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This cross-sectional study applied self-determination theory to understand the relationship between coaching behaviors, psychological need satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation among young Chinese athletes from 2 universities in Macao, China (N = 208). In the path model with the demographics adjusted, coaching behaviors (training instruction, democratic behaviors, autocratic behaviors, social support, and positive feedback) and need satisfaction (perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness) explained 44% of the variance in intrinsic motivation. We also found indirect effects of some coaching behaviors on intrinsic motivation through satisfying the psychological needs. Furthermore, independent self-construal significantly moderated the relationship between perceived relatedness and intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

Coaching ist in Wirtschaftsunternehmen weit verbreitet. Angesichts der stetig steigenden Ver?nderungsgeschwindigkeit der Arbeits- und pers?nlichen Lebenswelten suchten zun?chst Führungskr?fte professionelle Coaches, die ihnen als vertraute Gespr?chspartner zur Seite standen. Coachingma?nahmen werden aber auch zunehmend von Politikern, Medienvertretern, Künstlern und Freiberuflern nachgefragt. Die derzeitigen Coachingkonzepte enthalten zumeist eine Kombination von allgemein-psychologischen, kognitiv-verhaltensorientierten, psychodynamischen und systemischen Techniken, modifiziert durch die Lebenserfahrung und Weltanschauung der Coaches. Es existiert eine Vielzahl eklektischer Praktiken, die theoretisch nicht koh?rent begründet und wissenschaftlich nicht verl?sslich evaluiert sind. Da Coaching in der Praxis h?ufig eine Form von Psychohygiene und Psychotherapie für Gesunde darstellt, ist es nahe liegend die Ergebnisse psychotherapeutischer Theoriebildung, Praxiserfahrung und Forschung als Grundlage des Coaching zu nutzen. Drei wissenschaftlich fundierte Aspekte des Coaching lassen sich herausstellen: Die hilfreiche Beziehung, kognitiv-verhaltensorientiertes Training und psychodynamisches Verstehen. Darüber hinaus ist es viel versprechend die Methoden der Psychotherapieforschung zur Untersuchung von Ergebnis und Prozess von Coachingma?nahmen anzuwenden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Coaching ist in Wirtschaftsunternehmen weit verbreitet. Angesichts der stetig steigenden Ver?nderungsgeschwindigkeit der Arbeits- und pers?nlichen Lebenswelten suchten zun?chst Führungskr?fte professionelle Coaches, die ihnen als vertraute Gespr?chspartner zur Seite standen. Coachingma?nahmen werden aber auch zunehmend von Politikern, Medienvertretern, Künstlern und Freiberuflern nachgefragt. Die derzeitigen Coachingkonzepte enthalten zumeist eine Kombination von allgemein-psychologischen, kognitiv-verhaltensorientierten, psychodynamischen und systemischen Techniken, modifiziert durch die Lebenserfahrung und Weltanschauung der Coaches. Es existiert eine Vielzahl eklektischer Praktiken, die theoretisch nicht koh?rent begründet und wissenschaftlich nicht verl?sslich evaluiert sind. Da Coaching in der Praxis h?ufig eine Form von Psychohygiene und Psychotherapie für Gesunde darstellt, ist es nahe liegend die Ergebnisse psychotherapeutischer Theoriebildung, Praxiserfahrung und Forschung als Grundlage des Coaching zu nutzen. Drei wissenschaftlich fundierte Aspekte des Coaching lassen sich herausstellen: Die hilfreiche Beziehung, kognitiv-verhaltensorientiertes Training und psychodynamisches Verstehen. Darüber hinaus ist es viel versprechend die Methoden der Psychotherapieforschung zur Untersuchung von Ergebnis und Prozess von Coachingma?nahmen anzuwenden.   相似文献   

Grounded in self-determination theory (E. L. Deci & R. M. Ryan, 2000), the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of dimensions of coaching behavior to intrinsic need satisfaction and indices of psychological and physical well-being among male adolescent athletes. Participants were 265 British soccer and cricket players (M age = 16.44). Structural equation modeling analysis, using maximum likelihood robust method, showed athletes' perceptions of autonomy support, mastery focus, and social support from the coach to predict their satisfaction of the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, respectively. The satisfaction of the need for competence emerged as the most important predictor of psychological and physical well-being. The findings suggest that particular aspects of the social environment may be salient for fostering particular psychological needs. The results also underline the importance of perceived competence for the psychological and physical welfare of adolescents in team sports.  相似文献   

This article describes useful consultation practices for individual coaching in typical workplace conflict situations. Our approach for understanding of workplace conflicts is based on the differentiation between various “toxic” conflictual constellations (e.g. contradiction, conflict, dilemma and double bind), between difficulties that can and cannot be resolved (e.g. problems and restrictions) and between problem solving attempts that unintentionally worsen the problems (e.g. individualizing, polarizing and evading responsibility). A sufficient readiness of the company to balance it’s own criteria for management success (e.g. profit versus workers health) and a sufficient openness to try out reflexively found solutions in the coaching process are crucial for successful coaching outcomes. Similarly, a reflexive attitude of the coach, self-critical vis a vis any ideological terms, which also acknowledges and overcomes the anxiety of the coach during the coaching process, can help coachees to find their own attitudes vis a vis the workplace conflict situation that balance cooperation and resistance.  相似文献   


