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Impaired acquisition of temporal information in retrosplenial amnesia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we describe the performance of an amnesic with a left retrosplenial lesion on three memory tasks assessing his ability to judge when a previously learned event had occurred. This patient was dramatically impaired in acquiring temporal information about new stimuli, and this defect could not be attributed to recognition failures or to frontal lobe dysfunction. In contrast to his impaired acquisition of temporal information, he had no difficulty judging the temporal order of remote historical events. The pattern of performance displayed by this patient suggests a specific defect in "time-tagging" of new incoming information.  相似文献   

Despite its increasing use as an animal model of memory deficit in human dementia, relatively few studies have attempted to assess the memory processes involved in the anticholinergic-induced impairment of passive avoidance retention. In the present experiments, the influence of scopolamine administered prior to or immediately following training on 24-h retention of step-through passive avoidance was studied in NMRI mice. In low doses (0.3-3.0 mg/kg ip) pretraining administration (-5 min) of scopolamine induced a very strong amnesia. Post-training scopolamine induced a significant effect only at the highest dose tested (30 mg/kg). In a retention test of longer than normal duration (600 vs 180 s), which resulted in a more favorable comparison value in the control group, an intermediate post-training dose (10 mg/kg) induced a small effect which approached significance; a finding which may account for conflicting reports in the literature concerning the ability of scopolamine to induce a post-training deficit. The pretraining effect does not appear to have been solely the result of state-dependent learning; scopolamine (3 mg/kg) administered before both the training and test sessions induced a deficit of approximately the same magnitude as that found when administered before training or before testing only. The results indicate that scopolamine can induce a small post-trial effect, presumably through an influence on consolidation processes. The much larger effect of pretrial scopolamine, however, indicates a primary influence on processes related to information acquisition. Together with findings from the literature, the present experiments suggest that scopolamine-induced amnesia partially, but not completely, models the memory deficits of human dementia.  相似文献   

Four of five patients with marked global amnesia, and others with new learning impairments, showed normal processing facilitation for novel stimuli (nonwords) and/or for familiar stimuli (words) on a word/nonword (lexical) decision task. The data are interpreted as a reflection of the learning capabilities of in-line neural processing stages with multiple, distinct, informational codes. These in-line learning processes are separate from the recognition/recall memory impaired by amygdalohippocampal/dosomedial thalamic damage, but probably supplement such memory in some tasks in normal individuals. Preserved learning of novel information seems incompatible with explanations of spared learning in amnesia that are based on the episodic/semantic or memory/habit distinctions, but is consistent with the procedural/declarative hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recent research highlights the importance of motor processes for a wide range of cognitive functions such as object perception and language comprehension. It is unclear, however, whether the involvement of the motor system goes beyond the processing of information that is gathered through active action experiences and affects also the representation of knowledge acquired through verbal learning. We tested this prediction by varying the presence of motor interference (i.e., squeezing a ball vs. oddball detection task) while participants verbally acquired functional object knowledge and examined the effects on a subsequent object detection task. Results revealed that learning of functional object knowledge was only impaired when participants performed an effector-specific motor task while training. The present finding of an effector-specific motor interference effect on object learning demonstrates the crucial role of the motor system in the acquisition of novel object knowledge and provides support for an embodied account to perception and cognition.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, students were presented with selections of brief encyclopedia articles and biographical sketches, and asked to state which they preferred to read, and which they actually found to be most interesting after the reading. In all experiments, interest ratings were clearly influenced by amount of prior knowledge of the topic in question. There was in some cases a tendency to prefer less known to better known items, but more often familiar topics or persons were thought of as more interesting than unfamiliar ones. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that the inherent interestingness of a communication is directly related to its degree of perceived informativeness, and that both are dependent upon the possibility of getting to know something new about something already sufficiently well known. This study was written while the author was on sabbatical leave at the Aesthetics Research Group, University of Leicester, and was supported by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities.  相似文献   

