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亲社会行为是个体在人际交往中表现出的谦让、帮助、合作、分享等行为,是青少年社会能力发展的重要方面。以往研究表明,安全的亲子依恋对亲社会行为具有重要影响,但亲子依恋发挥作用的具体机制及作用条件还有待深入探讨。本研究在发展系统理论及依恋理论指导下,构建一个有调节的中介效应模型,检验心理资本在亲子依恋与亲社会行为之间的中介作用,以及不良同伴交往对上述中介路径的调节作用。采用亲子依恋问卷、心理资本问卷、不良同伴交往问卷以及亲社会行为问卷对737名初中生进行测查。结构方程模型分析表明:(1)在控制了年龄、性别和社会经济地位后,亲子依恋对亲社会行为具有显著的正向预测作用。(2)中介效应检验表明,心理资本在亲子依恋与亲社会行为之间具有完全中介作用。(3)有调节的中介效应检验进一步表明,不良同伴交往调节了"亲子依恋→心理资本→亲社会行为"的前半段,即当初中生的不良同伴交往偏多时,亲子依恋对心理资本的促进作用减弱。本研究的发现表明,安全的依恋关系有利于培养初中生的心理资本,进而促进亲社会行为。但是,较高的不良同伴交往会阻碍亲子依恋积极作用的发挥。本研究验证了家庭系统、同伴系统和个人系统对亲社会行为的联合作用,对初中生亲社会行为的培养具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Elevation refers to the feeling experienced when a moral act is witnessed. The current study sought to illuminate elevation by examining conditions under which elevation is amplified. Study 1 demonstrated that the character of the recipient of the moral deed moderates the relationship between witnessing a moral deed and experiencing elevation. Study 2 replicated the first and included a behavioral outcome measure: donation behavior. Study 3 considered an additional factor: the immoral act. Finally, to ensure the character of the recipient is not the sole moderator, Study 4 experimentally tested a second moderating variable (i.e. the effort required for completing the moral act). As a whole, these four studies consistently support Haidt’s conceptualization of elevation, open the door for a new path of theoretical exploration, and introduce a new line of applied research seeking to maximize prosocial behavior by exposing people to acts of morality.  相似文献   

慈悲冥想是一类旨在培养对自己和他人无条件的善意与同情的冥想练习方法, 主要包括慈心禅和怜悯禅修。诸多研究表明, 慈悲冥想可以促进练习者的利他行为。就影响机制而言, 慈悲冥想可能是通过增强对他人不幸的共情反应, 促进情绪的有效调控和提高亲社会动机来影响练习者的利他行为。未来的研究需选择更具生态效度的利他行为测量方法, 深入挖掘慈悲冥想影响利他行为的动态神经加工过程, 并尝试将慈悲冥想应用于临床群体。  相似文献   

The prosocial personality trait of honesty‐humility has received extensive attention in the last decade. However, research on the mechanism underlying the relationship between honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior is rather scarce. This study aims to explore the internal mechanism underlying this relationship to draw a complete picture of the honesty‐humility trait. A sample of 458 Chinese young adults was obtained to complete self‐report measures of honesty‐humility, perspective taking, guilt‐proneness, and prosocial behavior. The mediation model revealed that: (1) honesty‐humility positively related to prosocial behavior; (2) perspective taking and guilt‐proneness mediated the relationship between honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior, separately; and (3) the effect of honesty‐humility on prosocial behavior was mediated via perspective taking and then guilt‐proneness. In conclusion, we provide an initial support for the mediating roles of perspective taking and guilt‐proneness in the relationship between honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior. Both theoretical and practical implications for understanding the psychological mechanisms of prosocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Correlational research suggests that among older adults prosociality relates to positive emotions; yet causality remains unclear. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether visualizing a prosocial action would experience enhanced positive and lower negative emotion, and whether this would be particularly true for those with certain altruistic personality traits. Participants aged sixty and above were primed with a prosocial (helping a needy stranger), social (going out with friends), or neutral (walking down the street) induction. Results indicated that positive affect was highest among those who visualized a prosocial interaction, and that this effect was strongest among those higher in social responsibility. In contrast, less altruistically oriented participants reported higher negative affect in the prosocial condition. Thus, while prosociality promoted positive affect particularly among the socially responsible, it led to increased negative affect among those lower in altruistic orientation. Results suggest that individual differences influence older adults’ responses to exposure to prosocial involvement.  相似文献   

