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Discontent Among Male Lawyers, Female Lawyers, and Female Legal Secretaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Female lawyers, female legal secretaries, and male lawyers were interviewed about their feelings of grievance and three grievance-related attitudes. The working women, like the men, are generally content with their personal situations at work and at home. The women are significantly more upset than are the men about the plight of working women.  相似文献   

This exploratory study focused on the needs and attributes that female doctoral students, during their academic and professional careers, seek in mentoring relationships with female faculty. Two domains—personal and professional—were identified as essential components in the developmental mentoring relationship. As a result, the Rheineck Mentoring Model was created.  相似文献   

The main question explored in this study is whether a woman's choice to do research during her career as a clinical psychologist is associated with having had a research mentor. A sample of 616 women, all members of the American Psychological Association holding a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, completed a survey about their experience with a research mentor. The data show that research mentoring is positively related to a woman in clinical psychology doing research and whether she, in turn, becomes a research mentor for others. The responses of the participants suggest that a model of mentoring that involves relevant training and practical experience in research may increase the likelihood that female clinical psychologists will choose to do research as part of their careers.  相似文献   

Swoboda, M.J., & Millar, S.B. (1986). Networking-mentoring: Career strategy of women in academic administration. Journal of NAWDAC, 49, 8–13.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in the mentoring relationships of Asian American and Euro‐American college women. Findings showed that the groups view mentoring as equally important but that fewer Asians report having a mentor. However, those who have mentors find them to be just as valuable as do their Euro‐American counterparts. Este estudio examina las diferencias en las relaciones de mentoring de mujeres Asiáticas Americanas y Euro‐Americanas colegiales. Las conclusiones mostraron que los grupos ven mentoring como igualmente importante pero que menos Asiáticos informan teniendo un mentor. Sin embargo, los que tienen mentores los encuentran que ser apenas tan valioso como lo hacen sus contrapartes de Euro‐Americanos.  相似文献   

Objectification Theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) was used to examine (a) the mediation effects of body shame and flow on the relationship between self-objectification and disordered eating, (b) age differences in self-objectification, body shame, flow, and disordered eating, (c) the prediction of physical activity from self-objectification, flow, body shame, and disordered eating, and (d) the relationships between self-objectification, flow, and physical activity. Participants were 394 women ages 18–64. Results revealed that (a) body shame mediated the relationship between self-objectification and disordered eating, (b) younger women reported higher levels of self-objectification, body shame, dieting, and several flow characteristics, (c) older women scored higher on the loss of self-consciousness subscale of the flow measure, and (d) self-objectification was a significant predictor of physical activity.This article is based on the authors doctoral dissertation, which was completed at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro under the direction of Daniel Gould.  相似文献   

This study compared an immigrant sample of Caribbean-Canadian women ( n = 20) and a sample of women living in the Caribbean ( n = 20) on the following variables: dominant domain of meaning (defined as that aspect of the participant's life from which she derives primary meaning for her sense of self); self-silencing (defined as the tendency to silence one's thoughts and feelings; Jack, 1991); and symptoms of depression. Results revealed that the Caribbean women were more likely to report relational domains of meaning as primary ( e.g. , family, friendships, intimate relationships), while the Caribbean-Canadian women were more likely to report domain of self-nurturance as primary ( e.g. , career goals, spirituality). Furthermore, univariate analysis revealed that the Caribbean-Canadian women reported higher levels of self-silencing and depressive symptoms, and derived less meaningfulness from their primary domains of meaning compared to the Caribbean women. These findings suggest that the immigrant experience may be a factor in women's emotional well-being.  相似文献   

We examined social comparisons made by women with breast cancer who participated in peer‐support interventions. This setting. in which participants were exposed to similar others, allowed for a longitudinal investigation of the frequency, antecedents. and consequences of social comparison. Consistent with the literature, the majority of comparisons were made to worse‐off others (downward), and the majority of comparisons were associated with positive affect (positive comparisons). Low self‐esteem. low internal locus of control, and high illness uncertainty were associated with making more negative comparisons. In addition, negative comparisons were associated with a decrease in perceived control and an increase in uncertainty over time. whereas positive doanbard comparisons were associated with an increase in self‐esteem. Implications for support groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Jana Sawicki uses the work and methods of Foucault to explore the possibility of a politics of difference. I argue that Foucault may help us overcome some forms of dogmatism inherited from men's political philosophy of the past, but Foucault is otherwise useless, or worse: misleading. Because Sawicki presents a politics of diversity among women regardless of, and independent from, a politics of sexual difference, I believe Foucault is misleading.  相似文献   


Sense of control was examined in a congregation of Catholic sisters ranging in age from 33 to 90. The sample size was 377. Age, educational level, career orientation, retirement status, health, self-esteem, coping ability, and support systems best explained sense of control. The older Catholic sisters in the congregation who no longer worked and who had some health limitations had lower self-esteem and, as a result, lesser sense of control than sisters who still worked and had fewer health limitations. Suggestions are made regarding enhancement of feelings of control.  相似文献   

