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A nonequivalent control group design involving academically gifted students who would participate in a residential summer program where they could achieve “consensual validation” by being with other gifted students (n= 156), those eligible but who would not attend the program (n= 172), and academically competent students (n= 106), was used to identify differences in global self-concept, the structure of self-concept and attributional style before, immediately after, and about four months after the intervention. There were no initial differences on any of the measures for the two gifted groups. However, competent students differed from gifted students on both self-concept and attributional measures. While global self concept for gifted and competent students was similar, competent students boasted significantly greater self-concepts in the domains of social and physical activities and significantly lower self-concepts in the academic domain. On the attributional style measure, gifted students were significantly less likely than competent comparisons to take credit or see as pervasive the causes for social successes. In general, differences observed initially were robust over time. Only tentative support for the effectiveness of the short-term intervention being effective in modifying aspects of social self-concept among the gifted was obtained. Here, gifted program attenders decreased the extent to which they internalized blame for or perceived as pervasive the causes for social failure subsequent to program participation. The relationship of observed changes in attribution to self-concept and the effectiveness of short-term interventions to effect change in cognitive functioning and personality are discussed.  相似文献   


It is often assumed that gifted students enjoy relatively good social and emotional adjustment, vibrant mental health, and overall well being. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and a significant number of gifted students experience painful, troubling and often debilitating psychological problems. Gifted children and youth possess a set of personality characteristics that make them uniquely vulnerable. School personnel and parents need to be cognizant of these risk factors so that they can provide coordinated and comprehensive educational and social opportunities to foster resilience and, when needed, provide preventive and therapeutic mental health interventions for those gifted students with actual psychological problems.  相似文献   

This study was specifically designed to determine the relative degree that five personal (academic) attributes and five motivational variables are found among a sample of academically successful Mexican-American male and female students in their final semester of university studies for the baccalaureate degree.  相似文献   

In this article, the matter of gender differences that influence adolescent development is considered by means of an empirical investigation. Implications of the results are discussed for parents, teachers, and special services professionals.  相似文献   

This study examined hemispheric differences1 in cortical arousal as a function of positive and negative emotional television scenes. A three-factor within-subjects design was used: hemispheres (right and left), location of cortical arousal (frontal and occipital), and emotional content of messages (positive and negative). Based on findings that the frontal cortex responds differently to emotional stimuli, it was predicted that negative television content would produce greater right hemisphere activity, and that positive content would produce greater left hemisphere activity, but that differences would be apparent only in the frontal region. The results confirmed these predictions. There was a significant interaction between hemisphere and emotional content for frontal alpha, but no interaction for occipital alpha.2 There were two other main effects: (1) greater cortical arousal for negative than positive scenes, and (2) greater occipital than frontal arousal. The results are discussed in relation to a definition of emotional scenes that emphasizes approach (positive emotion) versus withdrawal (negative emotion), and in relation to hemispheric specialization and the ability of television to prime overt behavior.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Hemispheric specialization has long been considered a uniquely human trait associated with the evolution of language and handedness. Recent studies in a host of vertebrate species have reported evidence of population-level behavioral and brain asymmetries, challenging the claims for the uniqueness of hemispheric specialization to the human species. Here we summarize the findings in nonhuman species and discuss the adaptive significance and potential costs of lateralization of function.  相似文献   

Few personality traits are as socially relevant as impulsivity, but few self-report measures have been specifically developed for adolescents and children. The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11 (BIS-11) among a mixed-gender sample of 782 Portuguese youth (M = 15.87 years; SD = 1.72), in a school context. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed the expected 6-factor first-order structure, but the 3-factor second-order factorial structure did not present a good fit. Cross-gender measurement invariance was demonstrated only in terms of weak invariance. Nonetheless, the Portuguese adaptation of the BIS-11 demonstrated some generally acceptable psychometric properties of internal consistency, mean inter-item correlation, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and criterion-related validity of statistically significant associations with conduct disorder symptoms, alcohol abuse, drug use, and unprotected sex. The use of the BIS-11 among the male and female youth population is psychometrically justified, and it can be a useful measure to identify impulsive adolescents who are at considerable risk of personal injury and present a potential source of injury to others.  相似文献   

