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The present paper grounds the linguistic cdategorization of space in aspects of visual perception; specifically, the structure of projective spatial terms such as above are grounded in the process of attention and in vector-sum coding of overall direction. This is formalized in the attentional vector-sum (AVS) model. This computational model accurately predicts linguistic acceptability judgments for spatial terms, under a variety of spatial configurations. In 7 experiments, the predictions of the AVS model are tested against those of 3 competing models. The results support the AVS model and disconfirm its competitors. The authors conclude that the structure of linguistic spatial categories can be partially explained in terms of independently motivated perceptual processes.  相似文献   

Robots are increasingly expected to perform tasks in complex environments. To this end, engineers provide them with processing architectures that are based on models of human information processing. In contrast to traditional models, where information processing is typically set up in stages (i.e., from perception to cognition to action), it is increasingly acknowledged by psychologists and robot engineers that perception and action are parts of an interactive and integrated process. In this paper, we present HiTEC, a novel computational (cognitive) model that allows for direct interaction between perception and action as well as for cognitive control, demonstrated by task-related attentional influences. Simulation results show that key behavioral studies can be readily replicated. Three processing aspects of HiTEC are stressed for their importance for cognitive robotics: (1) ideomotor learning of action control, (2) the influence of task context and attention on perception, action planning, and learning, and (3) the interaction between perception and action planning. Implications for the design of cognitive robotics are discussed.  相似文献   

In the last two decades the integrative role of the frontal premotor cortex (a mosaic of agranular/disgranular areas lying in front of the primary motor cortex) have been more and more elucidated. Among its various functions, sensorimotor transformation, and action representation storage, also for nonstrictly motor purposes, are the most intriguing properties of this region, as shown by several researches. In this article we will mainly focus on the ventro-rostral part of the monkey premotor cortex (area F5) in which visual information describing objects and others' acting hands are associated with goal-directed motor representations of hand movements. We will describe the main characteristics of F5 premotor neurons and we will provide evidence in favor of a parallelism between monkeys and humans on the basis of new experimental observations. Finally, we will present some data indicating that, both in humans and in monkeys, action-related sensorimotor transformations are not restricted to visual information but concern also acoustic information.  相似文献   

Studies have revealed a close relationship between action–word processing and the detection of point-light biological movements and that this effect can be modulated by the context of action-verb presentation. The goal of the present study was to further examine the extent to which motor representation activation plays a role in this relationship by testing the influence of painless/painful sentence understanding during a listening task. Participants judged the presence or absence of a point-light biological movement that was embedded in a scrambled mask after a congruent or incongruent action sentence was presented. The sentences varied according to the context of action-verb presentation (painful, painless). Perceptual judgments of human movements improved after a prior presentation of a congruent action sentence but only in the painless context. Thus, our findings show that pain included in a semantic context of sentence presentation can preclude the relationship between action–word understanding and point-light biological movement judgments.  相似文献   

根据具身认知理论,人们的认知会受到身体活动的影响。网络环境下人的身体活动受到限制,因而其认知活动与非网络环境存在很大的差异。本研究目的在于考察人们对网络词语与非网络的日常词语的时间知觉,空间距离知觉与知觉范围是否有差异。结果发现被试对网络词语的时间知觉更长;网络词语的空间距离感与日常词语没有显著差异;在启动网络词语之后,被试的知觉范围缩小,对中心刺激的反应显著快于边缘刺激。本研究发现了网络词语加工在时间知觉和知觉范围上的变化。  相似文献   

We report a new phenomenon associated with language comprehension: the action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE). Participants judged whether sentences were sensible by making a response that required moving toward or away from their bodies. When a sentence implied action in one direction (e.g., "Close the drawer" implies action away from the body), the participants had difficulty making a sensibility judgment requiring a response in the opposite direction. The ACE was demonstrated for three sentences types: imperative sentences, sentences describing the transfer of concrete objects, and sentences describing the transfer of abstract entities, such as "Liz told you the story." These dataare inconsistent with theories of language comprehension in which meaning is represented as a set of relations among nodes. Instead, the data support an embodied theory of meaning that relates the meaning of sentences to human action.  相似文献   

