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A career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the course of a lifetime. These roles include those of child, pupil or student, leisurite, citizen, worker, spouse, homemaker, parent, and pensioner, positions with associated expectations that are occupied at some time by most people, and other less common roles such as those of criminal, reformer, and lover. A Life-Career Rainbow is presented as a means of helping conceptualize multidimensional careers, the temporal involvement in, and the emotional commitment to, each role. Self-actualization in various roles, role conflicts, and the determinants of role selection and of role performance are discussed. The use of the Rainbow in career education and in counseling is briefly considered.  相似文献   

It has often been contended that vocational or career maturity is largely determined by socioeconomic status and sex. But these, although surely important determinants, may function as such only because they determine commitment to working careers. This latter may itself be the immediate determinant of career maturity. In this study data were collected from some 382 students of whom about 55% were girls, using a Personal Data Blank, the Salience Inventory, and the Career Development Inventory. Measures of career and home commitment were obtained from the second, while measures of career or vocational maturity were derived from the last-named instrument. Canonical correlations and variance analyses were done to examine the roles of SES and sex when combined with career commitment. Four hypotheses received full support, three were partially supported, and one was not supported.  相似文献   

Techniques of hesitation analysis taken from studies of normal speakers were applied to the speech of a jargon aphasic. Neologisms were found to follow pauses indicating a word-finding difficulty. Other language functions—phonology, morphology, and syntax—appeared unimpaired, and further analyses of the linguistic and temporal characteristics indicated a single functional disorder in which there is a failure in the mechanisms which associate word-sounds with word-meanings. The patient strategically adapts to this functional impairment by substituting a neologism when lexical search fails. The source of a large class of neologisms, it is hypothesized, is a device which quasirandomly combines English phonemes in a phonotactically regular way. The implications for recovery patterns in jargon aphasia are discussed; and the implications of this case for models of normal language production are explored.  相似文献   

Karlin and Kestenbaum (1968) reported a series of apparently complex interactions between S-R uncertainty and RT in an experiment using the psychological refractory period paradigm. McLeod (1977) showed that these effects could be predicted by a parallel processing limited capacity model. Kantowitz (1978) criticised that paper on the grounds that it paid insufficient attention to the predictions of response conflict theory and made no mention of errors.It will be shown (a) that response conflict theory, as described by Kantowitz, fails to predict the effects found by Karlin and Kestenbaum (b) that the comments about errors miss the point of McLeod (1977) (c) that in his final section Kantowitz falls into an old trap which awaits the unwary analyser of PRP data.  相似文献   

Rats in a two-lever situation were exposed to alternating periods of intermittent reinforcement and extinction. Extinction periods were either unsignalled or were signalled by a response-produced stimulus. The signal was sometimes a stimulus paired with food delivery in the reinforcement periods and sometimes a stimulus that occurred only in extinction periods. Both kinds of signal accelerated extinction relative to the unsignalled condition. When the signal was the stimulus paired with food in reinforcement periods, the rats tended to prefer the lever that gave that signal even though the signal accelerated extinction. There was no comparable effect for the stimulus that occurred only in extinction periods; when this signal was contingent on only one of the two levers, the rats either avoided it (Experiment 3) or were indifferent (Experiment 4). It is concluded that a stimulus can be a “secondary reinforcer” as measured by preference, even though it decreases resistance to extinction; the implications are discussed with reference to formal theories of choice behavior.  相似文献   

C. Sinha and B. Carabine's (1981, Journal of Child Language, 8, 109–129) claim of a U-shaped course to the development of quantitative knowledge with an early stage of conservation based on functional significance was tested in two experiments. Children at three age groups from 3 to 6 years were presented with the original procedure or control versions in which the display was slightly altered. Results showed that although Sinha and Carabine's result was replicable, their interpretation is unwarranted. Performance in the younger groups was best interpreted as the use of nonquantitative possession or position strategies.  相似文献   

Many of the errors that occur in children' subtraction are due to the use of incorrect strategies rather than to the incorrect recall of number facts. A production system is presented for performing written subtraction which is consistent with an earlier analysis of the nature of such a cognitive skill. Most of the incorrect strategies used by schoolchildren can be accounted for in a principled way by simple changes in the production system, such as the omission of individual rules or the inclusion of rules appropriate to other arithmetical tasks. The production system model is evaluated against a corpus of over 1500 subtraction problems done by 10-year olds and is shown to account for about two-thirds of the (nonnumber fact) errors. It also provides an alternative, simpler interpretation of the subtraction errors analysed by Brown and Burton (1978). Some implications for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to recall lists of six words which had been presented visually in sequence. One or two of the words might be plural nouns. A substantial number of errors occurred in which the plural form became detached from its original root. This is taken as evidence for a morpheme-based code as opposed to a unitary word code. A significantly high proportion of these errors maintained the form of the plural ( /S/, /Z/ or (ЪZ/) which is considered evidence for a primarily phonological coding of the plural morpheme. There is however a suggestion that on some occasions the plural is coded morphemically—i.e., in a way which does not distinguish between the various plural endings.  相似文献   

