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Three dependent measures—a taste reactivity test, a two-bottle preference test, and a one-bottle extinction test—were used to investigate the conditioning effects of pairing a taste/taste compound with LiCl-induced illness in rats. Avoidance of saccharin consumption in the one-bottle test was attenuated if saccharin and denatonium were paired during illness training (overshadowing). Also, saccharin was found to be more palatable if paired with denatonium during training as reflected by aversive (but not ingestive) taste reactivity measures. It is argued that overshadowing was reflected mainly by a modulation of aversive taste reactivity behavior with little influence on ingestive taste reactivity. The results are discussed in terms of current palatability issues, and it is suggested that applying taste reactivity tests to phenomena associated with taste avoidance learning (e.g., overshadowing or potentiation) may further our understanding of the mechanisms that guide such learning.  相似文献   

The concentration of saccharin (CS) solutions was varied between groups of rats in four taste-aversion learning experiments, using lithium chloride as the aversive agent (US). Saccharin intake was measured on four one-bottle presentations yielding data on initial taste neophobia as well as postconditioning aversion strength. The results indicated that saccharin intake declined progressively with increasing concentrations on the first presentation, and that preconditioning intake to a large extent predicted postconditioning intake. In an attempt to correct postconditioning values for differences of saccharin intake on the preceding trial, a taste suppression ratio (TSR) was computed as the quotient of the amounts of saccharin consumed by individual rats on consecutive presentations. In general, the TSR was found to be too insensitive to detect differences of conditioning strength acquired by different saccharin concentrations. Alternative approaches to the CS-concen-tration problem in taste-aversion learning are discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of central β-adrenergic system has been essentially investigated in aversive/emotional learning tasks. However, recent data suggest that the β-adrenergic system is also required for incidental taste learning. In the present study we evaluated in rats whether β-adrenergic receptor activity is required for taste habituation, an incidental taste learning, and also for conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning, an associative learning. To address this issue, a low dose of the β-adrenergic antagonist propranolol was infused before learning in either the basolateral amygdala (BLA) or the insular cortex (IC), two forebrain areas reported to play a key role in taste memory formation. Incidental taste learning was assessed using a single presentation of the sweet taste saccharin 0.1%, which is sufficient to increase saccharin consumption (relative to water baseline) during a second presentation. CTA was assessed by pairing the first saccharin 0.1% presentation with a delayed gastric malaise, thus causing a decrease in saccharin consumption (relative to water baseline) during a second presentation. Propranolol infusion in BLA (1 μg/0.2μl) or IC (2.5 μg/0.5 μl) before the first taste exposure impaired incidental taste learning but did not affect CTA. These results highlight the important role played by the β-adrenergic receptor activation in cortical and amygdaloid structures during taste learning. Moreover, they are the first to suggest that incidental learning is more sensitive to blockade of noradrenergic system than associative learning.  相似文献   

Learning the aversive or positive consequences associated with novel taste solutions has a strong significance for an animal's survival. A lack of recognition of a taste's consequences could prevent ingestion of potential edibles or encounter death. We used conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and attenuation of neophobia (AN) to study aversive and safe taste memory formation. To determine if muscarinic receptors in the insular cortex participate differentially in both tasks, we infused the muscarinic antagonists scopolamine at distinct times before or after the presentation of a strong concentration of saccharin, followed by either an i.p. injection of a malaise-inducing agent or no injection. Our results showed that blockade of muscarinic receptors before taste presentation disrupts both learning tasks. However, the same treatment after the taste prevents AN but not CTA. These results clearly demonstrate that cortical cholinergic activity participates in the acquisition of both safe and aversive memory formation, and that cortical muscarinic receptors seem to be necessary for safe but not for aversive taste memory consolidation. These results suggest that the taste memory trace is processed in the insular cortex simultaneously by at least two independent mechanisms, and that their interaction would determine the degree of aversion or preference learned to a novel taste.  相似文献   

