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In four experiments, a scalar judgment of perceived depth was used to examine the spatial and temporal characteristics of the perceptual buildup of three-dimensional (3-D) structure from optical motion as a function of the depth in the simulated object, the speed of motion, the number of elements defining the object, the smoothness of the optic flow field, and the type of motion. In most of the experiments, the objects were polar projections of simulated half-ellipsoids undergoing a curvilinear translation about the screen center. It was found that the buildup of 3-D structure was: (1) jointly dependent on the speed at which an object moved and on the range through which the object moved; (2) more rapid for deep simulated objects than for shallow objects; (3) unaffected by the number of points defining the object, including the maximum apparent depth within each simulated object-depth condition; (4) not disrupted by nonsmooth optic flow fields; and (5) more rapid for rotating objects than for curvilinearly translating objects.  相似文献   

Tayama T 《Perception》2004,33(4):495-506
Perceived velocities during a brief period of exposure (< 1.2 s) were measured to examine how much time is necessary to perceive velocity as constant. Moving sinusoidal gratings were used as stimuli at relatively low velocities. At the beginning of each stimulus presentation, a moving pattern was perceived as stationary until a critical time had passed. After that, perceived velocity was positively correlated with moving distance, irrespective of physical velocity below a critical moving distance. Beyond the critical moving distance, velocity was perceived as constant. A simple model is presented to explain these results.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine the integration of depth information from binocular stereopsis and structure from motion (SFM), using stereograms simulating transparent cylindrical objects. We found that the judged depth increased when either rotational or translational motion was added to a display, but the increase was greater for rotating (SFM) displays. Judged depth decreased as texture element density increased for static and translating stereo displays, but it stayed relatively constant for rotating displays. This result indicates that SFM may facilitate stereo processing by helping to resolve the stereo correspondence problem. Overall, the results from these experiments provide evidence for a cooperative relationship between. SFM and binocular disparity in the recovery of 3-D relationships from 2-D images. These findings indicate that the processing of depth information from SFM and binocular disparity is not strictly modular, and thus theories of combining visual information that assume strong modularity-or-independence cannot accurately characterize all instances of depth perception from multiple sources.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of human observers to discriminate between different 3-D quadratic surfaces defined by motion, and with head position fed back to the stimulus to provide an up-to-date dynamical perspective view. We tested whether 3-D shape or 3-D curvature would affect discrimination performance. It appeared that discrimination of 3-D quadratic shape clearly depended on shape but not on the amount of curvature. Even when the amount of curvature was randomized, subjects’ performance was not altered. On the other hand, the discrimination of 3-D curvature clearly depended linearly on curvature with Weber fractions of 20% on the average and, to a small degree, on 3-D shape. The experiment shows that observers can easily separate 3-D shape and 3-D curvature, and that Koenderink’s shape index and curvedness provide a convenient way to specify shape. These results warn us against using just any arbitrary 3-D shape in 3-D shape perception tasks and indicate, for example, that emphasizing 3-D shape in computer displays by exaggerating curvature does not have any effect.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the ability of younger and older adults to recognize 3-D object shape from patterns of optical motion. In Experiment 1, participants were required to identify dotted surfaces that rotated in depth (i.e., surface structure portrayed using the kinetic depth effect). The task difficulty was manipulated by limiting the surface point lifetimes within the stimulus apparent motion sequences. In Experiment 2, the participants identified solid, naturally shaped objects (replicas of bell peppers, Capsicum annuum) that were defined by occlusion boundary contours, patterns of specular highlights, or combined optical patterns containing both boundary contours and specular highlights. Significant and adverse effects of increased age were found in both experiments. Despite the fact that previous research has found that increases in age do not reduce solid shape discrimination, our current results indicated that the same conclusion does not hold for shape identification. We demonstrated that aging results in a reduction in the ability to visually recognize 3-D shape independent of how the 3-D structure is defined (motions of isolated points, deformations of smooth optical fields containing specular highlights, etc.).  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated observers’ perceptions of 3-D structure when optical sources of information were contradictory. When motion and stereoscopic disparities specified different surfaces, the perceptual outcome depended strongly on the direction of curvature present within each modality. Previous research has shown that the perception of surface slant and curvature is anisotropic for both motion and stereo and that it depends on the direction in which it takes place. In the present experiments, the modality with the “effective” direction of curvature tended to dominate or suppress the perception of surfaces in the other modality with less effective curvatures. The results have implications for models which attempt to combine 3-D data from different optical sources.  相似文献   

A number of different cues allow listeners to perceive musical meter. Three experiments examined effects of melodic and temporal accents on perceived meter in excerpts from folk songs scored in 6/8 or 3/4 meter. Participants matched excerpts with 1 of 2 metrical drum accompaniments. Melodic accents included contour change, melodic leaps, registral extreme, melodic repetition, and harmonic rhythm. Two experiments with isochronous melodies showed that contour change and melodic repetition predicted judgments. For longer melodies in the 2nd experiment, variables predicted judgments best at the beginning of excerpts. The final experiment, with rhythmically varied melodies, showed that temporal accents, tempo, and contour change were the strongest predictors of meter. The authors' findings suggest that listeners combine multiple melodic and temporal features to perceive musical meter.  相似文献   

Hirai M  Hiraki K 《Cognition》2006,99(1):B15-B29
We investigated how the spatiotemporal structure of animations of biological motion (BM) affects brain activity. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) during the perception of BM under four conditions: normal spatial and temporal structure; scrambled spatial and normal temporal structure; normal spatial and scrambled temporal structure; and scrambled spatial and temporal structure. As in a previous study, we identified two negative components at both occipitotemporal regions: N210 reflected general motion processing while N280 reflected the processing of BM. We analyzed the averaged ERPs in the 200-300 ms response time window and found that spatial structure had a substantial effect on the magnitude of the averaged response amplitude in both hemispheres. This finding suggests that spatial structure of point-lights elicits a stronger response in the occipitotemporal region than temporal structure for the BM perception.  相似文献   