Nonconscious acquisition of information.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The authors review and summarize evidence for the process of acquisition of information outside of conscious awareness (covariations, nonconscious indirect and interactive inferences, self-perpetuation of procedural knowledge). Data indicate that as compared with consciously controlled cognition, the nonconscious information-acquisition processes are not only much faster but are also structurally more sophisticated, in that they are capable of efficient processing of multidimensional and interactive relations between variables. Those mechanisms of nonconscious acquisition of information provide a major channel for the development of procedural knowledge that is indispensable for such important aspects of cognitive functioning as encoding and interpretation of stimuli and the triggering of emotional reactions.  相似文献   

Implicit learning abilities of nine amnesic patients were explored by using an artificial grammar learning task in which the test strings were constructed in such a way that grammaticality judgments could not be based on a simple knowledge of bigrams and trigrams (chunks). Results show that amnesic patients and controls performed at the same level during the classification task, whereas amnesic patients performed worse than controls in an explicit generation task. Moreover, there was no correlation between the implicit and explicit measures. These results are compatible with the existence of two kinds of representation intervening in artificial grammar learning. The first one based on processes leading to fragment-specific knowledge (the chunks, which can be accessed explicitly), and the second based on the learning of simple associations and more complex conditional relations between elements.  相似文献   

When a brief sound is monitored in a sound-reverberating room, it is immediately followed by numerous echoes bounced off the walls and ceiling. Only the first sound to arrive at the ears appears to be used in its localization. This is generally referred to as the precedence effect. If the processing of verbal information is seen as a reverberating system (after Hebb) and rehearsal as the manifestation of the echoes, then an analogous precedence effect can be empirically demonstrated. Such an analogy not only helps explain previously uninterpretable data but also generates a very unique prediction that was confirmed by experimental data. The theoretical implications of the analogy are also discussed.  相似文献   

When people are asked to rate verbal material (texts, statements, and statements forming part of a text) according to informativeness, their judgments will to a large extent depend upon how much they already know about the subject, and how novel the communication is to them. This will in some cases make them stress novelty and in other cases familiarity as the most important determinants for expected or perceived informativeness. It is argued that these apparently contradictory trends are reconcilable by a propositional (subject-predicate) model of information, which presupposes an identifiablesubject of the communication (“what it is all about”), as well as something to be predicated about this subject, topic, or theme. This kind of information structure allows the communication to contain both novel and familiar elements at the same time, with informativeness being at a peak when something quite new and unexpected is told about a familiar subject, or when a new subject is made familiar (i.e., satisfactorily explained) to the person. This article was written when the author was on sabbatical leave at the University of Leicester. The study was supported by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the relation between psychometric mental-ability test scores and several reaction-time measures; a simple-reaction task, a choice-reaction task, the Posner and Mitchell (1967) letter-identification task, and a variation of the sentence-verification task. Scores on the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices and the Verbal Subtest of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SATV) were obtained. The less complex information-processing tasks replicate earlier studies in which general intelligence was only marginally related to reaction-time measures. The sentence-verification task systematically varied task complexity. Several direct and derived measures from the task were significantly correlated with psychometric mentalability measures. However, even though a number of precautions were taken to ensure that the sentence-verification task assessed purely verbal-processing efficiency, there was little evidence for an important task-specific relation between verification measures and verbal ability. Moreover, despite its relative verbal complexity, sentence verification did not reflect a greater relationship to verbal ability than other tasks did. Overall, the information-processing efficiency measures used in this study suggested a fairly general, rather than a task-specific, relationship to intellectual ability.The research presented in this paper was conducted while the first author was affiliated with the University of Georgia, U. S. A.  相似文献   

The McCollough effect (ME), a long-lasting, pattern-contingent aftereffect in normal human vision, was examined in persons with known deficits in memory. We induced MEs in 11 subjects, 5 patients with various severities of Alzheimer's disease (AD), H.M. (a patient who has global amnesia due to bilateral medial temporal lobectomy and who has been studied for 35 years since his operation), and 5 control subjects. H.M. and the AD patients showed MEs of strength and duration comparable to those of the control subjects. These results demonstrate a dissociation between learning mechanisms that mediate recall and recognition versus mechanisms that mediate the ME. Furthermore, knowledge about the sites of neuropathology in H.M. and in AD are consistent with other sources of evidence implicating early visual areas, especially V1, as a critical locus of the ME.  相似文献   

