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Aware that intensive efforts to rehabilitate half of split litters from a nervous strain of Pointers through daily human contact have been unsuccessful, the authors designed this study to determine if a radically different approach utilizing the natural interest for birds and hunting which most Pointers possess would be a bridge to normalcy so that dogs genetically prone to nervous behavior could be rehabilitated. Five nervous and three normal dogs approaching young adulthood were gradually desensitized to open areas, live quail, gun reports and humans—all of which usually produce catatonic freezing, hyper-startle and strong avoidance behavior in the nervous animals. Through a “naturalistic” approach in the framework of the Pointers’ non-laboratory ecological niche using graduated techniques, reciprocally competitive responses and social facilitation, which are described, all the nervous dogs that showed an original “interest” for the qua.l were trained as successful hunted dogs, not obviously different in final performance from their normal kennel mates. Although the nervous dogs overcame their freezing, hyper-startle and human aversion while hunting, generalization did not extend sufficiently to normalize standard behavior test scores obtained under laboratory conditions. These remained at their prerehabilitation level, raising the question of the adequacy of the behavioi tests conducted in a laboratory environment. This appears to be related to the limitations often seen in psychotherapeutic efforts.  相似文献   

In studies of a healthy (A) and a nervous (E) genetic strain of pointer dogs, two techniques were utilized to determine environmental and hereditary influences. These were (1) reciprocal crossbreeding to females from each strain, and (2) split litters with special handling and human attention to one-half of each litter of nervous strain origin from birth through age six months. It is not possible to attribute the nervous behavior to an environmental mother effect since crossbred AE and EA offspring were highly similar on behavior tests of brief exploratory activity, rigid posturing to a loud noise and human avoidance behavior. Furthermore, special handling had almost no success in normalizing the responses of the nervous dogs in the behavior tests or in heart rate response to Effect-of-Person procedures. The results show that the biologic origin of the dogs is the most likely source of the nervousness; this has placed severe limits thus far on attempts to attenuate the condition.  相似文献   

There is evidence that cardiac arrhythmias are partially of CNS origin, and that certain drugs affect arrhythmia, both positively and negatively, through CNS action. We hypothesized and confirmed that chlordiazepoxide diminished the well-established incidence of arrhythmias (A-V blocks and nodal escapes) in five nervous pointer dogs. It is known that this drug normalizes behavior and aids in the bar-pressing performance of nervous dogs. Nervous dogs tend to have low heart rates (HRs) while normals have higher HRs. Chlordiazepoxide increased HRs in our five nervous dogs, and we postulated that HR increase would be less or none in normals. This was confirmed in a later study of five normals. A further study of eight normal dogs and eight nervous dogs essentially reproduced these findings, suggesting the possibility that the slow heart rates and the behavioral abnormality have a common basis, expected to be some CNS biochemical lesion.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that a genetic factor underlies much of the disturbed behavior in one strain of short haired pointer bird dogs (E line) maintained for several years in our laboratory. In some dogs the behavior is seemingly permanent and is characterized by human avoidance, excessive startle, reduced exploratory activity, and “freezing” or catatonic posturing. Another strain of dogs, catahoulas, with a high incidence of disturbed behavior similar to that above but with much less catatonic posturing, was made available for study also. In both of these strains defensive reaction and gross avoidance behavior often prevents the acquisition and later performance of operant conditioning (bar pressing for food reward) unless supportive tranquilizing chemotherapy is given. The chief interest in this study is, (1) the nearly permanent disharmony in the animal which seems to be an example of Gantt’s concept of schizokinesis, and (2) a comparison of 12 psychoactive compounds widely used in psychiatry for their effectiveness in restoring integrated adaptive functioning even in the most disturbed of the animals in our colony. The results show that: 1. even dogs with the most severe schizokinetic disabilities of many years duration have learned the operant conditioning (bar pressing); 2. however, it was and has remained necessary to facilitate both behavior shaping and nearly all later performances throughout the following year with benzodiazepine tranquilizers and these were far superior to any of the several other drugs tested; 3. neither gradual or rapid withdrawal nor sudden stopping of benzodiazepines allowed the dogs to continue the bar pressing. In fact, during withdrawal of the drug, performance seemed to parallel blood levels as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

In behavior studies of genetically timid and normal dogs it was possible to focus on nervous non-performing animals in a search for agents which might attenuate the overriding anxiety which causes these animals to become rigid, aversive-avoiding or bizarre in the presence of humans. Of the drugs tested, chlordiazepoxide (Librium, Roche), 75 to 200 mg per dog per day, was most effective in alleviating the anxious condition. Sometimes the drug had the effect of getting the animal over a “threshold” so that he continued to perform (bar-pressing) indefinitely after once started through the aid of chlordiazepoxide. This is considered an example of both schizokinesis and autokinesis which Gantt first described and associated with drug action utilizing conditional response techniques.  相似文献   

