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Motor-related brain potentials were used to examine the time course of grammatical and phonological processes during noun phrase production in Dutch. In the experiments, participants named colored pictures using a no-determiner noun phrase. On half of the trials a syntactic–phonological classification task had to be performed before naming. Depending on the outcome of the classifications, a left or a right push-button response was given (go trials), or no push-button response was given (no-go trials). Lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) were derived to test whether syntactic and phonological information affected the motor system at separate moments in time. The results showed that when syntactic information determined the response-hand decision, an LRP developed on no-go trials. However, no such effect was observed when phonological information determined response hand. On the basis of the data, it can be estimated that an additional period of at least 40 ms is needed to retrieve a word's initial phoneme once its lemma has been retrieved. These results provide evidence for the view that during speaking, grammatical processing precedes phonological processing in time.  相似文献   

Using the event-related potential (ERP) technique, this study examined the nature of syntactic priming effects in Chinese. Participants were required to read prime-target sentence pairs each embedding an ambiguous relative clause (RC) containing either the same verb or a synonymous verb. In Chinese, the word de serves as a relative clause marker. During reading a potential Chinese RC structure (either the prime or the target sentence), Chinese readers initially expect to read an Subject–Verb–Object (SVO) structure but the encounter of a relative clause marker de would make readers abandon the initial strategy and reanalyze the structure as a relative clause. A reduced P600 effect was elicited by the critical word de in the target sentence containing the same initial verb as in the prime sentence. No significant reduction of the P600 was observed in the target sentences in the synonymous condition. The results demonstrated that verb repetition but not similarity in meaning produced a syntactic priming effect in Chinese. The constraint-based lexicalist hypothesis and the argument structure theory were adopted to explain the syntactic priming effect obtained in the current study.  相似文献   

Healthy subjects performed a lexical decision task in a semantic priming paradigm while event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 64 channels. Semantic distance between prime and target was varied by including directly, indirectly, and nonrelated word pairs. At centro-parietal electrodes an N400 to nonrelated pairs was elicited bilaterally which was sensitive only to direct, but not to indirect semantic priming. These N400 priming effects were mirrored by the RT data. At inferior fronto-temporal sites directly related words showed ERP priming effects over both hemispheres. However, indirectly related words only elicited ERP priming effects over the right hemisphere. These results support the hypothesis that the right hemisphere semantic system is involved in processing of remote semantic information.  相似文献   

刘兆敏  郭春彦 《心理学报》2013,45(3):276-284
工作记忆和长时记忆共享记忆系统的信息表征网络, 关系密切。实验采用事件相关电位技术记录长时记忆信息对工作记忆的长时语义启动和工作记忆对相关长时记忆信息的长时语义启动。结果显示:与新项目相比, 学习项(即长时记忆信息)对工作记忆的目标信息产生了明显的行为启动效应, N2潜伏期、波幅和P3潜伏期也表现出明显的神经启动效应, 即, 学习项比新项目的反应时更短、N2和P3的潜伏期更短、N2更正, 但学习对非记忆项的影响不大; 工作记忆对相关的长时记忆信息也产生了神经启动, 表现在类别比较任务中记忆类信息比其他信息(即, 与工作记忆任务中的信息无关的内容)的N400更正。而且, 这种神经启动也会因刺激重复次数的增多而降低:与新项目相比, 学习项会使与之语义类似信息的N400更负。上述两种长时语义启动的存在及其ERPs的神经启动均为长时记忆和工作记忆使用共同信息表征的观点提供了证据支持。证据还表明, 在工作记忆和长时记忆的相互作用中注意是关键的调节因素。  相似文献   

In the present study in 20 healthy subjects, event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to investigate the identification of picture stimuli. Each of 36 landscape pictures and 36 scrambled pictures was presented by a tachistoscope repeatedly until the subject made an identification response. Presentation of one picture was finished after 12 exposures. On the average, landscapes were identified after 5.8 ± 0.4 exposures; identification responses to scrambles were always wrong and occurred after 11.8 ± 0.1 exposures. Latencies and amplitude measures were assessed for P2, P3, N400, and the slow wave (SW). Changes in P2 across stimulus presentations did not differ between landscapes and scrambles excluding this component from being indicative for the processing of stimulus meaning. Amplitude of P3 generally declined across presentations, but increased prior to identification for landscape pictures. N400 rapidly declined across presentations of landscapes, but less rapidly for scrambles. The SW increased across stimulus presentations. This increase was more pronounced for landscape than scrambled pictures. The pattern of ERP changes can be interpreted in a framework of a stepwise inhibition of spreading activation within semantic memory with progressing picture identification.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials were recorded to substantiate the claim of a distinct psycholinguistic status of (a) pronouns vs. proper names and (b) ellipses vs. proper names. In two studies 41 students read sentences in which the number of intervening words between the anaphor and its antecedent was either small or large. Comparing the far with the near distance condition revealed anaphor resolution specific effects: Ellipses triggered a potential shift with a short latency (approximately 120-200 ms) and with a fronto-central scalp distribution while pronouns and proper names triggered one with a longer latency (approximately 360-440 ms) and a parietal to right-occipital distribution. The early effect resembled the left-anterior negativity which has been related to syntax processing, while the latter resembled an N400 which is assumed to reflect semantic integration processes. These findings support the idea that ellipses and pronouns/proper names are processed by distinct mechanisms being implemented in distinct cortical cell assemblies.  相似文献   

