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Interventions incorporating the sand tray are presented as a tool for facilitating creative solutions in adolescent clients presenting with depression. The authors describe how interventions using the sand tray promote client strengths and provide a tool for adolescent clients to better understand their depressive symptoms, identify triggers, and practice coping skills. Attention will be given to how these interventions can be used across counseling perspectives including cognitive-behavioral, narrative, and psychodramatic approaches. The intervention is described and the authors present a case study of its use with an adolescent client experiencing significant levels of depression.  相似文献   

Play therapy is commonly used when working with children in counseling. Play therapists work at a developmentally appropriate level to assist children with a variety of mental health and behavioral concerns. Traditionally, play therapy and many counseling methods occur in office settings. We propose that play therapists and other mental health professionals working with children integrate nature and natural settings into their work. The use of nature has been shown to be effective in helping people cope with mental health and physical ailments. In this article, we explore the benefits of the use of nature in mental health and provide a case example of the use of nature and natural settings in counseling.  相似文献   


The relationship between mistakes, improvisation, and counseling process is explored through the use of a case example involving a failed clinical intervention. Exploration of mistakes offers an opportunity to examine multiple elements of counseling while highlighting the creative nature of the counseling process. Counselor educators are encouraged to incorporate discussions of mistakes and creative development into training.  相似文献   


The demands and expectations placed on counselors-in-training can make them susceptible to stress, burnout, and poor school-life balance. Therefore, counseling students could benefit from learning mindfulness techniques as self-care strategies that promote increased relaxation, coping, and stress prevention. This mixed-methods study examined graduate counseling students’ perceptions of mindfulness training to determine its impact on self-efficacy, mood, stress, and other areas of wellness. Participants reported enhanced relaxation, increased awareness of the need for self-care, better understanding of the connection between mindfulness and overall well-being, and an impact of mindfulness on other areas of their lives.  相似文献   

Having a strong sense of self can be a protective factor in resisting peer pressure and involvement in negative behaviors and a determining factor in the formation of one’s coping skills and resiliency to life’s challenges. This qualitative pilot study of high school freshman students (N = 337) consisted of responses to an exhibition of mirrors decorated around the question of identity. The four themes revealed in students’ self-reflection were: (a) image of self, positive or negative; (b) multiple self(ves); (c) embodied hope; and (d) lack of identity. Results indicated that mirrors have the potential to create connections on sensitive issues and concerns and that mirrors aid in the process of self-reflection. Discussion of the results, limitations, and areas for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate through a hypothetical case example how visual journaling, a form of expressive arts counseling, can be adapted for use in individual counseling. Counselors may consider using visual journaling as a counseling intervention when working with clients who may not have words for what they are feeling or experiencing, and for clients who tend to be very analytical. Visual journaling can be a way to bypass the intellect and give clients another way to access their experience.  相似文献   

Not everyone develops social behaviors and interaction skills in an expected manner. This study explored the relationship between art making and identity formation in children and adolescents who were identified as having differing social behaviors. In three small group settings, 17 participants created abstract self-portraits from modeling compound and responded to questions about their self, self-concept, and self-esteem. From this, a model was created to describe identity formation as it relates to the relationships between social environment, desired occupations and activities, and creativity. Practice guidelines are proposed for those who provide children and adolescents with opportunities to make art as part of sessions aimed to promote the development of a healthy self-concept.  相似文献   

Case conceptualization is an important skill for counselors to master in order to meet treatment needs of clients. Some students struggle while learning this skill, as it requires advanced cognitive complexity, reflection skills, and affective awareness. Further, it is difficult for developing counselors to understand the interconnectedness of clients’ presenting problems, history, and strengths to form a holistic case conceptualization. The authors of this article describe a role-play for teaching the complexity of case conceptualization, in which students role-play various perspectives of psychosocial information and process the experience to create a holistic conceptualization. Activity steps are outlined with examples, and process questions to facilitate classroom discussion are included. Suggestions for implementation are also provided.  相似文献   

11岁选择性缄默症女孩的箱庭治疗个案研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
徐洁  张日昇 《心理科学》2008,31(1):126-132
采用箱庭疗法对11岁选择性缄默症女孩进行心理治疗的小M研究.经过18次个体箱庭和4次家庭箱庭治疗,来访者的箱庭作品由贫瘠、单调逐渐向丰富、多样转化,由孤立、静止走向开放、动态,自我力量逐步增强.来访者的学校适应、亲子关系也发生了积极改变.箱庭治疗使来访者的内心世界由创伤走向治愈.  相似文献   

This article presents the integration of cinematherapy with William Glasser’s reality therapy/choice theory. This article also addresses the need to integrate reality therapy/choice theory and the therapeutic intervention known as “cinematherapy” to help students conceptualize the constructs of Glasser’s choice theory and to help novice cinema therapists address Glasser’s themes in their clients’ lives (i.e., fun, survival, power, freedom, love, and belonging). This integration will be helpful to not only students and clients, but also to the community of therapists who will intend to use cinematherapy as a therapeutic and creative intervention.  相似文献   