A standard speaker read linguistically confident and doubtful texts in a confident or doubtful voice. A computer-based acoustic analysis of the four tapes showed that paralinguistic confidence was expressed by increased loudness of voice, rapid rate of speech, and infrequent, short pauses. Under some conditions, higher pitch levels and greater pitch and energy fluctuations in the voice were related to paralinguistic confidence. In a 2 × 2 design, observers perceived and used these cues to attribute confidence and related personality traits to the speaker. Both text and voice cues are related to confidence ratings; in addition, the two types of cue are related to differing personality attributes.  相似文献   

Subjects were tested by a short experimental procedure involving tapping of a rhythm with one limb with a simultaneous regular beat with another limb. Informal observations had suggested a rhythm dominance effect—that is was dramatically easier with some limb combinations. Notably it was easy when the right hand tapped the rhythm and the left hand the beat but almost impossible the other way round. Equally, both hands dominated both feet. Our tests revealed enormous individual differences, subjects separating neatly into three groups. Some people could not do the task at all, some could do it with any limb combination, the latter group including all the serious musicians tested. For the remainder the rhythm dominance effect was clear. However, the laterality effect was the same (right hand advantage) for a majority (60%) of left handers. We conclude, then, that this effect is linked to language dominance and not handedness. In addition it seems there is a task scheduler which imposes its own view in combining this laterality effect with the dominance of hands over feet.  相似文献   

The study of divided attention has produced many apparent demonstrations of “capacity limitation.” Possible ambiguities in such demonstrations are considered for three major types of experimental situation: simultaneous inputs with separate responses; choice; and classification. Two issues emerge. First, demonstrations always rest on assumptions about process set, i.e., the set of internal processes by which the task actually is performed. Alternative process sets are considered for situations of each type. Second, a demonstration of capacity limitation is made either by increasing the number of simultaneous processes, or by changing the bias between them. In either case effects unrelated to capacity limitation may influence the results. If several processes contribute to a single response, some performance decrement must accompany an increase in their number, simply through the increased overall chance for error. If the subject is biased toward one alternative in a choice or classification situation, the benefits enjoyed by this alternative may reflect not a preferential allocation of attentional capacity, but simply a willingness to decide in favor of this alternative with relatively little evidence.  相似文献   

The development and validation of a measure of vocational maturity for educationally and economically “disadvantaged” adults who experience delayed career development is described. The Adult Vocational Maturity Assessment Interview (AVMAI) measures the attitudinal, cognitive, and behavior aspects involved in coping with exploratory and early entrance stage vocational development tasks. The measure employs a structured interview format accompanied by a detailed content scoring manual. It includes 120 items which yield scores for eight scales: Orientation to Education; Orientation to Work; Concern with Choice; Self-Appraisal: Interests and Abilities; Self-Appraisal: Personality Characteristics; Self-Appraisal: Values; Exploring Occupations; and Using Resources. Evidence for the measure's reliability, content, and construct validity is presented by examining the internal consistency of the scales, the reliability of its scoring procedures, its interscale correlations, and its performance in a pretest-post-test experimental situation. Research and counseling uses of the measure are discussed in the context of the need for vocational psychologists to develop and use measures that are appropriate for the specific career development problems of different groups in society.  相似文献   

This review covers several books and selections from several journals published in 1977 on topics in vocational behavior and career development. Coverage includes theoretical contributions in vocational choice, development and correlates of choice, decision and indecision, assessment of career skills and interests, self-estimates, and sex bias. Material relating to the vocational behavior of adults contains sections on theory, satisfaction, performance, career development, and mid-career change. A final section is devoted to a review of studies of interventions.  相似文献   

A series of experiments explored the role of information storage in working memory in performing mental arithmetic. Experiment 1 assessed the strategies people report for solving auditorily presented multidigit problems such as 325 + 46. As expected, all subjects reported breaking down the problems into a series of elementary stages, though there were considerable individual differences with regard to the order of their execution. Strategies of this type necessitate both the temporary storage of information and the mobilization of long-term knowledge. Experiments 2 and 3 examined the effects of delaying the output of individual partial results on calculation accuracy and showed that interim information is forgotten if it is not utilized immediately. Experiment 4 showed that forgetting the initial information is also a source of error and suggested that forgetting increases as a function of the number of calculation stages intervening between initial presentation and subsequent utilization of information. Two simple quantitative models were derived from a general task analysis, one of which assumed a decay process in working storage and the other no decay. The decay model gave a reasonable fit to data from Experiments 2–4, and in doing so it coped appreciably well with the effects of a large variety of task variables (e.g., carrying, the provision of written notes, calculation strategy, output order). The decay model is a tractable analysis of a complex task, and it is suggested that similar analyses may prove fruitful for other problem-solving activities which involve the use of working memory.  相似文献   

