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A variant of Ponzo's pattern was devised by drawing converging oblique lines at the ends of each of two horizontal lines that were located directly one above the other. Pairs of converging or diverging fins (either between or outside the horizontal shafts) were systematically removed. The results showed that, as predicted by integrative field theory, oblique lines between the shafts produced more distortion than did oblique lines outside the shafts. Also, it was shown that the attentive field construct in integrative field theory was crucial for predicting patterns of means and variances in this experiment. The modified Ponzo effect was shown to have much in common with the classical Müller-Lyer illusion. The subtle differences between the two were explained by proposing that the size of the optimum attentive field was larger in the Ponzo tasks than in the Müller-Lyer tasks because expansion fins are found on both shafts in the Ponzo-like figure.  相似文献   

Summary Human observers can selectively allocate processing resources to different areas of the visual field within a single fixation. This spatial attention system may affect either the quality of information extraction or the decisions and responses based on this information. This paper reviews evidence from behavioral, single-unit, and event-related potential paradigms; the evidence suggests a relatively early locus of spatial attention.This research was supported by the U. S. Army Research Office under contract DAAG 29-83-K-0049. Portions of this paper were presented to the Conference on Attention and Action, Bielefeld, West Germany, in July 1985  相似文献   

The present study addressed whether the allocation of attention to a particular region in space can prevent processing of distractor information from non-attended regions. A cue indicated the area in visual space where the target singleton would be presented. Observers were required to detect this target singleton and ignore a distractor singleton presented within a non-attended region. The results indicate that the allocation of attention to a region in space cannot prevent the processing of unwanted information from elsewhere in the visual field. It is concluded that the function of the allocation of attention is not to enhance the processing capacity within the attended region but rather to attenuate interference from distractors in unattended regions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial orienting of visual attention in depth under purely stereoscopic viewing conditions. Random-dot stereograms were used to present disparity-defined target stimuli that were either validly or invalidly cued in depth. In separate tasks, participants responded either to the relative depth of the target (protruding vs. receding) or to its shape (square vs. diamond). Stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) between an uninformative exogenous cue and target were varied from 250 to 600?ms. For both tasks, mean response times (RTs) were shorter for validly than invalidly cued target depths and this RT advantage was essentially restricted to the shortest SOA of 250?ms. These results indicate that attention can be reflexively allocated to locations in stereo depth under conditions of low perceptual load, and independent of whether depth is relevant to the task or not.  相似文献   

Kurki I  Laurinen P  Peromaa T  Saarinen J 《Perception》2003,32(10):1211-1220
The extraction of a global orientation structure presumably has a different neural mechanism from that of the analysis of its local features. We investigated spatial integration within these two mechanisms using stimulus patterns composed of dot pairs (dipoles). The stimuli targeted local feature detection, contained no global configuration, but rather contained randomly oriented dipoles of a fixed length (the distance between the dots in a pair). For the detection of a global orientation structure, local dipole orientations were arranged in a concentric Glass pattern. Thresholds as a function of a stimulus area were determined by measuring the minimum proportion of dipoles among random-dot noise (signal-to-noise ratio) required for the detection of dipoles (features), as well as for the detection of an orientation structure. Thresholds for feature detection were significantly higher than those for the detection of the global structure--regardless of the stimulus size. Spatial integration, however, did not differ between the two tasks: the exponents of the power functions fitted to data for six observers were -0.48 +/- 0.07 for random dipole orientations and -0.62 +/- 0.1 for Glass patterns.  相似文献   

It has recently been stated that exogenous attention impairs temporal-resolution tasks (Hein, Rolke, & Ulrich, 2006; Rolke, Dinkelbach, Hein, & Ulrich, 2008; Yeshurun, 2004; Yeshurun & Levy, 2003). In comparisons of performance on spatially cued trials versus neutral cued trials, the results have suggested that spatial attention decreases temporal resolution. However, when performance on cued and uncued trials has been compared in order to equate for cue salience, typically speed—accuracy trade-offs (SATs) have been observed, making the interpretation of the results difficult. In the present experiments, we aimed at studying the effect of spatial attention in temporal resolution while using a procedure to control for SATs. We controlled reaction times (RTs) by constraining the time to respond, so that response decisions would be made within comparable time windows. The results revealed that when RT was controlled, performance was impaired for cued trials as compared with neutral trials, replicating previous findings. However, when cued and uncued trials were compared, performance was actually improved for cued trials as compared with uncued trials. These results suggest that SAT effects may have played an important role in the previous studies, because when they were controlled and measured, the results reversed, revealing that exogenous attention does improve performance on temporal-resolution tasks.  相似文献   

