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王沛  高瑛 《心理学报》2004,36(3):340-346
实验一以图片为材料研究了儿童同伴群体活动中的性别刻板印象。实验二以情景故事法研究了儿童在不同排斥情景中发生性别排斥的原因即其与性别刻板印象的关系。被试为幼儿园大班、2年级和5年级儿童。结果发现,(1)在同伴群体活动中三个年龄段的儿童都存在着明显的性别刻板印象。(2)同伴群体活动中的性别排斥行为并不是由性别刻板印象引起的。(3)儿童会以道德和亲社会行为为理由接纳异性儿童,会因为群体认同、群体功效和刻板印象而排斥异性儿童。  相似文献   

分布式群体在动态系统控制决策中的内隐学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何贵兵  曾建华 《心理学报》2003,35(6):777-785
采用计算机网络模拟技术,考察分布式群体在动态系统控制决策过程中对系统规则的内隐学习效应及其迁移。结果表明,在决策者的显性规则知识量极少且没有增加的情况下,决策绩效随决策进程适应性提高。决策者所能报告的规则知识量与决策绩效的相关也不显著。同时,当决策任务目标转换时,决策的高绩效得以维持。这表明群体决策者能对动态系统规则进行内隐学习,且能正迁移到类似的决策情景中。研究进一步指出,群体决策行为的动态适应与内隐过程有关。  相似文献   

This study was done to assess the effects of the number of observers present during behavioral rehearsal (one or ten) and the presence or absence of videotaped replays of each rehearsal attempt on accurate reproduction of a model's performance. The study was done as part of a behavior modeling training program designed to teach college students eight key behaviors for doing on-the-job training. Thirty-six students were drawn from two evening business school courses and randomly assigned to three experimental conditions (i.e., one observer/videotaped feedback, large group observing/videotaped feedback, and large group observing/no videotaped feedback) during the behavioral rehearsal portion of the program. This investigation revealed that the presence of one observer and videotaped feedback enhanced reproduction scores. Reproduction was measured by three different methods. Possible theoretical explanations for these results are discussed. Implications for the practice of behavior modeling are suggested.  相似文献   

Subjects drawn from a variety of populations were required to build simple models of geometric figures, pictures of which they were shown. The time taken to build each model was measured and its correctness assessed. It was found that it was probably erroneous to disregard time on the grounds that in certain cultures time has a relatively low social value when assessing subjects' performance. The best index of performance, the results tentatively suggest, is probably the ratio of the total time used by a subject to the number of correct responses. This offers a superior measure of the perceptual difficulties than either of the primary measures taken on its own.  相似文献   

滕桂荣 《心理学报》1989,22(1):78-87
本实验研究了成员地位差别(平等组(4—4—4)、杰出组(3—5—5)、突出组(3—3—5)、惯常组(3—4—5))和任务种类(猜谜、人员选择、资源分配、风险决策)对小团体达成一致决策的影响,并预测了五种决策模式:真实模型、权力模型、大多数模型、弱者联合模型和折中模型。结果表明,猜谜问题比较符合真实模型,而突出组(3—3—5)符合权力模型。这与国外得到的研究结果一致,并表现出某些中国人的决策规律。  相似文献   

B jörkman , M. Individual performances in a single-cue probability learning task. Scand. J. Psychol . 1969, 10 , 113–123. —Inference behavior was studied in a 2 times 2 cue-criterion task. Fifty subjects were distributed on five conditions varying in cue validity and base rate. They were studied individually with respect to four cognitive strategies: matching, maximizing, double matching and differential maximizing. The utilization coefficients of the average subject had a tendency to 'overshoot' when the cue validity was high and to 'undershoot' when the validity was low. Double matching and differential maximizing were the most common strategies. Cognitive activity is interpreted as a compromise between various type performances.  相似文献   

Peer interactions are among the greatest challenges experienced by children who have severe emotional and behavioral problems. This study evaluated an intervention package designed to increase the ratio of these children's desirable to undesirable interactions. The package included three principal components: (a) observation of videotapes following regularly scheduled peer activity sessions; (b) self-evaluation of the children's peer interactions observed on the videotapes; and (c) delayed feedback and reinforcement for desirable peer interactions. Five students from two elementary schools participated. Multiple baseline designs and one reversal were used to evaluate the effects of the intervention package. The results showed that the intervention produced lower levels of undesirable peer interactions and higher ratios of desirable to undesirable interactions for all participants. The results are discussed in regard to their conceptual and applied implications and in terms of specific directions for future research.  相似文献   

The predictive value of cognitive strategies on behaviour was investigated in a classification task. This was similar to usual concept learning tasks but a possibility to deductive solution was provided together with the customary possibility to inductive solution. The results showed that improvement was dependent on the efficiency of the strategy. The theoretical interpretation of the results was that the learning of complex tasks depends upon hypothesis testing activity in the subject rather than on automatic S-R-connections.  相似文献   

A previous study (Evans, 1972) found that subjects tend to match rather than alter named values when constructing verifying and falsifying cases of conditional rules. It was suggested that this tendency (‘matching bias’) might account for the responses normally observed in Wason's (1968, 1969) ‘selection task’. This suggestion was tested by giving subjects the selection task with conditional rules in which the presence and absence of negative components was systematically varied, to see whether subjects consistently attempted to verify the rules (Wason's theory) or whether they continued to choose the matching values despite the presence of negatives, which would reverse the logical meaning of such selections. Significant matching tendencies were observed on four independent measures, and the overall pattern, with matching bias cancelled out, gave no evidence for a verification bias, indicating instead that the logically correct values were most frequently chosen.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of two ways of providing feedback in teaching machines were studied. The task was to learn paired associates by choosing one alternative out of three to match a stimulus. Feedback was provided in one machine by immediately presenting a new item in the case of a correct response. In the other machine the correct associates were shown for 2 sec. after a correct choice had been made. The latter method was superior. The results are discussed in relation to theories concerning the effects of exposure time on rate of learning.  相似文献   

