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Emotional reactions are organized by underlying motivational states--defensive and appetitive--that have evolved to promote the survival of individuals and species. Affective responses were measured while participants viewed pictures with varied emotional and neutral content. Consistent with the motivational hypothesis, reports of the strongest emotional arousal, largest skin conductance responses, most pronounced cardiac deceleration, and greatest modulation of the startle reflex occurred when participants viewed pictures depicting threat, violent death, and erotica. Moreover, reflex modulation and conductance change varied with arousal, whereas facial patterns were content specific. The findings suggest that affective responses serve different functions-mobilization for action, attention, and social communication-and reflect the motivational system that is engaged, its intensity of activation, and the specific emotional context.  相似文献   

Potentiation and overshadowing in preweanling and adult rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four experiments compared the aversion acquired by 18-day-old and 60-day-old rats to a flavor that was either tasted alone or in combination, simultaneously or successively, with another flavor when paired with illness. The purpose was to study temporal variables and theoretical issues pertinent to potentiation and overshadowing while investigating ontogenetic differences in these phenomena. When either the preweanlings or the adults were presented a simultaneous compound flavor (sucrose/coffee) followed by lithium chloride-induced illness, greater sucrose aversions were found than for animals conditioned on sucrose alone--that is, potentiation. Preweanlings demonstrated greater potentiation than did adults, whether the conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) delay was 0 or 1 hr. This potentiation was eliminated by nonreinforced presentations of the alternative CS element. Potentiation was not seen when the two flavors were presented successively as the CS; instead, overshadowing occurred. Tests of configuring by extinction procedures indicated a tendency for these animals to form a configured representation of the simultaneous compound solution. This disposition for configuring tended to be more pronounced for preweanlings than for adults. Ontogenetic differences in response to configuration, CS saliency, and generalization decrement seem consistent with at least one model of potentiation and the ontogenetic differences in potentiation seen in the present experiments.  相似文献   

Motivation is seen to guide selective attention in favor of motivation-consistent stimuli. However, such links may be bi-directional in nature, such that selective attention processes may also bias and determine one’s motivational state. In the present study, we examined the latter direction of influence by randomly assigning participants to one of two conditions designed to train selective attention either toward or away from rewarding word stimuli. The effects of this manipulation were examined in terms of approach-related intentions, emotional state, and reward-reactive behavior. It was found that the selective attention manipulation influenced preferences and behavior, but not conscious emotional state. Findings are discussed in relation to implications for motivation, cognition, and emotion.
Michael D. RobinsonEmail:

Recently identified pathways from the dentate nuclei of the cerebellum to the rostral cerebral cortex via the thalamus suggest a cerebellar role in frontal and prefrontal non-motor functioning. Disturbance of cerebellar morphology and connectivity, particularly involving these cerebellothalamocortical (CTC) projections, has been implicated in motivational and cognitive deficits. The current study explored the effects of CTC disruption on motivation in male Long Evans rats. The results of two experiments demonstrate that electrolytic lesions of the cerebellar dentate nuclei lower breaking points on an operant conditioning progressive ratio schedule and decrease open field exploration compared to sham controls. Changes occurred in the absence of motor impairment, assessed via lever pressing frequency and rotarod performance. Similar elevated plus maze performances between lesioned and sham animals indicated that anxiety did not influence task performance. Our results demonstrate hedonic and purposive motivational reduction and suggest a CTC role in global motivational processes. These implications are discussed in terms of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism, in which cerebellar damage and motivational deficits often present concomitantly.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats received preexposure to one type of food followed by autoshaping in which presentation of one lever was associated with the preexposed food, and presentation of another lever with a novel type of food pellet. In both it was found that acquisition of the leverpress response occurred more readily on the lever associated with the novel food. This example of the US (unconditioned stimulus) preexposure effect is not to be explained in terms of the development of competing responses during preexposure. Explanations in terms of blocking by contextual cues and of habituation to the US are considered.  相似文献   

Preweanling (18 days old) and adult rats were made ill with LiCl either 2 min or 1 hr after tasting controlled amounts of either one of two single flavors (saccharin or NaCl) or a compound mixture of the two. Conditioning was assessed with a single test 4 days later relative to explicitly unpaired control conditions. Generally, potentiation of the aversions to either flavor occurred for animals conditioned to the compound. The potentiation effect was decreased or eliminated by nonreinforced exposure to the alternative flavor of the compound. These effects tended to be stronger for the younger rats. Specifically, adult animals did not express potentiation of the saccharin aversion whereas preweanlings expressed potentiated salt aversions. Nonreinforced exposure to the alternative element eliminated the potentiation effect. Conditions conducive to potentiation are discussed in light of investigators who have not observed this effect in similar studies with compound stimuli.  相似文献   