Spatial maps of directed visual attention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple reaction times (RTs) to a visual target are facilitated when the target occurs at a location expected by an observer, and are slowed when the target occurs at the mirror-symmetric location contralateral to the expectancy (e.g., Posner, 1978; Posner, Snyder, & Davidson, 1980). The spatial extent of this attention effect was examined by inducing subjects to expect the target at one location and introducing occasional probe flashes at other locations throughout the visual field. The results indicated that RTs to these probes were equivalent to those obtained at the expected location so long as the probe was in the same hemifield as the subject's expectancy. Conversely, RTs to probes in the hemifield opposite the expectancy generated uniformly slower response times. These results were obtained when the expected location varied in eccentricity from 2 degrees to 16 degrees along the horizontal meridian. In addition, when the expected and unexpected locations were within the same hemifield, no expectancy effects were observed. Under these conditions, the frequently used metaphor that directed visual attention operates like a spatially restricted "beam" appears inaccurate. The implications of these findings for current views of directed attention are considered.  相似文献   

Spatial attention and audiovisual interactions in apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, the authors combined the cross-modal dynamic capture task (involving the horizontal apparent movement of visual and auditory stimuli) with spatial cuing in the vertical dimension to investigate the role of spatial attention in cross-modal interactions during motion perception. Spatial attention was manipulated endogenously, either by means of a blocked design or by predictive peripheral cues, and exogenously by means of nonpredictive peripheral cues. The results of 3 experiments demonstrate a reduction in the magnitude of the cross-modal dynamic capture effect on cued trials compared with uncued trials. The introduction of neutral cues (Experiments 4 and 5) confirmed the existence of both attentional costs and benefits. This attention-related reduction in cross-modal dynamic capture was larger when a peripheral cue was used compared with when attention was oriented in a purely endogenous manner. In sum, the results suggest that spatial attention reduces illusory binding by facilitating the segregation of unimodal signals, thereby modulating audiovisual interactions in information processing. Thus, the effect of spatial attention occurs prior to or at the same time as cross-modal interactions involving motion information.  相似文献   

Attentional selection is a dynamic process that relies on multiple types of representations. That object representations contribute to attentional selection has been known for decades; however, most evidence for this contribution has been gleaned from studies that have relied on various forms of spatial cueing (some endogenous and some exogenous). It has thus remained unclear whether object-based attentional selection is a direct result of spatial cuing, or whether it still emerges without any spatial marker. Here we used a novel method—the temporal-order judgment (TOJ)—to examine whether object-based guidance emerges in the absence of spatial cuing. Participants were presented with two rectangles oriented either horizontally or vertically. Following a 150-ms preview time, two target stimuli were presented on the same or on different objects, and participants were asked to report which of the two stimuli had appeared first. The targets consisted of stimuli that formed a percept of a “hole” or a “hill.” First, we demonstrated that the “hill” target was indeed processed faster, as evidenced by a positive perceived simultaneity (PSS) measure. We then demonstrated that if two targets appeared with equal probabilities on the same and on different objects, the PSS values, although positive, were not modulated by the objects. In a subsequent set of experiments, we showed that objects can modulate attentional allocation—however, only when they are biased by a spatial (endogenous) cue. In other words, in the absence of a spatial cue or bias, object representations do not guide attentional selection. In addition to providing new constraints for theories of object-based attentional guidance, these experiments introduce a novel paradigm for measuring object-based attentional effects.  相似文献   

When sighted persons try to identify one of two speech utterances coming from different directions, they display both a frontal position advantage, i.e., better recognition of inputs from the front than of those from the rear, and a right-side advantage, better recognition of inputs from the right than of those from the left. The present study demonstrates a dissociation of the two effects in blind subjects (N = 10) who showed no frontal position advantage together with a right-side advantage superior to that of control sighted subjects (N = 16). There was no systematic difference between congenitally blind subjects and noncongenitals. The absence of frontal position advantage in the blind is consistent with the notion that this effect originates in the habit of sighted listeners to orient toward the source of heard speech. The occurrence of at least normal right-side advantage in the blind does not support recent suggestions of reduced lateralization of language functions in such subjects.  相似文献   

