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濒死体验研究的认识论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在濒死体验研究中,有两条认识路线:唯物主义与唯心主义.唯物主义导致科学医学,唯心主义导致灵学医学.前者研究其组成和机制,分析其文化、生物学特点及心理动力学.后者则陷入对人死复生的证明,美其名为生命之后的生命.  相似文献   

刘静 《四川心理科学》2014,(16):249-249
从五十年代以来,我国因受苏联日丹诺夫《在西方哲学史讨论会的讲话》的影响,哲学史研究都强调唯物主义与唯心主义的斗争,七十年代之初更强调两军对战。从历史事实来看,无论中外,哲学中确实存在着唯物主义与唯心主义两大学派及其斗争。但是,哲学史的全部内容是否可以完备无遗地归结为唯物主义与唯心主义的斗争呢?从现象来看,哲学史确实有人自称既非唯心主义又非唯物主义的思想家,现代更多这样的人,过去我们一概将其划归唯心主义,或称之为变相的唯心主义,是否完全恰当呢?这个问题是个当下值得讨论的问题。  相似文献   

反对哲学史工作中的修正主义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
馬克思列宁主义哲学,是唯一科学的哲学。它是我們研究各門具体科学的唯一可靠的指南。当然,对于哲学史工作者說来,不但不能例外,而且因为所研究的是哲学史,就更必須时时刻刻地紧紧地依靠馬克思列宁主义哲学的指导。所謂哲学史的方法論,从根本上說,乃是运用唯心主义、形而上学“研究”哲学史,还是运用辯証唯物主义和历史唯物主义研究哲学史的問题。哲学史是唯物主义和唯心主义斗爭的历史;在历史上唯物主义和唯心主义两条基本路綫的对立是非常鮮明的,第三条路綫是沒有的。哲学史的研究是唯物主义和唯心主义最激烈的斗爭场所之一;在哲学史的研究上唯物主义和唯心主义两条基本路綫的对立也是非常明显的,第三条路綫也是沒有的。因此,我們必須把哲学史工作中的两条路线尖銳地对立起来,必須坚持哲学史工作中的唯物主义路綫,捍衛哲学史工作中的馬克思列宁主义的方向。  相似文献   

生命和生命起源问题是生物科学中最重要的问题之一,在生物学的全部历史过程中,唯物主义和唯心主义环绕着这个问题进行了残酷的斗争。唯心主义把生命看作是一种非物质的本质,但同唯心主义相反,马克思列宁主义确定生命是物质运动的特殊形式,是蛋白体的存在形式,同周围自然界的物质代谢是它的特征。广义地来说,物质代谢是无机界的物质转化为生物、生物转化为非生物这一对立过程的有规律的必然统一,这种过程是在机体同周围环境和生活条件统一的基础上,通过  相似文献   

传统的观念认为,在印度哲学发展史上,只有唯心主义哲学,而无唯物主义哲学,或者说唯心主义哲学支配着印度哲学发展史的全过程,而唯物主义哲学,只是作为唯心主义哲学的批判对象而存在。近、现代的一些印度学者提出要纠正这种偏见,要恢复唯物主义哲学在印度哲学史上应有的地位。对此,作者表示完全赞同。文章着重从印度古籍《奥义书》中摭拾唯物主义的思想,证明印度古代的唯物主义思想资料十分丰富;指出《奥义书》不仅是唯心主义哲学的权威典籍,而且也是印度唯物主义哲学的重要记录。  相似文献   

我国学术界对孙中山哲学思想的评议,一直存在着重大分歧。有的认为,孙中山的哲学思想虽有唯物主义倾向和辩证法因素,但在他哲学体系里未占主导地位,就整体而言,他的世界观是二元论或唯心主义;有的却认为,孙中山的哲学思想虽有其弱点或不彻底之处,但不属于二元论或唯心主义,而是中国近代资产阶级唯物主义一元论;也有的认为,孙中山的哲学思想很复杂,理论体系也不完整,有的方面是唯物主义,有的方面是唯心主义。现将对孙中山哲学思想中争议较多的两个问题简介如下。  相似文献   

