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从历史角度看 ,以哲学、思想、理论为主导的老庄道家创立于前 (先秦 ) ,以宗教信仰为主旨的道教建立于后 (东汉以降 ) ,随之而来的是道家与道教的融合、涵化、整合、熔铸 ,亦道家亦道教 ,亦道教亦道家。因此从整体说 ,作为思想学术的老庄道家与作为宗教信仰的道教的关系 ,是一而二、二而一的关系 ,即亦分亦合的关系。文章分析了老庄道家自然主义生死观与道教“我命在我”的长生成仙说 ,说明了在生死观上道教对道家思想的援引与衍化。  相似文献   

This article takes a critical look at three conceptions of Islamic education. I argue that conceptions of Islamic education ought to be considered as existing on a minimalist–maximalist continuum, meaning that the concepts associated with Islamic education do not have a single meaning, but that meanings are shaped depending on the minimalist and maximalist conditions which constitute them, that is, tarbiyyah (nurturing), ta`lim (learning) and ta`dib (goodness). I then explore some liberal conceptions of cosmopolitanism, showing how these notions connect with meanings of Islamic education. Finally, I show how maximalist views of Islamic education connect with cosmopolitanism, while minimalist views of Islamic education seem to undermine the pursuit of cosmopolitanism.  相似文献   


A sample of 389 individuals completed a death anxiety scale and a series of items that measured self-reported religious practices and beliefs. Those lowest in religious practices and beliefs were significantly higher in death anxiety. Contrary to some prior research, depth of belief had a stronger negative association with death anxiety than did religious activities. Strongest relationships had to do with concepts of life after death. The oldest respondents reported the least death anxiety.  相似文献   

以生命把握生命——狄尔泰哲学方法论初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了以某种恰当的方式来把握作为活生生之流的生命,狄尔泰先后提出了描述心理学和解释学的方法.这两种方法对于后来及同时代的一些哲学家,尤其是生命哲学家和以胡塞尔、海德格尔为代表的现象学家,产生了重要影响,并为西方哲学的发展作出了重要贡献.然而,他的方法论也不可避免地存在着某些缺陷.这表现在:首先,他对生命哲学的理解最终还是以生物学和生理学为基础的描述心理学;其次,他对概念性表达的倚重,使他脱离了他自己所发现的历史性生命体验自身的表达;另外,他以一种"后退运动"为前提,故而他只能在记忆中反思地理解已是活生生的生命体验之流,并将这一僵死的结果客体化.虽然,这些缺陷自20世纪初就一直遭到了很多哲学家的批评,但是,如果站在我们今天的立场上来重新审视狄尔泰对生命哲学的贡献与缺失,就会发现其仍然有着不可低估的意义与价值.  相似文献   

关于生与死的思考铸就了人类哲学的恢弘与博大。中国古代哲学中关于生死之论,不乏智者和睿者,其中道家先哲们以“万物皆一”的开阔视野看待生死,超越了一时一事、一得一失,确立了极具特色的超越死亡、生死存亡一体的生死哲学。并以其丰富的理论内容,深刻的思想内涵,脱俗的不凡见解和独特的美学意境,为中国乃至世界生死哲学理论宝库书写了不可或缺的一笔,对后世产生了极其深远的影响。  相似文献   

International Journal of Hindu Studies - This article offers a dialogue with Mukund Lath. It is comprised of three parts: Part One introduces Lath’s body of work. The second and third parts...  相似文献   

杨玉昌 《现代哲学》2004,2(4):121-127
本文通过分析叔本华的意志和维特根斯坦的语言游戏探讨了哲学问题与生活方式之间的关系问题,认为叔本华和维特根斯坦分别提出意志和语言游戏的目的是要通过改变人们的生活方式来消除传统的哲学问题。他们的这一探索对于我们重新认识哲学的性质、意义和功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the personal and archetypal aspects of images from six dreams that occurred during the illness and after the death of the dreamer's sister. It connects the dream images to the unresolved issues in the relationship between siblings and to the dreamer's own reflections on typology. It also explores the larger questions concerning the psychological process of grief, the common occurrence of synchronistic events related to death and loss, and includes Jung's comments on life and death. Finally, the article suggests solutions to our very human fears of death and encourages the development of our capacity to discover a personal mythology, a working sacred story, of “the beyond” or “life” after death.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the influence of social categories on mock juror judgments of wrongful death compensatory damages. The research also examined whether these cues—decedent race, parental status, age, and socioeconomic status—differentially affected noneconomic and economic awards and, further, the extent to which jurors' distributive justice concerns could explain the findings. Results revealed a decedent's parental status to consistently impact noneconomic awards; whereas his parental status, age, and socioeconomic status all consistently affected economic awards. Decedent race did not inform participants' judgments. These results were in close alignment with the values participants expressed (Study 2) regarding the use of social categories in compensatory damage awards. Overall, the pattern of findings supports a distributive justice account.  相似文献   

Due to the death of a severely disabled infant from Bloomington, Indiana, a series of events set in motion by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has resulted in cautions to health care providers. The resulting policies and procedures warn hospital personnel against withholding nutritional sustenance or medical treatment from severely disabled infants. This article presents dimensions that might serve as a background for counselors to assist families in considering options related to disabled infants. These dimensions include the meaning of life, cost to benefit ratio, medical options, legal precedent, and a theological perspective. This issue is related to counseling practice through counselor ethics, values, and the need for information that counselors can provide to parents during the decision process.  相似文献   





Thoughts of mortality sometimes bring on a crisis in confidence in the meaning in one's life. One expression of this collapse is the midlife crisis. In a recent article, Kieran Setiya argues that if one can value activities as opposed to accomplishments as the primary goods in one's life then one might avoid the midlife crisis. I argue that Setiya's advice, rather than safeguarding the meaning in one's life, substitutes for it something else, a kind of happiness. I use Susan Wolf's concept of meaning in order to make this case. Wolf has not written much about the importance of death, but I argue that her account of meaning shares essential features with the theories developed by Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger. Sartre argues that death is an unqualified harm, while Heidegger argues that there is meaning in life only because we are mortal. I conclude by showing how Heidegger's theory of mortality underwrites accounts of meaning like those found in Wolf.  相似文献   


This study tested the roles of age, religious beliefs and organizational religiosity in the prediction of depressive symptoms and positive affect. Data provided by 129 younger and older adults were used to test a path model in which both direct and indirect effects of age and beliefs on well being were hypothesized. Both age and religious beliefs were positively and significantly associated with organizational religiosity. Individuals who reported more frequent participation in organizational religiosity reported fewer depressive symptoms and higher positive affect. Neither age nor religious beliefs, however, exerted direct effects on the outcomes. Results of the current investigation suggest that a better understanding of the content and function of religious beliefs may add to our understanding of well being and aging. Moreover, we advocate the further investigation of religiosity and positive emotional experiences.  相似文献   

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