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Birth control practices and conservatism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the relationship of conservatism to reports of contraceptive usage, reasons for nonusage of a particular birth control method, and knowledge of birth control information. The never married high conservative subjects who were sexually experienced revealed that they had (a) a lower frequency of usage as well as a lower variety of contraceptive methods; (b) endorsed the beliefs that it was morally wrong and that it was unnatural to use a given birth control method significantly more often as reasons for not using contraceptive techniques; and (c) less knowledge of birth control methods than did low conservative subjects who were sexually experienced. Results were interpreted to support the notion that the fear of loss of control of one's impulses and hence the basis for conservative attitudes are determinants of contraceptive usage.  相似文献   

A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice, and the Believer Vol. 3. Soviet Studies on the Church and the Believer's Response to A theism, by Dmitry V. Pospìelovsky. London: Macmillan Press, 1988. Paperback, 325pp. £14.95

Symbols of Power: The Esthetics of Political Legitimation in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe edited by Clars Arvidsson and Lars Eric Blomqvist. Almqkvist and Wiksell International, Stockholm, 1987, 185pp.

Fear no Evil by Natan Sharansky. London: George Weidenfeld and Nicholson Ltd, 1988. 468 pp., £16.95  相似文献   

魏华  周仁来 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1853-1862
根据注意控制理论的观点, 焦虑会削弱个体的抑制控制功能。虽然这一假设得到了大量行为学和神经生理证据的支撑, 但在高焦虑个体是增加还是减少自上而下注意控制资源来完成抑制控制任务这一核心问题上却存在较大争议。多种因素的存在造成了这一局面。理论解释本身存在明显的不足; 实证研究中多种额外变量的存在导致已有研究结果的信效度较低。未来可以通过探索焦虑水平、注意控制水平和抑制控制之间的关系来解决这一争议。  相似文献   

Wade NJ 《Perception》2003,32(2):185-200
Jacopo Chimenti (c 1551-1640), an artist from Empoli, made two sketches of a young man holding a compass and a plumb line. When these were seen, mounted next to one another, by Alexander Crum Brown in 1859, he combined them by overconvergence and described the stereoscopic depth he saw. Brown's informal observation was conveyed to David Brewster, who suggested that the drawings were produced for a stereoscope, possibly made by Giovanni Battista della Porta. There followed a bitter debate about the supposed stereoscopic effects that could be seen when the pictures combined. Brewster's claims were finally dispelled when precise measurements were made of the drawings: some parts were stereoscopic and others were pseudoscopic. Brewster's attempts to wrest the invention of the stereoscope from Wheatstone were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

R. D. Rosenkrantz 《Synthese》1973,26(2):304-321
Summary The pre-designationist, anti-inductivist and operationalist tenor of Neyman-Pearson theory give that theory an obvious affinity to several currently influential philosophies of science, most particularly, the Popperian. In fact, one might fairly regard Neyman-Pearson theory as the statistical embodiment of Popperian methodology. The difficulties raised in this paper have, then, wider purport, and should serve as something of a touchstone for those who would construct a theory of evidence adequate to statistics without recourse to the notion of inductive probability.  相似文献   

This study examines how 3 particular sociocultural values affect Mexican-American women's attitude, knowledge, and use of birth control. Researchers interviewed 99 low-income married Mexican-American women, 48 of whom had a low level of acculturation and 51 of whom had a high level, focusing on the values of motherhood, male dominance, and sexual expression. While the low acculturation group showed a significant linear relationship between attitudes towards birth control and the 3 values, the high acculturation group failed to exhibit a similar relationship. The study also found that no significant relationship exists between knowledge of birth control and the aforementioned values. The sociocultural values, however, do explain a 30% variability in attitudes towards birth control among the women with low acculturation, as well as a 22% variability in birth control use. Although significant, the results do not fully account for the variability. The study suggests several possible explanations for the unaccounted variance: considering the complexity of the values involved, the instruments involved may have failed to fully uncover their effects; because they were normed on Anglo-Americans, the instruments may not have sensitive enough of Mexican-American attitudes; and finally, the study may have overlooked other important values. Nonetheless, the study points out definite differences in attitudes between high and low acculturation groups. Considering that Hispanic women -- particularly Mexican-American women -- experience a very high birthrate (double that of non-Hispanics), examining sociocultural values may give insights into better family planning methods for this group.  相似文献   

Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal recessive genetic disorder that effects the central nervous system of Ashkenazi Jewish infants. The disease is incurable. The only method of prevention is screening for heterozygotes with subsequent amniocentesis for at-risk couples and abortion of the genetically doomed infants. Genetic screening and abortion are complex ethical issues that bridge the worlds of religion and science and challenge the dynamic halachic reasoning of the Jewish people. This work examines the debate surrounding the abortion controversy, with special emphasis on the subjective biases inherent in debates of this type.  相似文献   

Medieval scholars debated whether odor was transmitted through a medium as suggested by Aristotle or by fumes or vapors from the odoriferous object as suggested by Plato. Key evidence believed to support Aristotle's theory was the behavior of birds in detecting carrion from far away. The medieval approach to this essentially secular controversy was, nevertheless, similar to that used in issues thinkers of that time regarded as of more importance.  相似文献   

A summary and interpretation of the recent literature on the indeterminacy of factor scores is given in simple terms. A good index of factor score determinacy is the squared multiple correlation of the factor with the observed variables.  相似文献   

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