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A fundamental problem in the study of spatial perception concerns whether and how vision might acquire information about the metric structure of surfaces in three-dimensional space from motion and from stereopsis. Theoretical analyses have indicated that stereoscopic perceptions of metric relations in depth require additional information about egocentric viewing distance; and recent experiments by James Todd and his colleagues have indicated that vision acquires only affine but not metric structure from motion--that is, spatial relations ambiguous with regard to scale in depth. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the metric shape of planar stereoscopic forms might be perceived from congruence under planar rotation. In Experiment 1, observers discriminated between similar planar shapes (ellipses) rotating in a plane with varying slant from the frontal-parallel plane. Experimental conditions varied the presence versus absence of binocular disparities, magnification of the disparity scale, and moving versus stationary patterns. Shape discriminations were accurate in all conditions with moving patterns and were near chance in conditions with stationary patterns; neither the presence nor the magnification of binocular disparities had any reliable effect. In Experiment 2, accuracy decreased as the range of rotation decreased from 80 degrees to 10 degrees. In Experiment 3, small deviations from planarity of the motion produced large decrements in accuracy. In contrast with the critical role of motion in shape discrimination, motion hindered discriminations of the binocular disparity scale in Experiment 4. In general, planar motion provides an intrinsic metric scale that is independent of slant in depth and of the scale of binocular disparities. Vision is sensitive to this intrinsic optical metric.  相似文献   

The integration of binocular stereopsis and kinetic depth was measured for two distinct aspects of 3-Dstructure: (1)shape index, which is a measure of scale-independent structure, and (2)curvedness, which is a measure of scale-dependent structure. We found that motion contributes significantly more to judged shape index than it does to judged curvedness, and stereo contributes significantly more to judged curvedness than it does to judged shape index. This suggests that the differences in the relative contribution of motion and stereo reported here occurred because these two sources do not equally specify the scale-dependent and scale-independent aspects of surface structure. Furthermore, these results seem to be inconsistent with integration models in which the different visual cues all initially contribute to the same single representation of 3-Dstructure.  相似文献   

Kim YG  Mollon JD 《Perception》2002,31(1):65-71
We describe modified random-dot stereograms in which the corresponding elements differ from non-corresponding elements in colour, size, and luminance. Despite these visible differences between the elements, depth perception collapses when the spatially integrated luminous flux is similar for the corresponding and non-corresponding elements. Our results suggest that a low-pass spatial filter precedes the mechanism that recognises disparity. A similar phenomenon is observed for the perception of coherent motion in random-dot kinematograms. Our modified stereograms and kinematograms may find other uses when experimenters wish to study the contribution of colour to visual processes and require a method of eliminating edge artifacts.  相似文献   

The interplay between stereopsis and structure from motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a series of psychophysical experiments, an adaptation paradigm was employed to study the influence of stereopsis on perception of rotation in an ambiguous kinetic depth (KD) display. Without prior adaptation or stereopsis, a rotating globe undergoes spontaneous reversals in perceived direction of rotation, with successive durations of perceived rotation being random variables. Following 90 sec of viewing a stereoscopic globe undergoing unambiguous rotation, the KD globe appeared to rotate in a direction opposite that experienced during the stereoscopic adaptation period. This adaptation aftereffect was short-lived, and it occurred only when the adaptation and test figures stimulated the same retinal areas, and only when the adaptation and test figures rotated about the same axis. The aftereffect was just as strong when the test and adaptation figures had different shapes, as long as the adaptation figure contained multiple directions of motion imaged at different retinal disparities. Nonstereoscopic adaptation figures had no effect on the perceived direction of rotation of the ambiguous KD figure. These results imply that stereopsis and motion strongly interact in the specification of structure from motion, a result that complements earlier work on this problem.  相似文献   

Topological structure in the perception of apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Chen 《Perception》1985,14(2):197-208
Not only translations and rotations, but also intriguing 'plastic deformations' are observed in apparent motion. What kinds of invariants does the visual system depend on during these transformations to determine that two figures of different shapes nevertheless represent the same object? Experiments are reported in which seven pairs of stimuli with topological differences were used. The evidence suggests that topological invariants may be used in the perception of apparent motion. In spite of variations in other factors, such as brightness, spatial frequency, terminators, etc, subjects displayed a strong preference for motion from a central figure to a figure with the same topological invariants. The results emphasize the importance of topological structure in figure perception.  相似文献   

