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On three separate sessions 24 male rats with histories of limbic epilepsy were exposed to 10 temporal configurations for 5 min. each of one of two patterns of magnetic fields. Their intensities averaged about 1 microTesla (microT). The numbers of Level 5 (Racine) seizures, inferred by the rat's rearing, rapid forelimb clonus, and falling, were statistically more frequent for the frequency-modulated (Thomas) pattern when its pixel duration and interstimulus presentation were 3 msec. The effectiveness of this temporal configuration was replicated in a second within-subjects experiment (n = 9) that directly compared the numbers of seizures during exposures to each of the two patterns and to a sham-field. These results suggest that brains with sensitive limbic systems might respond to weak magnetic fields, generated from multiple overlapping fields from communication and computer systems whose temporal derivatives emerge as complex sequences with pixel durations within the millisecond range.  相似文献   

Unilateral left and right temporal lobectomy patients and normal control subjects were tested on confrontation naming, speeded naming, category generation, and category and associate matching tasks. Both groups of patients were disproportionately impaired for living relative to nonliving things in confrontation naming, speeded naming, and category generation. We argue that damage to the temporal lobe impairs lexical retrieval most strongly for living things and that the anterior temporal cortices are convergence zones particularly necessary for retrieving the names of living things.  相似文献   

Fighting responses were elicited by response-independent shocks delivered to pairs of rats. Food pellets were presented following different non-fighting responses to shock: some pairs of rats received pellets dependent upon a specific non-fighting response to shock; others received pellets dependent upon any non-fighting response to shock; and control pairs never received pellets. The mean probability of an elicited aggressive response to shock was reduced to 0.2 by food reinforcement for a specific non-fighting response, and to 0.5 by food reinforcement for any kind of non-fighting response. These values contrasted with the 0.8 probability of elicited aggression when pairs of rats received no food reinforcement. Consistent findings were obtained when treatment conditions were changed for individual pairs of rats.  相似文献   

For 180 patients suffering alcohol-withdrawal induced delirium, electrolytic concentration in the serum of Na, K, Ca, and Mg was determined in the early withdrawal phase, and the electroencephalograms of 95 delirium patients evaluated in respect of local and diffuse changes and epileptic activity, and compared in delirium patients with and without initial seizures. Delirium patients who had initial seizures suffered significantly longer-lasting periods of delirium and significantly more frequent electrolytic changes in the form of hypomagnesemia and hypopotassemia (hypokalemia). There was no significant difference in the EEG changes. A temporary metabolic disorder in the initial phase of the two-phase withdrawal process should be assumed to be the cause of seizures during alcohol withdrawal, and the pathogenetic significance of hypomagnesemia and hypopotassemia should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

A systemic treatment approach, namely systemic belief therapy, has been found to be useful when dealing with families constraining beliefs when experiencing physical health problems. Two interventions which facilitate the altering of constraining beliefs are the externalization of physical symptoms and therapeutic letters. Epileptic seizures are examined in the context of the interaction between families and health care professionals. A case example is presented which highlights the use of this systemic approach to assist a young couple in challenging their beliefs about their ability to control and monitor epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

An avoidance technique was used in which rats had two levers available, with independent shock schedules associated with each. Behavioral patterns in initial conditioning and in the maintenance of the responses with various response-shock intervals led to the suggestion that reduction of shock density be considered an important variable in avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a free-operant procedure in which shock duration was controlled by responses within a limited range of interresponse times. Shocks of 1.6-mA intensity occurred randomly with average density of 10 shocks per minute. As long as interresponse times were 15 seconds or less, any shocks received were at the briefer of two durations (.3 second). Whenever interresponse times exceeded 15 seconds, any shocks received were at the longer duration (1.0 second). For six of eight animals, avoidance responding developed quickly and reached levels of better than 90%. Four yoked animals stopped responding within the first few sessions. Shock duration reduction without change in shock probability or intensity was sufficient for the acquisition and maintenance of avoidance responding.  相似文献   

