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The VIA Classification characterizes six culturally defined virtues as latent variables underlying 24 character strengths. Factor analyses of measures based on the Classification usually suggest 4–5 factors that do not correspond well to traditional lists of virtues. This article describes the identification of a three-virtue model across multiple measures of strengths in four samples encompassing 1,070,549 cases. The general pattern involved a first component representing good character that split into two components reflecting Goodness and Inquisitiveness. The former divided further into components reflecting Caring and Self-Control. This pattern recurred in all data sets. The model consisting of Caring, Inquisitiveness, and Self-Control is proposed as a reliable latent structure for the VIA Classification strengths, an intuitive classification of traditional cultural virtues, and a framework for social efforts encouraging the development of virtue.  相似文献   


Han, Miller, and Snow have written three thoughtful critiques of the VIA Classification of Strengths and Virtues. In this response, I emphasize five points. First, I suggest the concept of practical wisdom may be understood in terms of three VIA strengths: prudence, judgment, and perspective. Second, recognizing that the VIA Classification is a structural model of individual traits, rather than a moral theory, can address some concerns about the model, including its failure to account for the unity of the virtues. Third, I review a three-virtue model that has emerged in recent research on the VIA strengths may provide essential elements for a taxonomy of virtue. Fourth, I raise several issues associated with the application of the VIA Classification to moral education. Finally, though the model demonstrates substantial generalizabilty across Westernized populations, research in traditional indigenous cultures remains insufficient. I conclude with a series of questions for future research.  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the issues and themes that were discussed on an interdisciplinary panel which occurred at the American Philosophical Association’s pacific division meeting in April of 2017. The panel focused on the connections between the VIA classification of virtues and character strengths in psychology and virtues and the Aristotelian approach to virtue in philosophy. Three key themes emerged from the papers presented at this panel: 1) the nature of the relationship between virtues and character strengths on the VIA model; 2) the extent to which the conceptions of virtues and character strengths are best understood as universal or culturally-embedded; and 3) the reliability of using self-report measurements to measure character strengths. This paper serves to frame papers that resulted from that panel and were incorporated into this special issue of the Journal of Positive Psychology.  相似文献   


The VIA Inventory of Strengths and the VIA model were originally developed to assess and study 24 character strengths. In this paper, I discuss how the VIA Inventory and its character strength model can be applied to the field of moral education with moral philosophical considerations. First, I review previous factor analysis studies that have consistently reported factors containing candidates for moral virtues, and discuss the systematic structure and organization of VIA character strengths. Second, I discuss several issues related to the VIA model, including a lack of previous studies that directly support the moral justifiability of the model and the presence of a fundamental virtue component required for optimal moral functioning in virtue ethics, phronesis, practical wisdom, in the model. Finally, I propose future directions for research on the VIA model in order to address the aforementioned issues and facilitate the application of the model in moral education.  相似文献   

The work of Chris Peterson and his colleagues provides a context and rationale for creating a new paradigm for character education. While most character education approaches (past and present) have served the purpose of inculcating societal norms and expectations, a positive psychology-based approach seeks to help individuals identify and engage their personal character strengths, thereby promoting well-being. To date, research on character strengths-based classroom interventions has identified positive outcomes related to positive emotion, engagement, relationships, and accomplishment. During the past decade, a number of public and private schools have served as pioneers in this emerging field. This work has contributed to the development of (1) a theoretical framework for infusing strengths-based practices in classrooms and schools and (2) a corresponding body of practices.  相似文献   

Aristotle and others suggest that a single virtue – ‘good temper’ – pertains specifically to anger. I argue that if good temper is a single virtue, it is constituted by aspects of a combination of other virtues. I present three categories of anger-relevant virtues – those that (potentially) dispose one to anger; those that delay, mitigate, and qualify anger; and those required for effortful anger control – and show how virtues in each category make distinct contributions to good temper. In addition to clarifying the relationship between anger and the virtues, my analysis has theoretical implications for virtue individuation more generally, and practical implications for character cultivation.  相似文献   

Recently, psychologists have begun to shift their research attention to positive topics historically overlooked by the profession. The study of character strengths is a major research interest of positive psychologists. A classification of 24 character strengths, called the Values in Action (VIA) Classification, has recently been developed, and the current study evaluates these character strengths across cultures. Among 123 members of the Kenyan Maasai, 71 Inughuit in Northern Greenland, and 519 University of Illinois students, we found high rates of agreement about the existence, desirability, and development of these strengths of character. Despite these strong similarities, there were differences between and within cultures in terms of gender, the perceived importance of specific strengths (such as modesty), and the existence of cultural institutions that promote each strength.  相似文献   


