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Studies in East European Thought -  相似文献   

In this commentary, I discuss Anthony Bass's humane, courageous article about the unconscious connection between analyst and analysand. His focus on the meeting of unconscious minds lends a refreshingly democratic tilt to the treatment relationship. His primary emphasis on the unconscious, however, seems to de-emphasize the vital role of consciousness and its capacity to engage the revelations of the unconscious. Similarly, Bass's theoretical focus on a fundamental underlying unity, though of great significance, seems to minimize the importance of separateness and the fact that the analyst and analysand have discrepant experiences. Bass's treatment of Ralph, a patient with terminal cancer, highlights the differences in the experiences of both participants as well as the underlying human frailties they have in common. In this light, I suggest that Ralph's relationship with Bass enabled him to “live before dying,” to separate and gain a sense of integrity before returning to the whole.  相似文献   

In this discussion I agree with Anthony Bass, who shows how the analytic frame has properties that involve both the process and the structure, and I suggest replacing the term structure with the term constraints. Bass considers analytic frames as contexts: Different frames organize different contexts of experience. He says that the frame is cocreated by patient and analyst and evolves over time. I think that Dafna's case presented by Ilana Laor is a good example of this aspect. I agree with Laor, who shows how the frame reflects the negotiation process between patient and analyst, emphasizing that this process itself is therapeutic. Following Bass I emphasize that a polarization between stability versus flexibility should be replaced by the dialectic between stability and flexibility. I conclude wondering how Bass's and Laor's “wisdom” regarding flexibility and elasticity can be passed over to younger psychoanalysts who are beginning their clinical work.  相似文献   

In this commentary I address the functions of gender and of bodily state as a way of managing memory, affect, and interactions. I consider the status of alters as narrative or as historical truths. Graham Bass's case illuminates problems and potentials of touch and the inevitability of intersubjectively constructed enactments.  相似文献   

A combination of social forces has thrown marriage into question in westernised societies at the end of the millennium. This uncertainty creates space for new ways of thinking about marriage. In this context, we examine the idea of marriage as friendship. We trace its genealogy in the work of Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor and then subject it to critical scrutiny using some of Michel de Montaigne's ideas. We ask how applicable the ideal of higher friendship is to marriage and what might be gained and lost by a synthesis of marriage and friendship. Grounding the discussion in historical sources is valuable because the topic is so little explored in the contemporary philosophical literature. This approach also allows any enduring value in these historical texts to be elicited  相似文献   

(1) If Shaftesbury is to be seen as the doyen of modern aesthetics, his most valuable legacy to us may not so much be his viewing aesthetic response as a sui generis disinterested delight as his insistence on its turning 'wholly on [experience of] what is exterior and foreign to ourselves'. Not that we cannot experience ourselves, or what is our own, as a source of such admiration. Rather our responses, favourable or no, are improperly grounded in any essentially reflexive, or first-personal, ways of taking what engages us. The suggestion is tested against the case of Narcissus. (2) Glauser interestingly emphasizes Shaftesbury's neo-Platonic conception of a hierarchy of aesthetic experience that culminates in the joyful contemplation of God. That hierarchy must be something that is less unitary and systematic than Shaftesbury himself had supposed, even when his emphasis on the tie between aesthetic pleasure and contemplative experience is allowed to extend beyond perception and to encompass episodes of thought itself.  相似文献   

We agree with the commentaries that Relational psychoanalysis has stood firmly against dichotomizing clinical reflection, on one hand, and interactional processes, on the other. Still, we wonder whether the relational literature has skewed toward interaction at the expense of concentrated attention to patients’ internal worlds. Predispositions toward interaction may diminish reflective space and quiet inwardness, which are themselves forms of analytic relating. We raise the possibility that the Relational model’s inclusive breadth, valuable as it is, might sometimes impede and even devalue discussions of specific technical matters. We consider clinical conceptualizations of ritual, “relating,” and “being in contact.”  相似文献   

The development of the ability to use the step for balance recovery was studied among twenty-five 9- to 19-month-old children. The children were grouped according to walking experience (4 levels) and exposed to backward support surface translations, 8 cm in amplitude, under 3 velocity conditions: 15, 20, and 25 cm/s. New walkers (up to 2 weeks' walking experience) used the step infrequently and ineffectively in response to threats to balance. Intermediate walkers (1-3 months' walking experience) showed an increasing use of the step and significant improvement in step execution compared with new walkers. Advanced walkers (> 3 months' walking experience) experienced no falls throughout the protocol, capturing balance with feet-in-place or step responses under all perturbation conditions. A significant developmental transition in the emergence of the compensatory step occurred between the new walker and the intermediate walker experience levels, that is, within the first 3 months of walking experience. Three to 6 months' experience was required for the development of an effective stepping response. A concomitant change in mediolateral stability paralleled the emergence of compensatory stepping.  相似文献   


Parents have a major influence on children's learning, yet parent involvement remains weak in many communities. This article addresses the role of a museum in bringing home and school together, describing results from 2 complementary studies of a museum-designed and -implemented parent involvement program. The first study was an exploratory, mixed-methods investigation designed to understand the program's impact on parents' engagement in their children's learning. The second study used a grounded theory approach to develop theoretical hypotheses about the programmatic mechanisms that facilitated parents' engagement. In terms of impact, the program gave parents a platform through which to create new and more meaningful spaces for connecting to their children's learning, including conceptual spaces, social spaces, and physical spaces. In terms of mechanisms, the program first helped parents to build relevant capital and then to author new and relevant ways of engaging with their children's schooling. Taken together, study results broaden current thinking about the spaces in which parent engagement occurs and emphasize the important community-based role that museums can play to bring parents and schools together in support of children's development.  相似文献   

Stepping movements were investigated for evidence of early motor asymmetry in 24 familial right-handed infants and 14 familial left-handed infants at each of five ages: 2–3 days after birth, 14 days, and 1, 2, and 3 months of age. Results indicated a nonsignificant right leg advantage during the newborn period, with few significant lateral preferences evidenced in either direction at later testing ages. These results fail to indicate that a reliable leg preference persists beyond the newborn period, particularly among familial right-handed infants. Thus, it seems unlikely that an asymmetry in stepping movements during early infancy marks the beginning of a direct developmental path that culminates in a motor asymmetry in later childhood.  相似文献   

Spontaneous behavior, matching that of others, is influenced by various social factors. Mimicking and synchronizing with others' behaviors can facilitate the development of harmonious relationships. This study examined whether the level of autistic-like traits in a non-clinical population influences the spontaneous-behavioral coordination of a dyad's stepping-on-the-spot movements. The strength of spontaneous stepping synchronization was negatively correlated with levels of autistic-like traits when participants faced one another, and no synchronization was observed for individuals with high levels of autistic-like traits. The deficit in spontaneous interpersonal behaviour-matching among individuals with high levels of autistic-like traits is discussed as a potential source of their poor social-communication abilities.  相似文献   

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