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The role of optical velocity in the control of stance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The authors investigated age-related changes in postural control in 33 healthy young adults (18-31 years), 29 seniors (62-75 years), and 22 elderly people (75-96 years). A force platform recorded the results. The horizontal motions of the center of gravity (CGh) and their difference in the plane of support CP - CGv were deduced from the complex center of pressure (CP) trajectories. With fractional Brownian modeling, one can establish that the aging process seems to induce a transition phase in which seniors take more time to initiate the corrective process in the mediolateral (ML) axis than do younger people. The elderly develop a new strategy characterized by the mobilization of higher neuromuscular energy to maintain equilibrium. In the ML axis, the larger displacements could be caused mainly by a hip strategy that could facilitate step initiation. In the anteroposterior (AP) axis, seniors and elderly individuals maintain a relative ability to stabilize their CG into the base of support compared with younger people.  相似文献   

In this article we present an ecological treatment of the control of stance by multi-segment organisms. We treat the organism as a black box, and the organism-environment interaction as a closed-loop system. We argue that different ways of controlling stance can have differing utility (affordances) for perception and action. We further argue that the affordances of a particular control strategy are in part determined by (a) the mechanical properties of the organism, (b) the mechanical properties of the surface on which stance takes place, and (c) the goals of behavior. Our conclusion is that the control of stance is based on, or constrained by, perception of the kinematic consequences, or affordances, of control actions. Finally, we argue that the relationship between affordances and constraints on control actions should be investigated using geometrical methods.  相似文献   

The study was designed to test whether data from the earliest childhood memory (EM) could predict a Rotter internal vs external locus of control stance. Main Study subjects were 215 undergraduates from introductory psychology classes. Those EMs which could be reliably scored and coded for control stance--153 of the 215 Main Study protocols--were examined for success at predicting Rotter control stance. A total of 127 of 153 control predictions were correct, which yielded a Chi Square of 67.51, p < .0005 for a 2 x 2 table. Further, all 5 EM content hypotheses, which were based on groupings of the 54 Pilot Study codes, yielded results significant at p < .05. These results were discussed as supporting the validity of EMs to predict control stance and as contributing to an understanding of the dynamic basis for and maintenance of a belief in internal vs external control.  相似文献   

Young walkers (up to 5 years of age) were presented with optical flow in a moving room. Flow was global or was restricted to either the center or the periphery of the visible optic array. On standing trials the response rate was greatest when peripheral flow was available. The availability of central flow had a smaller effect on standing, and the younger children showed greater response rates to frontal flow than did the older ones. There was a strong negative correlation between age and response rate for all conditions. Flow also affected stability during locomotion. Response rate was again related to the location of the available flow. It is concluded that children show the same relative sensitivity for flow in the periphery of the dynamic structure of the optic array as has been observed in adults, but that this differentiation of different areas of optical structure is not yet fully developed when children learn to stand.  相似文献   

The effect of retinal locus on the magnitude of the Poggendorff illusion was investigated. A significant illusion was found to occur in the fovea and in undiminished magnitude at the peripheral locations horizontally displaced from the fovea. No significant illusion was induced at the vertically displaced positions. It is suggested that the results obtained at the positions displaced from the fovea may be attributable to the refracting surfaces of the cornea, and that these findings lend support to an account of the Poggendorff illusion which emphasizes the significant involvement of peripheral mechanisms.  相似文献   

A common way of predicting falling risks in elderly people can be to study center of pressure (CP) trajectories during undisturbed upright stance maintenance. By estimating the difference between CP and center of gravity (CG) motions (CP - CGv), one can estimate the neuromuscular activity. The results of this study, which included 34 sedentary elderly persons aged over 75 years (21 fallers and 13 nonfallers), demonstrated significantly increased CGh and CP - CGv motions in both axes for the fallers. In addition, the fallers presented larger CGh motions in the mediolateral axis, suggesting an enlarged loading-unloading mechanism, which could have reflected the adoption of a step-initiating strategy. As highlighted by fractional Brownian motion modeling, the distance covered by the CP - CGv motions before the successive control mechanisms switched was enhanced for the fallers in both axes, therefore increasing the risk that the CG would be outside of the base of support.  相似文献   