Random dot stereograms of slanted surfaces were constructed, each representing one or two slanted surfaces in different relative arrangements and with different axes. Latency to fusion and from fusion to stereoscopic resolution was measured for each stimulus. It was found that latency to fusion was always very brief but that latency to stereoscopic resolution varied markedly, depending upon the orientation and arrangement of the stereoscopic surfaces. A gradient of discontinuities at a surface boundary produced an instant slant response for that surface, whereas a gradient of absolute disparities across the surface did not, except under conditions where vertical declination (a form of orientation disparity) was present. We conclude that stereopsis is not based on the primitives used in matching the images for fusion and that it is, at least initially, a response to disparity discontinuities which play no role in the fusion process. We also conclude that vertical declination is responded to globally as a slant around a horizontal axis but that other forms of orientation disparity are ineffective. The evidence from our experiments does not support the existence of a stereoscopic ability to respond globally to differences in magnification (or spatial frequency). It is suggested that stereoscopic perception of slant around a vertical axis is slow because it results from the integration of local processes.  相似文献   

D C Earle 《Perception》1985,14(5):545-552
Stereograms are presented which demonstrate that the perceptual salience of structure in Glass patterns may be destroyed or created by the introduction of stereoscopic depth effects. Novel three-dimensional pattern structures can also be produced. Proposals concerning the nature of the primal sketch are evaluated in the light of these findings, and it is concluded that the findings are consistent with the view that depth derived from disparity information is explicitly represented in the primal sketch.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to a condition that causes induced motion was found to diminish this effect. The extent of a horizontal induced motion was measured by obtaining estimates of the direction of the apparent oblique path that resulted when a spot was visible on a horizontally moving pattern and was therefore in horizontal induced motion and, at the same time, moved vertically. Because the horizontal component of the perceived motion path represented the induced motion, the slope of the path measured the extent of the induced motion. After a 10-min exposure to induced motion, the apparent motion path was steeper; the mean change corresponded to a 15% smaller extent of the induced motion. Results were obtained that argue that this effect is not due to a diminished horizontal motion of the pattern but amounts to a smaller motion-inducing effect. The experiments were meant to support the view that the perceptual process that underlies induced motion is learned.  相似文献   

The research described in the present article was designed to identify the minimal conditions for the visual perception of 3-dimensional structure from motion by comparing the theoretical limitations of ideal observers with the perceptual performance of actual human subjects on a variety of psychophysical tasks. The research began with a mathematical analysis, which showed that 2-frame apparent motion sequences are theoretically sufficient to distinguish between rigid and nonrigid motion and to identify structural properties of an object that remain invariant under affine transformations, but that 3 or more distinct frames are theoretically necessary to adequately specify properties of euclidean structure such as the relative 3-dimensional lengths or angles between nonparallel line segments. A series of four experiments was then performed to verify the psychological validity of this analysis. The results demonstrated that the determination of structure from motion in actual human observers may be restricted to the use of first order temporal relations, which are available within 2-frame apparent motion sequences. That is to say, the accuracy of observers' judgments did not improve in any of these experiments as the number of distinct frames in an apparent motion sequence was increased from 2 to 8, and performance on tasks involving affine structure was of an order of magnitude greater than performance on similar tasks involving euclidean structure.  相似文献   

