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To understand the activation patterns of the trunk musculature, it is also important to consider the implications of adjacent structures such as the upper limbs, and the muscles that act to move the arms. This study investigated the effects of arm positions on the activation patterns and co-activation of the trunk musculature and muscles that move the arm during trunk range-of-motion movements (maximum trunk axial twist, flexion, and lateral bend). Fifteen males and fifteen females, asymptomatic for low back pain, performed maximum trunk range-of-motion movements, with three arm positions for axial twist (loose, crossed, abducted) and two positions for flexion and lateral bend (loose, crossed). Electromyographical data were collected for eight muscles bilaterally, and activation signals were cross-correlated between trunk muscles and the muscles that move the arms (upper trapezius, latissimus dorsi). Results revealed consistently greater muscle co-activation (higher cross-correlation coefficients) between the trunk muscles and upper trapezius for the abducted arm position during maximum trunk axial twist, while results for the latissimus dorsi-trunk pairings were more dependent on the specific trunk muscles (either abdominal or back) and latissimus dorsi muscle (either right or left side), as well as the range-of-motion movement. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of interactions between the upper limbs and trunk, and highlight the influence of arm positions on the trunk musculature. In addition, the comparison of the present results to those of individuals with back or shoulder conditions may ultimately aid in elucidating underlying mechanisms or contributing factors to those conditions.  相似文献   

This study compared effectiveness of the concentration period in two groups of shooters to evaluate the influence of their expertise while concentrating on the target. Marksmen (pistol shooters, 10 men and 5 women) and pentathletes (6 men and 7 women) took part in a shooting competition in keeping with the rules of each event. Participants were then asked to imagine themselves shooting, at the laboratory. Five variables representing the activity of the autonomic nervous system were continuously recorded (skin resistance and potential, skin blood flow, skin temperature, instantaneous heart rate). Autonomic responses recorded during concentration, actual shooting, and mental imagery were compared by calculating the ratios concentration/ shooting and imagery/shooting. The resultant mean ratio was used to characterize each participant. The same autonomic nervous system pattern was observed during concentrating on the target, mental imagery, and actual shooting. However, marksmen showed ratios closer to 1.0 than pentathletes, absolute mean differences being .06 and .3, respectively. Shorter duration and weakest amplitude responses were recorded during the concentration phase in the Pentathlete group, suggesting that they have more difficulty in using mental imagery during competition than marksmen. When subjects performed well, a specific response pattern was observed in the Marksman group, but not in the Pentathlete group, except in skin potential. In both Marksman and Pentathlete groups, a majority of negative skin potential responses were found in the concentration and shooting phases for the best shots.  相似文献   

126 subjects were 47 children in Grade 7, 49 students in Grade 8, and 30 adults, who shot arrows at bull's-eye targets from varying distances. Analysis of variance of accuracy scores indicated that there was no difference for eye color, but boys scored more points than did girls.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether or nor the floating form of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (REST) may be exploited within the field of competitive archery to reinforce primary process (inner-directed) orientation and thereby enhance the quality of coaching and training. Floatation REST consists of a procedure whereby an individual is immersed in a water-tank filled with saltwater of an extremely high salt concentration. The experiment was performed over the course of two weekends with a 6-week interval. Twenty participating archers, 13 male and 7 female, were recruited. The between-group factor was “adjudged skill.” The within-group factor was provided by an Armchair condition in which the participants sat in an armchair for 45 min after which they were required to shoot four salvo series of three shots each, as a comparison to the Flotation-Rest condition whereby the participants were required to lie in a floating-tank for 45 min just prior to shooting. Results indicated that: (a) the participants experienced less perceived exertion during marksmanship in the floating condition, (b) the elite archers performed more consistently in the Flotation-REST condition, (c) the least and most proficient archers had lower muscle tension in the Extensor Digitorum in the Flotation REST condition.  相似文献   

