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The present study used a multitrait-multimethod technique [D.T. Campbell and D. W. Fiske (1959) “Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix,” Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81–105] to examine Bem's [(1974) “The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 152–162] use of an instrumental-expressive dichotomy to conceptualize the Masculinity and Femininity scales of the Bem Sex Role Inventory as statistically orthogonal constructs. Results indicate that while perhaps reliable, masculinity and femininity lack clear convergent and discriminant validity. Therefore, Bem's contention that masculinity and femininity are orthogonal constructs is questioned. Results are discussed in light of trait- vs. method-driven research.  相似文献   

Psychometric evaluation of the 20-item Dutch version of the Maudsley Marital Questionnaire (MMQ) in a non-distressed-couples group (N=64 couples) supported further the reliability, factorial as well as divergent, and convergent construct validity of the Marital, Sexual and General Life Adjustment scales. Correlational analyses revealed both the MMQ items and the scales to be negligibly lowly correlated with Social Desirability. Some important relationships between different aspects of marital communication and marital adjustment were established and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Perceived job fit typically encompasses an employee's suitability for the requirements of the job or the culture and values of the organization. This view of job fit overlooks another suitability judgment made by employees in which contribution to the organization is compared with the rewards received in return. Cable and DeRue referred to this type of fit as needs–supplies fit in their 2002 study. To distinguish needs–supply fit from the two more commonly examined types of fit, person–organization fit and person–job fit, the researchers developed the Perceived Fit Scale (PFS). The purpose of the current study was to examine the psychometric properties of the PFS by evaluating its reliability, concurrent validity, and factor structure via confirmatory factor analysis. Three hundred and seventeen certified public accountants participated in the study. The factor analysis results showed that the final model in this study was similar to the factor structure of the PFS reported by the developers, thus providing further support for need–supply fit as a viable dimension of perceived job fit.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to provide a further validation of the Crisis Support Scale, which is a short scale for measuring social support after a crisis has occurred. The data from eleven trauma studies of 4213 subjects were used to investigate the psychometric properties of the scale and the differences that emerge due to age, gender, and type of trauma. The scale appears to be very robust. Some aspects of crisis support seem to decrease as time goes by while others increase. Women survivors report less support than men both right after the trauma and later on. The younger survivors tend to report the least support in the acute phase although this picture is reversed later on. The various types of trauma have different item profiles, which supports the concurrent validity of the scale.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the construct validity and psychometric properties of the Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale in adolescent psychiatric inpatients. This new scale has four subscales: attraction to life, repulsion by life, attraction to death, and repulsion by death. Confirmatory factor analysis of the scale items provided support for the fit of the 28-item, four-factor model. Results of logistic regression analyses revealed that high scores on the repulsion by life and the attraction to death subscales were useful in assessing the risk for suicide attempts. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis showed that high repulsion by life and low attraction to life subscale scores contributed to the prediction of scores on the suicide probability scale. We also examined gender differences on the four subscales and the psychological correlates of each subscale.  相似文献   

Consistencies in lateral head turning of 50 healthy, term neonates were examined to determine relations between attainment and maintenance of lateral head position. The majority showed lateral consistencies, typically rightward, in initial head turn from midline per trial, in direction of the majority of all head turns from midline per trial and in direction turned for the majority of time per trial. Head position prior to testing was related to the three indices. The results of work to date, including the current study, have proven very consistent in nature, yielding the most reliable measure of an element of lateralized behavior in the neonate.  相似文献   

Serial sexual homicide has been the object of intensive study from forensic psychiatric, criminological, developmental, and sociological perspectives. In contradistinction to these approaches, neuropsychiatric concepts and methods have received relatively little attention in this area. In this article we adopt a neuropsychiatric developmental perspective and undertake a review of the psychiatric literature on violence and autism spectrum disorders. Our analysis of this literature suggests the presence of an association between autism spectrum psychopathology and serial homicidal behavior. Recommendations for further research to help clarify the nature of this association are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate and further validate a modified Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect (EVLN) instrument (Hagedoorn, Van Yperen, Van de Vliert & Buunk, 1999), in a Swedish sample (n= 792). To test the underlying scaling assumptions, the convergent and divergent validity, a multitrait/multi-item analysis was conducted and factor analyses were used to evaluate the factor structure. The concurrent validity was tested by using the modified EVLN instrument as predictor and three different forms of justice as criteria in the analysis. The criterion-related validity was tested and an association between exit behavioral response and actual exit behavior was found (predictive validity). The results showed that the instrument may be considered to be a valid measure with the exception of the aggressive voice scale.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the internal structure and convergent and discriminant evidence for the Colorado Learning Difficulties Questionnaire (CLDQ), a 20-item parent-report rating scale that was developed to provide a brief screening measure for learning difficulties. CLDQ ratings were obtained from parents of children in 2 large community samples and 2 samples from clinics that specialize in the assessment of learning disabilities and related disorders (total N = 8,004). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed 5 correlated but separable dimensions that were labeled reading, math, social cognition, social anxiety, and spatial difficulties. Results revealed strong convergent and discriminant evidence for the CLDQ Reading scale, suggesting that this scale may provide a useful method to screen for reading difficulties in both research studies and clinical settings. Results are also promising for the other 4 CLDQ scales, but additional research is needed to refine each of these measures.  相似文献   

The Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI) was recently developed to quantify both the positive and negative effects of body image on one’s psychosocial quality of life. The current study was conducted to further validate the measure with both men and women and to evaluate its psychometric reliability and validity among college students (N=603). Results confirmed that the 19-item measure was an internally consistent and unidimensional measure for both sexes. A significantly more favorable body image quality of life was reported by men than women, by African American than White women, and by women with lower body mass indices. Significant body image correlates included body image evaluation, investment, and situational dysphoria. A better body image quality of life was also related to higher self-esteem, optimism, and social support for both sexes and to less eating disturbance among women. The potential utility of this construct and unique instrument in further research, especially with medical populations, is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that at-risk individuals identified on the basis of their Chapman scale scores would be diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders at follow-up. In the present study, the authors interviewed 135 young adults approximately 5 years following their initial assessment. The at-risk groups included high scorers on the Perceptual Aberration and/or Magical Ideation Scales (n=59) and high scorers on the revised Social Anhedonia Scale (n=32). The control participants (n=44) scored below 0.5 SD of the same-sex group means on all the scales. At the follow-up, the groups differed in terms of their likelihood of having a schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis, Chi2(2)=9.79, p<.01. The at-risk groups reported more frequent and severe psychotic-like experiences relative to the control group. These findings support the predictive validity of the Chapman psychosis-proneness scales and may enhance the power of early detection efforts.  相似文献   

The study of endophenotypes, notably with configured self-reports, represents a promising research pathway to overcome the limits of a syndromal approach of psychiatric diseases. The Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (ANPS) is a self-report questionnaire, based on neuroethological considerations, that could help to assess emotional endophenotypes related to the activity in 6 core cerebral emotional systems (FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS, CARING, PLAYFULNESS, SEEKING). We further investigated its psychometric properties among 830 young adults and showed that they were satisfactory. As participants also completed several other self-reports that shared potential traits with the ANPS, we offer new validity evidence based on relations to other variables. We also provide additional evidence to consider that the ANPS scores can be validly interpreted for the characterization of emotional endophenotypes involved in a variety of psychiatric disorders. On the grounds of present results, of previous clinical studies, as well as some preliminary neuroimaging findings, we discuss new steps in the ANPS validation.  相似文献   

The validity of an index measuring criminal dangerousness was further evaluated by determining whether it could discriminate among prisoners committing violent crimes at three levels of severity. The index score was a multiplicative product of an antisocially score and an IQ score, with high antisocially and low IQ reflecting greater dangerousness. Comparison of index scores for men committing murder (most severe); robbery and rape (intermediate severity); and assault, child molestation, and manslaughter (least severe) revealed a significant monotonic increase in dangerousness scores as increasingly severe crimes were considered. Several recommendations for the measurement of criminal dangerousness were offered.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that when human subjects are presented simultaneously with a light and a tone, each of which serve as a cue in a reaction time task, the subjects respond predominantly to the light. This visual dominance effect may be due to the “hard wiring” of the sensory systems involved, or the effect may be nonsensory in nature, being based on decisional or attentional factors. The present experiment suggests that visual dominance has a nonsensory basis, in that the effect is even more evident when subjects respond to stimulus offset rather than stimulus onset.  相似文献   

Subjects listened to repetitive presentations of C major scale patterns and simple two-part contrapuntal specimens, both dichotically and in a stereophonic free sound field. All scalar and melodic patterns were presented so that successive tones alternated from ear to ear: when a component of one scale or melody was routed through one speaker or headphone, the concurrent member of the other scale or melodic pattern was routed through the other speaker or headphone, and vice versa. The stimulus parameters of spectral contour and envelope characteristics, duration, melodic pattern, and loudness were varied, and a testing procedure was designed to minimize any bias in responses which might be produced by learning, immediate memory, or vocal Limitations of subjects. Virtually all responses (95.2% to scalar stimuli, 99.1% to melodic stimuli) indicated that the subjects channeled stimuli by pitch range, and not by ear of input. When spectral contours routed through the separate headphones or speakers were noticeably dissimilar, no subject perceived that this timbral inequality switched from ear to ear: all subjects heard an overall change in tone quality which pervaded both scalar or melodic sequences, and which apparently emanated from both headphones or speakers.  相似文献   

Conclusions My personal way to phenomenology revealed to me qualities that seem to be essential to one's sense of everyday social reality. Having been victimized I became aware of some of the basic elements that lie beneath the intersubjectivity of the taken-for granted life-world.Death is the ultimate problematic event and the individual is shielded from it by his or her life-world. We hope that actions are repeatable and that others are trustworthy so that we will not confront our own isolation and our own mortality. Although one is alone in death, we act as if we are, and always will be, fundamentally with others within a shared and orderly social world. In short, we avoid our finite individuality through the hopeful construction of a sense of permanent and fundamental sociability. By sheltering ourselves within the life-world, we are, in essence, hoping that we will not die. In this sense, the life-world is a fundamentally deceptive construction. Yet, in this same sense, the life-world is also the source of social and cultural progress. Paradoxically, our sense of everyday reality is both deceptive and productive.The author wishes to express his gratitude to Susan Meisenhelder, George Psathas, and Richard Zaner for their comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

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