In spite of over 30 years of research, the role of the Insular Cortex (IC) in taste memory still remains elusive. To study the role of the IC in taste memory, we used conditioned taste aversion (CTA) for two different concentrations of saccharin; 0.1% which is highly preferred, and 0.5% which is non-preferred. Rats that had been IC lesioned bilaterally with ibotenic acid (15 mg/ml) before CTA showed significant learning impairments for saccharin 0.1% but not for saccharin 0.5%. To test CTA memory retention, rats lesioned a week after CTA training became completely amnesic for saccharin 0.1% yet only mildly impaired for saccharin 0.5%. Interestingly, the resulting preference for either concentration matched that of IC lesioned animals when exposed to either saccharin solution for the first time, but not those of sham animals, implying that IC lesions after CTA for either saccharin solution rendered complete amnesia, irrespective of the original preference. Our data indicate that an intact IC is essential for CTA learning and retention, as well as for an early neophobic response, but not for taste preference itself. Our data supports a model where the IC is involved in general taste rejection.  相似文献   

In the first experiment a conditioned taste aversion paradigm was used to characterize a dose-response curve for the aversive properties of nicotine in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Doses of nicotine ranging from 0.01 to 0.46 mg/kg, 2.0 ml of 0.47 M lithium chloride, or saline were injected, ip, 10 min after exposure to a novel saccharin solution. Amount of saccharin consumed in a two-bottle test was assessed 72 h later. Nicotine doses of 0.046 mg/kg and above produced a significant degree of conditioned taste aversion. In a second experiment, four groups of 10 rats each were injected with saline, 0.022 mg/kg nicotine, 0.46 mg/kg nicotine, or 2.0 ml 0.47 of M LiCl. Doses of 0.46 mg/kg nicotine and 0.47 M LiCl elevated plasma beta-endorphin concentrations significantly above saline control values. The 0.022 mg/kg dose, the highest dose that did not produce conditioned taste aversion in Experiment 1, did not significantly increase plasma beta-endorphin concentrations. This finding suggests that doses of nicotine that produce conditioned taste aversion also promote the release of pituitary stress hormones. Taken together these data suggest that some of the pharmacological and behavioral effects attributed to nicotine, including the release of endogenous neuromodulators, may be dose-dependent concomitants of the aversive effects of nicotine in nicotine-naive animals.  相似文献   

The db/db mouse has defective leptin receptors. The defects lead to impairments of leptin regulation of food intake and body weight, and result in the expression of diabetic symptoms such as hyperinsulinemia, hyperglicemia, and extreme obesity. Recent studies have proposed that leptin may also affect memory and learning processes. To examine this possibility, we compared the ability of leptin-receptor-deficient db/db mice and their normal lean litter mates to form and extinguish a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) for saccharin. We used a short-term (10 s) lick test and a long-term (48 h) two bottle preference test for measurement of consumption of test solutions. On the first day after conditioning to avoid saccharin, the db/db mice showed preference scores for saccharin as low, and aversion thresholds for sucrose lower than that of the lean mice. During the extinction test trials beginning from the second up to the 30th day after conditioning, numbers of licks and preference scores for aversive saccharin and sucrose appeared to be larger, and recovered faster to the control levels in db/db mice. These results indicate that db/db mice with leptin-receptor-deficiency may show equal capacity to form CTAs for saccharin, greater generalization from saccharin to sucrose, and a faster rate of extinction. This suggests that disruption of leptin signalling does not inhibit acquisition of CTA learning, but impairs its extinction. This differential contribution of the leptin system on CTA processes may be due to differential distribution of leptin receptors in the CTA-related brain areas.  相似文献   

