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In response to general press assertions that training emotionally intelligent children will lead to great rewards, this study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic achievement in college students, using both self-report and ability-based measures of EI. Specifically, the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT, an ability-based measure) and the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i, a self-report measure) were used to predict academic achievement. Achievement was operationalized as the respondents’ cumulative GPA. Results indicated that EI is not a strong predictor of academic achievement regardless of the type of instrument used to measure it. However, a construct validity examination revealed that the MSCEIT correlated highly with indices of cognitive ability but minimally with personality dimensions. In contrast, the EQ-i failed to correlate with indices of cognitive ability but correlated substantially with numerous personality dimensions.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence and personal identity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
David Cole 《Synthese》1991,88(3):399-417
Considerations of personal identity bear on John Searle's Chinese Room argument, and on the opposed position that a computer itself could really understand a natural language. In this paper I develop the notion of a virtual person, modelled on the concept of virtual machines familiar in computer science. I show how Searle's argument, and J. Maloney's attempt to defend it, fail. I conclude that Searle is correct in holding that no digital machine could understand language, but wrong in holding that artificial minds are impossible: minds and persons are not the same as the machines, biological or electronic, that realize them.  相似文献   

B.S. Gupta 《Intelligence》1977,1(3):274-280
A sample of 320 male high school students was drawn on the basis of their neuroticism and extraversion scores from a population of 2500 students. By following a 4 × 4 randomized block design (replicated 20 times) an attempt was made to study the effects of dextroamphetamine on the test scores of fluid and crystallized intelligence of high school children. The study lends support to the hypothesis that the drug will have a differetial effect on the test scores of fluid and crystallized intelligence.  相似文献   

Findings about perceptual development indicate that overall similarity is the primary perceptual relation by which young children compare complex objects. Traditional studies of classification, however, did not focus on children's organizational use of holistic relations but rather on their ability to classify by dimensions or criterial attributes. The results from such traditional studies suggest that young children are deficient classifiers. The present research investigated the possibility, contrary to the traditional view, that 4- to 6-year-old children are competent and systematic classifiers at least by overall similarity. In three experiments, preschoolers and kindergarteners classified various sets of multidimensional stimuli that could be organized into categories by overall similarity or by dimensional attributes. Consistent with the research in perceptual development, the children were highly attentive to overall similarity. However, the preschoolers in particular showed marked difficulty in using this relation to form categories of more than two objects. The children's difficulties were highly reminiscent of traditional claims about early classification. Analyses of the classification strategies used by the children, however, suggest that even the youngest children understood the purpose of a classification. The developmentla changes appear to be in the ability to execute a classification. Importantly, type of classification strategy was independent of type of category organization. Individual children used the same strategies both when classifying by overall similarity and by dimensional attributes. These results strongly suggest that it is the classification skills themselves, and not just the ability to classify by particular relations, that change with age.  相似文献   

The processes of overall similarity sorting were investigated in 5 free classification experiments. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that increasing time pressure can reduce the likelihood of overall similarity categorization. Experiment 3 showed that a concurrent load also reduced overall similarity sorting. These findings suggest that overall similarity sorting can be a time-consuming analytic process. Such results appear contrary to the idea that overall similarity is a nonanalytic process (e.g., T. B. Ward, 1983) but are in line with F. N. Milton and A. J. Wills's (2004) dimensional summation hypothesis and with the stochastic sampling assumptions of the extended generalized context model (K. Lamberts, 2000). Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that the relationship between stimulus presentation time and overall similarity sorting is nonmonotonic, and the shape of the function is consistent with the idea that the three aforementioned processes operate over different parts of the time course.  相似文献   

