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Zusammenfassung Wenngleich viele Schwangerschaften und Geburten komplikationslos verlaufen, können bei werdenden Müttern psychische Missstimmungen wie Ängstlichkeit oder depressive Gestimmtheit infolge individueller psychosozialer Veränderungen auftreten. Dies gilt insbesondere für Schwangerschaften mit Komplikationen wie vorzeitige Wehentätigkeit und Gestosen. Die ätiologischen Faktoren solcher Komplikationen sind bisher häufig ungeklärt. Allerdings gibt es zahlreiche Hinweise auf eine Mitbeteiligung von Stress an der Entstehung der genannten Pathologien. Das sympathikoadrenomedulläre System und die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Plazenta-Achse scheinen die körperlichen Effekte von psychosozialen Belastungen zu modulieren. Auch die Entstehung postpartaler psychischer Störungen kann durch Stresserleben während der Geburt, wie beispielsweise einer sekundären Sectio, beeinflusst werden. Aus diesen Gründen ist es wichtig, der psychosozialen Anpassung an eine Schwangerschaft besondere Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und bei ausgeprägten Problemen frühzeitig eine psychotherapeutische Mitbehandlung einzuleiten.  相似文献   

In times of crisis such as the Reformation, the quest for the true Church comes into focus. In Luther's most important contribution to this question, Von den Konziliis und Kirchen (1539), he rejects the idea that the history of Fathers and Councils could be the solution, though the Councils are significant as defence of the biblical faith. Instead, Luther identifies the true Church as the place where the Spirit sanctifies believers through the word of God, which is the most important nota ecclesiae. The presence of the divine as fact and goal is thus what characterises the true Church.  相似文献   

U. Blau 《Erkenntnis》1986,25(1):1-30
Ohne ZusammenfassungDer hier behandelte Wahrheitsbegriff ist die philosophische Grundlage der 3- und 6-wertigen Logik, die ich in [1], [2] und anderen Arbeiten entwickelt habe. Die Leser, die diese Arbeiten kennen, bitte ich um Nachsicht für einige Wiederholungen, die anderen bitte ich um Nachsicht dafür, daß ich nicht mehr wiederhole.  相似文献   

Within the context of worldwide migratory movements, numerous victims of war and torture are moving into western countries. Frequently, these patients are in need of psychotherapy, which is partly provided by specialized institutions. Psychotherapists of victims of war and torture have to deal with manifold additional physical, social, material, and legal problems of their clients. Therefore, such patients are best treated by multidisciplinary teams. The psychotherapy of such victims involves the classical methods for the treatment of PTSD; however, these methods may be of limited effect in these patients due to high comorbidity. Additional methods and concepts known from the treatment of complex PTSD and borderline personality disorders must be integrated into therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Moser and von Zeppelin developed a dream generation model. Based on an empirical scientific method for dream coding derived from this model, affect regulation processes within dreams can be reconstructed. A dream of a Canadian soldier is used to illustrate this approach and to examine its possibilities as well as limitations. Finally, this article discusses how far such a procedure can be helpful in a didactical, institutional or academic context when approaching the dream phenomenon and as a process preceding dream interpretation.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungTeil I dieser Arbeit erschien in Psychol. Forsch. 31, 113–176 (1967).  相似文献   



The restructuring of the European educational system in line with the Bologna process forms a source of complaints in German universities because of the rigid structure of the curricula and higher pressure to perform. By comparison of students in the former diploma system with students in the bachelor master system during the period of restructuring it was analyzed if the changes in the educational system affect psychological distress in a negative way.


The analysis of 535 datasets from the psychotherapeutic outpatient department for students of the university Göttingen in the years between 2006 and 2010 was carried out to clarify if students in the bachelor master system suffered more from severe psychological distress than students of the former German diploma system. Dependent variables are a questionnaire comprising current problems and the global severity index (GSI) from the symptom checklist (SCL)-90-R. The confounding factors resulting from course of study and stud -time in the period of the restructuring have been controlled.


The bachelor master students who sought help were not generally suffering from more psychological distress than diploma students. However, in comparison to students from the former diploma system they suffered more from psychological distress and problems resulting from the study situation and organization in the first semesters.


Psychotherapeutic university outpatient departments have to be aware of the changing demand. The study organization has to be changed to be more student friendly, especially in the beginning. An adequate infrastructure for psychotherapeutic university outpatients has to be provided.  相似文献   

Concepts and results of research into treatment motivation under psychotherapy are discussed with regard to the question whether decisions for indications on the basis of the motivational characteristics of patients are reasonable. Established concepts and broader theories of treatment motivation as well as diagnostic tools for the assessment are presented. Subsequently, empirical results for the effects of motivational factors on the maintenance and success of psychotherapy are briefly sketched. Approaches aimed at the enhancement of treatment motivation before and during psychotherapeutic processes are then illustrated. Finally, it is emphasized that, in turn, features of individual therapeutic processes may provide a basis for the indication of motivational enhancement interventions, thus supporting the notion of a dynamic nature of treatment motivation.  相似文献   

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