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Phonological similarity of visually presented list items impairs short-term serial recall. Lists of long words are also recalled less accurately than are lists of short words. These results have been attributed to phonological recoding and rehearsal. If subjects articulate irrelevant words during list presentation, both phonological similarity and word length effects are abolished. Experiments 1 and 2 examined effects of phonological similarity and recall instructions on recall of lists shown at fast rates (from one item per 0.114-0.50 sec), which might not permit phonological encoding and rehearsal. In Experiment 3, recall instructions and word length were manipulated using fast presentation rates. Both phonological similarity and word length effects were observed, and they were not dependent on recall instructions. Experiments 4 and 5 investigated the effects of irrelevant concurrent articulation on lists shown at fast rates. Both phonological similarity and word length effects were removed by concurrent articulation, as they were with slow presentation rates.  相似文献   

The two studies reported involve the visual search of word lists for a target item when the rate of presentation is controlled and the words are presented tachistoscopically. In the first study, the target is differentiated physically from the filler items by being capitalized. When the target is the last item in a list, it is readily identified at all presentation rates, but when it is the first word or is embedded in a list, recognition accuracy is inversely related to presentation rate. In the second study, the differentiation between target and filler items is in terms of the presence or absence of category membership. All Ss at all presentation rates do significantly better on lists with an animal word as a target and a set of unrelated words as filler items than on the converse arrangement.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that divided attention (DA) during retrieval has little effect on recall of episodic memories, although DA during encoding has a large detrimental effect. One possible reason for this asymmetry is that stimulus presentation at encoding is under experimenter control, whereas retrieval operations and responses are under participant control. This experiment tested this possibility by presenting paired-associate word lists for learning and recall, either at a fixed 4-s rate or at a rate controlled by the participant. The results showed that the higher recall levels for DA at retrieval than for DA at encoding held under all combinations of experimenter and participant control. The implications of these results for a fuller understanding of encoding and retrieval processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Repetition priming of word identification was examined using study tasks that required participants either to search for targets appearing in rapid serial visual presentation of word lists or to read aloud a list of target words. Nontarget words embedded in search lists produced a small amount of repetition priming on a masked word identification test, independent of presentation duration in the search list (200-1,000 ms), but no priming when they appeared as targets in a second search task used at test. For both test tasks, words that were originally encoded in a read-aloud task or served as detected targets during a search task generated more priming than nontarget words from search lists. These results suggest that priming effects are strongest when study tasks require an item to be selected as the basis for an overt response, even though the information on which study and test responses are based may be different.  相似文献   

What similarities and differences are there between memory for short lists shown at one item per second and memory for such lists after rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) at much higher rates—eight items per second? This paper reports that, when pictures are shown at eight per second or one per second, phonological similarity of the picture names reduces recall at the one item per second rate, but not at the eight item per second rate. In contrast, when subjects are shown the written names of the pictures, phonological similarity reduces recall at both rates. It is concluded that phonological coding does not occur for picture lists shown at high rates. The mechanisms underlying memory for pictures and words shown at RSVP and short-term memory rates are considered.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have explored the role of long-term memory factors in memory span tasks. The effects of lexicality, frequency, imageability, and word class have been investigated. The work reported in this paper examined the effect of semantic organization on the recall of short lists of words. Specifically, the influence of semantic category on immediate serial recall and the interaction of this variable with articulatory suppression was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 compared immediate serial recall performance when lists comprising items from the same semantic category were used (homogeneous condition) with a situation where lists held items from different semantic categories. Experiment 2 examined the same conditions with and without articulatory suppression during item presentation, and Experiment 3 reproduced these conditions with suppression occurring throughout presentation and recall. Results of all three experiments showed a clear advantage for the homogeneous condition. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the homogeneous category advantage did not depend on the articulatory loop. Furthermore, error analysis indicated that this effect was mainly attributable to better item information recall for the homogeneous condition. These results are interpreted as reflecting a long-term memory contribution to the recall stage of immediate serial recall tasks.  相似文献   

This article reports 3 experiments in which effects of orthographic and phonological word length on memory were examined for short lists shown at rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) and short-term memory (STM) rates. Only visual-orthographic length reduced RSVP serial recall, whereas both orthographic and phonological length lowered recall for STM lists in Experiment 1. Word-length effects may arise from output processes or from the temporal duration of output in recall. In 2 further experiments, output demands were reduced through the use of a recognition test. Recognition accuracy was impaired only by orthographic length for RSVP lists and by phonological length for STM lists in both experiments. The results demonstrate 2 item length effects not simply attributable to increased output time in recall, and implications for theories of STM are considered.  相似文献   