This study examined whether the intrinsic motivation levels of first-year college athletes changed from pre- to post-season as a function of their scholarship status or their perceptions of their coaches' behavior. Division I college athletes ( N = 72) completed questionnaires assessing their intrinsic motivation at the beginning and end of their first year of participation. They also reported their scholarship status and their perceptions of their coaches' behaviors over the season. Contrary to predictions, results revealed that neither scholarship status nor time affected the athletes' level of intrinsic motivation. Strong support for the relationship between athletes' perceptions of their coaches' behavior and changes in athletes' level of intrinsic motivation over the season, however, emerged. Increases in athletes' level of intrinsic motivation were associated with athletes' perceptions that their coaches exhibited high frequencies of training and instruction behavior, and low frequencies of autocratic behavior and social support. Results are discussed in relation to cognitive evaluation theory and previous research on intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

Managed care has led some psychotherapists to seek alternative modes of practice. Personal coaching provides one such approach. To what extent might an REBT practitioner already be “coaching”? How can REBT be meshed with personal coaching? What advantages and problems might ensue? What training is involved? These questions are answered based on the experiences of the author in shifting her work to what she calls Rational Emotive Behavior Coaching.  相似文献   

Managerial coaching is currently seen as an effective leadership practice facilitating learning process of the employees for performing better and being more effective in organizations. This article builds on recent research on the importance of the managerial coaching by empirically investigating the effects of a cognitive-behavioral coaching programme over mid-level managers. Due to the similarities between managerial coaching behaviors and transformational leadership behaviors, we have adopted the transformational leadership model as theoretical framework for evaluating management behaviors. The study used a pre-posttest approach to test the effects of the coaching program especially designed for 23 mid-level managers having as responsibility the supervision of production teams in a multinational organization. The major aims of the program consisted of: developing managerial coaching skills, assertive communication skills, motivation of subordinates. Overall, the analysis of results elicited an increase of scores in the leadership behavior dimensions measured by multifactor leadership questionnaire that are part of the managerial coaching skills. Besides, the effectiveness perceived as an indicator of performance was significantly higher upon completion of the coaching program. Findings suggest that coaching, as a professional development method, has great potential to contribute to the managerial behaviors that facilitate development at subordinate level, as they are captured by some transformational and transactional scales. Such knowledge can be informative for practitioners as well in developing effective managers and leaders and understanding and managing employee attitudes and behaviors in organizations.  相似文献   

Socratic questioning, a cornerstone of CBT, is as equally useful in coaching to raise awareness, promote reflection and improve problem-solving thinking. Padesky’s (Socratic questioning: Changing minds or guiding discovery? 1993) bifurcation of Socratic questioning, changing minds versus guiding discovery, is commented upon. The characteristics of good Socratic questions are enumerated, the pitfalls of experienced coaches’ over-reliance on intuition to guide their questioning is discussed and how continuing deliberate practice through, for example, providing the logical basis for sequencing questions can correct this ‘intuition bias’. Socratic questioning is demonstrated in a number of coach–coachee dialogues with accompanying commentary. Finally, it is emphasized that asking good Socratic questions is indispensable to the practice of effective coaching.  相似文献   

The author presents a system of behavioral techniques that permits clients to manage their own depression. By coaching clients through the sequence of self-management procedures identified by Kahn (1976) and using the strategies offered by Lewinsohn (1975), counselors have an effective set of techniques to lead clients to successful coping with depression. The sequence of self-observation, self-mediation, and self-reinforcement activities is based on Lewinsohn's (1975) work and is effective with moderately depressed clients. This comprehensive treatment program requires a minimum amount of counselor intervention for a maximum amount of client gain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Autonomy support is a component of the motivational climate in youth sport that may promote youth's internalization of behaviors and attitudes. This study examined the psychometric properties of the Autonomy-Supportive Coaching Questionnaire (ASCQ), a measure of two forms of autonomy-supportive coaching perceived by young athletes. DESIGN: The study design was non-experimental. METHODS: Over a six-week season, youth (N = 165) participating in a recreational summer swim league completed measures of perceived coaching behavior (weeks 1 and 5), autonomy-supportive coaching (week 5) and psychological need satisfaction (weeks 1 and 6). RESULTS: Responses to the ASCQ could be reduced to two correlated factors representing an "interest in athlete's input" and "praise for autonomous behavior." These factors exhibited slightly different relations with perceived coaching behaviors and positively predicted coaching-associated contrasts in the satisfaction of all three basic psychological needs. CONCLUSIONS: The ASCQ appears to provide a valid assessment of young athlete's perceptions of autonomy-supportive coaching. Autonomy-supportive coaching should be evaluated as a potential source of motivational consequences of coaching and as a potential moderator of coaching effects on youth internalization.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of punitive coaching strategies in youth sport and the nature of these experiences for youth athletes. Semistructured interviews and concept maps were conducted with 12 competitive male and female hockey athletes 11–13 years of age. Data were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Results revealed that punishments occurred in competitive youth hockey, in the forms of benching, yelling, exercises, cleaning up equipment, and alternating positions. Findings are interpreted to suggest that punishments hindered developmental needs of youth athletes, including a positive sense of self and positive relationships with others. Implications for healthy youth development are discussed.  相似文献   

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