One major idea about spatial attention is that it serves to modulate crosstalk between features during reading. Two reading aloud experiments are reported in which a cue-validity manipulation was combined with manipulations that are thought to increase the likelihood of feature-level crosstalk: interletter spacing and the presence or absence of irrelevant features. Both experiments yielded an interaction between the effects of spatial cuing and each of these factors. These results are taken to support the hypothesis that when spatial attention is focused on the word, it provides protection against crosstalk among features in the context of reading aloud.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described in which eye movements (Ems) were recorded in conjunction with either monaural or dichotic tasks of focused attention. Two main effects were observed in the Ems records: (1) Listening to auditory messages reduced the occurrence of spontaneous Ems. (2) Selective monitoring of one ear in the dichotic task was accompanied by a consistent pattern of directional Ems characterized by big saccades and long changes of eye fixation in the direction of the relevant ear. The pattern of Ems is affected by the following variables: the presentation rate of the auditory information, the frequency of demands to switch orientation between the ears, and the competition of the irrelevant channel in the dichotic task. It is suggested that the eye-movement mechanism is used in selective listening tasks as a general orientation indicator, when the adoption or maintenance of a certain selective set is difficult and demanding of effort. The Ems response is part of a general orientation pattern, although its usual function is in the field of visual perception.  相似文献   

G L Shulman  J Wilson 《Perception》1987,16(1):103-111
The effect of spatial attention on the detectability of gratings of different spatial frequency was measured using a probe technique. Three experiments are reported in which the detectability of full-field probe gratings was measured while subjects analyzed stimuli presented in either the central or the peripheral visual field. Selective attention to peripheral stimuli produced a facilitation at low frequencies and a decrement at high frequencies. These effects disappeared under forced-choice presentation.  相似文献   

Distances between stimuli and, derivatively, compactness of stimulus subsets are pervasive determiners of discrimination and classification performance. Contrary to Crassini (1986), these factors are sufficient to account for the major patterns in the chronometric data of Podgorny and Shepard (1978, 1983). Other factors, such as the dichotomous one distinguishing what Crassini terms unitary and nonunitary subsets, may exert some additional influence. But a convincing demonstration would require formulation of a quantitative model capable of being pitted against the distance-based model of Podgorny and Shepard within the context of their entire body of data.  相似文献   

Motivation and Emotion - Most work on emotional attention in aging has focused exclusively on stimulus valence, with very few studies systematically examining how younger and older adults may...  相似文献   

Several studies have established that humans orient their visual attention reflexively in response to social cues such as the direction of someone else’s gaze. However, the consequences of this kind of orienting have been addressed only for the visual system. We investigated whether visual social attention cues can induce shifts in tactile attention by combining a central noninformative eye-gaze cue with tactile targets presented to participants’ fingertips. Data from speeded detection, speeded discrimination, and signal detection tasks converged on the same conclusion: Eye-gaze-based orienting facilitates the processing of tactile targets at the location of the gazed-at body location. In addition, we examined the effects of other directional cues, such as conventional arrows, and found that they can be equally effective. This is the first demonstration that social attention cues have consequences that reach beyond their own sensory modality.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the extent to which the stereotype that young Black men are threatening and dangerous has become so robust and ingrained in the collective American unconscious that Black men now capture attention, much like evolved threats such as spiders and snakes. Specifically, using a dot-probe detection paradigm, White participants revealed biased attention toward Black faces relative to White faces (Study 1). Because the faces were presented only briefly (30-ms), the bias is thought to reflect the early engagement of attention. The attentional bias was eliminated, however, when the faces displayed averted eye-gaze (Study 2). That is, when the threat communicated by the Black faces was attenuated by a relevant, competing socio-emotional cue—in this case, averted eye-gaze—they no longer captured perceivers’ attention. Broader implications for social cognition, as well as public policies that reify these prevailing perceptions of young Black men are discussed.  相似文献   

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