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This study focused on executive functions in dyslexia. A group of 43 heavily-affected young dyslexics, divided into two groups based on the results of a receptive language test, and 20 non-dyslexic controls, were tested with a Dichotic Listening Test, the Stroop Color Word Test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The dyslexic subjects demonstrated significant impairment on all tasks, but with different patterns of impairment according to the subgrouping. The subgroups were equally impaired on the Dichotic Listening Test, but differed on the Stroop and the Wisconsin Tests. The data support a hypothesis suggesting executive problems in dyslexia, depending on receptive language skills.  相似文献   

儿童的认知控制和情绪调节可能影响他们面对挑战任务时的坚持性水平,而后者与其学校适应能力密切相关。本研究采用实验法和问卷法对91名6岁幼儿进行研究,主要探讨学前班儿童的坚持性与执行功能和负性情绪之间的关系,试图从认知控制和情绪调节角度,为提高幼儿的任务坚持性提供有效的干预策略。结果表明:(1)幼儿执行功能发展得越完备,其坚持性水平越高;(2)幼儿表露的负性情绪越少,其坚持性水平越高;(3)幼儿执行功能与坚持性的关系受到负性情绪的调节,对于负性情绪水平较低的幼儿,执行功能可以预测坚持性发展水平。  相似文献   

This experiment examined how knowledge of memory strategies and of memory functioning improves during childhood and what variables are involved in this development. Three main aspects of metamemory were assessed based on the performance of a group of 100 children (aged 4, 6, 9 and 11 years) on a battery of executive tasks. At the same time, the influence of variables such as intelligence, vocabulary and parental education level was also investigated. Results of mediation analyses reveal that the relation between children's age and internal strategy knowledge was partially mediated by working memory skills but that executive functions did not mediate the impact of chronological age on children's knowledge of external strategies or of memory functioning. Additionally, verbal fluency predicted internal and external strategy knowledge. Implications for general learning theories in childhood are discussed.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined the memory and executive functioning of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The sample included 20 children and adolescents with CKD ranging in age from 7.50 to 19.04 years (M = 13.41, SD = 3.20). Intellectual function for the group was within the low average to average range (M = 89.32, SD = 14.80). Of the participants with CKD, 12 were receiving maintenance dialysis therapy at the time of testing and 8 were managed with conservative therapy. Healthy controls were used as a comparison group (n = 18). This group ranged in age from 7.47 to 18.37 years (M = 12.93, SD = 2.90). Intellectual function was within the average range (M = 112.18, SD = 13.14). All subjects received a comprehensive battery of memory and executive function tasks as part of a larger neuropsychological evaluation. Preliminary examinations of the data revealed a significant difference between the groups in IQ, with the typical group being significantly higher than the CKD group. A multivariate analysis controlling for chronological age revealed significant group differences, with specific differences being noted in all of the memory functions, and the Initiation and Sustaining executive function domains. In all instances the CKD group performed lower than the typical group. The CKD group was particularly deficient in their initiation behaviors within the executive function domain. The groups did not differ on Set-Shifting or Inhibition. These findings remained present even when IQ and chronological age were controlled in the analyses, suggesting the possibility of specific encroachment of renal disease on memory and executive functions beyond the generalized effects of lower IQ. This study represents one of the most extensive examinations of memory and executive functions that has been conducted to date on children and adolescents with CKD. While pervasive dysfunction was not apparent in the children with CKD, they clearly appeared to be at risk for lower IQ as well as inefficiencies in key neurocognitive domains.  相似文献   

Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Performance on measures of working memory (WM) capacity predicts performance on a wide range of real-world cognitive tasks. I review the idea that WM capacity (a) is separable from short-term memory, (b) is an important component of general fluid intelligence, and (c) represents a domain-free limitation in ability to control attention. Studies show that individual differences in WM capacity are reflected in performance on antisaccade, Stroop, and dichotic-listening tasks. WM capacity, or executive attention, is most important under conditions in which interference leads to retrieval of response tendencies that conflict with the current task.  相似文献   