Previous behavioral studies on a nervous strain of pointer dogs have demonstrated genetic as well as environmental components in the nervous trait. Behaviorally these animals are extremely hypervigilant, with an apparent low threshold to fear and show strong avoidance of humans. In addition, the nervous E strain dogs show an unusually high degree of sensitivity to the mange mite. These observations led to the initiation of studies to determine whether differences exist between the normal A strain and the E strain of dogs at the biochemical level. Although a number of biochemical parameters examined have shown no statistically significant difference between the two strains, the modification of serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity in response to various types of stress does differ as a function of strain—the nervous dogs being less, not more, responsive than the healthy dogs. When not specifically subjected to stress the serum CPK levels in both strains were highly related to age. Significant differences between strains also have been demonstrated in the cerebrospinal fluid acetyl cholinesterase activity levels in older animals. Tryptophan loading experiments, conducted in the presence and absence of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor, tranylcypromine, resulted in no readily observable behavioral modification of either strain and the response of the cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels was similar for the two strains.  相似文献   

A major distinguishing characteristic of behavioral assessment is the direct assessment of overt behavior. Direct assessment is assumed to provide a sample of behavior that reflects client performance in the situation in which behavior is assessed, even if the assessment procedures were not implemented. Yet, in the majority of investigations, behavioral assessment procedures are obtrusive, i.e., subjects are aware that their behavior is being assessed. The potential problem with obtrusive assessment is that it may be reactive, i.e., affect how subjects perform. Recent research has demonstrated that obtrusive observations often are reactive and that behaviors assessed under obtrusive and unobtrusive conditions bear little relation. From methodological and applied perspectives, additional attention needs to be given to unobtrusive measures of behavior change. The present paper illustrates unobtrusive measures in behavior modification including direct observations, archival records, and physical traces of performance. In addition, validation and assessment problems, questions about the obtrusiveness of the measures, and ethical issues are discussed.  相似文献   

The complexity of psychological science often requires the collection and analysis of multidimensional data. Such data bring about a corresponding cognitive load that has led scientists to develop techniques of scientific visualization to ease the burden. This paper provides an introduction to scientific visualization techniques, a framework for understanding those techniques, and an assessment of the suitability of this approach for psychology. The framework employed builds on the notion of balancingnoise andsmooth in statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Behavioral genetic methods were used to estimate genetic and environmental contributions to (a) attachment-related anxiety and avoidance and (b) the overlap between these attachment dimensions and the Big Five personality traits. Two major findings emerged from these analyses. First, individual differences in attachment-related anxiety and avoidance were heritable, and second, much of the overlap between adult attachment and the Big Five traits was due to shared genetic influences. Discussion focuses on the implications of these results for attachment theory and research and provides a speculative account of the interplay between temperamental dimensions and internal working models of relationships across the life span.  相似文献   

Several social and research issues directly affected the development and implementation of multivariate assessment in a large community-based applied research program. Examples are drawn from experiences of the Preparation through Responsive Educational Programs Project for disruptive and skill deficient adolescents in suburban, rural, and urban junior high school settings, focusing on the assessment of academic and social skill development and long-term skill maintenance. The social context altered both project treatment and follow-up plans, requiring assessment of potentially unintended effects and decreasing consistency across sites. Future community acceptance of such programs may depend on the investigators' adaptation to diverse community pressures for program conduct and assessment and the measurement of phenomena that are not always directly observable.  相似文献   

Previous research and theory have conceptualized impulsivity as a multifaceted construct that requires multiple modes of measurement for accurate assessment. This article describes a software package that includes four paradigms for measuring multiple and unique aspects of impulsivity. Specifically, four tasks are described: (1) the two choice impulsivity paradigm, (2) the single key impulsivity paradigm, (3) the GoStop impulsivity paradigm, and (4) the time paradigm. These tasks measure processes related to the capacity to tolerate delay for reward, to inhibit an already initiated response, and to estimate the passage of time. These processes have been found to be important to the understanding of impulsive behaviors. The programs are flexible and allow the experimenter to manipulate a number of parameters related to delay-reward contingencies, timing, performance feedback/payment, and data output variables. Manipulation of these parameters makes the paradigms scalable to a wide range of ability levels and appropriate for samples ranging from children to adults. The four paradigms in this software package are available at no cost and can be obtained by contacting the corresponding author.  相似文献   