We provide experimental evidence that perceived location is an invariant in the control of action, by showing that different actions are directed toward a single visually specified location in space (corresponding to the putative perceived location) and that this single location, although specified by a fixed physical target, varies with the availability of information about the distance of that target. Observers in two conditions varying in the availability of egocentric distance cues viewed targets at 1.5, 3.1, or 6.0 m and then attempted to walk to the target with eyes closed using one of three paths; the path was not specified until after vision was occluded. The observers stopped at about the same location regardless of the path taken, providing evidence that action was being controlled by some invariant, ostensibly visually perceived location. That it was indeed perceived location was indicated by the manipulation of information about target distance—the trajectories in the full-cues condition converged near the physical target locations, whereas those in the reduced-cues condition converged at locations consistent with the usual perceptual errors found when distance cues are impoverished.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Breathing exerts destabilizing effects on postural stability during quiet stance. The authors conducted an experiment to evaluate the role of motor abundance in the organization of the postural synergy compensating for the effects of breathing. They measured the kinematic pattern of covariation among the major joints of the postural chain (ankle, knee, hip, trunk, and neck) as a function of different breathing modes (spontaneous, paced, and increased volume) and different stance instructions (still vs. relaxed) using the uncontrolled manifold approach. Joint variability was structured to preserve the stable position of the center of mass. This result supports the hypothesis that motor abundance of the postural chain plays an important role in the flexible compensation for breathing during quiet stance.  相似文献   

In a conditional discrimination procedure, samples appeared in a center key, and comparisons appeared in two of four outer keys. The location of comparison keys varied from trial to trial. Separate learning curves for each of the six possible pairs of comparison keys were plotted in a signal-detection space, revealing different patterns of progress on each pair. Also, when learned conditional discriminations were disrupted, pairs of keys differed in their patterns of disruption. Varying the location of comparison stimuli among six different pairs of keys had not eliminated key position as a controlling aspect of the stimuli. The variations simply increased the number of stimulus compounds--key position and experimental stimuli--that the subject learned. Plotting conditional-discrimination learning curves in a signal-detection space reveals relations among hits, false alarms, accuracy, and comparison preference that help to define a subject's progress.  相似文献   

BackgroundFatigue is a distressing symptom inversely related to postural stability in adults with neuromuscular and systemic diseases. However, there is no information about the effects of lower limb muscles fatigability on the movement strategies for balance control in the upright standing.MethodsThis study enrolled 41 healthy subjects (female/male: 22/19; age 23 ± 3 years; body mass index 25.4 ± 3.7 kg/m2). Participants underwent posturography and surface electromyography of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle during a sustained, fatiguing voluntary contraction of the gastrocnemius preceded and followed by quiet standing (120 s). Amplitude of electromyograms and fatigability were evaluated using the root mean square (RMS) value and both the RMS and spectral median frequency (fmed) slopes. Balance control was evaluated using the center-of-pressure elliptic area (Area) and average velocity (Vavg). Movement strategies for balance control were evaluated using the number of high-density regions (nHDR) and spatial patterns of the three-dimensional statokinesigram.ResultsMean time to muscle fatigability was 258 ± 190 s. Area and Vavg but not nHDR increased after the fatiguing task. Single-centered spatial patterns were predominant in both tasks (pre-fatigue: n = 22/41; post-fatigue: n = 19/41), with no evidence of an association between the spatial patterns and tasks (γ = 0.237, 95%CI = [−0.338; 0.542]).ConclusionsLower limb muscle fatigability increases postural instability, but it is not associated with changes in movement strategies for balance control in the upright stance.  相似文献   

Many studies have claimed that hemispheric projections are split precisely at the foveal midline and so hemispheric asymmetry affects word recognition right up to the point of fixation. To investigate this claim, four-letter words and nonwords were presented to the left or right of fixation, either close to fixation in foveal vision or farther from fixation in extrafoveal vision. Presentation accuracy was controlled using an eyetracker linked to a fixation-contingent display. Words presented foveally produced identical performance on each side of fixation, but words presented extrafoveally showed a clear left-hemisphere (LH) advantage. Nonwords produced no evidence of hemispheric asymmetry in any location. Foveal stimuli also produced an identical word-nonword effect on each side of fixation, whereas extrafoveal stimuli produced a word-nonword effect only for LH (not right-hemisphere) displays. These findings indicate that functional unilateral projections to contralateral hemispheres exist in extrafoveal locations but provide no evidence of a functional division in hemispheric processing at fixation.  相似文献   

