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对不公正历史事件的情绪反应—— 群体内疚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
只要个体把自己归于施害群体, 并且承认所属群体对不道德的行为负有责任, 而无需自己参与其中, 就会体验到群体内疚, 它是一种自我聚焦的情绪。内群体责任、伤害行为的正当化、知觉到的补偿困难等认知因素都会影响群体内疚程度, 而个体的优先价值观和国家认同等会造成成员间群体内疚体验的个体差异。群体内疚的体验会促进施害群体对受害群体的道歉和补偿支持。将来伤害行为的群体内疚, 以及与其他情绪的综合考察方面还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(4):343-363
To investigate whether interactivity enhances entertainment in interdependence with individual factors, an experiment with a 3 × 2 between_subject design was conducted. 427 participants aged between 14 and 49 were randomly assigned to a 30_minute TV movie with three different interactivity levels and two different introductions that should diversify feelings of sympathy toward the protagonist. Dependent variables like empathy with the protagonist, suspense, and movie evaluation were measured after exposure, and some were measured during exposure. A number of personality scales were also presented at the beginning of each session. The results indicate that individuals with lesser cognitive capacity feel more entertained, that is, they feel more empathic toward the protagonist, feel more suspense, and evaluate the movie more positively when they watch it without any interactivity, in the traditional passive manner. For individuals with greater cognitive capacity, it is just the opposite: They can use interactivity to their advantage. An increase in their entertainment experience was observed as a direct consequence of their being able to influence the plot of the movie.  相似文献   

Students interacted with a White or a Black partner on an achievement task. It was predicted that the anxiety elicited by interacting with an outgroup member would lead to amplified emotional reactions to achievement outcomes. Consistent with this prediction, emotional reactions to success were more positive with a Black partner than with a White partner, whereas emotional reactions to failure were more negative with a Black partner than with a White partner. In addition, under conditions of low public self-awareness, Black partners were given less credit for success and blamed more for failure than White partners. This prejudicial pattern of attributions disappeared under conditions of high public self-awareness.  相似文献   

徐琴美  何洁  钟莹 《心理科学》2006,29(4):822-825,829
以80名二、五年级儿童为被试,采用临床访谈法,考察在困难情景中儿童的情绪反应,包括情绪类型、情绪表达、表达与否的理由和后继行为。结果表明:1)儿童报告羞愧/伤心多于生气,倾向于表达情绪,在解释是否表达情绪的原因时主要强洞自我保护和强调事实等理由,主要采取改变情景的后继行为。2)儿童倾向于表达生气,不表达羞愧/伤心。3)儿童对情绪反应各变量的认知还存在性别、年级和观众类型的个体差异。  相似文献   

Using survey data of a Dutch national sample, the present paper examines how people's willingness to engage in personal contact with persons with AIDS (PWAs) is influenced by different emotional reactions to PWAs. Results indicate that each of the three measured emotional reactions to PWAs (fear, irritation, and pity) independently predicts subjects' readiness to have personal contact with PWAs. Disconfirming the often assumed relationship between "homophobia" and fear of PWAs, it was found that attitudes toward homosexuals are unrelated to fear of PWAs. Instead, these attitudes are associated with emotions of a more aggressive nature (irritation). Risk perception seems to be related to the emotions of fear and irritation, whereas responsibility attribution seems to be negatively associated with pity.  相似文献   

There is variability on how auditory hallucinations (AH) impact individuals, ranging from distress to comfort. A systematic study of how simulations of AH impact a non-clinical sample can address not only how AH simulations influence the general public, but also inform how actual AH influence individuals. Utilizing 504 undergraduates, different simulations of AH were presented to examine their impact on emotions and identify moderating variables. The simulations increased negative affect and decreased positive affect. Sex of the participant and differing levels of duration, volume, and context of the simulation did not influence the magnitude of the emotional responses. However, simulations with derogatory content led to greater increased negative affect and decreased positive affect than simulations with benevolent/neutral content. These results suggest that the content of simulations have a substantial effect, which is pertinent to administering simulations for training purposes and implementing psychosocial rehabilitation programs for those who hallucinate.
Seth A. BrownEmail:

The present study uses attribution theory to identify factors that may lead to unfavorable emotional reactions toward patients with schizophrenia and to highlight factors that may contribute to the observed inverse relationship between industrial status of a country and schizophrenia outcome. University students from Mexico and the U.S., 2 countries differing in industrial status, served as participants. Eighty-eight Mexicans from Guadalajara and 88 Anglo Americans from Los Angeles, California read vignettes of a patient described to meet DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia. In one vignette, the patient's disorder was characterized by predominantly positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, delusions), whereas in the other vignette negative symptoms (e.g., social withdrawal, apathy) predominated. In support of an attributional approach, negative symptoms were associated with greater perceived control than were positive symptoms. Correspondingly, negative symptoms were found to provoke more intense negative affect and less intense positive affect than were positive symptoms. Some national and gender differences were also found.  相似文献   

People sometimes display strong emotional reactions to events that appear disproportionate to the tangible magnitude of the event. Although previous work has addressed the role that perceived disrespect and unfairness have on such reactions, this study examined the role of perceived social exchange rule violations more broadly. Participants (= 179) rated the effects of another person’s behavior on important personal outcomes, the degree to which the other person had violated fundamental rules of social exchange, and their reactions to the event. Results showed that perceptions of social exchange rule violations accounted for more variance in participants’ reactions than the tangible consequences of the event. The findings support the hypothesis that responses that appear disproportionate to the seriousness of the eliciting event are often fueled by perceived rule violations that may not be obvious to others.  相似文献   