The social dominance behavior of dyads of unacquainted, same-sex 31/2 year-olds was observed in a familiar laboratory playroom under two conditions: A free play situation and a situation where candy was introduced. In each of the two conditions, a principal components analysis was used to explore two issues: the usefulness of the multivariate approach in devising a definition of dominance, and the cross-situational stability of the construct. In the free play session, the first principal component that emerged was consistent with a theoretical definition of dominance. This picture was disrupted by the introduction of candy in the second condition. However, a high correlation was found between the dominance hierarchies established in each situation. It was concluded that the multivariate analysis is a useful method for the study of dominance. The generalizability of social dominance across settings was discussed as a possible explanation for the high cross-situational stability.  相似文献   

Despite the putative applicability and unquestioned heuristic value of capturing individual variation in behavioral inhibition (BIS) and approach system (BAS) sensitivities, the field has yet to achieve widespread agreement regarding a self-report instrument of choice. The current study evaluates perhaps the two strongest candidates, the BIS/BAS scales (Carver & White, 1994) and the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ; Torrubia, Avila, Molto, & Caseras, 2001). Using both confirmatory and exploratory factor analytic techniques in two university samples, we determined that neither measure achieved adequate fit to our data set, and both contain multiple items we deemed to be problematic. Models trimmed of the poor items achieved better fit than the full models. However, even after trimming the data, model fit was marginal at best. Caution is urged in the continued use of both measures on conceptual and psychometric grounds.  相似文献   

Although power analysis is an important component in the planning and implementation of research designs, it is often ignored. Computer programs for performing power analysis are available, but most have limitations, particularly for complex multivariate designs. An SPSS procedure is presented that can be used for calculating power for univariate, multivariate, and repeated measures models with and without time-varying and time-constant covariates. Three examples provide a framework for calculating power via this method: an ANCOVA, a MANOVA, and a repeated measures ANOVA with two or more groups. The benefits and limitations of this procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

A behavioral analysis of specific dyslexia is contrasted with traditional genetic, neurological and developmental theories which hold that the dyslexic's inability to read is based on impaired intellectual functioning and decreased perceptual and attentional skills caused by a biological limitation. Two groups of six children, aged 9 and 10 years and comprised of dyslexic and non-dyslexic subjects, were given either traditional remedial reading treatment or behavior therapy consisting of the Staats Motivated Action Reading Technique. Both dyslexic and non-dyslexic subjects receiving the behavioral intervention significantly improved in reading achievement to approximately the same degree, and the dyslexic subjects improved in several perceptual and attentional measures as well. These results are taken to support the position that the specific dyslexia syndrome is subject to the laws of learning and can be viewed as a function of a deficient learning history.  相似文献   

Decision-theoretic criteria are presented for optimizing the information gathered from a series of interviews over time. It is shown that the optimum interviewing strategy depends strongly on assumptions about the covariation of behavior over time. Standard interviewing strategies, including the major-problem/target-complaints approach, are optimal only under extreme assumptions about behavior. An interviewing strategy based on dynamic programming is presented that will provide optimal information return from a series of interviews under assumptions that are realistic for mental health applications. A system using this approach can tailor its interviewing strategy to adapt to differences in interview content, item importance, and individual response patterns, selecting the optimally informative questions to ask each subject at each point in time. Simulation results show that this approach achieves a 34% reduction in the false negatives obtained with the major-problem/target-complaints method, and, depending on the acceptable error rate, a reduction of 47 % or more in the questions that are needed in standard interviewing.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship among three types of outcome measures that have been employed to evaluate parent behavioral training: observational data collected by independent observers, parent-collected data, and parent-completed questionnaires. Previous research suggests that all three measures yield positive outcome data; however, a correlational analysis has not been performed to determine if the subjects who demonstrate the largest (smallest) change on one measure demonstrate the largest (smallest) change on the other measures. The present study undertook such a correlational analysis. Subjects were 20 young clinic-referred children and their mothers. Treatment consisted of a standardized parent training program to modifly child noncompliance. All three outcome measures (observational data, parent-collected data, and questionnaire data) indicated that therapy was effective. A correlational analysis performed on the outcome measures indicated a number of significant relationships for dependent variables withinthe observational data and withinthe questionnaire data; however, there were no significant relationships acrossthe three outcome measures. Although different outcome measures may yield similar conclusions about the effectiveness of parent behavioral training, the results suggest that any one subject, relative to other subjects, does not demonstrate uniform degrees of change across the three outcome measures. Explanations for the findings, as well as their implications, are discussed.This research was supported by NIMH grant MH-28859-01.  相似文献   

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