Few studies have explored the relationship between theory of mind (ToM), executive function (EF), and bilingualism at the same time. In this study 14 young bilingual children were compared with monolingual children on a test battery composed of 5 ToM tests, 5 EF tests, and 1 test of general language ability. The result showed that despite significantly lower verbal ability, the bilingual children outperformed the monolingual ones on tests of EF. There were no differences in ToM performance. The authors argue that there is a strong relationship between bilingualism and EF, but, contrary to results from earlier studies, they could not find any relationship between bilingualism and ToM. EF did not predict ToM performance. Lack of a significant relationship could be due to the children's young age and consequently their low scores on the ToM tasks.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined how TV news viewers divide attention between the audio and video messages of news stories. The experiment tested the “belongingness” hypothesis which asserts that two distinct perceptual stimuli will be attended to as if they were a single stimulus when they appear to belong together. The experiments extended the belongingness hypothesis by manipulating semantic units (i.e., audio and video messages) rather than perceptual units. Auditory-visual redundancy was used to manipulate the belongingness variable. It was hypothesized that dissonant audio and video would be viewed as conveying two different messages, with the result that attentional capacity would be exceeded. Conversely, redundant stories would be viewed as conveying one message, with the results that attentional capacity would not be exceeded. Using secondary task methodology—reaction time tasks in Experiment 1 and memory preloads in Experiment 2—the belongingness hypothesis was supported.  相似文献   

流行性肥胖被认为是由于能量摄入和能量消耗间长期的不平衡导致的一种反常的、脂肪堆积过多的状态, 近期研究发现执行功能与儿童流行性肥胖关系密切。与正常体重儿童相比, 肥胖儿童执行功能差主要体现在抑制控制上, 他们难以抑制对食物线索的注意, 并且更容易对其做出冲动反应, 表明他们干扰抑制中的注意抑制以及反应抑制存在不足。脑机制研究发现, 前额皮质(PFC)与肥胖关系密切, 肥胖被试对食物线索表现出较低的眼窝前额皮质(OFC)激活水平与较高的背外侧前额皮质(DLPFC)激活水平; 奖励回路也与肥胖密切相关, 肥胖或许是由PFC与奖励回路间复杂的相互作用引起的。执行功能与流行性肥胖之间可能是双向作用关系, 执行功能差可能是个体BMI增加的潜在因素, 而肥胖个体的体重减少在一定程度上则有助于其执行功能改善。少量对儿童肥胖的干预研究表明执行功能训练或许在减肥效果保持上有一定优势, 未来研究应当关注对执行功能, 尤其是抑制控制进行有效训练的方法, 并将其与其他干预方式结合, 更好地解决儿童流行性肥胖问题。  相似文献   

The assessment of mental capacity to assist legal determinations of competency is potentially a growth area for neuropsychology, although to date neuropsychologists have published relatively little in this area. In this paper a systematic review of methods used to assess capacity is presented, including coverage of specialized tests and interviews used for this purpose. A neuropsychological model for conducting capacity assessments is proposed. This model involves comprehensive assessment of a wide range of cognitive abilities as well as assessment of specific skills and knowledge related to the type of capacity being assessed. The purpose of proposing this model is to stimulate further discussion and debate about the contribution neuropsychologists might make in this area.  相似文献   


To examine the effect of positive rumination training on mental health and attentional bias, 32 college freshmen with low level of mental health were recruited and assigned to the experimental and waitlist control groups, 16 participants in each group. The experimental group received a 8-session group counseling with 2 h per session. Results showed that positive rumination increased while negative rumination, depression and anxiety decreased significantly for the experimental group. For the waitlist control group, all these indicators did not change significantly. The attention engagement in sad faces of the experimental group decreased significantly while other indicators of attentional bias did not change. The results indicate that group positive rumination training can improve mental health. But further research is needed to examine its effect on attentional bias.