Establishing a vocational and overall identity involve defining life altering plans and associated commitments to pursue and achieve them and are, therefore, among the most central aspects of the developmental tasks of late adolescents and emerging adults. In the Italian context, young adults' opportunity to develop coherent and fulfilling future plans are strongly threated by the current distressed economic climate in Italy. Assuming these features of the Italian context can produce specific identity patterns, the present study aimed to contribute to the understanding of overall and vocational identity processes in Italian emerging adults and to explore the relationship between the two domains of identity using a person-centered approach. The study is composed of two parts. The first study assessed the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Vocational Identity Status Assessment (VISA) in a sample of university students from Italy (N = 560). The second study included a cluster analytic approach in order to explore the configuration of both vocational and overall identity domains. The findings suggest that the Italian version of the VISA is a promising tool for assessing vocational identity dimensions in the Italian context. Furthermore, unlike the previous literature, we found different patterns of vocational and overall identity in Italian university students. The findings suggest that the current socio-economic Italian situation may be hindering students' progress toward achieving a vocational identity, especially for freshmen.  相似文献   

Schwartz SJ 《Adolescence》2002,37(147):609-625
The present study was conducted to test two primary assumptions of Marcia's identity status model: (a) that measures of the identity statuses would relate to identity exploration and commitment in ways consistent with the definitions of the statuses; and (b) that status assignments made using continuous status measures would converge with those made using exploration and commitment scores. Seven hundred fifty-eight university students (174 males, 560 females, 24 not reporting gender) completed the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire, which is a measure of identity exploration and commitment, and the Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status II, which provides continuous measures of each identity status. Results provided mixed support for both assumptions of the identity status model. The findings are discussed in light of recent calls for expansion of identity theory and research beyond the identity status model.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that adults and older children tend to classify multi-dimensional objects by identity on one dimension, whereas children under 8 years of age tend to classify these same objects by a relation of overall similarity. The present study investigated the hypothesis that this developmental trend is restricted to the classification of simple objects that differ only by limited amounts on a few dimensions. The specific hypothesis was that overall-similarity relations structure both adults' and children's classifications of heterogenous objects (objects that differ in a variety of ways). This hypothesis was suggested by the correspondence between the structure of young children's classifications and the structure of natural categories. The result of two experiments supported the hypothesis. When the to-be-classified objects varied simultaneously on relatively many dimensions, adults as well as children constructed classifications that maximized within-category similarity on all varying dimensions. The implications of these results for accounts of the perception of multidimensional relations and classificatory behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of Quay's (1988a, 1988b, 1993, 1997) model in which the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) are linked to various forms of child psychopathology, predictions were made regarding the relation between inhibitory control and two dimensions of psychopathology: externalizing and internalizing behavior. Inhibitory control was measured using two versions of Logan and Cowan's stop signal paradigm (1984; Logan, Cowan, & Davis, 1984; Osman, Kornblum, & Meyer, 1986, 1990). The primary outcome measure for the stop tasks was stop signal reaction time (SSRT) which measures the latency of the inhibition process. A positive relationship was predicted for externalizing behavior, whereas a negative relationship was predicted for internalizing behavior. A total of 42 non-clinical elementary school children, in the age range of 6 to 12 years, participated in the study. Externalizing behavior was positively related to response inhibition. Symptoms of ADHD seem to be better at predicting inhibitory functioning than symptoms of aggressive behavior disorders. Some support was found for a negative relation between internalizing behavior and inhibitory control. These findings support Quay's model and the discriminant validity of inhibitory control with regard to externalizing and internalizing behavior.  相似文献   

The relationships between intelligence test scores and measures derived from reaction time (RT) and perceptual speed procedures were investigated in 137 twelve-year-old students with IQs ranging from 59 to 142. A range of intelligence tests were used and the scores factor analyzed to produce general, spatial and verbal factors. Test and factor scores were correlated with perceptual speed and with measures taken from 2, 4, and 8 choice RT tasks using a response keyboard upon which the subject's fingers directly rested, thus avoiding interpretive problems associated with a “home key.” Inspection time correlated poorly with intelligence. Only three of the RT measures produced correlations greater than .25 with the general factor. These were the slope of Hick's law, B, (correlation −.28), the 8 choice mean RT, RT8, (−.33) and the 8 choice standard deviation, SD8 (−.41), compared with the average intercorrelation between the intelligence measures of .40. Test-retest correlations of the RT measures, taken over a year for half the subjects, were low as reliability measures, with .35 for B, .52 for RT8, and .48 for SD8. Correlations of RT measures with spatial scores were not significantly greater than with verbal scores, suggesting that whatever relationship exists is with a general factor rather than only a spatial one.  相似文献   