如何评价哲学史上的唯心主义,这个问题早在1957年就开展过争论,最近,哲学史工作者,在一些学术讨论会和报刊上,又对这个问题进行探讨。现将讨论情况简介于后。哲学党性原则在唯心主义评价上的适用性一种意见认为,哲学党性原则与哲学史上每一个具体的哲学体系的关系,具有极大的偶然性。按照哲学党性原则的要求,唯心主义与唯物主义之间主要是对立斗争、水火不容的关系,但哲学史的实际却是,在马克思主义之前,每个哲学家的思想都是斑驳杂陈的体系,没有清一色的唯心主义,也没有清一色的唯物主义。仅就唯心主义而言,就有几种情况。一是唯心主义与唯物主义同时结合在同一哲学体系中。二是唯心主义与唯物主义之间前后否定,但共存于同一哲学家的整个哲学思想的发展过程中。三是马克思  相似文献   

继葛力同志《注意区分两种唯心主义》(1982年12月29日《光明日报》)一文(简称葛文)之后,韩震同志又发表了《唯物主义和唯心主义都应作本体论和认识论之区分》(《国内哲学动态》1984年第1期)一文(简称韩文),读后很受启发。但是,葛文提出:“就哲学的分支而言,唯心主义应分为两种:一种是本体论方面的唯心主义,一种是认识论方面的唯心主义。”韩文又进一步强调:“实际上,不仅唯心主义有本体论方面和认识论方面的区分,而且唯物主义也是如此。”这就是说,划分唯物主义和唯心主义的标准不是一个,而是两个:一个是本体论方面的标准,一个是认识论方面的标准。我们认为,这种观点  相似文献   

丹麦哲学家施达克出于为费尔巴哈辩护的目的,对费尔巴哈哲学做出了唯心主义的定性。恩格斯在《费尔巴哈论》中对施达克的辩护方式提出批评,认为施达克没有看到费尔巴哈哲学思想中的唯物主义,对费尔巴哈哲学中的唯心主义又找错了地方。施达克对费尔巴哈哲学形象产生错误判断的原因在于,他沿袭了庸人们对唯物主义和唯心主义哲学的性质定性,混淆了唯物主义和唯心主义哲学的划分标准。恩格斯在《费尔巴哈论》中对于施达克关于费尔巴哈哲学形象错误的批判,在今天对我们的研究和学习仍然具有重要的方法论意义,昭示我们要对讨论主题做更深层前提分析,要对哲学家展开辩证分析。  相似文献   

葛力同志在《注意区分两种唯心主义》一文(见1982年12月29日《光明日报》)中提出:“就哲学的分支而言,唯心主义应分为两种:一种是本体论方面的唯心主义,一种是认识论方面的唯心主义。”这一见解是深刻的。它为深入研究哲学史上唯物主义与唯心主义之间既相互斗争、相互克服又相互渗透、相互转化的错综复杂的情况,提供了一个切实可行的方法。实际上,不仅唯心主义有本体论方面和认识论方面的区分,而且唯物主义也是如此。翻  相似文献   

The activation of social stereotypes can influence behavior outside of conscious awareness. It has been argued that while priming social stereotypes leads to behavioral assimilation, priming exemplars leads to behavioral contrast. Extending this theorizing, we argue that the activation of social stereotypes can also result in automatic behavioral contrast if a comparison of the self to the stereotyped group is provoked. This hypothesis is tested with speed and intellectual performance as behavioral measures. In a first study, we show that categorizing perceived others as outgroup members leads to behavioral contrast from their stereotype. The second study shows that subliminally priming the self during the activation of a stereotype to which the self does not belong leads to automatic behavioral contrast from the stereotype. These findings reverse previously found assimilation effects of social stereotype priming. Social comparison processes are discussed as a possible mediator of the results.  相似文献   

The present research explored the hypothesis that strengthened attainment means–goal association leads to enhanced performance in goal pursuit. We hypothesize that because of the instrumental nature of means–goal association, strengthened associative strength leads to greater instrumentality expectancy of the means, which elicits greater motivation in the pursuit and hence better actual performance. We demonstrated in four studies that when the means is believed to facilitate goal attainment, a strong (vs. weak) means–goal association leads to greater performance in goal pursuit. Conversely, when the means is perceived to undermine goal attainment, a strong (vs. weak) association results in worse performance in goal pursuit.  相似文献   

