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正义与美德是西方道德哲学的核心观念,从更广的视域看,二者也构成中国传统道德哲学的逻辑基础。质言之,正义与美德各自具有自己相对独立的意义形式和逻辑面向,标示了两种截然不同、有时竟相互抵牾的道德规范模式。近年来,尤其是随着规范伦理学在现代人类社会普遍注重法制建设的社会历史背景之下的迅速发展,有两个问题越来越突出,即规范伦理学由于过度追求自身形式的精密化而逐渐减蚀其合理性内核和基础;再者,美德伦理学因过度诉求善良意志的纯粹性而拒绝随社会实践的发展将自身现实化或曰显像化,从而造成正义与美德体用殊绝,亦即二者结构的严重失衡及其内在逻辑张力的断裂。道德主体行动判断力和价值观的减弱亦可在这一背景下解释。 相似文献
重温苏格拉底的"美德即知识"命题:反驳与辩解 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文通过对苏格拉底的"美德即知识"命题及其反驳与辩解的分析,揭示了道德哲学领域中三个重要的问题:人类道德行为是否只受理性的支配;道德哲学要不要涉及实践领域;能否在价值领域建立可靠的知识. 相似文献
转型期我国城乡关系出现了一系列新的矛盾和问题,突出表现在:城乡二元经济结构仍然存在,城乡环境也呈现出“城市环境好转,农村环境恶化”的二元趋势.马克思主义经典作家建立在唯物史观基础上的经济正义思想,功利主义以“最大多数人的最大幸福”为目标和尺度的经济正义观,以及罗尔斯以“作为公平的正义”为基本理念和原则的正义体系,为考察当前我国城乡经济正义问题提供了理论资源.城乡环境正义则主要体现为三个方面:城乡环保制度安排和环境资源分配问题中的程序正义;城乡环境补偿机制中的地理正义;城乡居民承受环境风险的实质正义. 相似文献
"以人为本"的发展观与社会正义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以人为本和社会正义是人类社会发展共同追求的价值理想。社会正义作为社会发展的基本价值准则,既是“以人为本”发展观的价值诉求,也是建构和谐社会的必然要求。坚持“以人为本”的发展观与社会正义和谐统一,必须坚持以人为本,追求社会分配正义、社会交换正义、社会补偿正义和社会共同的正义价值,实现人与人的和谐、人与社会的和谐以及人的全面发展。 相似文献
永恒正义是伴随18世纪的思想传播而兴盛起来的一个理念。在蒲鲁东、杜林等人的著作中,永恒公平、永恒正义被作为永恒的理性、永恒的真理来看待。马克思、恩格斯在对蒲鲁东、杜林等人的批判中,特别对其永恒公平以及永恒正义等乌托邦式的社会正义观进行了彻底的批判,从而把社会正义从人 相似文献
在一些环境美德伦理论者看来,环境伦理的美德论方法应是传统环境伦理学的替代品而不只是其补充.然而,由于时代性因素及环境美德伦理自身所存在的局限,环境伦理的美德论方法显然难以实现其理论抱负.环境伦理的美德论方法只有认清自身所应占据的位置,才能更好地发挥其在当代环境问题上的应有作用,否则必遭遇极大的困境. 相似文献
爱国主义是首要的公民美德 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
适逢金秋时节,在我们伟大的祖国即将迎来60华诞的前夕,第六届全国公民道德论坛在中原重镇郑州隆重召开,这无疑是我国社会主义道德文化建设的又一盛事.在此,请允许我代表中国伦理学会,向本届公民道德论坛的举行表示热烈祝贺! 相似文献
David Fisher 《Philosophia》2013,41(2):361-371
There has been a recent revival of interest in the medieval just war theory. But what is the virtue of justice needed to make war just? War is a complex and protracted activity. It is argued that a variety of virtues of justice, as well as a variety of virtues are required to guide the application of the use of force. Although it is mistaken to regard war as punishment, punitive justice—bringing to account those guilty of initiating an unjust war or of war crimes in its conduct— has an important role to play after conflict to restore the wrongs of war and help establish a just peace. Justice as fairness is needed to guide the distribution of resources and so reduce the grounds for war. Protective justice—protecting a community or innocents from harmful attack—helps define what constitutes a just cause for war and so constrains the occasions for war. The just principles set out the criteria to be met if war is to be morally permissible. In practice, this challenging demand requires that political leaders and military at all levels learn and exercise the virtues, particularly the cardinal virtues of justice, courage, self-control and practical wisdom. If we are to make war just and to make only just war, we need justice understood in its broadest sense. Such justice, as Aristotle noted, “is not a part but the whole of virtue.” 相似文献
Stewart Clem 《Philosophia》2013,41(2):301-311