Visual asymmetry patterns related to skill were examined during a target–probe matching task in 24 skilled medical technologists and 24 matched controls. On each of 240 test trials, digitized replicas of specimens commonly encountered in medical laboratory diagnostics were shown centrally for 500 msec. Each target was immediately followed by a lateralized probe item for 120 msec that was either an exact copy (positive probe) or a distorted version (negative probe) of the target. Difficulty level of target–probe matching was manipulated on negative probe trials; half of the negative items consisted of difficult discriminations which were selected to assess the effects of domain-specific experience on detecting small differences in salient morphological features. Medical technologists exhibited a right visual field advantage, but were not different from the control subjects in speed or accuracy to positive probes or to easy negative probes. The observed left-hemisphere advantage in skilled visual processing is attributed to the beneficial effects of experience on the development of domain-specific visual analysis skills.  相似文献   

To address the affective needs of gifted and talented adolescents, a 3-day group dynamics workshop became part of a 3-week summer institute. The workshop contained activities designed to increase self-esteem, group cohesion, and problem-solving skills to prepare the adolescents for completing communication projects with retirees.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether variables defined as crit~cal b the model of human occupation (Kielhofner & Burke. 1980. 1 9 8 d could discriminate normal (n = 18). and psychosocially dysfunctib;nal (n = 15), groups of male adolescents. Discriminant analvsis was used to evaluate several variables simultaneously in order io determine grou membership. Measures used were the following: Locus of Contro Scale for C g ildren (Nowicki & Strickland, 1973), Occupational Questionnaire (Riopel, 1981), Role Checklist (Oakley, 1982), Modification of Matsutsuyu's Interest Checklist (1969) and the Adapted Adolescent Functional Performance Evaluation. Results showed that the model variables did successfully differentiate between the normal and sychosocially dysfunctional groups. Further data analysis indicated that the number of current and future roles as well as the number of strong interests proved to be the most valuable variables in this discrimination. Future research is suggested to improve the validity of the instruments used in this study.  相似文献   

The lateralization of motor speech function to the left hemisphere is supported by multiple lines of evidence, but relatively little is known about the anatomical basis of that specialization. In a preliminary study, we recently reported that area 45 of the left hemisphere (Broca′s area) contained a subpopulation of magnopyramidal neurons which were significantly larger than any seen in the homotopic region of the right hemisphere (Hayes and Lewis, 1993a). In the present study we examined a larger sample of cases in order to determine how consistently this difference is present in the population, if it is specific to Broca′s area or is a general feature of cortical regions mediating lateralized functions, and whether the subpopulation of large magnopyramidal neurons in left area 45 can be distinguished by their chemical phenotype. In Nissl-stained sections from 19 human brains, the mean (±SD) cross-sectional area of the largest layer III pyramidal neurons in area 45 was significantly (p < .0001) greater in the left hemisphere (522.1 ± 128.3 μm2) than in the right (454.1 ± 121.5 μm2). This interhemispheric difference appeared to be a unique characteristic of the largest neurons, since the mean size of all layer III pyramids in this area was not significantly different in the left (206.2 ± 93.5 μm2) and right (213.3 ± 103.9 μm2) hemispheres. In contrast to area 45, there was no interhemispheric difference in the mean cross-sectional area of the largest layer III pyramids in another lateralized region, primary motor cortex. in addition, in area 46, a region of prefrontal association cortex not known to be functionally lateralized, the mean somal size of the largest layer III pyramidal neurons was significantly (p < .001) smaller in the left hemisphere (402.4 ± 84.9 μm2) than in the right (437.8 ± 88.3 μm2). Finally, although the large layer III pyramids in area 45 were immunoreactive for nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein in both hemispheres, the mean cross-sectional area of the largest labeled neurons was significantly larger (p < .002) in the left hemisphere (525.2 ± 149.0 μm2) than in the right (490.3 ± 154.1 μm2). These findings demonstrate that layer III of Broca′s area contains a distinctive subpopulation of neurons that may play an important role in the specific functional architecture of this region.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to characterize the association between dating violence victimization and dispositional aggression in predicting nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI) among psychiatrically hospitalized male and female adolescents. One hundred fifty‐five adolescents (ages 13–17) and their parents completed the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School‐Age Children clinical interview to assess NSSI and child abuse; adolescents completed self‐report measures of aggression and dating violence victimization (verbal, physical, and sexual). Dating violence victimization and NSSI were found to be highly prevalent among both males and females in this psychiatric inpatient sample. Two moderational models were supported, wherein dating violence was associated with NSSI in the context of elevated trait anger in males and indirect aggression in females. Findings suggest that helping victims of dating violence acquire skills to address certain forms of dispositional aggression may attenuate NSSI.  相似文献   

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