despite the increase in knowledge about suicide, the rate of suicide has remained virtually unchanged for the past 30 years. The members of the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) are uniquely qualified to determine what, if anything, can be done to reduce the rate of suicide. The restructuring of the association has produced the potential for cross-divisional collaboration, and yet conventional membership boundaries have resulted in unrealized opportunities to impact the rate of suicide. Dr. Edwin Shneidman, stated in Albert Cain's 1972 landmark book Survivors of Suicide that “post-vention is prevention for the next generation” (p. x). The ability to design, implement, and study an effective model of postvention is within the considerable talents of our membership; however, doing so will require the commitment and flexibility of the entire association. By making postvention collaboration a goal of the association we can bring a national focus on suicide that could change the legacy of suicide.  相似文献   

Participants read a story about a counterstereotypical Muslim woman and were then asked to determine the race of ambiguous-race Arab-Caucasian faces. Compared to a content-matched control condition, participants who read the narrative exhibited lower categorical race bias by making fewer categorical race judgments and perceiving greater genetic overlap between Arabs and Caucasians (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, participants determined the race of ambiguous-race Arab-Caucasian faces depicting low and moderate anger. Emotion-related perceptual race bias was observed in the control conditions where higher intensity anger expressions led participants to disproportionately categorize faces as Arab. This bias was eliminated in the narrative condition.  相似文献   

The relationship between unemployment and suicide has changed over time and in particular during the Great Recession. Using state‐level panel data covering the years 1979–2010, the study indicates that unemployment's impact was insignificant during the first half of the sample period, but was highly significant during the second half. In addition, while the impact has generally become stronger over recent decades, it fell during the Great Recession although remained significant. Evidence suggesting that increased economic insecurity helps explain the growing sensitivity over time is offered. The models fit the data well, explaining up to 90% of the variation in state suicide rates.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the rise of women workers and nontraditional sex roles have fostered pressures for realignments of the amount and scheduling of work time. Data from exploratory survey research on a sample of 791 county employees supports and elaborates the existence of relationships between changing sex roles and preferences for alternative work patterns. Speculations are made about future sex roles and work time arrangements.  相似文献   

In a field study of helping behavior carried out in 48 “convenience” grocery stores, customers tried to purchase for $1.00 a product clearly labeled as costing from $1.15 to $1.50. Amount of help by white clerks (allowing the purchase for $1.00) varied as a function of sex of customer and race of customer. Black male customers were helped least often. Neither the dress of the customers (casually-dressed or well-dressed) nor the racial makeup of the store's clientele was significantly related to helping. Implications of these findings for concepts of same-race bias and “reverse discrimination” in helping are discussed.  相似文献   

All suicides and related prior attempts occurring in Northern Ireland over two years were analyzed, focusing on number and timing of attempts, method, and mental health diagnoses. Cases were derived from coroner's records, with 90% subsequently linked to associated general practice records. Of those included, 45% recorded at least one prior attempt (with 59% switching from less to more lethal methods between attempt and suicide). Compared with those recording one attempt, those with 2+  attempts were more likely to have used less lethal methods at the suicide (OR = 2.77: 95% CI = 1.06, 7.23); and those using less lethal methods at the attempts were more likely to persist with these into the suicide (OR = 3.21: 0.79, 13.07). Finally, those with preexisting mental problems were more likely to use less lethal methods in the suicide: severe mental illness (OR = 7.88: 1.58, 39.43); common mental problems (OR = 3.68: 0.83, 16.30); and alcohol/drugs related (OR = 2.02: 0.41, 9.95). This analysis uses readily available data to highlight the persisting use of less lethal methods by visible and vulnerable attempters who eventually complete their suicide. Further analysis of such conditions could allow more effective prevention strategies to be developed.  相似文献   

It is axiomatic that the goal of suicide prevention is the prevention of suicide. Yet in spite of significant efforts to this end since the middle of the last century, and most notably in the last decade, the rate of suicide in the U.S. has not declined; rather, it has increased. To address this issue, Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) brought together leading prevention specialists from other public health problems where successes have been achieved, representatives from countries where suicide rates have declined, and U.S. based suicide prevention researchers and program directors, to “think outside the box” and propose innovative, scalable approaches that might better drive success in achieving desired results from U.S. suicide prevention efforts. The recommendations should challenge our preconceptions and force us outside our own mental constraints to broaden our perspectives and suggest catalysts for real change in suicide prevention.  相似文献   

A persistent issue facing criminologists is the challenge of developing theoretical models that provide comprehensive explanations of the onset and persistence of criminality. One promising theory to develop over the last 30 years has been life-course theory. Using multivariate analysis of variance the main question posed in this research, do elements of social development shape the trajectory of persistent offending in a race-neutral fashion, or are the dynamics shaping life-course criminality unique for people of color, was examined. The results provide a number of useful insights into the relationship between race, life-course transition factors, and longitudinal patterns of criminality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore sex and race discrimination in employment at the managerial level, with special focus on Black women.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Changes in age and sex suicide rates and methods are shown for a 20-year period. Rate increases from the earliest base have occurred in all age-sex groups. The proportion of poison suicides has increased greatly beginning in 1960 for women, 1965 for men. Adults 30 and over account for most of the increase in ingested poisons; death by carbon monoxide also occurs with increasing frequency among all males, as do violent suicides in males under 30. Accidental poisonings follow a similar pattern. In view of increasing alcohol consumption, risks of concomitant alcohol-drug use are discussed, as are certain protective features for women inherent in their disproportionately high use of medically prescribed drugs.  相似文献   

For many years feminists have asserted an “intersection” between sex and race. This paper, drawing heavily on the work of Michel Foucault, offers a genealogical account of the two concepts showing how they developed together and in relation to similar political forces in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Thus it attempts to give a concrete meaning to the claim that sex and race are intersecting phenomena.  相似文献   

Young people learn what sex is, how to perform it, and what status it has largely through discourse. Sexual discourse has changed since the mid-twentieth century, but coitus still dominates heterosexual sex talk, and both change and continuity are reflected in adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior. Acceptance of non-coital sexuality among LGBTQ people and heterosexuals has increased, but these behaviors often have a different status when performed by members of each of these groups. Non-coital acts may be legitimately sexual when performed by non-heterosexuals, but coitus remains the paradigmatic heterosexual activity even though young heterosexuals often engage in non-coital behaviors. Young heterosexuals often differentiate real coital sex from quasi-sexual non-coital behaviors, and sexuality researchers, clinicians, and educators frequently reinforce this distinction and threaten the sexual status and self-esteem of young heterosexuals who do not like or cannot perform coitus. Many sexuality professionals urge young heterosexuals to recognize non-coital acts as sexual because of their risks of sexually transmitted infections, but sometimes also undermine this message by describing these acts as preliminaries to or substitutes for coitus. These professionals use an objective language of sexuality which presumably should supplant the mistaken usages of young people, but they overlook their own dependence on culturally constructed sexual discourse, and can impose needless problems on young people.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify patterns in Portuguese television advertisements and interpret changes in the portrayal of gender roles using data collected 7 years apart: 1996 and 2003. We grouped 11 attributes of the central figure displayed in 623 evening commercials using a k‐means cluster procedure. There were 4 distinct groups of advertisements that emerged, 2 of them characterizing a predominantly male central figure and the other 2 a female central figure. The overall increase in women portrayed in advertisements from 1996 (32.9%) to 2003 (40.8%) is reflected in a shift toward an increase of advertisements with a female central figure in the typically male “narrator” cluster. Practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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