Selections from a large longitudinal data set of verbal interactions between a mother and her child are presented. Two sets of three-term contingency sequences that seemed to reflect maternal rewards and corrections were noted. Both the antecedents as well as the immediate consequences of maternal interventions are presented to explore training and learning processes. The observed frequencies of three-step sequences are compared to those expected based upon Markov-chain logic to substantiate the patterning of the interactions. Behavioral conceptualizations of the learning process are supported by these analyses, although their sufficiency is questioned. It is suggested that maternal rewards and corrections should be integrated with perceptual, cognitive, and social learning conceptualizations in a skill-learning approach to explain the complexity of language transmission and acquisition processes.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we evaluated the status of implicit memory for novel associations in amnesia. Experiment 1 assessed priming in a category exemplar generation task in which contextual information associated with a target could increase the likelihood of target generation. Control participants, but not amnesic patients, showed associative priming. Amnesics’ impairment was not due to the use of explicit memory by control subjects but reflected a genuine impairment in implicit memory for novel conceptual associations. Experiment 2 assessed priming in a relatedness judgment task, in which associative priming was manifest as longer latencies for old than for recombined pairs of unrelated words. Amnesic patients showed intact associative priming in this task. We discuss differences in the status of implicit memory for novel conceptual associations in amnesia, with reference to the nature of the representation that supports priming in the two tasks and the type of processing that is required at test.  相似文献   

In diagnostic causal reasoning, the goal is to infer the probability of causes from one or multiple observed effects. Typically, studies investigating such tasks provide subjects with precise quantitative information regarding the strength of the relations between causes and effects or sample data from which the relevant quantities can be learned. By contrast, we sought to examine people’s inferences when causal information is communicated through qualitative, rather vague verbal expressions (e.g., “X occasionally causes A”). We conducted three experiments using a sequential diagnostic inference task, where multiple pieces of evidence were obtained one after the other. Quantitative predictions of different probabilistic models were derived using the numerical equivalents of the verbal terms, taken from an unrelated study with different subjects. We present a novel Bayesian model that allows for incorporating the temporal weighting of information in sequential diagnostic reasoning, which can be used to model both primacy and recency effects. On the basis of 19,848 judgments from 292 subjects, we found a remarkably close correspondence between the diagnostic inferences made by subjects who received only verbal information and those of a matched control group to whom information was presented numerically. Whether information was conveyed through verbal terms or numerical estimates, diagnostic judgments closely resembled the posterior probabilities entailed by the causes’ prior probabilities and the effects’ likelihoods. We observed interindividual differences regarding the temporal weighting of evidence in sequential diagnostic reasoning. Our work provides pathways for investigating judgment and decision making with verbal information within a computational modeling framework.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the generality of the selective interference phenomenon by studying several different concurrent tasks, each involving either verbal or spatial information, and a range of retention intervals from 10 to 30 sec. The results supported the selective interference predictions, since the interference in performance was greater when the two simultaneous tasks both involved either verbal information or spatial information than when one of the tasks involved verbal and the other spatial information. It was concluded that not only was the selective interference phenomenon a rather general effect but that, since it was unaffected by changes in the nature of the component tasks, it was also probably caused by central processing capacity limitations rather than by competition for a specific structural mechanism.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine if aphasic subject groups differentiated by the fluency of their verbal output employed rehearsal as a strategy for maintaining verbally coded information in primary memory. A task based upon the Brown-Peterson paradigm was administered to 10 fluent aphasic patients, 10 nonfluent aphasic patients, 10 right-brain-damaged patients, and 10 nonneurological patients. The findings indicate that the nonfluent aphasic patients did not rehearse the verbal information while the fluent aphasic, right-brain-damaged, and nonneurological patients did rehearse. In addition, both fluent and nonfluent aphasic patients encoded significantly less information into the memory system initially and performed worse on the task overall than right-brain-damaged and nonneurological patients.  相似文献   

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