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霸权(hegemony)(也译“领导权”)理论是后马克思主义的代表人物拉克劳、墨菲的核心理论。自拉克劳、墨菲1985年的《霸权与社会主义的策略》一书出版后,霸权理论在欧洲和北美都产生了很大的理论影响。拉克劳、墨菲的霸权理论是对西方马克思主义的代表人物葛兰西的霸权理论的继承和发展,所以,人们有时也把这一理论称为“新葛兰西主义”。一、从葛兰西的霸权理论到新葛兰西主义拉克劳、墨菲在《霸权与社会主义的策略》一书中详细地概述了其理论与葛兰西的霸权理论之间的内在联系与差异。众所周知,葛兰西“市民社会”理论的重要意义在于其对传统…  相似文献   

葛兰西超越传统的马克思主义的解读模式,将马克思主义解读为实践哲学,同时这种实践哲学也包含着葛兰西本人自觉的理论建构。从实践哲学的历史沿革中考察实践概念的发展轨迹,在此基础上阐述葛兰西实践哲学的理论境遇,有助于揭示内蕴于葛兰西实践哲学中的核心问题。葛兰西通过对传统唯物主义和唯心主义的批判,给实践哲学做了"绝对历史主义"的规定,强调一种总体性的理论构建,其实质是"实践一元论"。葛兰西的实践哲学重申了马克思的实践概念,但没有停留在这一概念上,而是将其展开于现实的活动之中,这对于今天马克思哲学的研究仍然具有深远的影响力。  相似文献   

葛兰西的文化霸权理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李震 《学海》2004,(3):55-62
葛兰西的文化霸权理论既是研究社会权力关系体系的一个切入点 ,同时也是探究文化与政治、经济之间复杂动态关系的有力工具。本文分析了葛兰西理论中“文化霸权”、“市民社会”、“有机知识分子”等概念的内涵 ,进而探讨了文化霸权理论对西方马克思主义和后殖民主义的影响。  相似文献   

葛兰西实践哲学是对马克思主义哲学的创造性理解。它不仅重视政治修辞,继承了自柏拉图以来的修辞与政治相关联的传统,而且还把修辞与哲学结合在一起,通过在历史与现实之间阐明霸权理论,发展了马克思主义实践哲学的文化哲学传统。从文化哲学视角考察葛兰西实践哲学的修辞学传统,对构建当代中国马克思主义实践哲学具有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

本文是作者为了有助于粉碎现代修正主义者利用葛兰西来对马克思列宁主义所作的攻击而写的。全文约有五万字,共分以下五节:(一)“为什么要研讨葛兰西的理论?”(二)“葛兰西的革命活动和思想斗争”;(三)“葛兰西的哲学理论及其问题所在”;(四)“葛兰西的政治理论”;(五)“结束语”。作者从哲学和政治两方面研讨了葛兰西的理论,指出他的理论的核心在于与他作为意大利共产党领导者的实践活动不可分地结合在一起的革命理论中的列宁主义观点,虽  相似文献   

郑伟 《现代哲学》2023,(2):43-49
葛兰西“实践哲学”的体系外观具有强烈的“迫不得已”特征,并使其导向关于“文化领导权”的分析。通过“历史-社会”的解读模式,葛兰西哲学在有限承认历史唯物主义理论框架合法性的同时,极度强调文化的重要性。通过“文化-政治”与“文化-理论”的双重逻辑建构,葛兰西实际上提出了马克思主义引导意大利启蒙运动的革命目标。由于片面强调文化问题的重要性,造成其试图在资本主义社会内部独立解决文化领导权问题的理论缺陷。  相似文献   

拉克劳、墨菲的后马克思主义,是反对本质主义的后马克思主义。这种后马克思主义承接了葛兰西的文化霸权理论,予以后结构主义的改造,凸显出其偶然性逻辑。它把文化霸权链接的偶然性逻辑与话语理论进行贯通,在话语差异性与等同的交互作用中展开政治活动,在对抗前提下形成工人阶级霸权,这就是激进民主的社会主义规划。  相似文献   