关于生活事件对个体情感反应和行为选择的影响研究, 均试图从不同生活事件和行为决策关系的角度对个体的影响机制进行解释, 但不同理论之间存在争议。行为/经济理论认为人“绝对理性”, 而平均/累加模型、峰-终定律和心理账户认为人“有限理性”。详细比较发现, 各理论在解释的视角、研究方法的选择、生活事件的界定等方面均有不同。未来研究应围绕理论之间的鉴别与整合、生活事件属性与个体属性之间的交互影响以及研究方法的多元化等方面展开。  相似文献   

The present work examined whether conservatives and liberals differ in their anticipation of their own emotional reactions to negative events. In two studies, participants imagined experiencing positive or negative outcomes in domains that do not directly concern politics. In Study 1, 190 American participants recruited online (64 male, Mage = 32 years) anticipated their emotional responses to romantic relationship outcomes. In Study 2, 97 Canadian undergraduate students (26 male, Mage = 21 years) reported on their anticipated and experienced emotional responses to academic outcomes. In both studies, more conservative participants predicted they would feel stronger negative emotions following negative outcomes than did more liberal participants. Furthermore, a longitudinal follow‐up of Study 2 participants revealed that more conservative participants actually felt worse than more liberal participants after receiving a lower‐than‐desired exam grade. These effects remained even when controlling for the Big Five traits, prevention focus, and attachment style (Study 1), and optimism (Study 2). We discuss how the relationship between political orientation and anticipated affect likely contributes to differences between conservatives and liberals in styles of decision and policy choices.  相似文献   

This study explored the information received about menstruation by Mexican women as well as their reactions to menarche. The most important topics that teenagers, young women, and middle-aged women were informed about were menstrual hygiene and physiology. In contrast, senior citizens were more informed about hygiene and activity restrictions. Regarding their reactions to menarche, teenagers and young women reported being confused. Positive reactions were reported only by older women who had knowledge about menstruation prior to menarche. Finally, younger women were more likely to present ambivalent reactions to menarche, probably because they are exposed to mixed messages which are often contradictory, resulting in more confusion and ambivalence.  相似文献   

With the knowledge that medical students experience a variety of academic pressures as well as interpersonal stress during medical school, an assessment was made of emotional reactions among male and female students during the initial months of medical training. Questionnaires were completed at the start of school and 4 months later for the incidence of positive and negative emotions and tension-related symptoms. Students also estimated their midterm grade point average (GPA) and rated the friendliness of their peers and their experience of sex discrimination. By midterm, all students experienced negative emotions and symptoms more frequently and positive emotions less frequently than at the beginning of the school year. Additionally, women students reported more negative affect and physical symptoms at both time points than men. Women also reported a greater decrease in positive emotions and perceived peer friendliness than men. Higher anticipated GPA was associated with more frequent experience of positive emotions and less frequent negative emotions and physical symptoms in both sexes, but this pattern was stronger for women than for men. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

People living with HIV-AIDS experience emotional distress in response to negative changes in their health status. The current study hypothesized that individuals with poorer health literacy skills would evidence greater emotional distress in response to negative changes in health status compared to persons with higher health literacy skills. HIV positive persons (N = 294) completed anonymous surveys that included measures of depression and social support and a subset of 98 participants completed two experimental vignettes depicting a person receiving test results showing an increase in HIV viral load (negative health changes) followed by a vignette suggesting decreased viral load (improved health changes). Responses to affective reactions and coping strategies indicated that persons with lower health literacy skills more strongly endorsed negative affective states and maladaptive coping strategies compared to persons with higher health literacy skills. In addition, lower health literacy was associated with greater symptoms of affective depression and poorer social support, whereas higher literacy was associated with greater negativistic thinking. Findings suggest the need for patient education and counseling regarding changes in health status among people living with HIV-AIDS, particularly persons with limited health literacy skills.  相似文献   

Knowledge of results plays a major role in almost all learning and motivational theories of task performance. Central to all these is the belief that it is necessary to feed back to employees information about the degree to which they have or have not met performance standards. In particular, information about performance that falls short of the standard (typically termed negative feedback) is a necessary but not sufficient condition for corrective action. However, reactions to negative feedback frequently do not produce the desired effect of improving performance even in cases where the person is capable of better performance. This article presents a model of negative feedback incorporating situational and individual characteristics that appear to impact motivation to respond to negative feedback.  相似文献   

Studies pertaining to recovery of function following either serial ablations or early brain damage were reviewed. In general, serial damage leads to greater functional sparing than simultaneous damage to the same area. Similarly, brain damage sustained early in the developmental history of the organism is less traumatic in terms of subsequent behavior than later injury. Variables relevant to the generality of the phenomena were emphasized, and possible avenues for future investigation were suggested.  相似文献   

Wild-strain male house mice were fostered at birth onto conspecifics, deer mice, or domestic Norway rats. In adulthood, their flesh-eating preferences were tested by allowing them to feed from freshly asphyxiated conspecifics and either deer mice or rats. The mice ate significantly more conspecific flesh than contraspecific flesh, except when the flesh offered was that of the contraspecies upon which the mouse had been fostered at birth. The failure of cross-species-fostered mice to discriminate between their own species and their foster species in flesh-preference tests is attributed to their having learned early in life to respond to the foster species in the same way they normally respond to conspecifics, that is, by approaching them, investigating them, and, when finding them dead, feeding upon them.  相似文献   

We review theory and research concerning the relation between attachment style, measured in terms of the two dimensions of insecurity (attachment anxiety and avoidance) and emotions that arise in response to threats and dangers, relationship separations and losses, interpersonal offenses and transgressions, and positive personal and interpersonal events. The review indicates that attachment theory systematically organizes research findings associated with emotional appraisals, feelings, and expressions.  相似文献   

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