A metacontrast procedure was combined with the recording of event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine the mechanisms underlying the priming effect exerted by masked visual stimuli (primes) on target processing. Participants performed spatially arranged choice responses to stimulus locations. The relationship between prime and target locations (congruity) and the mapping between target and response locations (compatibility) were factorially manipulated. Although participants were unaware of prime locations, choice responses were faster for congruent than incongruent conditions irrespective of the mapping. Visual ERP components and the onset of the lateralized readiness potential (LRP), an index of specific motor activation, revealed that neither perceptual nor preselection processes contributed to the congruity effect. However, the LRP waveform indicated that primes activated responses that fit the stimulus-response mapping. These results support the view that sensorimotor processing of masked stimuli is functionally distinct from their conscious perception.  相似文献   

该研究采用双选择oddball范式,探索不同类型的道德违反事件的时程加工特点。结果发现,不同类型道德违反事件在P2成分上未出现明显差异。在N2成分上,所有道德违反事件和中性事件差异显著,且涉及性的道德违反的波幅大于涉及身体伤害和诚信的道德违反事件。在P300和晚期正成分上,只有涉及性的道德违反事件和中性事件出现差异。结果表明,不同领域的道德违反事件在早期阶段可能存有共同的加工机制,而在后期的加工阶段中开始出现分离趋势。  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位技术(ERP),用侧抑制任务探讨了刺激和反应冲突的脑内时程动态变化。行为数据表明,冲突条件的反应时显著长于无冲突条件,表现出明显的干扰效应;脑电数据表明,在300-450ms内,反应冲突比无冲突诱发了一个更负的ERP成分(N300-450),主要分布于额顶部,偶极子溯源分析发现,这一负成分可能主要源于ACC;而刺激冲突与无冲突相比在350-450ms内,也诱发了一个更负的ERP成分(N350-450),该负成分可能主要源于丘脑附近。这一结果表明,刺激与反应冲突所涉及的大脑机制可能并不相同。  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were used to determine whether low left-hemisphere arousal or unusual cortical responses to speech stimuli might be associated with anomalies in language function that reportedly occur when psychopaths perform lateralized information-processing tasks. ERPs to phonemic stimuli were recorded while 11 psychopathic (P) and 13 nonpsychopathic (NP) male prison inmates performed a Single-Task and a Dual-Task. In the Single-Task, a speech discrimination ‘oddball’ paradigm, the subject was required to respond whenever a target stimulus (the less frequent of two phonemes) occured. In the Dual-Task, he had to respond to target stimuli while simultaneously performing a perceptual-motor (distractor) task. There were no group differences in ERP measures of central arousal (N100) during performance of the Single- and Dual-Tasks. For both groups, the P300 component of the ERP to the target stimulus was smaller and had longer latency during the Dual-Task than during the Single-Task, indicating that in the Dual-Task phonemic discrimination and the perceptual-motor task completed for similar perceptual resources. Overlapping Group P's P300 responses to the target stimulus during the Dual-Task was a vertex and asymmetric (left-hemisphere) positive slow wave (SW), suggesting unusual speech processing in psychopaths under conditions of distraction, perhaps related to reduced sensitivity to the sequential probabilities associated with events presented in an auditory channel. The results were consistent with the hypothesis that psychopaths have limited left-hemisphere resources for processing linguistic stimuli.  相似文献   

Differences in adult attachment may concord with differences in social perception. The present study aimed to measure neural activity associated with the presentation of visual social stimuli. In an affective oddball paradigm, event-related brain potentials were recorded while participants viewed negative, positive, and neutral images of people and categorized them according to valence. Brain response amplitudes were examined across valence categories and across attachment groups. Results revealed differences between anxious and avoidant groups in “emotion bias”. The avoidant group displayed a bias towards more neural activation in response to negative compared to positive images. The anxious group trended in the opposite direction. Results are discussed in terms of possible attachment-based differences in motivated attention to social stimuli.  相似文献   

Current research on the nature of attentional deficits in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is reviewed with a focus on studies using event-related potentials (ERPs). A robust effect is the smaller amplitude of the P3 wave to both auditory and visual stimuli for individuals with ADHD than for normal controls. This effect is indicative of deficits in the allocation of attentional resources to task-relevant information. The Nd wave is also smaller for individuals with ADHD, an effect that suggests impairments in the discrimination and preferential processing of task-relevant information, rather than distractibility by irrelevant stimuli. Studies of the effects of methylphenidate on ERPs in ADHD indicate that this stimulant enhances the quality of stimulus evaluation and speeds response time. These specific effects support the view that ADHD involves deficits in energetic processes that are required for processing task-relevant stimuli.  相似文献   