The effects of word frequency on judgments of recency of item presentation were examined in two experiments. Subjects in Experiment 1 were presented two mixed lists of high- and low-frequency words followed by a list assignment task for recognized items. It was found that subjects were biased toward assigning low-frequency words to the more recently presented list. Subjects in Experiment 2 were presented a single mixed list of high- and low-frequency words followed by either a relative recency of presentation judgment task or a relative primacy of presentation judgment task. Each word pair on the tests contained one high-frequency word and one low-frequency word. It was found that, for the recency judgment task, subjects were biased to select the low-frequency item as having been presented more recently. However, on the parallel primacy judgment task, there were no effects of word frequency; moreover, overall accuracy levels were higher with primacy than with recency instructions. We interpret the effects of word frequency on recency judgments in Experiments 1 and 2 in terms of a misattribution of frequency-related differences in recollection-based recognition. The finding that recency and primacy instructions produced different patterns of results provides further evidence (Flexser & Bower, 1974) for an effect on performance of the way in which the temporal judgment task was framed.  相似文献   

Remembering that an item occurred in several different lists is formulated here in terms of retrieval of corresponding list tags associated to the item. Therefore, associative interference should operate upon remembering the several list contexts in which an item appeared. Experimental Ss studied four (or five) overlapping lists of 16 words, sampled from a master set of 32 words, with a given word exemplifying one of the 2 4 (or 2s 5 ) possible sequences of appearances and nonappearances over the four (or five) lists. Later Ss rated from memory for each word and for each list whether that word had occurred in that list. After correcting for interlist generalization effects, indices of discriminative memory revealed strong proactive interference and weaker retroactive interference. Discriminative memory that an item occurred in a given list was poorer the more prior or more subsequent lists in which that item had also occurred. Thus, list differentiation appears explicable in terms of item-specific associative interference.  相似文献   

This study used the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm to investigate the direction and the extent to which emotional valence in semantic word lists influences the formation of false memories (FM). The experimental paradigm consisted of 1) a study phase (learning of neutral and negative lists of words semantically associated to a non-presented critical lure (CL), 2) a free recall phase, and 3) a recognition phase. Participants had to indicate whether the displayed item was "new" (new item or non-studied CL) or "old" (studied list item). CL associated with negative word lists elicited significantly more FM than CL associated with neutral word lists. This finding is in contrast to previous work showing that emotional words elicit fewer FM than neutral words. The results of our study also suggest that valence is capable of influencing emotional memory in terms of encoding and retrieval processes.  相似文献   

A number of inconsistencies are evident in the literature examining word-neighborhood size and frequency effects. One reason for the inconsistency may be that there are no standardized materials and criteria used in the different studies. Each experimenter has devised his or her word neighborhoods using different criteria for neighborhood size and frequency. The purpose of the present study was to develop a standardized set of word neighborhoods. Eight hundred orthographic neighborhoods were constructed with 4- and 5-letter words. The word lists were devised relative to the key elements that have been identified in the literature: (1) target-word frequency, (2) number of words in the neighborhood, (3) number of words higher in frequency than the target word, (4) number of letter positions contributing to the neighborhood, and (5) summation of the frequency of all neighbors (providing a standard metric for high- vs. low-frequency neighborhoods).  相似文献   

Results of two experiments showed that the modality effect in serial recall of word lists is sharply reduced by high interitem phonological similarity and that the extent of this reduction is much the same irrespective of whether the lists are spoken by the subject or the experimenter. These findings contradict an account of the modality effect recently proposed by Richardson (1979), but the data are entirely consistent with the belief that the effect originates in echoic memory.  相似文献   

Subjects were timed as they decided whether singly presented probe words belonged to one or the other of two memorized lists, or to neither list. Each list varied in length from one to four words. Reaction times increased linearly with the combined number of words in the two lists. When there was no a priori basis for distinguishing the lists, the slope of the function for positive test probes was 33–35 msec per word higher than that for negative probes. The slope for negative probes was 58 msec per word in one experiment and 46 msec per word in another. This suggests that subjects first scanned the combined lists exhaustively to determine whether the probe was present; if it was not, they made a negative response, and if it was, they scanned again to determine which list it was in. When the words in the two lists were conceptually distinct (one list representing animate and the other inanimate objects), the difference in slope was reduced to only 6 msec per word, suggesting that the second scan was all but eliminated.  相似文献   

The present experiment tested the hypothesis that retrograde induced amnesia is due to retrieval failure and anterograde induced amnesia to encoding failure by providing recall cues which were expected to eliminate retrograde amnesia but worsen or have no effect on anterograde amnesia. The 80 subjects received auditory presentation of 10 lists, each composed of 15 four-letter words presented at a rate of 2s/item at 75 dB in a free-recall task, followed by a 72 s recall period. The amnesia-producing event was an outstanding item in serial position 8 presented at 115 dB (about the intensity of a loud shout) on half the lists. During the first half of the recall period subjects free-recalled, but during the last half they were given a list of the first (single cue) or the first two (double cue) letters of each word, to be used as aids to recall. To demonstrate induced amnesia, lists containing a loud item were compared to those not containing one. First half free recall performance indicated that large retrograde and anterograde effects were present for both cue conditions. Second half cued recall performance indicated that in the double cue condition retrograde amnesia disappeared and anterograde amnesia became larger. Cueing had much smaller effects in the single cue condition.  相似文献   