A concurrent-chains schedule was used to examine how a delay to conditional discriminative stimuli affects conditioned reinforcement strength. Pigeons' key-peck responses in the initial link produced either of two terminal links according to independent variable-interval 30-s schedules. Each terminal link involved an identical successive conditional discrimination and was segmented into three links: a delay interval (green), a color conditional discriminative stimulus (blue or red), and a line conditional discriminative stimulus (vertical or horizontal lines). Food delivery occurred 45 s after entering the terminal link with a probability of .5, but its conditional probability (1.0 or 0) depended on the combination of the color and the line stimuli. One of the color stimuli occurred independently of further responding, 5 s after entry into the right terminal link, but it occurred 35 s after entry into the left terminal link. One of the line stimuli occurred independently of responding 40 s after entry into either terminal link, synchronized with the offset of the color stimulus. The initial-link relative response rate for the right was consistently higher in comparison with a control condition in which the color stimuli occurred 20 s after entry into either terminal link. The preference for the short delay to the color conditional discriminative stimuli suggests the possibility of conditioned reinforcement by information about the relation between the line conditional discriminative stimuli and the outcomes.  相似文献   

Progressive-interval performances are described using measures that have proven to be successful in the analysis of fixed-interval responding. Five rats were trained with schedules in which the durations of consecutive intervals increased arithmetically as each interval was completed (either 6-s or 12-s steps for different subjects). The response patterns that emerged with extended training (90 sessions) indicated that performances had come under temporal control. Postreinforcement pausing increased as a function of the interval duration, the pauses were proportional to the prevailing duration, and the likelihood of the first response within an interval increased as the interval elapsed. To assess the resistance of these patterns to disruption, subjects were trained with a schedule that generated high response rates and short pauses (variable ratio). When the progressive-interval schedule was reinstated, pausing was attenuated and rates were elevated, but performances reverted to earlier patterns with continued exposure. The results indicated that temporal control by progressive-interval schedules, although slow to develop, is similar in many respects to that for fixed-interval schedules.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis of a linear relationship between the intensity of geomagnetic activity during the first two days after birth and the development of epilepsy, the responses of the item "I have had an epileptic seizure" was obtained from the Personal Philosophy Inventories of 1,453 students who had been enrolled in first-year psychology courses over a 13-yr. period. The only statistically significant effect was linear and was between the successive 10 nT (nanoTesla) increments of the intensity of geomagnetic activity during the two days after birth and the percentage of students who reported epileptic seizures. The percentage of subjects reporting a history of seizures ranged from 1% for those born when the activity was less than 10 nT to 4% for those born when this activity exceeded 40 nT.  相似文献   

Pigeons, trained to discriminate phencyclidine from saline under a procedure requiring the bird to track the location of a color, received cumulative doses of phencyclidine, pentobarbital, or d-amphetamine with a variety of schedules of reinforcement in effect (across phases). When the same second-order schedules were used to reinforce responding after either saline or phencyclidine administration, stimulus control by phencyclidine did not depend on the schedule parameter. When different second-order schedules were used that biased responding toward the phencyclidine-correlated key color, pigeons responded on the phencyclidine-correlated key at lower doses of phencyclidine and pentobarbital than when the second-order schedule biased responding toward the saline key color. A similar but less marked effect was obtained with d-amphetamine. Attempts to produce bias by changing reinforcement magnitude (duration of food availability) were less successful. A signal-detection analysis of dose-effect curves for phencyclidine under two of the second-order schedules employed suggested that at low doses of phencyclidine, response bias is a major determinant of responding. As doses were increased, position preferences occurred and response bias decreased; at higher doses both response bias and position preference decreased and discriminability increased. With low doses of pentobarbital, responding again was biased but increasing doses produced position preference with only small increases in discriminability. At low doses of d-amphetamine responding also was biased, but bias did not decrease consistently with dose nor did discriminability increase. These experiments suggest that the schedule of reinforcement can be used to bias responding toward or away from making the drug-correlated response in drug discrimination experiments, and that signal-detection analysis and analysis of responding at a position can be used to separate the discriminability of the drug state from other effects of the drug on responding.  相似文献   