Behavioral evidence suggests that the processing of parafoveal stimuli decreases as the perceptual demands of a task at fixation increase. However, it remains unclear whether or not this effect of perceptual load occurs during initial sensory-level processing at early stages of visuocortical analysis. Using event-related potential measures, we found that increasing the perceptual load of foveal targets led to a significant decrease in the sensory-evoked response to parafoveal stimuli. Moreover, these effects were observed using two different operational definitions of perceptual load. This result indicates that perceptual load affects the flow of information during the initial stages of visuocortical processing.  相似文献   

语言认知加工过程中的早期皮层电位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李荣宝  彭聃龄  王春茂 《心理科学》2001,24(6):667-672,653
在一项通过事件相关电位的N400考察双语者的语义表征的实验研究中,我们偶然发现两个早期成分与语言语义和形式认知加工相关。一个是在140毫秒左右达到峰顶的负波(N140),另一个是在190毫秒左右达到峰顶的正波(PJ90)。前者反映了被试对语义的初级分类与评价的神经认知过程;后者则反映了对语言形态的加工过程。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine the differences in self-esteeem and alienation between homosexual and heterosexual American males, and the differences in self-esteem and alienation in homosexual males, by selected demographic variables and sexual behavior. Eighty-six American male homosexuals indicated significantly greater alienation than heterosexual males, but similar self-esteem levels. Religion, oral-genital insertion preference, and marital status were significantly related to self-esteem and alienation, whereas anal intercourse insertion preference and degree of homosexuality were not found to be significantly related to self-esteem and alienation.  相似文献   

Frazier and Clifton (2002) argue that a d(iscourse)-linked wh-phrase such as which boy attracts the reference of a pronoun in a subordinate clause. We translated Frazier and Clifton's materials from English into Romanian. Romanian is a pro-drop language in which null subjects are licensed by person and number agreement on the verb. We found that the d-linking attraction effect held for both pro and overt pronouns in Romanian. The fact that the effect is found for pro provides evidence that the attraction effect is not due to gender matching between the pronoun and the head of the d-linked phrase. We also tested native speakers of Romanian learning English as a second language on Frazier and Clifton's English materials Levels of coreference were highly similar to those for English native speakers and intermediate and advanced learners showed the d-linking attraction effect. We discuss the results in the context of Carminati's (2002) Position of Antecedent Hypothesis, arguing that this hypothesis can account for both the fact that higher levels of coreference with a wh-phrase antecedent were found for pro than for an overt pronoun in Romanian and the fact that the coreference levels between an overt pronoun and the wh-phrase antecedent were not elevated for Romanian-speaking second language learners of English.  相似文献   

情绪对认知加工的影响:事件相关脑电位系列研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为探讨情绪与认知的相互作用关系及其脑机制,建立了情境图片、面孔、汉字和声音四个系列组成的中国情感刺激材料库,并通过ERP实验对情绪与注意、工作记忆的关系以及特质焦虑者的认知特点进行了研究。结果发现:⑴ 负性情绪刺激在信息加工过程中至少在注意、评价及反应准备这几个阶段具有某种优先权,注意偏向也可在内隐任务下发生,负性刺激对注意资源不足具有某种补偿作用;⑵ 威胁性视觉提示对其后的视觉加工具有调节作用,高焦虑个体对这类性刺激投入了更多的视觉加工资源,而且威胁性刺激对注意的影响可以跨通道进行,威胁性的视觉刺激可以影响触觉注意;⑶ 在情绪对工作记忆的影响方面,负性情绪下空间工作记忆任务引起的P300波幅减小,这种效应可能是基于情绪对顶叶注意系统的调节作用,而在词语工作记忆任务中这种效应消失  相似文献   

本研究采用ERPs技术,探讨编码任务对来源记忆的影响及其神经机制。在学习阶段,被试进行两种编码操作:匹配判断任务和大小判断任务;在测验阶段,让被试进行来源判断任务。行为结果发现:在编码阶段,匹配判断任务比大小判断任务需要更长的时间;在测验阶段,匹配判断任务在“项目旧/背景旧”和“部分旧”条件的正确率显著高于大小判断任务,匹配判断任务在“项目旧/背景旧”条件的反应时显著短于大小判断任务。测验阶段ERPs结果发现:两种编码任务的新旧效应在200~700ms均有较广泛的头皮分布,而在700~1100ms呈前额皮层最大化分布;匹配判断任务的新旧效应比大小判断任务更大,表现在600~700ms的FPz电极以及700~800ms的Pz、P4电极。由此可见,在来源记忆中,编码任务影响来源记忆,主要表现在后部顶区位置;晚期前额皮层新旧效应不受任务难度因素的影响。  相似文献   

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