Strength-based mirror effects occur when the hit rate is higher and the false alarm rate is lower following strongly encoded study lists than when following more weakly encoded study lists. In Experiments 1A and 1B, strength-based mirror effects were observed in separate tests of single item and associative recognition for random word pairs. In Experiment 2, strength-based mirror effects were again seen when item and associative recognition were tested together. Finally, in Experiments 3 and 4, opposing strength-based mirror effects were observed for item and associative recognition when individual words and word pairs were presented at different rates in the same study lists. Strength-based mirror effects could result from participants' adopting a more conservative decision criterion following strong lists than following weak ones. If this is the case for both item and associative recognition, the present results demonstrate that subjects can adopt different response criteria for different recognition tasks and can alternate between them on a trial-by-trial basis.  相似文献   

WordGen is an easy-to-use program that uses the CELEX and Lexique lexical databases for word selection and nonword generation in Dutch, English, German, and French. Items can be generated in these four languages, specifying any combination of seven linguistic constraints: number of letters, neighborhood size, frequency, summated position-nonspecific bigram frequency, minimum position-nonspecific bigram f requency, position-specific frequency of the initial and final bigram, and orthographic relatedness. The program also has a module to calculate the respective values of these variables for items that have already been constructed, either with the program or taken from earlier studies. Stimulus queries can be entered through WordGen's graphical user interface or by means of batch files. WordGen is especially useful for (1) Dutch and German item generation, because no such stimulus-selection tool exists for these languages, (2) the generation of nonwords for all four languages, because our program has some important advantages over previous nonword generation approaches, and (3) psycholinguistic experiments on bilingualism, because the possibility of using the same tool for different languages increases the cross-linguistic comparability of the generated item lists. WordGen is free and available at http://expsy.ugent.be/wordgen.htm.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of test‐induced priming in creating false memories in the Deese/Roediger‐McDermott (DRM) paradigm, in which subjects study lists of related words (bed, rest, awake) and then falsely recall or recognise a related word (sleep) on a later test. However, in experiments using three different procedures, we found that the number of related words tested prior to the critical word had surprisingly little impact on false recall and recognition. We manipulated the location of the critical item in tests of yes/no recognition, word‐stem cued recall, and part‐set cued recall. We consistently obtained high probabilities of false recall and recognition, but the probability was unaffected by the number of related items presented prior to the test of the critical item. Surprisingly, test‐induced priming of the critical item does not seem to play a large role in this memory illusion.  相似文献   

Research shows that contextual diversity (CD; the number of different contexts in which a word appears within a corpus) constitutes a better predictor of reading performance than word frequency (WF), that it mediates the access to lexical representations, and that controlling for contextual CD abolishes the effect of WF in lexical decision tasks. Despite the theoretical relevance of these findings for the study of serial memory, it is not known how CD might affect serial recall performance. We report the first independent manipulation of CD and WF in a serial recall task. Experiment 1 revealed better performance for low CD and for high WF words independently. Both effects affected omissions and item errors, but contrary to past research, word frequency also affected order errors. These results were confirmed in two more experiments comparing pure and alternating lists of low and high CD (Experiment 2) or WF (Experiment 3). The effect of CD was immune to this manipulation, while that of WF was abolished in alternating lists. Altogether the findings suggest a more difficult episodic retrieval of item information for words of high CD, and a role for both item and order information in the WF effect.  相似文献   

WordGen is an easy-to-use program that uses the CELEX and Lexique lexical databases for word selection and nonword generation in Dutch, English, German, and French. Items can be generated in these four languages, specifying any combination of seven linguistic constraints: number of letters, neighborhood size, frequency, summated position-nonspecific bigram frequency, minimum position-nonspecific bigram frequency, position-specific frequency of the initial and final bigram, and orthographic relatedness. The program also has a module to calculate the respective values of these variables for items that have already been constructed, either with the program or taken from earlier studies. Stimulus queries can be entered through WordGen’s graphical user interface or by means of batch files. WordGen is especially useful for (1) Dutch and German item generation, because no such stimulus-selection tool exists for these languages, (2) the generation of nonwords for all four languages, because our program has some important advantages over previous nonword generation approaches, and (3) psycholinguistic experiments on bilingualism, because the possibility of using the same tool for different languages increases the cross-linguistic comparability of the generated item lists. WordGen is free and available athttp://expsy.ugent.be/wordgen.htm.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that certain theoretically important anomalous results in the area of verbal short-term memory could be attributable to differences in strategy. However there are relatively few studies that investigate strategy directly. We describe four experiments, each involving the immediate serial recall of word sequences under baseline control conditions, or preceded by instruction to use a phonological or semantic strategy. Two experiments varied phonological similarity at a presentation rate of one item every 1 or 2 seconds. Both the control and the phonologically instructed group showed clear effects of similarity at both presentation rates, whereas these were largely absent under semantic encoding conditions. Two further experiments manipulated word length at the same two rates. The phonologically instructed groups showed clear effects at both rates, the control group showed a clear effect at the rapid rate which diminished with the slower presentation, while the semantically instructed group showed a relatively weak effect at the rate of one item per second, and a significant reverse effect with slower presentation. The latter finding is interpreted in terms of fortuitous differences in inter-item rated associability between the two otherwise matched word pools, reinforcing our conclusion that the semantically instructed group were indeed encoding semantically. Implications for controlling strategy by instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

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