Data from a recent national opinion survey were used to evaluate an array of work and nonwork variables in terms of their relationships to reported job satisfaction of married working women. Women's job satisfaction was found to be related to such variables as life satisfaction, age, and importance of job income but unrelated to such indices as race, educational level, occupational prestige, income level, and attitude toward women working.  相似文献   

We examined the roles of relational and instrumental relationship quality with natural mentors and academic intrinsic motivation on Latinx adolescents’ perceived economic values of education. Participants were 256 Latinx youth (= 15.07 years old; 116 boys, 140 girls) who completed surveys in 9th and 10th grades. Path analyses indicated significant cross‐sectional effects in 9th grade such that instrumental quality was associated with more perceived benefits of education, and relational quality was associated with fewer perceived limitations of education. Neither instrumental nor relational quality in 9th grade was associated with either benefits or limitations of education in 10th grade. Instrumental relationship quality in 9th grade, however, did have an indirect effect on perceived benefits of education in 10th grade through intrinsic motivation. Implications for research on natural mentoring with Latinx adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

When mental illness is precisely defined as a functional disorder involving acute distress or disorganization (or both), women are consistently found to have higher rates of mental illness than men. This sex difference appears to be real and not an artifact of response bias, patient behavior, or clinician bias. The higher rates of mental illness among women can be linked to aspects of their societal role and particularly to aspects of the marital role. Therapists who treat women whose mental illness is in part a response to the characteristics of conventional sex roles have no treatment alternatives that are not in some way problematic. The treatment alternative chosen has, in the broadest sense, political implications for the society at large.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):267-280
Previous research has documented post-traumatic stress disorder among Salvadoran refugees in this country, but information on refugees living in El Salvador is not available. This study investigated the patterns of psychological distress and documented the existence of PTSD in Salvadoran refugee women in El Salvador. A team of U.S. mental health workers traveled to a refugee camp in El Salvador to interview women about their traumatic experiences and current symptoms of distress. This study provides strong evidence that many refugee women in El Salvador have developed PTSD and that many others show significant signs of distress. Data from this study also provided insight into clinical issues for Salvadoran women experiencing PTSD. In response to requests from Salvadoran mental health providers, a treatment program was developed to help Salvadoran women reduce their distress. Goals of the treatment included associating distress with the trauma as a normal reaction to a very abnormal event, reducing feelings of loss of control, reducing "survivor guilt," and lessening anxiety and high arousal level. These goals were accomplished using cognitive-behavioral and community-oriented strategies.  相似文献   

Using the Contour Drawing Rating Scale, we examined the ideal body sizes of young Japanese women who resided in Tokyo. The results indicated that the relationship among the respondents' current, ideal, perceived male-peer, and perceived female-peer ideal body sizes were not necessarily the same across different body mass index levels. For example, the results revealed thatonly the heavier respondents seemed to consider their male-peer ideal body sizes as their own ideal body sizes. The findings also showed that although most participants wished to be slimmer, they believed that their same-sex peers wanted to be even thinner than themselves.  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction can increase compliance and health outcomes in many populations. Menopausal-age women present unique physical and psychosocial concerns that separate them from other populations in their health care needs and preferences. We surveyed 48 women (ages 45–60) regarding their satisfaction with a recent annual exam office visit in a family practice clinic. Women reported the number of quality of life issues they discussed during this visit and which of these they considered most important, as well as menopausal symptoms and perceived health competence. Regression analyses identified variables most related to patient satisfaction. Of three components of visit satisfaction (Quality, Humaneness, and General Satisfaction), Quality was predicted by quality of life issues discussed. Physical, psychological, and functional domains were considered most important to the patients, whereas physical, psychological, and social domains were most often actually discussed in the visit.  相似文献   

Drawing on a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with 30 rural and urban Australian women, we analyze their experiences of a hysterectomy for conditions other than cancer. Women were recruited via advertisements in community newspapers and the network sampling technique. The study aimed to identify the personal, social and medical factors that influenced their decision to undergo surgery and on their understandings of self following this procedure. Three common themes emerged: a negative response to a hysterectomy, ambivalence about it and a perceiving it as having a positive impact on the woman’s self. The latter pattern predominated, indicating that contrary to the medical rhetoric, women’s own accounts are different and relevant when counseling women about a hysterectomy.  相似文献   

Wyatt  Gail E.  Carmona  Jennifer Vargas  Loeb  Tamra Burns  Guthrie  Donald  Chin  Dorothy  Gordon  Gwen 《Sex roles》2000,42(7-8):495-521
We examined contraceptive decision-making among African American, Latina, and European American women ages 18–50 years. Logistic regressions examined relationships between demographic and religious factors, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), reasons for sex, and contraceptive decision-making. Women who were older, single, African American, used pregnancy prevention, and had histories of STDs and unintended pregnancies made contraceptive decisions alone. Older and African American women were more likely to choose no contraception. Among contraceptive users, African Americans used effective methods of pregnancy, but not disease, prevention. Women with STD histories, and younger, more educated women were more likely to use methods that prevent against both pregnancy and disease. Theoretical implications about contraceptive choices among ethnically diverse women are discussed.  相似文献   

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