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Virtual reality (VR) has developed rapidly and drawn the attention of businesses. E-commerce practitioners have used VR to improve business performance and satisfy consumers' needs by enhancing the shopping experience and increasing purchase intention. To explore the effects of VR shopping platforms on purchase intention, this study developed a theoretical framework on the basis of task–technology fit. The framework comprises technological characteristics and user needs (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) and can be used to investigate perceived needs–technology fit and identify factors affecting intention to purchase on VR platforms. This study distributed an online questionnaire and received 336 responses. Analysis was performed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results suggested that purchase intention is stronger when perceived needs–technology fit is closer. Hedonic needs play a vital role in perceived needs–technology fit. In terms of technological characteristics, relative advantage, and service compatibility strongly affect perceived needs–technology fit. In addition, feelings of spatial presence, a key component of VR, positively affect relative advantage, service compatibility, and trialability and negatively affect complexity. The implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Social psychologists have extensively researched behavioral intention and its relation to future behavior, usually within the framework of M. Fishbein and I. Ajzen's (1975, Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley) theory of reasoned action. However, the field has confounded two separate constructs while investigating intention: behavioral intention (BI) and what P. R. Warshaw, B. H. Sheppard, and J. Hartwick (in press, in R. Bagozzi (Ed.), Advances in marketing communication, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press) have coined behavioral expectation (BE), which is the individual's self-prediction of his or her future behavior. In this paper we define both constructs and explain how they differ in terms of the processes by which they are formed, their roles in determining behavior, and their utilities as behavioral predictors. We propose that behavioral expectation is the more accurate overall predictor since many common behaviors are unreasoned (i.e., mindless or habitual) behaviors, goal-type actions, or behaviors where the individual expects his or her intention to change in a foresseable manner. These are all cases where present intention (BI) is not the direct determinant of behavior but where the individual may be capable of appraising whatever additional determinants exist and of including them within his or her behavioral expectation. A study (N = 197) is reported in which student subjects received either a BE (n = 113) or a BI (n = 84) version of a questionnaire pertaining to their performance of 18 common behaviors. Overall, behavioral expectation was the better predictor of self-reported performance.  相似文献   


A model of adolescent health risk behavior that is both cognitive and social-psychological in orientation is described, and an aspect of the model is tested empirically. The model suggests that health risk behaviors (e.g., smoking or drunk driving), especially among adolescents, are not always intended or premeditated, but instead are often reactions to risk-conducive circumstances. Because they are not entirely premeditated, such behaviors are not accurately predicted by “traditional” behavioral intention measures, but are predicted by a central construct in the model labeled behavioral willingness. Results of two studies indicate that both intention (expectation) and willingness measures predict future risk behaviors, and do so independent of one another. Additional analyses provide further evidence of discriminant validity between the two constructs by indicating that they relate differently to perceptions of personal vulnerability to the health risks associated with these behaviors.  相似文献   

Given the extreme advances and large investments in social-networking services (SNS), it has become important to analyze users' decision-making processes in order to understand their continued use of SNS. This study attempted to develop an integrated model that incorporates subjective norm into the expectation-confirmation model. The research model was empirically tested within the context of Cyworld. The analysis revealed that the proposed theoretical model provided an in-depth understanding of user continuance behavior toward SNS. Theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