This study examined the difference in electroencephalographic (EEG) coherence, an index of cortico-cortical communication, during air pistol shooting between disabled and non-disabled elite shooters. Participants included 22 non-disabled and 12 disabled members of the Korean national air-pistol shooting team at the world class level. Electrocortical activation was recorded during 20 self-paced 10-meter air pistol shots. Higher cortico-cortical communication between brain regions was observed in disabled shooters. The higher functional communication appears to be a strategy to compensate for the attenuated function of the brain resulting from spinal cord injury. This compensatory mechanism could explain why there is no significant difference in shooting performance between elite disabled and non-disabled shooters.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to analyze the movement patterns of free-throw shooters in basketball at different skill levels. There were two points of interest. First, to explore what information can be drawn from the movement pattern and second, to examine the methodological possibilities of pattern analysis. To this end, several qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. The resulting data were converged in a triangulation. Using a special kind of ANN named Dynamically Controlled Networks (DyCoN), a 'complex feature' consisting of several isolated features (angle displacements and velocities of the articulations of the kinematic chain) was calculated. This 'complex feature' was displayed by a trajectory combining several neurons of the network, reflecting the devolution of the twelve angle measures over the time course of each shooting action. In further network analyses individual characteristics were detected, as well as movement phases. Throwing patterns were successfully classified and the stability and variability of the realized pattern were established. The movement patterns found were clearly individually shaped as well as formed by the skill level. The triangulation confirmed the individual movement organizations. Finally, a high stability of the network methods was documented.  相似文献   

Myoelectric signals from several muscles of the lower limb were studied during treadmill locomotion over various inclines. A pattern recognition technique was used to analyse these activity patterns. The analyses revealed the following rules. These are common features among the various muscle activity patterns. The results suggest that the limb is controlled as a unit. Both phasic and average components of the muscle activity patterns are modulated to meet demands imposed by the various inclines. The distal muscles in general are more tightly controlled than the proximal muscles. The changes in average EMG values are muscle-specific, and are not similar for the stance and swing phases of the step cycle. On average, the proximal muscles show greater increases than the distal muscles. These results are compared with those found previously in the different speed and stride-length condition. Studies such as these shed light on the adaptability of the basic locomotor synergy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that a combined relaxation (applied tension release, ATR) and specific shooting training regimen may enhance shooting ability of biathlon athletes. Seven biathletes of high national level were randomized into an experimental group (age 20 ± 5 years; Vo2max 60 ± 8 mL kg(-1) min(-1)) and were asked to add this special training intervention to their regular training for 10 weeks, while five other biathletes served as controls (age 19 ± 2 years; Vo2max 57 ± 10 mL kg(-1) min(-1)). The shooting ability of the subjects was assessed before and after the intervention at rest and after roller skiing on a treadmill in a laboratory-based competition simulating assessment. After the intervention period, the experimental group demonstrated a significantly enhanced shooting performance compared to the control group. No changes in Vo2max or in heart rate and Vo2 responses were observed before and after the intervention in either group and there were no differences between the groups in these parameters. Thus, the preliminary conclusion is that a combination of ATR and specific shooting training seems to be instrumental in enhancing the shooting performance in biathlon.  相似文献   

Two experiments addressed the issue of whether phonological codes are activated early in a fixation during reading using the fast-priming technique (S. C. Sereno & K. Rayner, 1992). Participants read sentences and, at the beginning of the initial fixation in a target location, a priming letter string was displayed, followed by the target word. Phonological priming was assessed by the difference in the gaze duration on the target word between when the prime was a homophone and when it was a control word equated with the homophone on orthographic similarity to the target. Both experiments demonstrated homophonic priming with prime durations of about 35 ms, but only for high-frequency word primes, indicating that lexicality was guiding the speed of the extraction of phonological codes early in a fixation. Evidence was also obtained for orthographic priming, and the data suggest that orthographic and phonological priming effects interact in a mutually facilitating manner.  相似文献   

Three experiments used a new paradigm to examine word-coding processes during reading. Subjects read text passages and occasionally responded to lexical-decision probes. Experiment 1 focused on semantic and surface codes. The activation of semantic codes appeared to increase over time, whereas surface codes did not. In addition, subjects who were instructed to remember the exact wording of the passages showed stronger activation of surface codes than did subjects who read for comprehension. Experiments 2 and 3 explored the role of phonological codes. Experiment 2 showed that phonological codes were activated by specific words in a passage. In contrast, Experiment 3 found no evidence that phonological codes were activated by the more general passage context. Taken together, the experiments suggest some of the roles semantic and phonological codes may play during reading.  相似文献   