Syracuse high- and low-avoidance Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus; SHA/Bru and SLA/Bru) were selectively bred for good and poor active-avoidance learning. However, SLA/Bru animals are superior to SHA/Bru rats in conditioned suppression and passive avoidance learning. In this experiment, saccharin taste and almond odor were the components of a compound conditioned stimulus (flavor) in an illness-induced aversive conditioning paradigm. SLA/Bru rats (n = 17) showed stronger conditioned flavor, taste, and odor aversion than did SHA/Bru animals (n = 18). Unselected Long-Evans rats (n = 18) were intermediate between the selected strains. SLA/Bru and Long-Evans rats showed taste-potentiated odor aversions in this experiment, whereas SHA/Bru animals did not. The results provide evidence that genetic factors, as exemplified by the different strains, are importantly involved in the mechanisms underlying interoceptive and exteroceptive aversive conditioning.  相似文献   

Wistar strain rats were given acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) or denatured aFGF into their cerebroventricle before taste aversion conditioning for saccharin solution. Animals administrated with aFGF showed significantly lower aversion threshold for saccharin at the 1st day and preference ratios for saccharin vs distilled water at the 4th, 6th, and 7th day after the conditioning than those administered with denatured aFGF. These results suggests that aFGF in the cerebrospinal fluid facilitates acquisition of the conditioned taste aversion learning.  相似文献   

It is well established that glucocorticoid hormones strengthen the consolidation of long-term memory of emotionally arousing experiences but have little effect on memory of low-arousing experiences. Although both positive and negative emotionally arousing events tend to be well remembered, studies investigating the neural mechanism underlying glucocorticoid-induced memory enhancement focused primarily on negatively motivated training experiences. In the present study we show an involvement of glucocorticoids within the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in enhancing memory consolidation of both an appetitive and aversive form of taste learning. The specific glucocorticoid receptor (GR) agonist RU 28362 (1 or 3ng) administered bilaterally into the NAc shell, but not core, of male Sprague-Dawley rats immediately after an appetitive saccharin drinking experience dose-dependently enhanced 24-h retention of the safe taste, resulting in a facilitated attenuation of neophobia. Similarly, GR agonist infusions given into the NAc shell immediately after pairing of the saccharin taste with a malaise-inducing agent enhanced memory of this negative experience, resulting in an intensified conditioned aversion. Importantly, a suppression of noradrenergic activity within the NAc shell with the β-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol blocked the facilitating effect of a concurrently administered GR agonist on memory consolidation in both the appetitive and aversive learning task. Thus, these findings indicate that GR activation interacts with the noradrenergic arousal system within the NAc to enhance memory consolidation of emotionally arousing training experiences regardless of valence.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the evidence showed that 20 min of forced swimming by rats caused aversion to a taste solution consumed before swimming. When one of two taste solutions (sodium saccharin or sodium chloride, counterbalanced across rats) was paired with swimming and the other was not, the rats’ intakes of these two solutions showed less consumption of the former than the latter solution. Furthermore, a post-training two-bottle choice test clearly demonstrated long-lasting avoidance of the swimming-paired solution. These results imply that forced swimming acts as an unconditioned stimulus for establishing taste aversion. Preexposure to swimming opportunities before conditioning disrupts such conditioned taste aversion induced by forced swimming.  相似文献   

One theory holds that appetitive drives such as hunger and thirst are not conditionable because of their slow onset. However, recent evidence has shown only transitory conditioning of appetitive drives even with rapid onset. Such experiments may have failed because: (a) Exteroceptive conditioned stimuli (CSs) used in past experiments may be less easily accociated with the internal hunger drive than are interoceptive taste cues. Experiments 1-3 provided some support for this hypothesis. (b) The dependent measures used in past experiments may not be valid. Experiments 4 and 5 suggested that changes in the rate of bar pressing on an operant extinction curve following probe CSs for hunger may be a more sensitive and valid index of conditioned appetitive drive. However, the elusive and transitory nature of these results demands a reexamination of the basic difference between appetitive and aversive drives, which lies in the mode of their onset and control and which, given adaptive considerations, can account for their widely different conditionability.  相似文献   