Craig JC 《Perception》2006,35(3):351-367
Previous studies have demonstrated that visual apparent motion can alter the judgment of auditory apparent motion. We investigated the effect of visual apparent motion on judgments of the direction of tactile apparent motion. When visual motion was presented at the same time as, but in a direction opposite to, tactile motion, accuracy in judging the direction of tactile apparent motion was substantially reduced. This reduction in performance is referred to as 'the congruency effect'. Similar effects were observed when the visual display was placed either near to the tactile display or at some distance from the tactile display (experiment 1). In experiment 2, the relative alignment between the visual and tactile directions of motion was varied. The size of the congruency effect was similar at 0 degrees and 45 degrees alignments but much reduced at a 90 degrees alignment. In experiment 3, subjects made confidence ratings of their judgments of the direction of the tactile motion. The results indicated that the congruency effect was not due to subjects being unsure of the direction of motion and being forced to guess. In experiment 4, static visual stimuli were shown to have no effect on the judgments of direction of the tactile stimuli. The extent to which the congruency effect reflects capture effects and is the result of perceptual versus post-perceptual processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Three motion perception skills were measured under different levels of alcohol ingestion. Our method for detecting decrements in visual information processing proved sensitive to blood alcohol levels as low as .02%. Alcohol in small doses increased reaction times to the onset of motion, particularly to slow speeds, but did not reduce the ability to allocate attention effectively. In view of these findings, certain motion perception tests may be valuable assays for detecting impaired performance with low blood alcohol levels.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the human visual system prefers perceptions of objects that are rigid or undergo minimum form change. A counterexample is presented in which a rigid two-dimensional figure rotating in the frontal plane is perceived as a distorting three-dimensional shape. It is argued that this perception results from the stimulation of automatic processes for perceiving size change, and that these processes are not subject to a general rigidity assumption.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine whether euclidean structure could be recovered from apparent motion sequences under polar projection. In Experiment 1, length judgments of two sides of a simulated triangle rotating in depth did not reveal effects of type of projection, polar or parallel, on the perception of euclidean structure. However, there was a significant correlation between simulated and produced slants. The results also indicated that absolute depth judgments could not be accounted for by a random mechanism suggested by Todd and Bressan (1990). Experiments 2 and 3, in which a continuous dot surface was substituted for the triangle, showed that polar projection information from a relatively large visual angle, 17.40°, as compared with a small visual angle, 4.35°, facilitated discrimination of depth. Produced height:width ratios were consistently related to simulated shape, although the depth dimension was underestimated. Finally, Experiment 4 showed significant correlations between simulated and produced height:width ratios that could be accounted for only by an analysis in whichX andY velocities were treated independently. As in previous experiments, the variation in the depth dimension was underestimated. It was concluded that the visual system utilizes the additional information that is available in polar projection when recovering structure from motion, but that for different reasons the perceived structure does not become euclidean. These reasons are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

We addressed the issue of how display orientation affects the perception of biological motion. In Experiment 1, spontaneous recognition of a point-light walker improved abruptly with image-plane display rotation from inverted to upright orientation. Within a range of orientations from 180 degrees to 90 degrees, it was dramatically impeded. Using ROC analysis, we showed (Experiments 2 and 3) that despite prior familiarization with a point-light figure at all orientations, its detectability within a mask decreased with a change in orientation from upright to a range of 90 degrees-180 degrees. In Experiment 4, a priming effect in biological motion was observed only if a prime corresponded to a range of deviations from upright orientation within which the display was spontaneously recognizable. The findings indicate that display orientation nonmonotonically affects the perception of biological motion. Moreover, top-down influence on the perception of biological motion is limited by display orientation.  相似文献   

Infant sensitivity to motion relationships specifying certain complex events, such as a person walking, has recently been demonstrated, but the perceptual principles underlying early event perception are not well understood. Retinal motion toward a common point (concurrent motion) specifies translation in depth to adult perceivers in the absence of conflicting information (Börjesson & von Hofsten, 1973). We tested this principle of event perception with 28 16-week-old infants. One group was habituated in a dark room to a concurrent motion: three points of light moving in a frontoparallel plane toward and away from a central point (not seen). After habituation, the room was illuminated, and looking time was tested to alternate presentations of two displays. In one display (depth motion), three lights were attached to a triangle actually moving in depth; in the other display (surface motion), the three lights moved visibly along the surface of a fronto-parallel stationary triangle. If concurrent motion, in the absence of conflicting information, specifies motion in depth to infants, they were expected to look longer after habituation at the surface motion display. A control group tested infants' relative interest in the two test displays with no prior habituation period.Control-group infants marginally preferred the depth movement display. The habituation group responded three times as much to the surface motion display, suggesting that motion in depth had been perceived during habituation. Specification of motion in depth by concurrency of relative proximal stimulus motions seems to be an operative principle in infants' perception; moreover, at least some principles of early event perception are unrelated to person perception or biological motion. The relation of these results to recent findings in infant object perception is discussed.  相似文献   

Apparent motion was produced using two triangular patterns of different sizes, each exposed for 100 msec, with a 50-msec interstimulus interval and 200-msec recycle interval. The triangles were aligned either on center or on the midpoints of the bases. Experiment 1, filled, outline, and three-dot triangles were viewed over four backgrounds: a blank illuminated field, and texture gradients constructed from horizontal lines, perspective lines, or a combination of these (full texture). In Experiment 2, outline and dot triangles were presented in one of three orientations: base down, base right, and base up over a blank background. Subjects made two forced-choice responses: apparent size was categorized as shrinking or not shrinking, and apparent motion was categorized as motion in depth or motion in a fixed frontal plane. The type of alignment was the major determiner of responses. When the midpoints of the base were aligned, the predominant response described a shrinking object in a fixed-position in depth. When the centers were aligned, the predominant response described an object of constant size moving in depth.  相似文献   

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