The theory of planned behavior (TPB, Ajzen, 1985) has proved its efficiency in predicting different behaviors among road users (Sheeran & Orbell, 2000). The present study examined the TPB factors explaining risk taking among vulnerable road users (e.g., cyclists). We presumed that attitude, social norms, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) would predict cyclists’ intention to adopt a risky behavior in two traffic contexts considered as risk-conducive (i.e., run the red-light, turn left).Participants (N = 224, Mage = 23.34) filled in an online scenario-based questionnaire describing two traffic situations conducive to risk taking and including measures for cyclists’ intentions to adopt risky behaviors in these specific contexts, TPB factors, and self-perceived efficacy.TPB factors explained 49% and 65% of the variance in the intention to cross the red light, respectively the intention to turn left, with positive attitude and high PBC as the best predictors. Implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which observation of an action performed by a human actor or a robotic arm may kinematically prime the performance of an observer subsequently required to perform a similar action. In Experiment 1, an actor reached for a target presented in isolation or flanked by a distractor object. Subsequently, an observer was required to perform a similar action toward the target object, but always in the absence of the distractor. The kinematics of both the human actor and the observer were affected by the presence of the distractor. Unexpectedly, similar effects were found in the observer's kinematics during the trials in which the actor was seated in front of the observer but no action was demonstrated (catch trials). Results from 4 subsequent experiments suggest that the motor intentions of the actor can be inferred by monitoring his or her gaze. To support this conclusion, results are discussed in terms of recent work spanning many disciplines involved in combining gaze direction and body movements.  相似文献   

The impression of animacy from the motion of simple shapes typically relies on synthetically defined motion patterns resulting in pseudorepresentations of human movement. Thus, it is unclear how these synthetic motions relate to actual biological agents. To clarify this relationship, we introduce a novel approach that uses video processing to reduce full-video displays of human interactions to animacy displays, thus creating animate shapes whose motions are directly derived from human actions. Furthermore, this technique facilitates the comparison of interactions in animacy displays from different viewpoints-an area that has yet to be researched. We introduce two experiments in which animacy displays were created showing six dyadic interactions from two viewpoints, incorporating cues altering the quantity of the visual information available. With a six-alternative forced choice task, results indicate that animacy displays can be created via this naturalistic technique and reveal a previously unreported advantage for viewing intentional motion from an overhead viewpoint.  相似文献   

Arfini  Selene  Bertolotti  Tommaso  Magnani  Lorenzo 《Synthese》2019,196(1):377-397
Synthese - In this paper we aim at discussing cognitive and epistemic features of online communities, by the use of cognitive niche constructions theories, presenting them as virtual cognitive...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative influence of attitude toward the act, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on consumers' purchase intention when consumers possess different levels of product knowledge (subjective and objective). The magnitude of the influence is compared across two different societies (U.S. and Taiwanese). U.S. (N = 295) and Taiwanese (N = 297) college students participated. The results showed that the relative importance of attitude toward the act, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control in predicting purchase intention varied across consumers with different levels of product knowledge (subjective or objective) for the U.S. participants. However, the moderating effect of product knowledge was less profound for the Taiwanese participants.  相似文献   

Anticipation in road traffic enables safer and more comfortable driving. Anticipatory driving is achieved through effective retrieval of prior driving-relevant knowledge using mental models and appropriate cues. Knowing when and which retrieval cues have a critical impact on the anticipation process and how information compatibility affects anticipation can be the basis for supporting people in anticipating and appropriate behavior in road traffic.For generating in-depth insights into the processing of retrieval cues, a video-based experimental study was conducted combining specific compatible and incompatible retrieval cues in urban driving scenarios. From a driver's perspective, participants were asked to anticipate in a two-step approach (measuring low and high certainty anticipation) whether a vehicle ahead would enter their lane or turn onto another street due to a lane blockage ahead. Further, they choose their preferred behavioral intention (accelerate, decelerate or maintain speed). In general, drivers strived for coherent situation representation, and in this process, multiple retrieval cues influenced anticipation in different ways. Participants were more likely to be consistent in their anticipation response. That is, they tend to follow their first intention (equivalent low and high certainty anticipation for either lane change or turn) even in the presence of incompatible stimuli. Inconsistent compared to consistent anticipation responses, however, led to reduced subjective confidence, and in part to increased criticality. Not only anticipation but also intended behavior was influenced by retrieval cues. In accordance, the anticipation of others' behaviors can be considered a predictor of specific intended behavior in road traffic.  相似文献   