Sudden addition or removal of visual information can be particularly critical to balance control. The promptness of adaptation of stance control mechanisms is quantified by the latency at which body oscillation and postural muscle activity vary after a shift in visual condition. In the present study, volunteers stood on a force platform with feet parallel or in tandem. Shifts in visual condition were produced by electronic spectacles. Ground reaction force (center of foot pressure, CoP) and EMG of leg postural muscles were acquired, and latency of CoP and EMG changes estimated by t-tests on the averaged traces. Time-to-reach steady-state was estimated by means of an exponential model. On allowing or occluding vision, decrements and increments in CoP position and oscillation occurred within about 2 s. These were preceded by changes in muscle activity, regardless of visual-shift direction, foot position or front or rear leg in tandem. These time intervals were longer than simple reaction-time responses. The time course of recovery to steady-state was about 3 s, shorter for oscillation than position. The capacity of modifying balance control at very short intervals both during quiet standing and under more critical balance conditions speaks in favor of a necessary coupling between vision, postural reference, and postural muscle activity, and of the swiftness of this sensory reweighing process.  相似文献   

Permanent disruption of aspects of a highly learned skill such as walking force adaptations to occur to the movement. Firstly the body must determine what factors will guide the formation of the new walking pattern, and secondly that new movement pattern must be learned. Frequently the questionable assumption is made that the performance objectives of the new skill are the same as the original. This work used non-linear optimal control and multiple segment simulation to evaluate the ability of several possible objective functions to predict pathological walking patterns. These predictions were then also compared to the results from normal walking. Preliminary results indicate the performance objectives of pathological gaits may be quite different from those of normals. Some support was also provided for the existence of simultaneous multiple performance objectives in complex movements.  相似文献   

In everyday life, the optic flow associated with the performance of complex actions, like walking through a field of obstacles and catching a ball, entails retinal flow with motion energy (first-order motion). We report the results of four complex action tasks performed in virtual environments without any retinal motion energy. Specifically, we used dynamic random-dot stereograms with single-frame lifetimes (cyclopean stimuli) such that in neither eye was there retinal motion energy or other monocular information about the actions being performed. Performance on the four tasks with the cyclopean stimuli was comparable to performance with luminance stimuli, which do provide retinal optic flow. The near equivalence of the two types of stimuli indicates that if optic flow is involved in the control of action, it is not tied to first-order retinal motion.  相似文献   

The authors addressed the interactions between control of bimanual multijoint coordination tasks and posture. Participants (N = 6) performed 8 coordination patterns that differed in degree of complexity by using their bilateral elbows and wrists under 3 scaled motion speeds while standing on 2 force plates. Results indicated that producing complex bimanual multijoint coordinative tasks affected postural sway, thus resulting in an increase of sway activity. Behavioral as well as mechanical factors accounted for the increased disturbance in postural sway. Those findings suggest that performing complex coordination tasks disrupts postural control in normal young adults.  相似文献   

When subjects learn to associate two sample durations with two comparison keys, do they learn to associate the keys with the short and long samples (relational hypothesis), or with the specific sample durations (absolute hypothesis)? We exposed 16 pigeons to an ABA design in which phases A and B corresponded to tasks using samples of 1 s and 4 s, or 4 s and 16 s. Across phases, we varied the mapping between the samples and the keys. For group Relative, short and long samples were always associated with the same keys (e.g., Phase A: ‘1s→ Left, 4s→ Right''; Phase B: ‘4s→ Left, 16s→ Right''); for group Absolute, the 4-s sample was associated always with the same key (e.g., Phase A: ‘1s→ Left, 4s→ Right''; Phase B: ‘16s→ Left, 4s→ Right’). If temporal control is relational, group Relative should learn the new task faster than group Absolute, but if temporal control is absolute, the opposite should occur. We compared the results with the predictions of the Learning-to-Time (LeT) model, which accounts for temporal discrimination in terms of absolute stimulus control and stimulus generalization. The acquisition curves of the two groups were generally consistent with LeT and therefore more consistent with the absolute than the relative hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the Fitts paradigm the subject moves a stylus to the left or right of an initial rest position to reach targets that vary in size and in distance from the initial position. The classic finding for relatively long movements is that movement time, measured from leaving the initial position until contact with the target, depends on both distance and target size according to a relationship known as "Fitts' law." By contrast, reaction time, measured from the signal to move until the stylus leaves the initial position, is independent of these parameters. While replicating these results for long movements, the present data show a different pattern for very short movements, for which Fitts' law no longer holds and for which reaction time increases as the size of the target is decreased. These findings were interpreted as implying that long movements are under feedback control, whereas short movements are predominately programmed and ballistic. This conclusion was supported by the additional finding that elimination of visual feedback was more disruptive to the long than to the short movements.  相似文献   

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