(一)马克思主义战后,以克罗齐和金蒂莱为代表的唯心主义哲学在意大利思想领域的统治地位发生动摇,而受到20多年禁绝的马克思主义却迅速成为富有生命力的思潮。意共十分重视对马克思主义著作的翻译和出版。现在,46卷的《列宁全集》已出齐,50卷的《马克思恩格斯全集》也已出书过半。《毛泽东选集》前3卷早在50年代就有了意大利文版。从1948年始,葛兰西的《狱中札记》6卷陆续出版,引起强烈反响。1958、1967、1977、1987和1989年,葛兰西研究所主办了5次葛兰西国际学术讨论会。相继出版了一批有影响的专著,如巴达洛尼的《葛兰西的马克思主义》,戈鲁比的《葛兰西的领导权概念》、丹卜拉诺的《葛兰西的生平、活动与思想》,他们研究的重点放在领导权、阵地战、市民社会和实践哲学方面。陶里亚蒂最先肯定了从拉布里奥拉到葛兰西的意大利马克思主义传统。意共和左  相似文献   

迄今为止,马克思主义国家理论的谱系一直围绕"结构"与"能动性"展开,国家垄断资本主义和资本逻辑学派侧重于"结构"的维度,葛兰西以及新葛兰西主义的国家理论则侧重于"能动性"的维度。为弥补"结构"与"能动性"的二元论问题,杰索普创建了"策略关系"国家理论,很好的解决了"结构"与"能动性"问题,有力地推进了马克思主义国家理论的研究。不过,"策略关系"国家理论本身也存在一些问题,值得我们认真反思。  相似文献   

安东尼奥·葛兰西(Antonio Gramci,1891—1937)是意大利共产党的创建人之一,担任过意共总书记、第三国际执行委员和主席团成员,于1926年被墨索里尼下令逮捕入狱,在狱中度过了十一年,给人们留下了他的《狱中笔记》和《狱中书简》作为丰富的理论遗产。葛兰西研究,始于六十年代末。伦敦市立大学教授C·穆芙说:“如果说六十年代的马克思主义理论能够以‘阿尔都塞主义’作为其主要标记的话,那么,现在我们无疑已经进入一  相似文献   

A cognitive approach to the psychiatric clinic raises the problem of conceptual articulation between the pathological phenomena observed in clinic and models derived from cognitive sciences.

The theoretical approach of H. von Foerster linking communication, language and personal identity in a common formalism seems to constitute a pertinent framework for such articulation.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine various aspects of the application of Heidegger's motif of interpretative articulation (the core phenomenological motif of existential analytic) to the constitutional analysis of meaningful objects in scientific research that are contextually ready-to-hand. It is my contention that not only the concepts of the ‘fore-structure of understanding’ and the ‘as-structure of interpretation’, but also the extended concepts of the ‘hermeneutic fore-structure of meaning constitution’ and ‘characteristic hermeneutic situation’ are the keys to understanding the interpretative nature of scientific research. The paper applies the constitutional analysis of hermeneutic phenomenology to several phenomena of scientific research—constitution of meaningful objects, situational fulfilment of a domain's general project, production of a domain's thematically given objects, implementation of readable technologies to what is contextually ready-to-hand, reading hypothetical theoretical objects, and exegetical textualizing within interrelated practices. The study is supplied with exemplary illustrations from enzymology and biochemistry. The correlation between a domain's interpretative articulation and the appropriation of research possibilities within the research everydayness is addressed. Special attention is paid to the belief in and reading of intracellular enzymes as hypothetical theoretical objects.  相似文献   

This article deals with the theoretical model of integration process. The aim is to compare theory with clinic through the study of a migrant child, which present an elective muteness at school. The integration process seeks to highlight how groupals and intersubjectives situations are articulated to psychical reality. This articulation can help to the transitionnalisation of the individual experiences and thus support their integration. But all groups do not have the same potential of transitionnalisation. The family psychic apparatus seems to be the most appropriate agency for resolving in a creative way individual suffering.  相似文献   

In previous experiments Ss were presented for ordered recall with sequences of five consonant phonemes paired with /a/ in which the middle three consonant phonemes shared the same manner of articulation (voiced, unvoiced, nasal), the same place of articulation (front, middle, back), or neither the same manner nor place of articulation (control sequences). Compared to performance in control sequences, the middle consonant phoneme was always more difficult to recall in manner of articulation sequences but not in place of articulation sequences. The results suggested that for these sequences consonant phonemes were not remembered in terms of their place of articulation. In the present experiment, sequences of consonant-vowel (CV) or vowel-consonant (VC) syllables were presented for recall in which each consonant phoneme was paired with a different vowel. When consonant phonemes in the different sequence types were presented for recall with different vowels, phonetic interference was observed for the middle consonant in place of articulation sequences as well as manner of articulation sequences, and the effect was observed in both CV and VC groups. It was suggested that vowels are encoded in short-term memory in terms of their place of articulation and that presenting consonant phonemes for recall with different vowels caused Ss to use this dimension to code consonant phonemes in short-term memory.  相似文献   

