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Concurrent forward/backward Pavlovian conditioning procedures were compared with simple forward and simple backward procedures for differential excitatory and inhibitory conditioning. Four groups of dogs each received 30 shocks while restrained in a Pavlovian harness. One group of dogs (CON) received concurrent conditioning with a clicker signaling shocks and with a tone following shocks. For another group of dogs (SF), a clicker signaled the shocks, whereas the tone was randomly related to shocks. For a third group (SB), the tone followed shock termination, whereas the clicker was randomly related to shocks. For a fourth group (TRC), both the clicker and the tone were randomly related to shocks. All stimuli were then superimposed on a temporally paced avoidance baseline and their associative properties were assessed relative to the TRC group. Differential excitatory-inhibitory conditioning was significantly reduced in the concurrent procedure relative to that which occurred in the simple conditioning procedures despite exactly equal CS + -US and US-CS-contingencies. These results were interpreted with reference to contextual conditioning effects predicted by the Rescorla-Wagner conditioning model and the theoretical issue of independence vs. interdependence of CS-US associative strengths.  相似文献   

One path to human phobia may be one-trial backward fear conditioning. Human phobias transfer readily across contexts. However, animal studies of one-trial backward fear conditioning have yet to demonstrate such transfer. The present study sought to do so. It used a lick-suppression procedure with 84 naive male albino rats. Two conditioning contexts, designated O and V, were crossed factorially with two test contexts, O and V. Within each cell of the factorial design, rats received in the conditioning context either a single 12 sec tone backward paired with a single 4 sec 1 mA shock or the same tone explicitly unpaired with shock. Fear of context and fear of tone were subsequently assessed in terms of the suppression of licking that they evoked. Test results suggested that (1) the rats discriminated between contexts O and V, and (2) despite such discrimination, one-trial backward fear conditioning transferred across the two contexts. The results enhance the plausibility of one-trial backward fear conditioning as a source of human phobia.  相似文献   

The popularity of Olympic‐style weightlifting in fitness routines is growing, but participating in these exercises with improper technique places lifters at increased risk for injury. Fitness training professionals have developed multiple teaching strategies, but have not subjected these strategies to systematic evaluation, particularly with novice lifters. Two strategies recommended by professional training organizations are akin to forward and backward chaining, which have been shown effective at teaching other novel, complex behaviors. The present study compared these forward‐ and backward‐chaining‐like strategies to teach novice lifters “the clean” and “the snatch,” two Olympic weightlifting movements frequently incorporated into high‐intensity training programs. Participants performed lifts taught with forward chaining more accurately than lifts taught with backward chaining.  相似文献   

Recent research on forward masking and backward masking has led us to the hypothesis that combined forward and backward masking may involve at least two different types of interaction patterns. The previously documented interaction results in masking are greater than predicted by the simple summation of masking effects obtained with each masker alone (Lynn & Small, 1977; Patterson, 1971; Wilson & Carhart, 1971). Another possible type of interaction is based upon the finding that backward masking, but not forward masking, can be reduced by cues providing timing information (Puleo & Pastore, 1980). A forward masker appears to involve minimum temporal uncertainty (Pastore & Freda, 1980) and, therefore, should be able to act as such a source of timing information to reduce the contribution of a later occurring backward masker. Both types of interaction patterns were found, with the specific forward and backward masker parameters determining which pattern is observed.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates and analyzes spontaneous recovery of stimulus control following both forward and backward blocking in a conditioned suppression preparation with rats. Experiment 1 found, in first-order conditioning, robust forward blocking and an attenuation of it following a retention interval. Experiment 2 showed, in sensory preconditioning, recovery of responding following both forward and backward blocking. Also, the results of this experiment indicated that response recovery to the blocked stimulus cannot be explained by an impaired status of the blocking stimulus after a retention interval. Experiment 3, also in sensory preconditioning, suggested that spontaneous recovery following both forward and backward blocking in Experiment 2 was due to impaired associative activation of the blocking stimulus' representation during testing with the blocked stimulus. Although no contemporary model of associative learning can explain these results, a modification of R. R. Miller and L. D. Matzel's (1988) comparator hypothesis is proposed to do so.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted into the interaction of the forward and backward masking effects of unpatterned visual stimuli. It was found that detection of a test spot was easier under conditions that should have provided both forward and backward masking than under either forward masking or backward masking alone. The implications for an integration theory of masking are discussed, and the findings are contrasted with findings on the interaction of forward and backward masking by dynamic visual noise.  相似文献   

Demonstrations of retrospective revaluation suggest that remembered stimuli undergo a reduction in association with the unconditioned stimulus (US) present during learning. Conversely, demonstrations of mediated conditioning in flavor-conditioning experiments with rats suggest that remembered stimuli undergo an increase in association with the US present during learning. In a food allergy prediction task with 23 undergraduates, we demonstrated simultaneous backward conditioned inhibition and mediated conditioning effects. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the direction of change (decrease or increase) in associative strength depends on whether the remembered stimulus was of a different category (conditioned stimulus/antecedent) or the same category (US/outcome) as the presented US.  相似文献   