Infusion of liquid food into the duodenum inhibited sham feeding. The inhibition of sham feeding reflected satiety because the duodenal infusion elicited the complete behavioral sequence characteristic of satiety. The chemical and/or colligative load that the infusion imposed on the intestine appeared to be the adequate stimulus for satiety. Duodenal infusions that inhibit sham feeding and elicit satiety are not aversive because they will not function as the unconditioned stimulus for the formation of a conditioned taste aversion for saccharin. We call the satiety elicited by the infusion of food into the duodenum "intestinal satiety." This emphasizes our belief that satiety is a reflex that can be elicited by the activation of receptors in the wall of the intestine. It is known that the activation of some intestinal receptors releases the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK). Since CCK mimics a duodenal infusion by inhibiting sham feeding and eliciting the complete behavioral sequence of satiety, we suggest, but do not prove, that CCK mediates intestinal satiety in the rat.  相似文献   

Bielavska and colleagues (Bielavska, Sacchetti, Baldi, & Tassoni, 1999) have recently shown that KN-62, an inhibitor of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaCMK), induces conditioned taste aversion (CTA) when introduced into the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) of rats. The aim of the present report was to assess whether activity of CaCMK in the PBN is changed during CTA. We induced CTA in one group of rats by pairing saccharin consumption with an ip injection of lithium chloride. Another group of rats received lithium alone (without being paired with saccharin consumption) to test whether lithium has an effect on CaCMK in the PBN, independent of those effects due to training. In animals receiving CTA training, CaCMK activity in extracts of PBN was reduced by approximately 30% at the postacquisition intervals of 12, 24, and 48 h, compared to control animals receiving saccharin with saline injection. By 120 h after CTA training, no effect on CaCMK was present. At those postacquisition intervals showing CaCMK activity effects due to CTA, there were no effects attributable to lithium alone. Lithium alone produced only a short-lasting reduction in CaCMK activity (at 20 min a 30% decrease, at 60 min a 23% decrease; and at 6, 12, and 24 h no decrease). The time course of lithium-induced effects differed markedly from that of CTA training. All changes were Ca2+/- -dependent; we did not observe any changes in Ca-independent activity. CTA effects on CaCMK were selective for PBN, insofar as we did not observe any CTA effects on CaCMK in the visual cortex, a brain region unrelated to taste pathways. Since CTA produces a relatively long-lasting reduction in CaCMK activity (lasting 2 days or more) specifically in the PBN, which is critical a relay for taste information, the reduction of CaCMK activity may enable the consolidation of taste memory in an aversive situation.  相似文献   

There have been very few investigations of the spatial properties of taste stimuli localized to specific areas of the oral cavity. This is surprising, since the spatial localization of taste sensations may contribute to the overall taste percept, much as do quality, intensity, and the temporal characteristics of tastes. The difficulty in eliminating the confounding factor of a tactile sensation may partially account for the paucity of such studies, since a gustatory stimulus cannot be presented as a liquid without a tactile component. As a step toward understanding the localizability of gustatory sensations, we designed a yoked stimulator and an experimental procedure to control for tactile cues. Lateral discrimination was evaluated at the tip of the tongue with four taste stimuli (sodium saccharin, sodium chloride, citric acid, and quinine hydrochloride) by presenting a taste and a blank solution simultaneously at two locations on the tongue. We found that subjects could lateralize all four taste stimuli in the absence of any discriminative tactile cues. Subjects' ability to lateralize varied as a psychometric function of the stimulus concentration. Detection thresholds, measured in a forced-choice two-interval staircase procedure with the same yoked stimulator that was used in the lateralization task, were always lower than lateralization thresholds, and both lateralization and detection thresholds were correlated within subjects. Subjects were unable to lateralize taste cues on a nongustatory surface under the upper lip at the highest tested concentrations, at which performance was 100% on a gustatory surface (dorsal anterior tongue). These results show that (1) taste compounds can be lateralized in the absence of any discriminative mechanical cue (but only on the gustatory epithelium) and (2) although the localization of a compound does not logically require conscious detection of the taste (cf. blind sight), subjects always detected a taste when they were able to lateralize.  相似文献   