Recent literature on the relationship between knowledge and justice has tended to focus exclusively on the social and ethical dimensions of this relationship (e.g. social injustices related to knowledge and power, etc.). For the purposes of this article, I am interested in examining the virtue of justice and its effects on the cognitive faculties of its possessor (and, correspondingly, the effects of the vice of injustice). Drawing upon Thomas Aquinas’s account of the virtue of justice, I argue that in certain cases justice can be a criterion of epistemic evaluation and that it deserves more attention than it has been given among virtue epistemologists. More precisely, the virtue of justice may become a criterion of epistemic evaluation in cases when a belief is formed on the basis of testimony. It would seem that there are cases when A’s assent to proposition p is something that is owed to B on the basis of B’s testimony; or there may be instances when A is culpable for declining to let B’s testimony have any effect on A’s belief. I briefly sketch four distinct scenarios in which this bears out. 相似文献
健康是公民的一项基本权利,社会或政府有义务保障公民的这一权利.公民的健康除了由医疗卫生和生理因素决定外,还由诸多社会因素决定.这些健康的社会决定因素所反映的实际上是社会正义问题,因此要保障公民的健康权利,最根本的是要营造一个正义的社会环境,并建立一个正义的社会保障支持系统. 相似文献
社会正义是对健康的最好保障 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
健康是公民的一项基本权利,社会或政府有义务保障公民的这一权利。公民的健康除了由医疗卫生和生理因素决定外,还由诸多社会因素决定。这些健康的社会决定因素所反映的实际上是社会正义问题,因此要保障公民的健康权利,最根本的是要营造一个正义的社会环境,并建立一个正义的社会保障支持系统。 相似文献
Michael Barnes Norton 《Philosophia》2013,41(2):373-382
This paper contends that Ananda Abeysekara’s notion of un-inheritance, developed via a Derridean analysis of contemporary Sri Lankan politics and society, can act as a helpful supplement to the concept of justice. What one finds in Abeysekara’s analysis is an interpretation of justice as ultimately aporetic: justice both opens up to the possibility of its ever greater concrete realization and continually defers its completion. This paper begins by examining the aporetic character of justice as articulated by Derrida. It then proceeds to Abeysekara’s account, situated as it is within a largely political consideration of Sri Lanka’s multicultural heritage and the recent conflicts that have arisen there. Abeysekara offers the notion of un-heritance as a way of thinking the possibility of justice precisely when political—and also religious—traditions come to an impasse, thus recognizing the inescapably aporetic structure of justice itself. 相似文献
传统社会工作"人在环境中"的"环境"概念常常指服务对象所处的社会环境,很大程度上忽略了对人与自然环境关系的重视。本文认为,在恶化的自然环境不断给人类社会带来一系列灾难性后果的时代背景下,社会工作专业应体现出与时俱进的学科品质,将"生态环境"之维带回社会工作,重新解读和修正主流社会工作关于"人在环境中"这一核心理论与实践议题的认知及其实践范式。进而,本文结合当前的生态发展议题,尝试从理论的生态转向、教育体系的重构、参与生态环境治理的实践能力提升,以及社会工作社会属性的专业本质重塑等方面提出社会工作积极回应生态文明建设的可能路径,这在一定程度上是对绿色社会工作理论范式的初步探索。 相似文献
环境正义德性是环境正义原则、规范内化为人的内在品格,从而使个体达到自觉追求人——自然——社会的和谐,真正实现类本质而成为类存在的一种精神样态。从环境正义德性的蕴涵就可以看出,环境正义德性的价值包括两方面:自我价值与社会价值。环境正义德性的自我价值是指环境正义德性本身就是一种内在价值,即类主体自身的价值。环境正义德性的社会价值是指环境正义德性的外显价值,即对人——自然——社会和谐的类结构价值。为了塑造环境正义德性,我们需要通过环境意识之真、环境正义之善、环境感受之美教育,对主体人格进行精心培育,使主体人真正形成自觉、自律、自由的类意识,使主体人树立以人为本的环境价值观,最终促成环境正义德性的养成。 相似文献