This study addressed the incidence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) subtypes in children with spina bifida meningomyelocele and shunted hydrocephalus (SBH) as well as differences in executive functions among these subtypes. Parent rating scales revealed that 31% of the group with SBH could be identified with AD/HD, mostly the Inattentive type (23%). The group with SBH differed from normal controls on cognitive measures of executive functions, but subtype differences were not significant. Multivariate tests showed that children with SBH were rated with greater difficulties on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) compared to controls; those with SBH and any subtype of ADHD differed from those with SBH and no ADHD; and those with ADHD (Combined Type) differed significantly from those with ADHD (Predominantly Inattentive Type). Subtype differences on univariate tests in the latter comparison were significant on the BRIEF Inhibit scale, showing more disinhibition in those with SBH and ADHD (Combined Type), but no significant differences were apparent on the BRIEF Sustain, Shift, and Initiate scales. The results show that the incidence of ADHD in children with SBH exceeds the population rate, is represented by problems with inattention rather than with impulsivity and hyperactivity; and that as with non-brain injured individuals, subtype differences in cognitive function remain to more clearly delineated.  相似文献   

Executive Control Functions in Degenerative Dementias: A Comparative Review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the literature concerning executive control impairments in degenerative dementias. The construct of executive control functioning is examined, as is the neuroanatomy of frontal–subcortical networks, believed to underlie executive function (EF) impairments. The pattern of EF impairments in Alzheimer's disease (AD) which affects temporal and parietal brain regions most severely is contrasted with observed executive dysfunctions in patients with dementias involving degeneration of primarily frontal and frontal–subcortical brain areas. EF impairments are present in each of these types of dementing illnesses. Although EF impairments are present in AD, they are less prominent than the memory disorder in the neuropsychological profile of the disease and tend to become more pronounced later in the course of the illness. In contrast, patients with frontal or frontal–subcortical dementia may demonstrate executive dysfunction, which occurs earlier in the disease progression and may be initially more severe.  相似文献   

Neuropsychology Review - Neuropsychology has customarily taken a molecular and myopic view of executive functioning, concentrating largely on those proximal processes of which it may be comprised....  相似文献   

老年执行功能的认知可塑性和神经可塑性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜新  陈天勇 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1471-1480
执行衰退假说认为执行功能的特异性衰退是引起认知年老化的主要原因, 近年来越来越多的研究表明, 老年人的执行功能及其相关脑区(主要为前额叶)存在可塑性, 通过训练执行功能的衰退可得到缓解, 且相关脑区的激活水平、脑容量或神经递质都可发生改变; 部分研究还发现执行功能训练对其它认知能力有一定的迁移效应。这些发现对于认知年老化理论的继续探索和认知干预研究的实践应用都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究采用实验组对照组前测后测设计,对实验组(即干预组)幼儿进行为期3个月的融于教学的多种形式游戏训练(自控力养成、专注力练习、记忆棋游戏)。结果发现:(1)两组幼儿在执行功能的三个维度(工作记忆、抑制控制和认知灵活性)上的前测成绩均无显著差异,但训练后干预组幼儿在认知灵活性上的增量显著高于对照组,工作记忆上的增量略高于对照组;(2)将干预组幼儿依据执行功能水平进行高、低分组划分,发现低执行功能组在三个维度都得到了显著提升,而高执行功能组在工作记忆和抑制控制两个维度上有所提升。研究证明,短期游戏训练一定程度上可以促进农村幼儿执行功能的进步,尤其对执行功能偏低的幼儿效果更佳,显示出补偿发展的特征。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether and how deficits in executive functioning and distortions in appraisal processing are related to subtypes of aggressive behavior. The sample included 83 boys assessed using multi-informant reports and performance measures. Deficits in two executive functions, response inhibition and planning ability were related primarily to reactive aggression. Hostile attributional biases moderated relations between planning ability and proactive and reactive aggression subtypes, with minimal relations between planning deficits and aggression at low levels of hostile attributional bias. As the level of hostile attributional bias increased, the relation between planning deficits and reactive aggression became increasingly large in a positive direction whereas the relation between planning deficits and proactive aggression became increasingly negative. Additionally, hostile encoding moderated the relation between behavioral inhibition and reactive aggressive behavior. Results also suggested a mediational role for response inhibition in the relation between planning ability and reactive aggression.  相似文献   

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