Experiments 1-3 investigated the applicability of the classical conditioning concept of conditioned inhibition to taste-aversion learning. Rats made ill after drinking saccharin and subsequently administered a "safe" exposure to saline (or casein hydrolysate) evidenced an enhanced preference for the safe fluid (relative to either a third, slightly aversive, solution or to water) when compared to controls in which saccharin was not previously poisoned. Such active condition inhibition was significantly reduced in Experiment 4 when two safe exposures to saline preceded saccharin-illness pairings. These results indicate that conditioned inhibition can be established in a taste-aversion procedure and that a latent inhibition manipulation reduces the ability of a taste to become a signal for safety. Implications of these findings for the learned safety theory of taste-aversion learning and the relevance to bait-shyness of principles established within the classical conditioning paradigm are considered.  相似文献   

Animals recognize a taste cue as aversive when it has been associated with post-ingestive malaise; this associative learning is known as conditioned taste aversion (CTA). When an animal consumes a new taste and no negative consequences follow, it becomes recognized as a safe signal, leading to an increase in its consumption in subsequent presentations (attenuation of neophobia, AN). It has been shown that the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) has an important role in taste learning. To elucidate the involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and muscarinic receptors in the NAcc during safe and aversive taste memory formation, we administrated bilateral infusions of DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (APV) or scopolamine in the NAcc shell or core respectively. Our results showed that pre-training injections of APV in the NAcc core and shell disrupted aversive but not safe taste memory formation, whereas pre-training injections of scopolamine in the NAcc shell, but not core, disrupted both CTA and AN. These results suggest that muscarinic receptors seem to be necessary for processing taste stimuli for either safe or aversive taste memory, whereas NMDA receptors are only involved in the aversive taste memory trace formation.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effect of toxicosis on instrumental responding. These studies were prompted by Morrison and Collyer's (1974, Experiment 1) finding that the induction of toxicosis after an instrumental conditioning session produces greater response suppression if the response is reinforced by a novel saccharin solution rather than familiar water during conditioning. Experiments 1 and 2 investigated whether this suppression was mediated by the Pavlovian contingency between the contextual cues and the saccharin solution or the instrumental relationship between the response and the reward. A role for the instrumental contingency was indicated by the greater suppression of the response producing novel saccharin rather than water when the context of both responses was equally associated with the saccharin and illness. Experiment 3 found that extinction of the aversion to a novel reinforcer following aversive conditioning would re-establish an action previously associated with that reinforcer, in contrast to an action whose reinforcer remained aversive. This result was a further indication that the instrumental contingency between the response and reward contributes to response suppression.  相似文献   

The subjective intensity of taste was scaled by the method of magnitude estimation in which Os assigned numbers to designate the apparent strength ofstimulus concentrations. Substances used were sucrose, dextrose, maltose, fructose, saccharin, Sucaryl, sodium chloride, and quinine sulfate. For aqueous solutions of each substance, taste intensity was found to increase as a power function of concentration by weight. Some approximate exponents were: sucrose, 1.3; sodium chloride, 1.4; quinine sulfate. 1.0. The magnitude scale for sucrose was compared with the category scale obtained by a commonly used rating procedure. The category scale turned out to be highly nonlinear.  相似文献   

In four experiments, groups of Os judged either the sweetness or the entire taste intensity of solutions of sucrose, cyclamate salts, cyclamate-saccharin mixtures, and sodium saccharin. The sensory functions obtained by magnitude estimation suggest that over the middle range of concentration the sweetness and intensity of the foregoing substances grow as power functions of concentration. As a first approximation, the exponents for sweetness and intensity are, respectively, 1.6 to 1.4 for sucrose, 1.0 to 0.8 for cyclamate salts, 0.6 to 0.85 for cyclamate-saccharin mixtures, and 0.3 to 0.6 for sodium saccharin.  相似文献   

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