Without a doubt, people can feel simultaneously connected to multiple communities (e.g., Deaux, 1993; Roccas & Brewer, 2002). But, to what degree can people feel simultaneously connected to communities with opposing beliefs and values? And, more importantly, what are the psychological implications of being dually connected to these communities? Capitalizing on a sample of individuals positioned to potentially feel connected to two very distinct communities, we examined jail inmates' (N = 256) sense of connectedness to the criminal community and to the community at large. Results indicated that (a) connectedness to the community at large is orthogonal to connectedness to the criminal community, supporting the supposition that it is possible to be dually connected to opposing communities; and (b) connectedness to the community at large moderated the relationship between criminal connectedness and indicators of psychological distress, suggesting that connectedness to the criminal community is especially problematic when it occurs in tandem with connectedness to the community at large. These findings are consistent with predictions from the self-expansion model.  相似文献   

This study proposes a model for evaluating virtual community members' knowledge-sharing intention toward Chinese Wikipedia. The results of this study reveal that knowledge-sharing intention is influenced directly by attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, whereas anticipated reciprocal relationships and enjoying helping are positively related to attitude; sense of self-worth and peer influences are positively related to subjective norms; and self-efficacy and resource-facilitating conditions are positively related to perceived behavioral control on knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

虚拟健康社区医生贡献行为(Doctor Contribution Behavior in Virtual Health Communities, V-DCB)在社会福祉创造中发挥着重要作用。从价值共创理论视角, 结合群体卷入模型和积极心理学研究, 提出在线服务交往中医生贡献行为前因后果的理论模型。首先从资源投入视角对V-DCB的概念和内涵进行分析, 并探讨测量工具的维度。接着分析社会交换和社会认同双重动机下的V-DCB行为卷入过程, 以及服务生态系统资源补充的激励作用。最后探讨V-DCB对医患双方幸福感共创的影响, 以及资源匹配因素对行为者幸福感产生的调节效应。  相似文献   

Highly sensitive and private information is stored in the cloud, so understanding how and why customers choose and switch between cloud storage service providers is pivotal. However, prior studies have tended to focus on users' adoption of cloud storage services, whereas little attention has been paid to their switching intention behavior based on non-functional factors. Using the push-pull model, developed from human migration theory, and by employing a survey (n = 326), we demonstrate that the push factor (i.e., satisfaction) has a significant negative effect, while the pull factor (i.e., alternative attractiveness) has a significant positive effect on users' switching intentions. Furthermore, mooring factors such as switching costs, habitual use, and past switching experiences have a varying moderation effect on the relationship between push and pull factors and switching intentions. The results offer several important theoretical and actionable managerial implications.  相似文献   

Abstract Given to the remarkable profitability of digital items in social virtual worlds (SVWs), such as SecondLife, Cyworld, and Habbo Hotel, it has become crucial to understand SVW users' postadoption behaviors toward digital items. This study develops a theoretical framework to examine key antecedents of users' intentions to repurchase and recommend digital items. Data collected from 256 users of digital items were empirically tested against the research model. The analysis results indicate that both user satisfaction and a perceived value play an important role in establishing users' postadoption intentions about digital items. Moreover, the results clearly show what roles perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and perceived fee play in SVW environments.  相似文献   

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - Health messages are central to the field of public health in influencing behavioral change, and previous research does not offer a univocal answer on the most...  相似文献   

The present study explores how online communities affect real-world personal relations based on a cross-cultural survey conducted in Japan and Korea. Findings indicate that the gratifications of online communities moderate the effects of online communities on social participation. Online communities are categorized into a real-group-based community and a virtual-network-based community. The membership of real-group-based online community is positively correlated with social bonding gratification and negatively correlated with information- seeking gratification. Japanese users prefer more virtual-network-based online communities, while their Korean counterparts prefer real-group-based online communities. Korean users are more active in online communities and seek a higher level of socializing gratifications, such as social bonding and making new friends, when compared with their Japanese counterparts. These results indicate that in Korea, personal relations via the online community are closely associated with the real-world personal relations, but this is not the case in Japan. This study suggests that the effects of the Internet are culture-specific and that the online community can serve a different function in different cultural environments.  相似文献   

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