This essay raises concerns about positive psychology’s classification of character strengths and virtues and issues of measurement. Part I examines the process whereby the classification was compiled. Part II turns to issues of measurement and questions about positive psychologists’ sensitivity to variations in the meanings of the constructs they purport to measure, both within and across cultures. I argue that attempts to find a ‘deep structure’ of the character strengths and virtues should proceed hand in hand with efforts to render positive psychology and its measurement tools more sensitive to variability in character strengths and virtues across and within cultures. The essay concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Jack of all trades, master of none seems apropos to character strengths. Research indicates that readily endorsed and intrinsically motivating strengths (i.e. signature strengths) are most useful in promoting well-being; improving less-developed strengths receives less emphasis. Unfortunately, that research focuses exclusively on explicit self-report. We tested whether strength balance (i.e. jack of all strengths) impacts well-being beyond mastering signature strengths by conducting a multivariate regression with signature strengths and strength balance predicting life satisfaction and psychological need (relatedness, competency, and autonomy) satisfaction. We also developed a novel, strength-based implicit association test (IAT) to complement explicit measurement. Our study (N?=?140 adults) results suggest that signature strengths and strength balance uniquely predicted greater well-being. Though our IAT possessed poor internal consistency, it provides valuable information regarding the design of future implicit measures of character strengths. Strength balance and implicit strength measurement may offer new opportunities to further understanding of personality and well-being.  相似文献   

This article describes an empirical refinement of the Runco Ideational Behavior Scale (RIBS). The RIBS seems to be associated with divergent thinking, and the potential for creative thinking, but it was possible that its validity could be improved. With this in mind, three new scales were developed and the unique benefit (or “incremental validity”) of each was assessed. The three validity scales contained (a) distractor items, (b) contraindicative items, or (c) items constituting a lie scale. Step‐wise analyses using the three validity scales indicated very little incremental validity: They were interpreted in the light of psychometric theory, which suggests that their contribution may have been on a behavioral rather than on a statistical level. One additional analysis explored the possibility that a short form could be constructed. The short form of the RIBS was highly correlated with the long form (r = .94). Thus, most decisions made by the short form will be entirely compatible with decisions that would have been reached using the long form. A second significant result was that the RIBS was highly correlated with a check list of creative activities, supporting its concurrent validity.  相似文献   

面试是人才甄选中最常用的测量工具。大量研究证实,面试的预测效度比较理想,但不同类型面试的预测效度存在差异。虽然能够证实面试的预测效度较好,但对面试的测量构想却知之甚少。研究面试的构想效度,对于提高面试的递增效度有着重要的实践价值。相对人格成分而言,以往研究对面试能够测量到认知成分形成了更加一致地认识。  相似文献   

情境判断测验是一种为作答者呈现工作相关的典型情境以及该情境下可能的行为反应, 要求根据指导语提示进行选择或评价的测验形式。随着其理论和实践的发展, 研究者越来越关注情境判断测验的效度研究, 包括对其构想效度、效标关联效度和递增效度的探讨, 以及指导语类型、情境保真度以及计分方式等因素对其效度的影响。基于这些研究进展, 未来情境判断测验实践领域可能的方向是:(1)开发针对特定构想的情境判断测验; (2)结合具体构想选用相应的指导语; (3)应用作假和培训对效度影响的研究结果指导实践。  相似文献   

采用整群抽样法对重庆市和河南省某两所大学800名大一至大三年级学生进行问卷调查,建立结构方程,考察性格优势、优势运用、压力性生活事件和主观幸福感的关系。结果发现:(1)优势运用在性格优势和主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用,即性格优势既对主观幸福感产生直接影响,也通过优势运用对主观幸福感产生间接影响;(2)压力性生活事件调节优势运用的中介作用,即优势运用对主观幸福感的影响随着个体所体验到的压力性生活事件的增加而提升;优势运用对主观幸福感起着有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   


The Character Strengths Inventory for Early Childhood (CSI-EC) is a parent report inventory that was developed to measure pre-school children’s character strengths consistent with the VIA Classification of Strengths and Virtues. The inventory consists of 96 items that measure 24 character strengths. The CSI-EC was administered to 2274 parents of children aged 3–6 in two large samples from Israel. Parents also completed questionnaires assessing their child’s emotional and behavioral problems and emotional well-being. Principal component analyses and confirmatory factor analyses of the CSI-EC supported 24 primary character strengths factors and four second-order factors. Children’s transcendence, intellectual and interpersonal strengths were positively associated with children’s emotional well-being, and children’s temperance and interpersonal strengths were negatively associated with socio-emotional difficulties. The findings are discussed in terms of future research and practical implication.  相似文献   

This special issue examines strengths of moral character and their relationship to happiness. Six papers are included that address this topic using a variety of samples and methods. The value of positive psychology in encouraging the juxtaposition of typically separate lines of research is underscored.  相似文献   

Innovation has emerged as a key work outcome for modern organizations. The present paper answers recent calls from several researchers for further empirical research on the validity of personality variables for predicting individual innovative performance. More specifically, it is focused on the validity of proactive personality. Using a sample of 170 software engineers and their direct supervisors from a multinational information technology firm, we found that this individual disposition represents a valid and meaningful predictor of individual innovative performance, when assessed through supervisor ratings. Further analyses have also shown that proactive personality remains a significant predictor of this criterion, when the big five factors of personality are taken into account. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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