Appetitive and defensive motivation account for a good deal of variance in personality and mental health, but whether individual differences in these systems are correlated or orthogonal has not been conclusively established. Previous investigations have generally relied on self-report and have yielded conflicting results. We therefore assessed the relation between psychophysiological indices of appetitive and defensive motivation during elicitation of these motivational states: specifically, frontal electroencephalogram asymmetry during reward anticipation and startle response during anticipation of predictable or unpredictable threat of shock. Results in a sample of psychopathology-free community members (n=63), an independent sample of undergraduates with a range of internalising symptoms (n=64), and the combination of these samples (n=127) revealed that differences in responding to the two tasks were not significantly correlated. Average coefficients approached zero in all three samples (community: .04, undergraduate: ?.01, combined: .06). Implications of these findings for research on normal and abnormal personality are discussed.  相似文献   

The time course of memory decay for infant rats may shed light on the processes responsible for infantile amnesia. A taste aversion conditioning procedure appropriate for both neonatal and adult rats was employed in four experiments to investigate the ontogeny of extended retention. In Experiment 1, rats trained at 1, 10, 20, or 60 days of age were tested for retention of the taste aversion 25 days later. At testing, only those rats conditioned when 20 or 60 days old demonstrated significant taste aversions. Experiments 2 and 3 established that rats 14-15 days old and older were able to retain significant taste aversions following a 25-day retention interval. Younger rats did, however, acquire and retain the aversion for several days and showed a gradual retention loss over progressively longer retention intervals (Experiment 4). These findings suggest that preweanling rats demonstrate initial consolidation, storage, and retrieval of conditioned taste aversions. It is only after this initial period that retention deficits become evident.  相似文献   

A total of 48 laboratory rats, half male and half female, were trained and extinguished on instrumental bar-pressing for either 16% or 64% sucrose incentives. No consistent sex differences were found in either acquisition or variability of bar-press responding, or in extinction. The only statistically reliable difference indicated that males were more variable in responding for the 16% sucrose incentive, as measured by the range of scores over each week. It is concluded that no real sex differences in learning proficiency obtain under the experimental conditions employed, and that therefore the practice of using mainly or exclusively female rats in our laboratory is methodologically sound.  相似文献   

Requirements for conditioning of an ethanol-mediated taste aversion in 16-day-old rat pups were examined. Experiment 1 demonstrated that preweanling rats are capable of acquiring, in two trials, an aversion to a 15% sucrose solution when followed by intragastric intubation of a 1.2 g/kg dose of 17% v/v ethanol, but not when followed by a 0.4 g/kg dose. Comparison was with control animals given sucrose followed by an equivalent volume isocaloric Half and Half. When the 0.4 g/kg dose of ethanol preceded sucrose presentation by 30 min (Experiment 2), the aversion was learned, suggesting that the effective delay between the sucrose and the critical consequences of the ethanol had been too long with the former procedure. Expression of the sucrose aversion required, however, the reinstatement of the context of intoxication--state-dependent retention. Finally, the results of Experiment 3B indicated that, in addition to the association between the sucrose and the aversive consequences of alcohol intoxication, the orosensory cues resulting from alcohol's direct elimination, via such processes as respiration and salivation, became associated with the appetitive properties of the sucrose. This was evidenced by a conditioned increase in preference for ethanol odor. Possible age-related differences in the ability to associate stimuli with alcohol's unconditioned consequences, and in state dependency are discussed.  相似文献   

Four experiments with rat subjects in a Pavlovian appetitive conditioning procedure examined the effects of prior pairings of S2 with the unconditioned stimulus (US) on the nature of the associations formed in S1----S2----US serial compound conditioning. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that prior training of S2 prevented the acquisition of stimulus-stimulus (S-S) associations between S1 and stimulus features of S2, but enhanced the acquisition of stimulus-response (S-R) associations between S1 and the emotional conditioned response (CR) evoked by S2. Experiments 3 and 4 showed that the effects of S2 pretraining were not due to S2 training itself, but rather to its endowing S2 with the ability to evoke a strong CR during the early stages of serial compound conditioning. In Experiment 3, suppression of the CR to a pretrained S2 during serial compound conditioning permitted the establishment of S-S associations. In Experiment 4, the induction of a CR in the presence of an untrained S2 during serial compound conditioning prevented the acquisition of S-S associations. Implications of these data for our understanding of compound conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