Two same/different discrimination tasks were performed by amateur-musician subjects in this functional magnetic resonance imaging study: Melody Discrimination and Harmony Discrimination. Both tasks led to activations not only in classic working memory areas--such as the cingulate gyrus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex--but in a series of premotor areas involved in vocal-motor planning and production, namely the somatotopic mouth region of the primary and lateral premotor cortices, Broca's area, the supplementary motor area, and the anterior insula. A perceptual control task involving passive listening alone to monophonic melodies led to activations exclusively in temporal-lobe auditory areas. These results show that, compared to passive listening tasks, discrimination tasks elicit activation in vocal-motor planning areas.  相似文献   

Hypotheses advanced concerning the functions and advantages of the two-joint (and multi-joint) muscles in the lower limb include transferring energy, ease of control, muscle bulk reduction and decreased velocity of contraction. The aim of this investigation was to assess quantitatively the generality of one such suggestion seen in the literature. It was hypothesized that two-joint muscles would be recruited preferentially when they produced appropriate moments at the joints they crossed. This organizing strategy was used to partition the sagittal plane joint moment at the hip, knee and ankle between the one- and two-joint muscles crossing those joints. If the conditions of the strategy were not met, the moment was considered to be producted by one-joint muscles only. Ten representative muscles were modelled: tibialis anterior, soleus, gastrocnemius, short head of biceps femoris, vasti, rectus femoris, long head of biceps femoris, sartorius, gluteus maximus and iliopsoas. A number of static loading and walking conditions were recorded and then compared to simultaneously measured linear envelope EMG records of each activity. The joint moments were determined from a sagittal plane kinetic analysis using cinematography and measurements of the ground reaction force. Overall, the strategy partitioned the moment between the one- and two-joint muscles in accordance with the EMG records. The strategy tended to underestimate the contributions of the one-joint musculature, implying the existence of other important control strategies, such as cocontraction of antagonists for joint stability, or of synergistic activation to share the joint moment. It was, however, observed that predicted activity of two-joint musculature did agree well with recorded EMG activity.  相似文献   

Participants performed a free-throw shooting task and a grip-strength task before and after imagery, nonspecific arousal, or no instructions. Imagery improved performance in the free-throw shooting task, which is assumed to have more cognitive components than the grip-strength task. Imagery did not improve performance in the grip-strength task, which is assumed to have fewer cognitive components than the free-throw task. Nonspecific arousal, on the other hand, improved performance in the grip-strength task but not in the free-throw shooting task. Athletic experience, confidence levels, and gender were correlated with actual performance levels in both tasks, but not with improvement. Results are discussed within the transfer-appropriate processing framework.  相似文献   

These experiments examine the role of vision and step height in the selection of a simple binary choice of movement pattern by human subjects. The subjects selected a heel strike movement pattern (HS) (as used during level surface locomotion) or a toe strike movement pattern (TS) (as used during stair descent). The functional task involved descending a step of adjustable height followed by level surface walking under vision and nonvision conditions. Triceps surae and tibialis anterior electromyographic (EMG) activity, ankle angle position, and vertical force were examined. As step height was increased, there was an indistinct threshold at which subjects switched from landing with a HS movement pattern to a TS movement pattern. The tibialis anterior and triceps surae precontact EMG burst and subsequent ankle movement for HS and TS trials appear to be part of preprogrammed movement patterns, which are presumably of central origin. The particular mixture of voluntary, stereotypic, and reflex actions for any specified movement is based on the intent or functional outcome desired. The switching to the TS movement pattern as step height increased presumably results in the most efficient and stable movement.  相似文献   