本研究采用元分析的方法探讨共情与亲社会行为之间的关系以及影响二者关系的调节因素。通过文献检索, 共获得76项研究和77个独立效应量, 包含了20352名被试。异质性检验表明, 选择随机效应模型比较合适; 漏斗图和Egger’s检验结果显示, 本元分析不存在发表偏差; 主效应检验发现, 共情与亲社会行为呈显著正相关(r = 0.38, p < 0.001); 调节效应检验表明, 二者关系受被试年龄和共情测量工具类型的调节, 但不受文化背景的影响。  相似文献   

Low informant agreement is of particular concern in clinical settings, since diagnoses and interventions are largely based on reports from parents and/or youths. This study explores youth-parent consistencies in an at-risk sample of youths (n = 42), several from immigrant and refugee families, all with stressful background experiences. Data from a community sample (n = 165) was used to contrast the clinical results. Results showed that correlations between clinical youths and parents were within the same range as those in the community sample. Consistencies concerning absolute level of behavior were higher in the clinical sample. However, interesting differences in informant consistencies were found on difficulties and resources between the two samples. This study adds to the picture that there is no simple relationship between severity of behavior deviance and informant agreement. Asking about behavioral resources as well as difficulties may provide valuable additional information regarding differences in the perspectives of at-risk youths and parents.  相似文献   

杨焕  卫旭华 《心理学报》2022,54(10):1248-1261
关系型人力资源管理实践在众多组织和机构中十分普遍,其对社会、组织及个人的负面影响也备受学者们关注,但以往研究却忽视了关系型人力资源管理实践的另一面。本文从道德补偿视角探究关系型人力资源管理实践对关系受益人利他行为的积极影响,通过4个实验研究设计对研究假设进行了验证。结果发现,关系型人力资源管理实践会促使关系受益人出于弥补而做出利他行为,关系受益人的道德自我形象和内疚情绪中介了关系型人力资源管理实践与利他行为之间的关系(研究1和2),且关系受益人与非受益同事的关系亲密度正向调节上述链式中介效应(研究3)。相比于低水平的关系亲密度,高水平关系亲密度下关系型人力资源管理实践通过道德自我形象和内疚影响利他行为的间接效应更强。本文有助于拓展关系实践的研究视角,且为企业管理者平衡关系型HRM实践的消极影响提供建议。  相似文献   

内疚作为一种典型的道德情绪, 被认为具有亲社会作用, 但很多研究却发现内疚并不总能促进亲社会行为。为了明确内疚对亲社会行为的作用, 分析造成结论分歧的可能原因, 本研究采用元分析方法探讨了特质内疚与亲社会行为的关系以及状态内疚对亲社会行为的影响。共有46篇文献92个独立样本纳入元分析(N = 17248)。元分析结果表明:(1)特质内疚与亲社会行为之间存在中等程度的正相关, 二者之间的关系受到亲社会行为类型的调节, 相比较捐赠、助人、环保行为等, 特质内疚与补偿之间的相关更强; (2)启动内疚状态能显著提升个体的亲社会行为, 但两者之间的关联呈较小的效应量, 亲社会行为对象在其中起到调节作用, 感到内疚的个体更愿意对受害方做出亲社会行为; (3) p曲线(p-curve)分析发现, 两个元分析研究的p曲线均呈显著右偏态, 表明特质内疚与亲社会行为的关系以及状态内疚对亲社会行为的影响均存在真实的效应, 而不是出版偏倚或者p hacking导致。  相似文献   