Klingenspor  Barbara 《Sex roles》1994,31(7-8):407-431
From a social-psychological perspective, the disproportionate number of women compared to men affected by bulimia nervosa implies that gender (i.e., the social construction of sex) plays an important part in the etiology of this disorder. From this perspective it was hypothesized that the risk of developing bulimia depends, in part, on the composition of a woman's gender identity. Three questionnaire studies conducted in the United States and former West Germany tested competing hypotheses on the relationship between gender identity and bulimia. Respondents were predominantly middle class and Caucasian. Study 1 was conducted in West Germany and tested the hypothesis that bulimia is related to a hyperfeminine gender identity [M. Boskind-Lodahl (1976) Cinderella's stepsisters: A feminist perspective on anorexia nervosa and bulimia, Signs, Vol. 2, pp. 342–356]. Twenty-six bulimic women were compared to 26 nonbulimic women. Results from Study 1 indicated that bulimic women typically had a gender-typed identity, whereas nonbulimic controls tended to be androgynous. However, between-group differences were based on hypomasculinity rather than hyperfemininity on part of bulimic women. Study 2 and Study 3 explored the idea that masculinity positively contributes to general esteem and reduces the risk of bulimia nervosa. In Study 2, three competing theories of the optimal relationship between mental health and gender identity (congruence, androgyny, and masculinity) were related to bulimia and tested with structural equation modeling in a sample of 301 North American undergraduates. In Study 3, the findings of Study 2 were cross-validated in a sample of 464 West German high school students. The results indicate that masculinity had significant positive effects on eating behavior via esteem, whereas the effects of femininity were negligible.The research and preparation of this article were supported in part by a Fulbright scholarship, a predoctoral stipend from the University of Heidelberg, and a postdoctoral stipend from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education.I thank the women who volunteered to participate in this research project as subjects. I gratefully acknowledge the support of the principals, especially Frau Ute Vater, and teachers of the Bunsen-, Feudenheim-, and Lessing-Gymnasium, who enabled Study 3.Thanks to Michael Marsiske, Ulrich Mayr, John R. Nesselroade, Kai Schnabel, Anna Stetsenko, and two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper, and to Bettina Franzke for technical support. I also extend my thanks to Frank Faulbaum and Norbert Schwarz, without whom this research could not have been completed.  相似文献   

Two sets of experiments examined the discriminative performance of pigeons on a visual flicker-rate continuum using a maintained generalization procedure. In the first experiment, responses during the intermediate stimulus value were not reinforced, whereas responses during all other stimuli were reinforced periodically. In the second experiment, training was similar to the first, with the exception of one condition in which stimuli adjacent to the negative stimulus border were eliminated from the discrimination set. Results from both experiments show that positive dimensional contrast seems to represent a relative enhancement of discrimination gradient form, rather than an absolute increase in responding with respect to prior baseline. Further, the form and magnitude of positive dimensional contrast are not predictable from the form and magnitude of baseline response rates. Results from the second experiment indicate that eliminating border stimuli increased response-rate differences between positive and negative stimuli, but did not necessarily diminish the magnitude of positive dimensional contrast.  相似文献   

In two sets of experiments, we examined dimensional stimulus control of pigeons' responses to a visual flicker-rate continuum. In the first experiment, responses to a single key were reinforced periodically during stimuli from one half of the stimulus continuum, and responses during other stimuli were extinguished. In the second experiment, two response keys were simultaneously available, with reinforcement for each response alternative associated with different halves of the stimulus continuum. Conditions of the second experiment involved either free-operant or discrete-trial stimulus presentations. Results from these experiments show that positive dimensional contrast appeared in discrimination tasks with one or two response alternatives, but only with free-operant procedures. In addition, discrimination between stimulus classes established by differential reinforcement was assessed as accurately by continuous rate measures as by discrete response choice in the two-alternative situation. The general implication of these experiments is that response rate measures, when properly applied, may reveal sources of variation within stimulus classes, such as dimensional contrast, that are not evident with discrete measures.  相似文献   

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