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The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate through a hypothetical case example how visual journaling, a form of expressive arts counseling, can be adapted for use in individual counseling. Counselors may consider using visual journaling as a counseling intervention when working with clients who may not have words for what they are feeling or experiencing, and for clients who tend to be very analytical. Visual journaling can be a way to bypass the intellect and give clients another way to access their experience.  相似文献   

Creativity plays a critical role in today’s society by aiding an individual’s response to the mounting complications of modern life and assisting in the maintenance of mental health. Though counselors seek to promote similar developments in their clients, they often do so without the benefit of any particular training in theories of creativity or creativity-enhancing techniques. This article examines literature in the fields of creativity, counseling, and education to highlight the essential nature of creative processes in counseling and psychotherapy, ultimately presenting a rationale for the incorporation of creativity in counselor education.  相似文献   


The authors describe interactive read-alouds as an effective counseling strategy to improve empathy levels in school aged children. The importance of reading development and empathy development were considered as well. Results of the literature review indicate reading development is an essential building block in school aged children’s future academic development. Furthermore, empathy development in students was deemed important. A lesson plan was created to provide school counselors with a means of implementing the interactive read-aloud as a counseling strategy.  相似文献   

Counselors are bound by ethical code to advocate at individual, group, institutional, and societal levels to examine potential barriers and obstacles that inhibit the growth and development of clients. Photovoice is a participatory action research method that utilizes a specific photographic technique to capture an issue from the lens of those affected. The authors of this article propose that photovoice can be adapted to individual counseling with clients to fulfill our ethical call to advocate at the individual level to address barriers and promote growth. A case example is given to demonstrate how photovoice can be used in a counseling session to advocate for clients.  相似文献   

Play therapy is commonly used when working with children in counseling. Play therapists work at a developmentally appropriate level to assist children with a variety of mental health and behavioral concerns. Traditionally, play therapy and many counseling methods occur in office settings. We propose that play therapists and other mental health professionals working with children integrate nature and natural settings into their work. The use of nature has been shown to be effective in helping people cope with mental health and physical ailments. In this article, we explore the benefits of the use of nature in mental health and provide a case example of the use of nature and natural settings in counseling.  相似文献   


Mindfulness, defined as nonjudgmental awareness, has been integrated into a variety of therapeutic approaches. The benefits of mindfulness for adults have been demonstrated, and mindful interventions for youth are increasing. Creating a space for mindfulness to arise can be challenging within the hectic and technology-filled lives adolescents often lead. Art in therapy with adolescents can be a beneficial way of creating a pause, thereby helping clients to connect to a mindful state. The use of art in therapy to promote mindfulness can be especially useful for adolescents who can be reluctant to engage in traditional forms of talk therapy. In this article, we use a case example of therapy with a Mexican-American male youth to exemplify the clinical application of a combination of mindfulness and various art modalities.  相似文献   

New counselors often struggle to respond to the unpredictability and ambiguity inherent in clinical interactions. Improvisational acting exercises can be used to help counselors-in-training become more comfortable thinking on their feet. By creating a safe environment for students to engage in extemporaneous expression, educators can model ways of developing rapport while helping students increase their sense of interactional self-efficacy. This article describes the benefits of using improvisational exercises in the classroom to encourage spontaneity, experimentation, and self-reflection. Example exercises that may be incorporated into counselor education courses are provided.  相似文献   

Developmental relational counseling (DRC) is a conceptual model designed to help people gain a deeper awareness of their relational functioning. DRC is informed by relational‐cultural theory and influenced by the Enneagram personality typology and cognitive and narrative theories. This article outlines the DRC model in counseling practice with men. Men involved in counseling services may use this approach to expand their personal awareness and promote mutual understanding in their relationships.  相似文献   

Counselor education tends to see the development of basic counseling and communication skills as the foundation of clinical training. Improvisation has historically and primarily been connected to theater training and as a performance mechanism. By developing skills in spontaneity and the nature of narrative (or story) one becomes more able to be in-the-moment with a client or clients and thus less anxious and more able to meet the client where they are. As such, improvisation can really be seen as a meta-counseling skill—a skill that can form a firmer foundation for the learning of the basic counseling and communication micro-skills. This article outlines the core concepts of improvisational training for counselors and includes examples of improvisational games that can specifically help in preparing counselor trainees for their future clinical work.  相似文献   


The Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC), though granted status as the 19th division of the American Counseling Association only three years ago, is rich with history. This article takes the reader through the evolution of ACC and its official journal: The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health (JCMH). The ACC and the JCMHare committed to promoting the values of diversity, creativity, and relational development. Goals include providing a forum for counselors and other mental health professionals to forge growth-fostering relationships and form positive connections. This historical account is a tribute to all those involved in making ACC a reality. It provides interesting and valuable information for anyone interested in ACC or in forming an association.  相似文献   