With the development of the field of positive psychology, new constructs have made their way into the literature. One such construct, elevation, represents a positive moral emotion that is experienced when one witnesses the kind, moral behavior of others (Haidt, 2003 Haidt, J. 2003. “Elevation and the positive psychology of morality”. In Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived, Edited by: Keyes, CL and Haidt, J. 275289. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). To date, few researchers have examined this construct. The current study examined elevation by locating it in the factor space of the Five-Factor Model of Personality, and determined its relation to the constructs of spiritual transcendence and self-reported prosocial behavior. A total of 188 student participants were recruited. Results indicated that Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, spiritual transcendence, and self-reported prosocial behavior were all positively correlated with elevation. Moreover, the results indicated that elevation provided significant incremental validity in predicting self-reports of prosocial behavior over and above the Five-Factor Model of Personality and spiritual transcendence. Clinical implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

羞愧是一种典型的道德情绪,其对亲社会行为的作用在既往研究中并不一致。本研究首次采用三水平元分析技术整合相关实证研究,检验羞愧对亲社会行为的影响及调节变量在二者关系中的作用。通过文献检索和筛选,共计纳入26篇文献, 85个效应量,总样本量为5823人。主效应检验发现,羞愧组比控制组表现出更多的亲社会行为,羞愧能够促进亲社会行为的产生。调节效应检验发现,暴露情境比掩蔽情境更能诱发羞愧对亲社会行为的促进作用,亲社会行为的产生情境(暴露情境或掩蔽情境)调节作用显著,但年龄、文化背景、羞愧诱发方法、羞愧类型及亲社会行为类型等变量的调节作用不显著。本研究使用三水平元分析方法保证了纳入文献信息的完整性,从而就羞愧对亲社会行为的影响及调节变量在两者关系中的作用得出更为全面可靠的研究结论,有助于拓展人们对于羞愧与亲社会行为关系及调节机制的认识。后续研究可深入探讨认知因素和个体特征在羞愧对亲社会行为影响中的作用,考察羞愧与其他道德情绪对亲社会行为影响的差异。  相似文献   

Relationships among life events, prosocial skills, and behavior problems for 91 first through fourth grade children were examined. The data were based on mothers' reports of their children's lifetime life events, current prosocial skills, and current behavior problems. Higher prosocial skills scores significantly predicted lower Externalizing behavior problem scores. Higher weighted life events scores significantly predicted higher Internalizing behavior problem scores. The weighted life event scores×prosocial skills scores interaction did not significantly predict either Externalizing or Internalizing behavior problem scores. The more parsimonious main effects conceptualization suggests that life events and prosocial skills are orthogonal in young, elementary school children.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,对于组织及其成员来说,要想更好地在当前快速变化的工作环境中适应和发展,员工利他行为的可持续性愈发重要。新近研究发现利他行为具有动态性,但在理论框架和研究方法上存在严重不足,无法获得利他行为动态可持续性特征的全貌,对其前因机制的研究则更为缺失。因此,本研究基于主动性动机视角,聚焦利他行为可持续性的动态性特征,并在此基础上探索利他行为可持续性的前因机制,以期增进对利他行为本质的理解,并为可持续互利团队与组织建设实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Extensive research efforts have been devoted to understanding the nature of Conscientiousness, the only Big Five personality trait that has been robustly linked to professional achievement and longevity. We proposed that Conscientiousness is associated with Personal Belief in a Just World (PBJW), that is, the extent to which an individual believes that her or his efforts will be rewarded. To investigate this proposition, we undertook a meta-analysis synthesizing past findings regarding the relationship between PBJW and Conscientiousness; we confirmed a positive relationship between the two constructs (r = .16) based on 17 samples and 5,810 individuals. We further proposed a theoretical framework linking PBJW to specific facets of Conscientiousness. A survey of a representative sample of the US population (n = 311) confirmed that PBJW is positively correlated with the specific facets of Self-efficacy, Achievement-striving, and Self-discipline. Internal Locus of Control mediated these associations, elucidating the underlying processes linking PBJW and Conscientiousness.  相似文献   