The standard Corsi blocks task is frequently used to measure the capacity of visuospatial working memory, but the implications of the use of both forward and backward recall are still unclear. In the present study, we showed that the backward Corsi task is particularly powerful in discriminating between low- and high-spatial-ability individuals and involves different processes from those involved in the forward task. From a sample of 425 participants we selected one group of 20 high-spatial-ability participants and one of 20 low-spatial-ability participants. The results demonstrated that a backward spatial span offers specific information not available from a forward spatial span, and that there was no facilitation due to a descending format. In particular, in the low-spatial-ability group, performance was generally poorer, but backward Corsi recall was lower than forward recall, and participants did not show any advantage following the descending presentation format—which in some contexts is considered to reduce proactive interference. We conclude that the backward Corsi task has specific value and that the assumption of fully parallel verbal and visuospatial working-memory systems can lead to a variety of misunderstandings.  相似文献   

The standard Corsi blocks task is frequently used to measure the capacity of visuospatial working memory, but the implications of the use of both forward and backward recall are still unclear. In the present study, we showed that the backward Corsi task is particularly powerful in discriminating between low- and high-spatial-ability individuals and involves different processes from those involved in the forward task. From a sample of 425 participants we selected one group of 20 high-spatial-ability participants and one of 20 low-spatial-ability participants. The results demonstrated that a backward spatial span offers specific information not available from a forward spatial span, and that there was no facilitation due to a descending format. In particular, in the low-spatial-ability group, performance was generally poorer, but backward Corsi recall was lower than forward recall, and participants did not show any advantage following the descending presentation format—which in some contexts is considered to reduce proactive interference. We conclude that the backward Corsi task has specific value and that the assumption of fully parallel verbal and visuospatial working-memory systems can lead to a variety of misunderstandings.  相似文献   

Second-order conditioning (SOC) is the association of a neutral stimulus with another stimulus that had previously been combined with an unconditioned stimulus (US). We used classical conditioning of the proboscis extension response (PER) in honeybees (Apis mellifera) with odors (CS) and sugar (US). Previous SOC experiments in bees were inconclusive, and, therefore, we attempted to demonstrate SOC in the following three experiments: (Experiment 1) After differential conditioning (pairing odor A with US and presenting odor B without US), the bees experienced two pairs of partially overlapping odors, either a new odor C followed by a previously reinforced odor A (C-A) or a new odor C followed by a previously nonreinforced odor B (C-B). (Experiment 2) After differential conditioning, bees were presented with C-A or A-C. (Experiment 3) Bees were first presented with C-A or A-C before differential conditioning and were tested with odor C. We observed: (Experiment 1) 40% of the bees showed PER to the C-A presentation, but only 20% showed PER to the C-B presentation. (Experiment 2) 40% of the bees showed PER to the C-A presentation, while only 20% showed PER to the reversed sequence A-C. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that a previously reinforced odor can be a secondary reinforcer for excitatory SOC only with forward-pairing. (Experiment 3) PER toward C was lower (15%) in bees presented with A-C than with C-A (25%). This showed that backward SOC is not as effective as forward SOC. These results help to delineate different conditions that are critical for the phenomenon of SOC.  相似文献   

Timed excitatory conditioning under zero and negative contingencies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rats (rattus norvegicus) anticipated the arrival of a food pellet unconditioned stimulus (US) even when the conditioned stimulus (CS) signaled no overall change or a substantial decrease in the overall rate of US occurrence. Pellet USs were scheduled probabilistically in the intertrial interval at either an equivalent rate (Experiment 1) or a four times higher rate (Experiments 2 and 3) than in the CS, which included one fixed-time target US. Conditioning has been said to involve learning "whether" (contingency) the CS signals a change in the US, and if so, "when" (contiguity) the US is scheduled to arrive. Our results suggest that "when" trumps "whether," challenging the received view that a positive CS-US contingency is necessary for successful conditioning.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested six predictions derived from the assumptions underlying the luminance summation-contrast reduction explanation for certain instances of forward and backward masking effects. The predictions concerned the circumstances under which masking would occur and also that forward masking would be more extensive than backward masking under specified luminance arrangements. All six predictions were confirmed.  相似文献   

Forward and backward vibrotactile recognition masking was investigated in 4 subjects with 240-Hz and 160-Hz targets of 20 ms duration and four 200-Hz masks, using interstimulus intervals (ISIs) ranging from -500 to 500 ms. Two of the masks (short) were 20 ms and two (long) were 200 ms in duration. One of each set of masks was matched in subjective intensity to the targets, but the others were more intense. The range of ISIs over which masking was obtained was comparable to that found by Massaro (1970) with auditory stimuli. Both short masks produced more masking than either long mask except at short ISIs. Larger mask intensities increased masking only at very short ISIs, and longer mask durations increased backward but not forward masking.  相似文献   


A number of studies has suggested that aging is characterized by a decline in the central executive while the automatic processes (in particular operations by the phonological loop) remain intact. According to interpretation, age differences should be minimal in verbal forward digit span while they should be more important in backward verbal digit span. A sample of 1,000 subjects with ages ranging from 16 years to 79 years was used to test this hypothesis. the results show no significant effect of age on the difference between digit span forward and backward. the theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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