Some data are presented showing the changes in choice-reaction time (CRT) and the probability of error (PE) on the five trials following an error in a two-choice experiment. The magnitudes of the increase in RT and the decrease in PE are different according as the error-trial stimulus is re-presented or the alternative stimulus is preservec. In addition, RT is quicker to recover its equilibrium value than is PE.This pattern of changes implicates two distinct adjustments to the underlying decision process following an error: (i) a selective outward adjustment of the boundary at which the error was uttered, and (ii) a delay, with respect to presentation of the reaction stimulus, of the epoch at which the subject begins sampling information from the stimulus display. When these ideas are concatenated with the sequential probability-ratio-test model for CRT, a theoretical relation can be derived between the difference in mean RT for an error and for the same response given correctly, on the one hand, and the decrease in PE on the trial following an error, given that the alternate stimulus is presented, on the other. This relation is satisfied by the data.  相似文献   

D Laming 《Acta psychologica》1979,43(5):381-412
A choice-reaction (CR) task requires that the subject estimate, raking the warning signal or his response on the preceding trial as a reference point, the time when the reaction stimulus is due, so that he can begin deciding on his response at an appropriate time. This paper presents a model for the reproduction of temporal intervals, with particular emphasis on the sequential statistics of a series of such reproductions. When this model is concatenated with the sequential probability ratio test model for 2CRT, it provides a quantitative account of the pattern of autocorrelation found in a series of RTs. There is no corresponding autocorrelation in the incidence of errors, however, because after an error the subject systematically adjusts the epoch at which he begins sampling as a precaution against a further error. These post-error adjustments can readily be incorporated into the model. The ideas presented enable several different CR phenomena to be related, and they have implications for the relation between speed and accuracy, for the form of empirical distributions of RTs, and for the effects of temporal uncertainty.  相似文献   

Psychosocial maturity (PSM), assessed by scores on the Inventory of Psychosocial Development, was related to interpersonal behavior. In Experiment I PSM and proportion of attitude similarity was varied using Byrne's attraction paradigm in a between-subjects design. The personality variable failed to affect attraction. In Experiment II PSM and proportion of attitude similarity were manipulated in a within-subjects design. High PSM subjects rated the stranger significantly higher in attraction at high levels of similarity and significantly lower in attraction at low levels of similarity when compared to Low PSM individuals. The results were discussed in terms of design differences in personality research and potential mechanisms by which PSM affects attraction (self-esteem and/or competence).  相似文献   

In sum, the research in 1978 was diverse and of good quality and quantity. However, there continues to be a clear need for longitudinal research of all kinds (in particular on the career development process) and a need for additional research with the employed adult population, although the past few years demonstrate improvement in the latter area.In 1978 the most productive research area as suggested by this review was associated with the women's movement and manifested by research primarily on sex stereotyping and women's careers. Ranking second was the topic of theoretical developments in vocational behavior led by the research on Holland's constructs. These two research trends accounted for about 50 studies; 26 and 24, respectively. Job satisfaction assumed the third position with some concentration on satisfaction and work motivation. Next and very much clustered were life-span aspects, assessment, and job performance. Each of these research themes stimulated about 17 studies that were reviewed here. Vocational interventions and race differences received moderate attention while job interview variables and occupational environments sparked very limited work in the more psychologically oriented journals.The major contributor to the 1978 review was of course the Journal of Vocational Behavior (62 studies), followed by the Journal of Applied Psychology (25 studies). Five other journals contributed an average of about 10 studies. These were the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Personnel Psychology, and the Vocational Guidance Quarterly. These appear to be the major journals publishing work on vocational behavior and career development.Finally, the volume of research on vocational psychology continued on an upward trend in 1978. This review and the previous reviews (Betz, 1977; Osipow, 1976; Zytowski, 1978) clearly document this trend.  相似文献   

A computerized attempt to replicate Aronson and Carlsmith's test of expectancy theory was conducted. Generally, subjects performed consistent with their expectancy, although the effect of expectancy was strongly attentuated by an overall achievement orientation. The results contradict the hypotheses that experimenter bias, demand characteristics, or differential recall of performance mediate the effects of expectancy upon performance.  相似文献   

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