猜谜作业中顿悟的ERP效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用事件相关电位(ERP)探索问题解决过程中顿悟的神经机制。以猜谜作业为实验程序,对“有顿悟”和“无顿悟”答案引发的脑电分别进行叠加和平均,并将二者相减(有顿悟-无顿悟)得到差异波。在250~500 ms “有顿悟”比“无顿悟”的ERP波形有一个更加负性的偏移,在差异波中,这个负成分的潜伏期约为380 ms(N380)。地形图和电流密度图显示,N380在额中央区活动最强。偶极子源定位分析结果显示,N380可能起源于扣带前回。因此,N380可能反映顿悟问题解决过程中思维定势的突破。  相似文献   

采用教师报告法对1254名城市儿童的对抗行为发展进行追踪研究,并采用交叉滞后设计探讨了对抗行为与同伴拒绝/接纳间的关系.结果发现:(1)童年中期,对抗行为呈中等程度稳定性,并表现出随年龄下降的趋势;(2)男生的对抗行为水平显著高于女生;(3)交叉滞后分析发现,早期的同伴拒绝能显著正向预测后期的对抗行为,但早期同伴接纳不能预测后期的对抗行为;早期的对抗行为均能够显著预测后期的同伴拒绝以及同伴接纳.  相似文献   

Improving the academic performance of college students who do not demonstrate mastery of course material is a major concern in traditional and nontraditional systems of instruction, where students may drop out, take incompletes, or continue to perform at low levels. The present study examined within-course peer tutoring as a potential solution. Twenty-one undergraduate students enrolled in a three-credit introductory course in Educational Psychology served as subjects. The class met one and a half hours each weekday for five weeks. Five students withdrew from the course and one student was placed on independent study before assignments to experimental conditions were made. The primary source materials were portions of Skinner's Technology of Teaching, plus two additional articles. The material was divided into nine equal units, each unit accompanied by study objectives. Nine one-hour essay exams were administered, one every other class day. Two review days were scheduled before a cumulative final was administered. Students could score a total of 20 points on each exam and the final. If a student scored 90% or better on an exam a score of 10 was earned. If a student scored 80% to 90%, a score of eight was awarded, and so on. A total score of 90 of 100 possible points at semester's end earned a student an “A”, 80 a “B”, and so on. The study consisted of three phases: Baseline I, Intervention, and Baseline II. Baseline I: after an initial introductory class, three lectures were presented—one for each unit. Each lecture day was followed by an exam day. Intervention: following the third exam, students were rank ordered and divided into high, medium, and low levels of performance on the basis of their raw scores on the previous three exams, and assigned to a paired or independent group. This assignment procedure resulted in three high-low pairs, three middle-middle pairs, two high-middle pairs, three low-independent students, and two middle-independent students. If, and only if, both students in a pair met a 90% mastery criterion on an exam did each receive five bonus points for the exam(s) reaching the criterion. The bonus points were used to offset points lost on the cumulative final. If both students in a pair met the 90% mastery criterion for units 4, 5, and 6, the pair received an automatic score of 10 on the cumulative final and had the two review days off. Other students who studied independently received identical payoffs if they met the same mastery criterion. The previous lecture time was used for inclass study. Baseline II: Baseline I procedures were reinstituted for the final three units. The test scores are the independent and paired students are shown in Figure 1. Compared to baseline, performance during peer tutoring improved for every student paired with a high partner, and not for those students who studied independently. Between-group comparisons suggest that the effective variables were related to the tutoring or its combination with the group contingency. However, the opportunity for intergroup discussion about treatment procedures and unequal assignment of subjects to the tutored and independent groups make conclusions about the between-group portion of the experiment tentative. Half to two-thirds of the students in each performance category viewed the peer-tutoring procedure favorably, and two-thirds or more reported that the procedure was effective in improving academic performance. Proportionately fewer students assigned to independent study found that procedure effective or viewed it favorably. It appears that pairing students with others who do better on tests and rewarding them for their combined performance results in considerable improvement in the performance of lower-level students.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat research has shown that being a member of a negatively stereotyped group may result in impaired performance on tests of skills thought to be relevant to the stereotype. This study investigated whether stereotype threat influences gender differences in performance on a novel test of visuospatial ability. Undergraduates ( N  = 194) were told that men outperform women on the test (explicit threat), were given no gender-relevant information (implicit threat), or were told that men and women do not differ (nullified stereotype). Although men outperformed women in the explicit and implicit stereotype threat groups, women's performance did not differ significantly from men's when told there is no gender difference. The effect was most pronounced for difficult line judgments. Although stereotypes regarding visuospatial ability may be less culturally salient than those of other cognitive abilities, these findings suggest that they influence performance nonetheless. Implications for optimizing cognitive test performance are discussed.  相似文献   


The relationship between reading ability with receptive vocabulary level and the ability to induce grapheme‐phoneme relationships was investigated using grade one students. The ability to induce relationships was assessed by a word learning task in which the stimuli were six consonant‐vowel‐consonant trigrams composed of seven letter‐like forms with a 1:1 grapheme‐phoneme correspondence. The word learning task was followed by a test of each student's acquisition of the grapheme‐phoneme correspondences that appeared in the word stimuli. The ability to induce the relationships was found to be much more strongly related to reading ability than receptive vocabulary. The results suggest that good and poor readers applied different word learning strategies, with good readers appearing to apply more readily a principled solution and poor readers an associative solution. The results are consistent with the theory of reading acquisition advanced by Gibson and Levin.  相似文献   

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