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完善医学生职业道德培养教育途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高我国医学生职业道德教育的有效性和实效性,需不断完善和健全现有职业道德培养渠道,并拓展新渠道.在探讨研究国外医学生道德培养途径基础上,博采众家之长,形成以职业道德教育贯穿于专业教育全过程为特征,以职业道德教育与临床医疗实践相结合,以提高医学生自我道德教育能力为目的,适合我国特点的医学生职业道德培养途径.  相似文献   

完善医学生职业道德培养教育途径   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
为了提高我国医学生职业道德教育的有效性和实效性,需不断完善和健全现有职业道德培养渠道,并拓展新渠道。在探讨研究国外医学生道德培养途径基础上,博采众家之长,形成以职业道德教育贯穿于专业教育全过程为特征,以职业道德教育与临床医疗实践相结合,以提高医学生自我道德教育能力为目的,适合我国特点的医学生职业道德培养途径。  相似文献   

This research examined factors predicting university students' intentions to enroll in a philosophy of life course. One hundred and ninety subjects participated in two surveys. The first was qualitative, identifying factors students considered in forming intentions, but without ranking the factors. The second study used a quantitative model to predict student intentions from their beliefs about the course, themselves, and other people. The model was based on Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, a theory that successfully predicts many different behaviors. Analysis was done using partial least squares, a robust structural equation modeling technique. The results show that students focused primarily on personal outcomes from the course. They wanted the course to help them understand life and themselves. To a lesser extent, students' perceptions of other people's views affected their intentions, especially the opinions of parents, friends, and religious people. Some students thought all beliefs are subjective, and discussing them would be pointless. Recommendations are given for designing and promoting philosophy of life courses.  相似文献   

不可轻视医药贿赂现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着市场经济的发展,医药贿赂问题相继发生,对社会造成了不良影响。一方面,这种现象严重破坏了正常的医药购销秩序,导致假药、伪劣器械层出不穷;另一方面,加重了患者的经济负担,损害群众的身心健康。从医药分家、健全法制以及行业自身建设方面提出治理医药贿赂的对策。  相似文献   

香港特别行政区政府委托美国哈佛大学一个专家小组对香港的医疗制度作了一个全面评估,并就目前的融资安排(financialarrangement)提出改革方案。小组发表的报告对香港医疗制度作了很多中肯批评,但所提出的融资改革方案却极受争议。方案的主要缺点是违背医疗二级制的精神,令自由选择、关怀和社会公义(socialjustice)等价值难以得到实现。  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场经济的发展,医药贿赂问题相继发生,对社会造成了不良影响.一方面,这种现象严重破坏了正常的医药购销秩序,导致假药、伪劣器械层出不穷;另一方面,加重了患者的经济负担,损害群众的身心健康.从医药分家、健康法制以及行业自身建设方面提出治理医药贿赂的对策.  相似文献   

高等医学院校医事法学教育亟待加强   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
通过千余份问卷调查研究,透视出医学生对医事法律认知程度普遍偏低的状况,进而从医学院教育方针,以及医学生法律意识、自我教育能力等方面,分析、探究原因,寻求改进医事法学教育滞后问题,加速培养学医懂法医学人才的途径与方法。  相似文献   

通过千余份问卷调查研究,透视出医学生对医事法律认知程度普遍偏低的状况,进而从医学院教育方针,以及医学生法律意识、自我教育能力等方面,分析、探究原因,寻求改进医事法学教育滞后问题,加速培养学医懂法医学人才的途径与方法.  相似文献   

The growing support for voluntary active euthanasia (VAE) is evident in the recently approved Dutch Law on Termination of Life on Request. Indeed, the debate over legalized VAE has increased in European countries, the United States, and many other nations over the last several years. The proponents of VAE argue that when a patient judges that the burdens of living outweigh the benefits, euthanasia can be justified. If some adults suffer to such an extent that VAE is justified, then one may conclude that some children suffer to this extent as well. In an attempt to alleviate the suffering of extremely ill neonates, the University Medical Center Groningen developed a protocol for neonatal euthanasia. In this article, I first present the ethical justifications for VAE and discuss how these arguments relate to euthanizing ill neonates. I then argue that, even if one accepts the justification for VAE in adults, neonatal euthanasia cannot be supported, primarily because physicians and parents can never accurately assess the suffering of children. I argue that without the testament of the patient herself as to the nature and magnitude of her suffering, physicians can never accurately weigh the benefits and burdens of a child’s life, and therefore any such system would condemn to death some children whose suffering is not unbearable. I conclude that because the primary duty of physicians is to never harm their patients, neonatal euthanasia cannot be supported.  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤临床决策中应重视的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
恶性肿瘤是特殊的疾病,临床决策具有高度复杂性。医患共同决策是应遵循的基本原则,多科室合作是决策成功的保障,生命质量是应予以高度关注的课题,人文思想是现代医生必备的素养。  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤是特殊的疾病,临床决策具有高度复杂性.医患共同决策是应遵循的基本原则,多科室合作是决策成功的保障,生命质量是应予以高度关注的课题,人文思想是现代医生必备的素养.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(4):616-633
Be a Mom is a self-guided web-based intervention, grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy, delivered to postpartum women to prevent persistent postpartum depression [PPD] symptoms. We aimed to evaluate Be a Mom in terms of its preliminary efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability. A pilot randomized, two-arm controlled trial was conducted. Eligible women (presenting PPD risk-factors and/or early-onset PPD symptoms) were enrolled in the study and were randomly assigned to the intervention (Be a Mom) or to the waiting-list control group. Participants in both groups completed baseline (T1) and postintervention (T2) assessments. The 194 women presenting risk factors/early-onset PPD symptoms were allocated to the intervention (n = 98) or to the control (n = 96) group. A significant Time × Group interaction effect was found for both depressive and anxiety symptoms, with women in the intervention group presenting a larger decrease in symptoms from T1 to T2 (p < .05). Less than half of the women (41.8%) completed Be a Mom. Most women (71.4%) would use Be a Mom again if needed. Results provide preliminary evidence of the Be a Mom’s efficacy, acceptability and feasibility, although further research is needed to establish Be a Mom as a selective/indicative preventive intervention for persistent PPD.  相似文献   

会议内容主要是学习讨论江泽民同志《在学习邓小平理论工作会议上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)。与会者认为,这个讲话很重要、很及时,有很强的现实指导意义。《讲话》中指出:“深入学习邓小平理论要同学习和贯彻十五大精神结合起来,紧紧围绕十五大的主题,在全面、正...  相似文献   

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