A recent study suggested that infant rats process alcohol odor and/or taste during acute ethanol intoxication probably due to ethanol elimination via respiration and salivation. The present set of experiments was meant to analyze the possibility that this orosensory processing may act as a conditioned stimulus when an appetitive reinforcer is paired with the state of intoxication. In the first experiment it was observed that intragastric administration of a mildly intoxicating ethanol dose (1.5 g/kg), paired during postabsorptive time intervals with oral infusion of sucrose, was sufficient to promote a significant preference to ethanol. In Experiment 2 different doses of ethanol were either paired or explicitly unpaired with sucrose administration. The result reported in Experiment 1 was replicated and it was observed that a higher dose (3.0 g/kg) unpaired with the reinforcer resulted in alcohol aversions in terms of alcohol consumption patterns. However, when the reinforcer was paired with this dose, the aversion was inhibited. Finally, in the third experiment results indicated that preexposure to alcohol odor eliminates sucrose-conditioned alcohol preferences. These results indicate that, in physiologically immature rats, alcohol preference can be regulated by prior associative experiences involving the state of intoxication and consequences internal and/or inherent to this state.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2 rats received uncorrelated presentations of a light conditioned stimulus (CS) and a food unconditioned stimulus (US) on each day of a preexposure phase. Control subjects received the same number of USs during the first half of preexposure and the same number of CSs during the second. Uncorrelated preexposure retarded inhibitory conditioning. Experiment 3 showed, however, that the different patterns of US preexposure experienced by the two groups could in itself influence the course of subsequent inhibitory conditioning. When this factor was equated by restricting the uncorrelated treatment to the first half of the pre-exposure phase (Experiment 2) or by extending the control treatment throughout the phase (Experiment 4) it was found that uncorrelated preexposure retarded excitatory conditioning, but facilitated inhibitory conditioning. This outcome challenges an interpretation in terms of the concept of learned irrelevance, which predicts that uncorrelated preexposure should retard both forms of conditioning.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined temporally based changes in the conditioned magazine-entries of rats when a target food pellet arrived at a fixed time before the termination of a conditioned stimulus. Both experiments found that increasing the rate of intertrial pellets systematically interfered with the rate of acquisition. When intertrial pellets were featured in acquisition, their omission on test trials also resulted in a very poorly expressed conditioned response. On test trials preceded by intertrial pellets, however, peak times in groups trained with intertrial pellets were shifted in a rightward direction under a long but not short interstimulus interval. This rightward shift was accompanied by a smaller standard deviation. Our key findings are best accommodated by real-time associative models.  相似文献   

Five experiments with rat subjects investigated the effects of omission and partial reinforcement contingencies on five individual behaviors evoked by visual and auditory conditioned stimuli paired with a food unconditioned stimulus. The effects of omission depended on the behavior on which that contingency was placed: One behavior was eliminated, one was unaffected, and three were reduced relative to the performance of yoked controls. Partial reinforcement resulted in lower frequencies of three behaviors and higher frequencies of two behaviors, compared with performance under consistent reinforcement. A partial reinforcement extinction effect was noted with one behavior but not with the others. These results are related to the possible role of instrumental conditioning contingencies in generating conditioned behavior in this appetitive conditioning preparation and to the independence of individual components of a complex conditioned response.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether memory for extinction in an appetitive task (the sand maze) could be attenuated by administration of cycloheximide (protein synthesis inhibitor) or propranolol (β-adrenergic receptor antagonist). Ninety-day-old male Long-Evans rats were trained to retrieve a sweet cereal reinforcer from an open container in the sand maze. One day following this non-spatial training, rats received three extinction trials in which they were placed in the maze with the reinforcer present, but unattainable. Thirty minutes prior to the first extinction trial, rats received an intraperitoneal injection of cycloheximide (1mg/kg), propranolol (25mg/kg), or vehicle (1mg/kg distilled water). Twenty-four hours later, rats were tested in the sand maze with the reinforcer again available. Results from the test trial showed that both cycloheximide and propranolol groups found the reinforcer more quickly than controls. Two weeks later, rats were trained on a spatial version of the sand maze in which they had to search for a buried reinforcer using extramaze cues. Cycloheximide and propranolol groups learned this task significantly faster than the control group, demonstrating the long-lasting effect of cycloheximide and propranolol on the blocking of memory for extinction.  相似文献   

A considerable literature has shown deficits in memory resulting from the administration of protein synthesis inhibitors; however, most of the past literature in this field has focused on acquisition of new memory using aversively-motivated tasks. The effect of protein synthesis inhibition on appetitive learning and memory as well as extinction is less clear. The present study employed an appetitive odor discrimination paradigm to examine the effects of acute cycloheximide administration (1 mg/kg) on reconsolidation and extinction.Male, Long-Evans adult rats were trained to discriminate between two odors (i.e., cocoa and cinnamon) and then received extinction trials following an intraperitoneal injection of cycloheximide or vehicle. Twenty-four hours later, rats were tested via one non-reinforced test trial. Results showed amnesia for extinction as well as original training (i.e., correct odor choice) in cycloheximide-injected rats in this appetitive task, while vehicle-injected controls showed good memory for extinction. These data add to a growing literature showing the importance of protein synthesis inhibition for extinction and reconsolidation in appetitive learning and memory.  相似文献   

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