This study evaluated specific covert neuromuscular activity during a silent visualization exercise. 30 subjects participated in a dual-baseline single-subject procedure. The experimental test condition required the subjects to visualize themselves squeezing a hand-size rubber ball as tightly as possible for 1 min. In the comparison test condition, subjects were asked to imagine the 'sun setting on the horizon' for 1 min. Visualization of the motor task brought about significant (p <.05) increases in dominant forearm EMG (microV) and heart-rate activity (bpm) from rest to the experimental test condition. Nondominant forearm activity showed no significant changes from rest to either test condition, and heart-rate activity (bpm) showed no significant change from rest to the comparison visualization task.  相似文献   

A series of experiments is reported in which two monkeys emitted complex response patterns, not specified by the experimental program, during the DRL component of a multiple schedule. Administration of sodium pentobarbital and dl-amphetamine, drugs which disrupted the DRL performance, were also observed to suppress these collateral responses. Sequences of these collateral responses appear to mediate, at least in part, the timing process required for reinforced performance on the DRL schedule.  相似文献   

Twenty two male subjects each performed five climbing trials of a portable straight ladder. Each subject was instructed to ascend the ladder at a “comfortable” pace using only the rungs for support. For the first, third and fifth trials, the temporal and movement characteristics of the performances were recorded using capacitive touch sensors mounted on each of the rungs and high-speed cinematographical techniques. The results revealed little evidence to suggest a preferred climbing gait. The two most commonly utilized methods of ascent for all trials were the lateral and four-beat lateral gaits. Only 31.8% of the subjects adopted the same gait pattern during each of the three trials. The temporal characteristics of each gait pattern showed a relatively longer time for each segment contact phase than for the corresponding airborne phase. The shortest average period was found for the four-beat diagonal gait followed, in order, by the lateral, diagonal and four beat lateral gaits. Variability measures assumed the same ranking in reverse order with the four-beat diagonal gait producing the most variable period times.  相似文献   

Observers are able to segment continuous everyday activity into meaningful parts. This ability may be related to processing low-level visual cues, such as changes in motion. To address this issue, the present study combined measurement of evoked responses to event boundaries with functional identification of the extrastriate motion complex (MT+) and the frontal eye field (FEF), two regions related to motion perception and eye movements. The results provided strong evidence that MT+ is activated by event boundaries: Individuals' MT+ regions showed strong responses to event boundaries, and MT+ was collocated with a lateral posterior region that responded at event boundaries. The evidence regarding the FEF was less conclusive: The FEF showed reliable but relatively reduced responses to event boundaries, but the FEF was medial and superior to a frontal area that responded at event boundaries. These results suggest that motion cues, and possibly eye movements, may play key roles in event structure perception.  相似文献   

The forearms significantly contribute to the upper extremity movements and, consequently, whole-body responses during locomotion. The purpose of this study is to provide a more in-depth understanding of the mechanism controlling forearm movements during walking by comprehensively investigating the effects of the forearms on the lower and upper limb movements. Such an understanding can provide critical information for the design and control of robotic upper-limb prostheses. Twelve healthy young participants were recruited to compare their gait during (1) natural walking, (2) walking while wearing a pair of artificial passive forearms and having their actual forearms restrained by orthopedic braces, and (3) walking with only having their forearms restrained by the braces (i.e., no artificial forearms). While the passive forearms in condition 2 were to determine if the forearm movements were passively or actively controlled, condition 3 was to account for the effects of restraining the forearms in condition 2. The participants' lower-limb joint angles and spatiotemporal parameters remained unchanged across the three conditions while walking at their normal and fast self-selected gait speeds. However, significant decreases were observed in the shoulder and trunk angles, the interlimb coordination, and the shoulder-trunk correlations when walking with the artificial forearms. These observations were in tandem with the increased muscle activity of the biceps, trapeziuses, and posterior deltoids, which controlled the shoulder motion and trunk rotation during walking with the artificial forearms across both normal and fast self-selected speeds. Although not significant, the metabolic energy analysis of five participants revealed an increase during walking with artificial forearms. The results support the idea that the body actively controls the forearm movements through the shoulder and trunk rotations to mitigate the undesired disturbances induced by the passive forearm movements during locomotion.  相似文献   

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