The conceptual clustering of numerous concepts from family therapy and other social science fields reveals two significant dimensions of family behavior, cohesion and adaptability. These two dimensions are placed into a circumplex model that is used to identify 16 types of marital and family systems. The model proposes that a balanced level of both cohesion and adaptability is the most functional to marital and family development. It postulates the need for a balance on the cohesion dimension between too much closeness (which leads to enmeshed systems) and too little closeness (which leads to disengaged systems). There also needs to be a balance on the adaptability dimension between too much change (which leads to chaotic systems) and too little change (which leads to rigid systems). The model was developed as a tool for clinical diagnosis and for specifying treatment goals with couples and families.  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse and adolescent prostitution: a comparative analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M J Seng 《Adolescence》1989,24(95):665-675
In several studies, child sexual abuse has been identified as a characteristic of adolescent prostitution. The implication of these findings, especially for girls, is that the two phenomena are related in that childhood sexual abuse perhaps leads to prostitution. The present study explored the relationship between sexual abuse and adolescent prostitution by comparing 70 sexually abused children with 35 prostitution-involved children on 22 variables. Findings suggest that the relationship is not directed, but involves runaway behavior as an intervening variable. It is not so much that sexual abuse leads to prostitution as it is that running away leads to prostitution. Implications for treatment of both sexually abused and prostitution-involved children also are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of history in the social science curriculum leads to a deepened understanding of the respective disciplines of anthropology, education, sociology, political science, psychology, and history of science. The use of history in the social sciences also leads to extradisciplinary interests in history, philosophy, and literature. Some highlights from a symposium and from the recent literature are discussed.  相似文献   

James R. Thomas 《Dialog》2020,59(3):197-200
The Christian Church is called to the ministry of reconciliation. Despite the pain and struggle of fractured communities today, there are also stories of hope lived and told by persons who are the recipients of the ministry of local congregations and church-sponsored social service agencies. Reconciliation leads to hope, and hope leads to reconciliation.  相似文献   

A new unified approach to solving and studying the factor analysis parameter estimation problem is proposed. The maximum likelihood and least squares formulations of factor analysis are considered. The approach leads to globally convergent procedures for simultaneous estimation of the factor analysis parameters. The method presented necessarily leads to proper factor analysis estimations.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that the effects of in‐group social value on mental health are mediated by the extent to which individuals identify with their in‐group. Other research has shown that in‐group identification leads to positive mental health because it provides in‐group members with a psychological basis for social support. We examine how the individual's perception of the social value of the in‐group leads to positive mental health, integrating the effects of identification with and support from the in‐group. As predicted, the relationship between higher social value and decreased mental health (e.g. depression, perceived stressful events) is mediated by higher in‐group identification, which in turn leads the members to expect support from the in‐group but not the out‐group. An integrated model of the effects of perceived in‐group social value, identification, and support on mental health is proposed, and the implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Deprivations normally give rise to undeserved inequality. It is commonly thought that one way of improving a situation with respect to equality is by reducing the incidence of deprivations. In this paper I argue that there is at least one respect in which reducing the incidence of deprivations can make things worse from the point of view of equality. While eliminating deprivations leads to the elimination of inequalities, reducing the incidence of deprivations leads to an uneven distribution of the pairwise relations of inequality of a population, which leads to the concentration of pairwise relations of inequality in the worse off. If my argument is correct, egalitarians have reasons to broaden their dimensions of concern: egalitarians should not only be concerned about the unequal distribution of goods, but also about the unequal distribution of pairwise relations of inequality of a population.  相似文献   

投资行为中的突显、过度自信、高估现象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋仲玲 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1489-1492,1488
本研究采用知觉突显(物理、熟悉、背景突显)与过度自信及股价估值匹配的测试方法,比较突显是否存在高估及过度自信现象.研究发现物理突显、熟悉、背景突显均存在高估现象、新股民、低学历、女性突显造成的知觉错觉更高;高突显同时具有高过度自信,对熟悉的股票具有高过度自信且估值高,老股民、高学历、男性,过度自信高.  相似文献   

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