Three experiments follow up on Easton and Basala’s (1982) report that the “McGurk effect” (an influence of a visibly mouthed utterance on a dubbed acoustic one) does not occur when utterances are real words rather than nonsense syllables. In contrast, with real-word stimuli, Easton and Basala report a strong reverse effect whereby a dubbed soundtrack strongly affects identification of lipread words. In Experiment 1, we showed that a strong McGurk effect does obtain when dubbed real words are discrepant with observed words in consonantal place of articulation. A second experiment obtained only a weak reverse effect of dubbed words on judgments of lipread words. A final experiment was designed to provide a sensitive test of effects of lipread words on judgments of heard words and of heard words on judgments of lipread words. The findings reinforced those of the first two experiments that both effects occur, but, with place-of-articulation information discrepant across the modalities, the McGurk effect is strong and the reverse effect weak.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the concept of stratification, in the sense of levels of analysis and levels of control, in relation to human perception and performance. It is contended that functional analysis is the proper level of analysis for the domain of perception and action. This is illustrated by means of models of cognitive energetics and motor control. The functional level of analysis can be situated in between the level of symbolic representations and the level of neurophysiological mechanisms. It is also argued that the concept of levels of control provides a way of integrating or relating ecological and information-processing approaches to psychology, in the sense that ecological psychology is concerned with lower and more peripheral levels of control (coordinative structures). Finally, some remarks are made on the relation between cognition and perception and action, drawing on Piaget, and it is proposed that the concept of schema is more appropriate for the domain of perception and action than is the notion of symbolic representations.  相似文献   

We present data from four experiments using cross-modal priming to examine the effects of competitor environment on lexical activation during the time course of the perception of a spoken word. The research is conducted from the perspective of a distributed model of speech perception and lexical representation, which focuses on activation at the level of lexical content. In this model, the strength of competition between simultaneously active lexical items depends on the degree of coherence between their distributed semantic and phonological representations. Consistent with this model, interference effects are more complete when the purely semantic aspects of these coactive representations are probed (using semantic priming) than when phonological aspects are probed as well (using repetition priming).  相似文献   

Here we investigated the temporal perception of self- and other-generated actions during sequential joint actions. Participants judged the perceived time of two events, the first triggered by the participant and the second by another agent, during a cooperative or competitive interaction, or by an unspecified mechanical cause. Results showed that participants perceived self-generated events as shifted earlier in time (anticipation temporal judgment bias) and non-self-generated events as shifted later in time (repulsion temporal judgment bias). This latter effect was observed independently from the kind of cause (i.e., agentive or mechanical) or interaction (i.e., cooperative or competitive). We suggest that this might represent a mental process which allows discriminating events that cannot plausibly be linked to one’s own action. When an event immediately follows a self-generated one, temporal judgment biases operate as self-serving biases in order to separate self-generated events from events of another physical causality.  相似文献   

de Vignemont  Fr&#;d&#;rique 《Synthese》2018,198(17):4027-4044

Philosophy of perception is guilty of focusing on the perception of far space, neglecting the possibility that the perception of the space immediately surrounding the body, which is known as peripersonal space, displays different properties. Peripersonal space is the space in which the world is literally at hand for interaction. It is also the space in which the world can become threatening and dangerous, requiring protective behaviours. Recent research in cognitive neuroscience has yielded a vast array of discoveries on the multisensory and sensorimotor specificities of the processing of peripersonal space. Yet very little has been done on their philosophical implications. Here I will raise the following question: in what manner does the visual experience of a big rock close to my foot differ from the visual experience of the moon in the sky?


Three experiments follow up on Easton and Basala's (1982) report that the "McGurk effect" (an influence of a visibly mouthed utterance on a dubbed acoustic one) does not occur when utterances are real words rather than nonsense syllables. In contrast, with real-word stimuli, Easton and Basala report a strong reverse effect whereby a dubbed soundtrack strongly affects identification of lipread words. In Experiment 1, we showed that a strong McGurk effect does obtain when dubbed real words are discrepant with observed words in consonantal place of articulation. A second experiment obtained only a weak reverse effect of dubbed words on judgments of lipread words. A final experiment was designed to provide a sensitive test of effects of lipread words on judgments of heard words and of heard words on judgments of lipread words. The findings reinforced those of the first two experiments that both effects occur, but, with place-of-articulation information discrepant across the modalities, the McGurk effect is strong and the reverse effect weak.  相似文献   

A series of four experiments was conducted on Israelis with a good knowledge of English, Anglo-Saxons with a good knowledge of Hebrew, and full Bilinguals of the two languages. In all experiments words were presented vertically and measurements of both accuracy and response times were taken. Experiments 1 and 2 examined the perception of Hebrew words in unilateral and bilateral conditions, respectively; Experiments 3 and 4 examined the perception of both Hebrew and English words in these two conditions. The results revealed right visual field advantage in the perception of words in both languages and in all groups. A reversal between the two conditions was not found. The data support the hypothesis whereby nonnative languages are less lateralized than native ones, but they indicate that full bilinguals are more, not less, lateralized than monolinguals. Various hypothesis regarding the relationship between lateralization and bilingualism are discussed.  相似文献   

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