Three rats were exposed to a second-order schedule in which fixed-interval components ended either with food or with a brief stimulus that was never paired with food. Food and the brief stimulus occurred in a random sequence (variable-ratio 2 overall schedule). Another three rats were exposed to a similar second-order schedule, the only difference being that the food or the stimulus was presented independently of operant behavior (fixed-time components). The three rats exposed to the fixed-interval components licked at a water spout after each food presentation. These rats also licked in the intervals after the brief stimulus. Although the discriminative properties of food and of the brief stimulus were identical in relation to subsequent reinforcement, licking after the stimulus was less than after food. The three rats exposed to the second-order schedules with fixed-time components also licked at the water spout after food, but these rats did not lick consistently after brief stimulus presentations.  相似文献   

Theories of probabilistic reinforcement.   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
In three experiments, pigeons chose between two alternatives that differed in the probability of reinforcement and the delay to reinforcement. A peck at a red key led to a delay of 5 s and then a possible reinforcer. A peck at a green key led to an adjusting delay and then a certain reinforcer. This delay was adjusted over trials so as to estimate an indifference point, or a duration at which the two alternatives were chosen about equally often. In Experiments 1 and 2, the intertrial interval was varied across conditions, and these variations had no systematic effects on choice. In Experiment 3, the stimuli that followed a choice of the red key differed across conditions. In some conditions, a red houselight was presented for 5 s after each choice of the red key. In other conditions, the red houselight was present on reinforced trials but not on nonreinforced trials. Subjects exhibited greater preference for the red key in the latter case. The results were used to evaluate four different theories of probabilistic reinforcement. The results were most consistent with the view that the value or effectiveness of a probabilistic reinforcer is determined by the total time per reinforcer spent in the presence of stimuli associated with the probabilistic alternative. According to this view, probabilistic reinforcers are analogous to reinforcers that are delivered after variable delays.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on three-component chain schedules in which the initial component was either a fixed-interval or variable-interval schedule. The middle and terminal components were varied among fixed-interval fixed-interval, variable-interval variable-interval, and an interdependent variable-interval variable-interval schedule in which the sum of the durations of the two variable-interval components was always equal to the sum of the fixed-interval fixed-interval components. At issue was whether the response rate in the initial component was controlled by its time to primary reinforcement or by the temporal parameters of the stimulus correlated with the middle terminal link. The fixed-interval initial-link schedule maintained much lower response rates than the variable-interval initial-link schedule regardless of the schedules in the middle and terminal links. Nevertheless, the intervening schedules played some role: With fixed-interval schedules in the initial links, response rates were consistently highest with independent variable-interval schedules in the middle and terminal links and intermediate with the interdependent variable-interval schedules; these initial-link differences were predicted by the response rates in the middle link of the chain. With variable-interval schedules in the initial links, response rates were lowest with the fixed-interval fixed-interval schedules following the initial link and were not systematically different for the two types of variable-interval variable-interval schedules. The results suggest that time to reinforcement itself accounts for little if any variance in initial-link responding.  相似文献   

The effects of experimental history on responding under a progressive-ratio schedule of reinforcement were examined. Sixteen pigeons were divided into four equal groups. Groups 1 to 3 were trained to peck a key for food under a fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, or differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule of reinforcement. After training, these pigeons were shifted to a progressive-ratio schedule, later were shifted back to their original schedule (with decreased rates of reinforcement), and finally were returned to the progressive-ratio schedule. Pigeons in Group 4 (control) were maintained on the progressive-ratio schedule for the entire experiment. To test for potential "latent history" effects, pigeons responding under the progressive-ratio schedule were injected with d-amphetamine and given behavioral-momentum tests of prefeeding and extinction. Experimental histories affected responding in the immediate transition to the progressive-ratio schedule; response rates of pigeons with variable-ratio and fixed-ratio histories were higher than rates of pigeons with differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate and progressive-ratio-only histories. Pigeons with differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate histories, and to a lesser degree pigeons with variable-ratio and fixed-ratio histories, also had shorter postreinforcement pauses than pigeons with only a progressive-ratio history. No consistent long-term effects of prior contingencies on responding under the progressive-ratio schedule were evident. d-Amphetamine and resistance-to-change tests failed to reveal consistent latent history effects. The data suggest that history effects are sometimes transitory and not susceptible to latent influences.  相似文献   

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