The role of specific, suggestive instructions and of the subject's cognitive articulation in fostering modifications of Müller-Lyer illusory effect was studied. 60 female students were divided into four subgroups on the basis of (a) Witkin's GEFT scores and (b) instructions given to the subjects for the repeated trial. Analysis shows no statistically significant difference between the more and less articulated subjects on the first trial, for influence of both cognitive articulation and instructions or their interaction on the reduction of the illusion. Data are interpreted in terms of some theoretical explanations of geometrical illusions, such as 'centration theory' and 'assimilation theory'.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Agostini and Bruno (1996) showed that the size of simultaneous lightness contrast increases under Gelb lighting. To extend Agostini and Bruno's work, we applied their methodology to a set of more spatially articulated displays. In four experiments, we investigated the role of spatial articulation on the size of the simultaneous lightness contrast effect. In the first experiment, we found a decrease of the simultaneous lightness contrast effect as the spatial articulation increased. In the second experiment (the control experiment), performed under homogeneous illumination, we found that the effect of spatial articulation is not detectable, even though the data seem to show the same trend as that in the previous experiment. In the third experiment, we found that spatial articulation affects not only the middle reflectance region, but also the lowest one. As the spatial articulation increases, the effect on the lightnesses of both regions decreases. In the last experiment, performed with a reduced range of reflectances, we found a lightening effect for all the reflectances and, again, an effect of spatial articulation. The results of these experiments are interpreted according to the model proposed by Gilchrist et al. (in press).  相似文献   

Various surface features—timbre, tempo, and pitch—influence melody recognition memory, but articulation format effects, if any, remain unknown. For the first time, these effects were examined. In Experiment 1, melodies that remained in the same, or appeared in a different but similar, articulation format from study to test were recognized better than were melodies that were presented in a distinct format at test. A similar articulation format adequately induced matching processes to enhance recognition. Experiment 2 revealed that melodies rated as perceptually dissimilar on the basis of the location of the articulation mismatch did not impair recognition performance, suggesting an important boundary condition for articulation format effects on memory recognition—the matching of the memory trace and recognition probe may depend more on the overall proportion, rather than the temporal location, of the mismatch. The present findings are discussed in terms of a global matching advantage hypothesis.  相似文献   

Several studies have indicated that dyslexics show a deficit in speech perception (SP). The main purpose of this research is to determine the development of SP in dyslexics and normal readers paired by grades from 2nd to 6th grade of primary school and to know whether the phonetic contrasts that are relevant for SP change during development, taking into account the individual differences. The achievement of both groups was compared in the phonetic tasks: voicing contrast, place of articulation contrast and manner of articulation contrast. The results showed that the dyslexic performed poorer than the normal readers in SP. In place of articulation contrast, the developmental pattern is similar in both groups but not in voicing and manner of articulation. Manner of articulation has more influence on SP, and its development is higher than the other contrast tasks in both groups.  相似文献   

This experiment explored the information for place of articulation provided bylocus equations— equations for a line relating the second formant (F2) of a vowel at midpoint toF2 of the formant at consonant-vowel (CV) syllable onset. Locus equations cue place indirectly by quantifying directly the degree of coarticulatory overlap (coarticulation resistance) between consonant and vowel. Coarticulation resistance is correlated with place, The experiment tested predictions that when coarticulation resistance varies due to properties of the consonant other than place of articulation (in particular due to manner of articulation), locus equations would not accurately reflect consonantal place of articulation. These predictions were confirmed. In addition, discriminant analyses, using locus equation variables as classifiers, were generally unsuccessful in classifying a set of consonants representing six different places of articulation. I conclude that locus equations are unlikely to provide useful place information to listeners.  相似文献   

In two studies we investigated the way in which the components of speaking rate, articulation rate and pause rate, combine to influence processing of the silence-duration cue for the voicing distinction in medial stop consonants. First, we replicated the finding that the articulation rate of a carrier sentence, that is, the rate at which the speech itself is produced, influences how the duration information is used to assign voicing values. Second, and more importantly, the assignment of voicing values was also influenced by the pause rate of the sentence. Thus, the listener adjusts for both articulation rate and pause rate when processing the phonetically relevant information. Finally, the two rate components did not function in an equivalent manner, since changes in articulation rate had considerably more effect on phonetic judgments than did changes in pause rate. Alternative explanations fo the relative weighting of the two variables are discussed.  相似文献   

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