Case conceptualization is an important skill for counselors to master in order to meet treatment needs of clients. Some students struggle while learning this skill, as it requires advanced cognitive complexity, reflection skills, and affective awareness. Further, it is difficult for developing counselors to understand the interconnectedness of clients’ presenting problems, history, and strengths to form a holistic case conceptualization. The authors of this article describe a role-play for teaching the complexity of case conceptualization, in which students role-play various perspectives of psychosocial information and process the experience to create a holistic conceptualization. Activity steps are outlined with examples, and process questions to facilitate classroom discussion are included. Suggestions for implementation are also provided.  相似文献   


One of the most important aspects of clinical supervision is goal-setting. In the early stages of supervision, supervisees may find it difficult to connect authentically with their supervisors due to the inherent power differential in supervision. Difficulty connecting may be exacerbated when students are attempting to set goals regarding their areas for growth. Based on literature reviewed on the counselor-client relationship, the authors posit that using images may increase vulnerability between supervisors and supervisees. Additionally, the authors introduce relational-cultural theory as a framework for connecting authentically through creative images. The authors present examples of using images in individual and group supervision, specifically employing The Coaching Game made by Points of You.  相似文献   

Interventions incorporating the sand tray are presented as a tool for facilitating creative solutions in adolescent clients presenting with depression. The authors describe how interventions using the sand tray promote client strengths and provide a tool for adolescent clients to better understand their depressive symptoms, identify triggers, and practice coping skills. Attention will be given to how these interventions can be used across counseling perspectives including cognitive-behavioral, narrative, and psychodramatic approaches. The intervention is described and the authors present a case study of its use with an adolescent client experiencing significant levels of depression.  相似文献   

One of the most useful tools counselors possess is a consistent, effective theoretical orientation. Yet, counselors often experience theory as an academic-only enterprise, rather than a skill-set informed by reason and empiricism. This article presents an alternative approach to learning and harnessing the power of theory to impact clients’ lives.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate through a hypothetical case example how counselors can utilize an expressive arts technique called music listening in inpatient psychiatric group counseling. The authors give a rationale to implement here-and-now interventions, specifically music listening, in response to the critique of current inpatient therapy in psychiatric hospitals following a shift from long-term inpatient psychiatric care to brief stabilization admissions.  相似文献   

Empathy is a foundational, necessary component of successful counseling. Relaying an understanding of empathy, including the components and science behind the phenomenon, is critical to the development of counselors-in-training. In addition, creative practice is a pillar of professional counseling, and is linked to experiential learning and meaningful integration of new knowledge in counselor education. The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the definitions of empathy, provide current literature on the science of empathy, and discuss specific creative interventions to use within counseling courses to increase empathic knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

Artist trading cards (ATCs) are miniature works of art that are created within the dimensions of standardized trading cards or playing cards (2.5 inches × 3.5 inches). ATCs can be made with a variety of media—everything from pen and ink to oil paints, collages, mosaics, stamping, and altered photos. Using this compact art format as an expressive arts intervention in the therapeutic environment provides the counselor with most, if not all, of the same therapeutic benefits of larger art media (e.g., expressive release, creativity, artistic communication, symbolic self-expression, self-exploration, etc.). The unique benefit of the ATC format is that ATCs allow for traditional expressive arts interventions to be “better, faster, and cheaper” in many ways.  相似文献   

Within the last decade, online dating has become an increasingly popular method for meeting potential partners. Online dating comes with a unique set of opportunities and challenges that may affect the overall mental health of our clients. Hence, it is essential for counselors to be prepared and able to discuss online dating in counseling. The authors of this article introduce three potential creative interventions to assist in addressing online dating within counseling.  相似文献   

Greater attention to sexual identity development from an inclusive and affirmative perspective must be incorporated into counselor education training. Counselors are well positioned to address issues related to human sexuality; however, without reflection across the spectrum of sexuality-related issues, counselors may rely on personal bias, or they may choose to avoid the topic altogether. In order to adequately train counselors, it is important to identify learning activities that counselor educators can utilize. Given the significance of sexuality across the lifespan, we propose that counselor educators actively guide their students through reflection about their own sexual identity development. This article presents the Sexual Identity Timeline (SIT) as a reflective learning activity to incorporate into the counseling curriculum.  相似文献   

This pilot study explores the relationship between perceived transformational leadership skills of college counselors and outcomes in counseling. College students receiving counseling (= 46) were given a revised version of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), the Working Alliance Inventory, Short Form (WAI-S), and the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS-34). Results yielded significant relationships between improvement in areas of client functioning and subscales measuring aspects of transformational leadership in counselors as perceived by clients. In addition to significant correlations between alliance and subscales of the MLQ, there were strong negative relationships between social anxiety and management by exception (active); academic distress and idealized influence (behavior); and alcohol use and management by exception (passive).  相似文献   

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