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Musically experienced and inexperienced men and women discriminated among fundamental-frequency contours presented either binaurally (i.e., same contour to both ears) or dichotically (i.e., different contours to each ear). On two separate occasions, males made significantly fewer errors than did females in the binaural condition, but not in the dichotic condition. Subjects with prior musical experience were superior to musically naive subjects in both conditions. The dichotic pitch task produced a left-ear advantage, which was unrelated to gender or musical experience. The results suggest that the male advantage on the binaural task reflects a sex difference in the coordination of the two hemispheres during conjoint processing of the same stimuli rather than a difference in the direction or degree of hemispheric specialization for these stimuli.  相似文献   

Estes (1974) proposed that the superior performance of women over men on the Digit-Symbol Substitution subtest of the Wechsler scales was due to their greater ability to encode symbols verbally. Three forms of a symbol-digit substitution task were administered to 62 female and 96 male college students. The symbol sets of the three forms differed in the relative amount of figural and spatial orientational information. Women performed better than men on the form which used the Wechsler symbol set in which all symbols are figurally different and, presumably, most easily coded verbally. Men performed better than women on the form which had the greatest amount of spatial orientational information. Estes' hypothesis is supported by these findings.  相似文献   

Shirley Weitz 《Sex roles》1976,2(2):175-184
An experiment was conducted to determine the relationship between sex-role attitudes, affiliation, and dominance and nonverbal communication styles in men and women in same- and opposite-sex dyads. Women were found to elicit more warmth and men more anxiety from their partners. Evidence was found for a possible monitoring mechanism through which women adjust their nonverbal communications to fit the male in the interaction. Liberalism in sex-role attitudes was found to correlate with nonverbal warmth in men. The nonverbal presentations of men and women in the microprocesses of dyadic interaction were found to relate significantly to the macrostructure of societal sex roles.This research was supported by NSF Grant GS36814. The author wishes to express her special thanks to Harmon Hosch, Vivian Shayne, David Fineman, and Lee Braff for their help in the experiment and data analysis. An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 1975.  相似文献   

A variety of nonverbal behaviors was coded from videotapes of 88 dyadic conversations. The 44 male and 44 female subjects were paired so that each participated in one conversation with a stranger of the same sex and one conversation with a stranger of the opposite sex. It was found that sex of subject, but not sex of partner, had a significant effect on many of the nonverbal behaviors displayed during the conversations. Subjects' scores on the behavioral measures were correlated with their scores on several personality measures and on a post-conversation questionnaire. Sex differences in these correlations were used to generate hypotheses linking specific behavioral differences between the sexes to more general differences between the masculine and feminine interpersonal styles.This study was supported in part by NSF grant GS-3033, awarded to Starkey Duncan, University of Chicago; by NSF grant GS-3127, awarded to Donald Fiske, University of Chicago; by a grant awarded to Starkey Duncan and Donald Fiske by the Social Science Divisional Research Committee of the University of Chicago; and by a University of Chicago Humanities Fellowship awarded to the author. The author is grateful to Starkey Duncan and Donald Fiske for the extensive assistance they provided with this study. The author also wishes to express her appreciation to Jeanine Carlson, George Niederehe, Bruno Repp, Thomas Shanks, and Cathy Stepanek, who assisted in coding the videotaped data and in the statistical analysis. This article is based on the author's doctoral dissertation (Beekman, 1973), which may be consulted for further details.Previous drafts of this article have been circulated under the author's former name, Susan J. Beekman.  相似文献   

A nonverbal auditory test of sustained attention was administered to 20 young and 20 elderly women, screened to ensure good health. Groups were matched for intelligence. Older subjects performed as accurately as younger subjects. Neither group showed increases in response latency as a function of time spent on test. Older subjects took longer to respond than younger subjects, but only for a particular combination of stimulus duration and order of presenting stimulus durations. When subjects were presented long tones first, there was no difference in response latency associated with age or stimulus duration. When short tones were presented first, older subjects were slower than younger subjects in both duration conditions and in response to long tones were slower than all other subjects.  相似文献   

This report describes results of an experimental study of the differences in response time between 10 male and 10 female undergraduate operators performing a combined manual and decision task. Analysis indicated that the performance times of women on such tasks were shorter than those of the men as expected.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the attributions of observers for the successful or unsuccessful behavior of a female actor performing a masculine task were studied. For the perceived causes of the outcome it was found that internal attributions were emphasized more for success than for failure. In addition, female observers attributed both types of outcome more to effort than did males. The nature of the outcome and the sex of the observer also affected the perceived personality traits of the actor. More positive traits were attributed to the successful than to the unsuccessful actor. The female observers attributed more instrumental traits to the actor than did the male observers. The results were discussed in terms of Jones and Davis's theory (1965) of correspondent inferences and the fact that competence was not viewed as being incompatible with femininity.  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial processing and handedness were studied with a tactile-spatial task in 27 male and 29 female right-handed undergraduate students in psychology. Subjects were asked to identify amorphous shapes to investigate possible male right-hemisphere specialization for spatial functions and bilateral representation among the women. The Annett handedness questionnaire estimated extent of right-handedness. Subjects were classified by major, and women by phase of menstrual cycle. Analysis shows significantly more right-handedness in women and ambidexterity in men. Over-all, men do not perform significantly better than women, although men outperform women with their left hands when handedness is covaried. Within sex, no difference is seen between left and right hand scores for men, but women perform significantly better with right than left hands. Further analyses suggest men appear right-hemisphere dominant for this task whereas women show left-hemisphere dominance. Analyses of hormonal data support recent research, in that for women on the pill there is a trend to perform worse than all other groups. Engineering students perform significantly better than all other majors.  相似文献   