The relation between school students' belief in a just world (BJW) and their bullying behavior was investigated in a questionnaire study. The mediating role of teacher justice was also examined. Data were obtained from a total of N = 458 German and Indian high school students. Regression analyses revealed that the more strongly students believed in a personal just world and the more they evaluated their teachers' behavior toward them personally to be just, the less bullying behavior they reported. Moreover, students with a strong BJW tended to evaluate their teachers' behavior toward them personally to be more just, and the experience of teacher justice mediated the relation between BJW and less bullying perpetration. This pattern of results was as expected and consistent across different cultural contexts. It persisted when neuroticism, sex, and country were controlled. The adaptive functions of BJW and implications for future school research are discussed.  相似文献   

认识亲社会行为倾向、内化问题和外化问题的发展级联对青少年心理健康促进具有重要价值。采用个体内分析方法分析了894名初中生3年的追踪数据, 并与传统的交叉滞后面板模型进行比较。结果发现:(1)在个体内水平, 亲社会行为倾向与内化问题和外化问题具有中等或较弱的协同变化关系, T1亲社会行为倾向可负向预测T2内化问题, T2亲社会行为倾向可负向预测T3外化问题, 具有较弱的预测作用; (2)在女生群体中, T2内化问题可正向预测T3外化问题, 而在男生群体中, 内化问题和外化问题没有相互预测作用; (3)亲社会行为倾向的4个因子(公开的、依从的、情绪的和利他的)可负向预测内化问题, 它们仅在T2可负向预测外化问题, 具有较弱的预测作用; (4)个体内分析方法得到的研究结果与传统交叉滞后分析方法不同, 不同的个体内分析模型得到的研究结果也不同。结论: 青少年早期亲社会行为倾向的发展可降低内化问题和外化问题, 这种作用具有性别差异; 个体内分析方法在青少年心理病理发展研究中具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

王建峰  戴冰 《心理学报》2020,52(1):55-65
目前关于权力动机的研究主要关注权力动机的阴暗面,但是对权力动机的积极面尚不清楚。本研究从公平与合作行为的角度出发,分别采用最后通牒博弈和公共物品博弈任务,探讨不同权力动机水平个体在内隐(眼睛线索)或外显(他人在场)社会存在下的亲社会行为是否不同。结果发现,在眼睛线索或他人在场条件下,相对于低权力动机者,高权力动机者表现出更高的公平与合作水平。然而当没有社会存在线索时,高低权力动机者的亲社会行为没有显著差异。结果提示高权力动机者出于名誉和地位的策略考虑,也会表现出积极的亲社会行为。  相似文献   

Human trafficking has been identified as a global human rights violation. This study aimed to investigate the predictors of prosocial behaviors toward sex-trafficked persons. Participants were 223 undergraduates randomly assigned to read a vignette and answer follow-up questions along with measures of empathy, just world belief, attitudes toward prostitution, and proactive behavior. Empathy was highest for trafficked women, regardless of citizenship status. Trafficked foreign women received the highest empathy, and U.S. prostitutes received the least. Path analysis results indicate just world belief, beliefs about prostitutes, and family values relating to prostitution had direct effects on empathic concern; in turn, empathic concern had a direct effect on proactive behavior. Explanations for the results are discussed, along with educational and clinical implications.  相似文献   

为探讨儿童期虐待对公正世界信念的作用及心理机制,本研究采用问卷法对929名大学生进行了调查,并采用潜变量模型对数据进行了分析。结果发现:(1)儿童期虐待显著负向预测大学生公正世界信念;(2)控制感在儿童期虐待与公正世界信念之间起完全中介作用;(3)家庭社会经济地位调节了儿童期虐待与控制感的关系,高家庭社会经济地位放大了儿童期虐待与控制感间的负相关。研究结果表明,可以通过预防儿童虐待和增强控制感等干预措施来提升公正世界信念,并且需要对高社会经济地位家庭的儿童虐待加大关注。  相似文献   

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