通过文献梳理的方式探索绘画艺术治疗兴起及其疗愈机制,揭示绘画艺术治疗的兴起具有特定的历史基础和实践发展过程。其疗愈功效是多种因素综合发挥作用的过程:人们在绘画过程中能够呈现完整的主体;通过美和创造获取积极的体验;以正念的方式沉浸在当下;非言语和象征化的形式有助于自由地进行表达和重构;其中,高质量的治疗关系是所有因素发挥效用的基础。身心关系理论和大脑可塑性为绘画艺术治疗提供了神经生物学的理论支持。绘画艺术治疗的广泛应用证明了其普适性和有效性,为人文在医疗环境中的复归提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

Although creativity is an important aspect of occupational therapy theory and practice, there have been few studies that would explore this concept in the context of the occupational therapy process. This was the first qualitative study of creativity in occupational therapy in Slovenia. It was conducted as part of a larger mixed-methods study and included 22 experienced occupational therapists who participated in four focus groups. The focus of the study was on the exploration of different factors that could contribute to creativity and creative strategies in occupational therapy, in either a positive or a negative way. Since occupational therapy promotes a client-centered therapy approach, the role of the client as the motivating factor was of particular interest to our study. Six factors that can influence the creativity of occupational therapists emerged from the qualitative analysis (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). While the client was identified as the key factor, the potential of other factors was also recognized. This qualitative study increased the understanding of the concept of creativity and creative behavior in occupational therapy, and also provided empirical material that formed the basis for the development of a questionnaire on creativity in occupational therapy.  相似文献   

John, an urban African male who developed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an armed robbery at the petrol station where he worked, was treated with 12 sessions of Trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy. Intervention involved a combination of psychoeducation, prolonged imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring and behavioural assignments. This article is a systematic case study of his treatment which included a comprehensive narrative and tracking of progress by means of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale. John responded well to the treatment, finding it acceptable and credible and remained free of PTSD symptoms at 15 months follow up. It is argued, based on the principles of Elliott's Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design, that there is evidence from within the narrative that it was the treatment that led to remission of symptoms. This case study demonstrates the cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes underlying John's PTSD, which fits with those extensively described in the research literature, and that this evidence-based treatment developed in a westernised context is transportable to work with urban Africans.  相似文献   

Research in the field of animal-assisted therapy has shown that therapy dogs have a positive social-emotional impact on individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, and counseling. Recently, the literature has suggested that therapy dogs can yield positive psychological, social, and academic outcomes in schools, although this research is quite limited. The intent of this study was to examine perceptions on the effectiveness of therapy dogs in schools for promoting students’ psychological well-being, and an overall positive school climate. Preliminary evidence shows faculty and students from four rural school districts across Western New York indicated support for this emerging and viable school intervention. This qualitative and quantitative insight can help guide future research.  相似文献   

Despite recent growth in the use of equine facilitated therapy (EFT), and its potential to be an effective alternative to traditional therapeutic interventions, the literature has not yet provided a convincing explanatory account of the practices implemented within EFT. In this study, the author investigates consistency of clinical practices within the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) model of EFT. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with mental health professionals and equine specialists (N = 10) from six Australian EFT clinics. Thematic analysis of data revealed: an absence of an underpinning theoretical model; variations between clinical practices; lack of parental involvement in therapy for children/adolescents; and inadequate research into perceived mechanisms of change driving EFT. This article concludes with a set of recommendations directed at EFT practitioners in order to increase the rigor of practice and maximize the potential of this intervention.  相似文献   

采用眼动法,探究来访者阅读去信与回信时认知信息的变化,以及新手型咨询师与来访者在阅读角色书信时认知信息的差异。结果表明,来访者阅读回信时,对去信中诱发不良情绪的部分认知因素予以回应;新手型咨询师的注视时间显著短于来访者,注视次数多于来访者,热点区域不同于来访者。结果说明,往复的角色书信可以促进来访者转变不良认知;新手型咨询师对角色书信的理解与来访者存在不同。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, using an online methodology, was to investigate therapists' perceptions of the role of creativity in couples' and family therapy. Along with completing a quantitative measure assessing creativity in their work, participants responded to four open-ended questions which addressed the meaning of creativity, characteristics of a creative family therapist, some creative interventions they have used with couples and families, and barriers to their own creativity as a family therapist. A total of 142 marriage and family therapists in 36 states in the United States participated. The findings shed light on the unique importance of creativity in couples and family treatment.  相似文献   

In a climate of improving health-care quality and understanding, this study explored how participation in a gardening group, facilitated through a mental health service in Ireland, influenced well-being. A case study used semi-structured interviews and participant observation to explore explicit and tacit aspects of group participation. Thematic analysis clarified that gardening group participation had a positive influence on well-being for all gardeners and group facilitators. This was through promoting coping, facilitating change, and developing skills. The setting, site ethos and tasks were important in assisting people to make lifestyle changes and to develop skills in order to experience well-being.  相似文献   

The detrimental influence of parent psychopathology—and depression, in particular—on adolescent mental health has been well documented. Routes of transmission include both direct and indirect factors, such as poor parent–adolescent communication, ineffective parenting practices, modeling ineffective coping skills, increased family discord and stress, inadvertent reinforcement of adolescent depressed mood and suicidal ideation and behavior, and decreased treatment adherence. This paper introduces a novel treatment to concurrently treat both a depressed adolescent as well as a depressed parent. This approach improves upon traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy by targeting relational factors of each adolescent–parent dyad while simultaneously addressing each individual’s depression. Principles of case conceptualization and treatment planning using this novel approach are illustrated using a case example.  相似文献   

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