EEG alpha asymmetry was studied in 90 normal adults: right-handed, left-handed, and ambidextrous, male and female. Recordings were made from homologous central, parietal, and occipital leads, referenced to vertex, while subjects engaged in writing, speaking, reading, listening to speech, singing, and block design construction. These data confirm our previous findings that alpha asymmetry is task-dependent and extend them to a broader range of tasks, subjects, and leads. Among right-handers significant differences were found between the language tasks and the musical and spatial tasks: the RL alpha ratio is higher in the language tasks. In addition, significant ordering of RL alpha ratios was found among the language tasks themselves: WRITE å SPEAK > READ > LISTEN. No one “verbal” task can be considered representative of all language behaviors. Task differences in asymmetry were greater at the central than at the parietal leads, and no differences were found at the occiput. Differences among the handedness groups were found in RL alpha ratio in specific tasks, in the relationship among tasks, and in alpha power level. Non-right-handers showed less task-dependent asymmetry. On some measures ambidexters appear to be a distinct group, not simply representing the middle range of a left-handed/right-handed continuum. Reversal of the “expected” right-handed pattern (SPEAK RL ratio > BLOCKS RL ratio) was seen in 10% of right-handers, and in 36% of left-handers, particularly among left-handed females (46%), suggesting a possible sex difference among non-right-handers. No sex difference was found among right-handers on any task with any measure at any lead.  相似文献   

Evidence from two indirect measures of hemispheric activity, EEG α and conjugate lateral eye movements, has pointed to the existence of individual differences in hemispheric activation. Results from a more direct indicator of hemispheric activity, regional cerebral blood flow as measured by the 133Xe inhalation method, show that such individual differences can be detected in the distribution of blood in the two hemispheres and that the amount of increase in blood flow in the right relative to the left hemisphere is correlated with performance on a spatial task. These results corroborate and extend the findings from the EEG and eye movement studies and suggest that the dimension of individual differences in hemispheric activation may exert significant influence on cognitive performance and on problem-solving strategies.  相似文献   

Models of job cognition have neglected the perceptual process by which units of task behavior are organized prior to making task judgments. Perceptual organization was examined in this study using an unobtrusive observational technique adapted from the psycholinguistic literature. In each of two experiments, the structure of a task was manipulated to vary the relationship between task behavior and feedback. These manipulations were found to be reflected in the measure of perceptual organization. In Experiment 2, perceptual organization was found also to correlate with higher order judgments about the task. The implications of these results for expanding models of job cognition to include perceptual processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Two visuospatial tasks, the WAIS Block Design and the Street Gestalt Completion Test, were administered to men and women with and without unilateral cerebral lesions. These two tasks represent different categories of visuospatial functions. The Street test is a visual-perceptual gestalt task, requiring the closure of fragmented pictures, whereas Block Design is an analytical, manipulospatial task requiring rotation of spatial coordinates. For the non-brain-damaged group, the men showed a nonsignificant trend toward better Block Design performance relative to the women, whereas there was no sex-related difference in Street performance. For the brain-damaged groups, patients with right hemisphere lesions performed significantly worse than patients with left hemisphere lesions on both the Street test and Block Design, indicating that both tasks were more sensitive to right hemisphere functioning. There was, however, a significant sex X side of lesion interaction on Block Design only, with the men showing a more asymmetrical pattern of scores. These results suggest that sex differences in functional lateralization may underlie sex differences in visuospatial ability, and that sex differences in functional lateralization may be present for only certain visuospatial processes.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests females smile more than males in a picture taking task (Mills, 1984; Morse, 1982; Ragan, 1982). Experiment 1 sought to replicate this effect and, in addition, investigate if the gender of the photographer or instructions to smile would influence smiling in females and males. Subjects were told that their picture would be used in a subsequent facial perception study. Results showed that subjects instructed to smile smiled more than subjects given no instructions. There were no main effects for subject's or photographer's gender and no interactions. In Experiment 2, graduating students from the University of New Brunswick, Saint John, completed a questionnaire which assessed how much subjects wanted to smile for their yearbook picture, whether subjects selected a picture of themselves smiling for their yearbook, and how much the photographer encouraged them to smile. Experiment 2 showed that females wished to smile significantly more than males, and females selected a picture of themselves smiling significantly more than males. Males and females did not differ in the reported degree to which the photographer encouraged them to smile. Results from Experiments 1 and 2 suggest that sex differences in smiling as measured in a picture taking task depend critically on the situation in which the picture is taken.  相似文献   

12 male and 12 female right-handed adults performed a unimanual force-production task alone and while sound-shadowing high frequency words. The secondary speech task disrupted right-hand performance by men and left-hand performance by women. The implications of these findings for intrahemisphere-interference models of dual-task performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Four experiments used a task in which males and females had to work through a passage and circle instances of a target letter. Coltheart, Hull and Slater (1975) have previously used this task to show that females have greater difficulty than males in detecting target letters, especially letters in the and other silent letters. The four experiments failed to replicate Coltheart et al.'s findings and, in fact, frequently found significant sex differences in the opposite direction. This discrepancy in results could not be accounted for in terms of procedural differences between the two studies. It was concluded that Coltheart et al.'s (1975) results with the letter detection task may not be reliable.  相似文献   

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