The ability of younger and older observers to perceive 3-D shape and depth from motion parallax was investigated. In Experiment 1, the observers discriminated among differently curved 3-dimensional (3-D) surfaces in the presence of noise. In Experiment 2, the surfaces' shape was held constant and the amount of front-to-back depth was varied; the observers estimated the amount of depth they perceived. The effects of age were strongly task dependent. The younger observers' performance in Experiment 1 was almost 60% higher than that of the older observers. In contrast, no age effect was obtained in Experiment 2. Older observers can effectively perceive variations in depth from patterns of motion parallax, but their ability to discriminate 3-D shape is significantly compromised.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the ability of younger and older adults to visually discriminate 3-D shape as a function of surface coherence. The coherence was manipulated by embedding the 3-D surfaces in volumetric noise (e.g., for a 55?% coherent surface, 55?% of the stimulus points fell on a 3-D surface, while 45?% of the points occupied random locations within the same volume of space). The 3-D surfaces were defined by static binocular disparity, dynamic binocular disparity, and motion. The results of both experiments demonstrated significant effects of age: Older adults required more coherence (tolerated volumetric noise less) for reliable shape discrimination than did younger adults. Motion-defined and static-binocular-disparity-defined surfaces resulted in similar coherence thresholds. However, performance for dynamic-binocular-disparity-defined surfaces was superior (i.e., the observers?? surface coherence thresholds were lowest for these stimuli). The results of both experiments showed that younger and older adults possess considerable tolerance to the disrupting effects of volumetric noise; the observers could reliably discriminate 3-D surface shape even when 45?% of the stimulus points (or more) constituted noise.  相似文献   

Mukai I  Watanabe T 《Perception》1999,28(3):331-340
The visual system has a remarkable ability to reconstruct 3-D structure from moving 2-D features. The processing of structure from motion is generally thought to consist of two stages. First, the direction and speed of features is measured (2-D velocity measurement) and, second, 3-D structure is reconstructed from the measured 2-D velocities (3-D structure recovery). Most models have assumed that these stages occur in a bottom-up fashion. Here, however, we present evidence that the 3-D structure-recovery stage influences the 2-D velocity-measurement stage. We developed a stimulus in which two perceptual modes of motion correspondence (one-way translation versus oscillation), and two perceptual modes of 3-D surface structure (flat surface versus cylinder) could be achieved. We found that the likelihood of perceiving both one-way motion and cylindrical structure increased in similar ways with increasing frame duration. In subsequent experiments we found, first, that a higher likelihood of perceiving one-way motion did not affect the likelihood of perceiving cylindrical structure; and, second, that a higher likelihood of perceiving cylindrical structure increased the likelihood of perceiving one-way motion. These results suggest that the higher, 3-D structure-recovery stage may influence the lower, 2-D motion-correspondence stage. This result is not in accordance with most computational models that assume that there is only one-way, feedforward information processing from the 2-D velocity (energy)-measurement stage to the 3-D structure-recovery stage. Perhaps, one of the roles of feedback processing is to seek consensus of the information processed in different stages.  相似文献   

In principle, information for 3-D motion perception is provided by the differences in position and motion between left- and right-eye images of the world. It is known that observers can precisely judge between different 3-D motion trajectories, but the accuracy of binocular 3-D motion perception has not been studied. The authors measured the accuracy of 3-D motion perception. In 4 different tasks, observers were inaccurate, overestimating trajectory angle, despite consistently choosing similar angles (high precision). Errors did not vary consistently with target distance, as would be expected had inaccuracy been due to misestimates of viewing distance. Observers appeared to rely strongly on the lateral position of the target, almost to the exclusion of the use of depth information. For the present tasks, these data suggest that neither an accurate estimate of 3-D motion direction nor one of passing distance can be obtained using only binocular cues to motion in depth. ((c) 2003 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present research, we investigated the depth information contained in the representations of apparently moving 3-D objects. By conducting three experiments, we measured the magnitude of representational momentum (RM) as an index of the consistency of an object’s representation. Experiment 1A revealed that RM magnitude was greater when shaded, convex, apparently moving objects shifted to a flat circle than when they shifted to a shaded, concave, hemisphere. The difference diminished when the apparently moving objects were concave hemispheres (Experiment 1B). Using luminance-polarized circles, Experiment 2 confirmed that these results were not due to the luminance information of shading. Experiment 3 demonstrated that RM magnitude was greater when convex apparently moving objects shifted to particular blurred convex hemispheres with low-pass filtering than when they shifted to concave hemispheres. These results suggest that the internal object’s representation in apparent motion contains incomplete depth information intermediate between that of 2-D and 3-D objects, particularly with regard to convexity information with low-spatial-frequency components.  相似文献   

The research described in the present article was designed to identify the minimal conditions for the visual perception of 3-dimensional structure from motion by comparing the theoretical limitations of ideal observers with the perceptual performance of actual human subjects on a variety of psychophysical tasks. The research began with a mathematical analysis, which showed that 2-frame apparent motion sequences are theoretically sufficient to distinguish between rigid and nonrigid motion and to identify structural properties of an object that remain invariant under affine transformations, but that 3 or more distinct frames are theoretically necessary to adequately specify properties of euclidean structure such as the relative 3-dimensional lengths or angles between nonparallel line segments. A series of four experiments was then performed to verify the psychological validity of this analysis. The results demonstrated that the determination of structure from motion in actual human observers may be restricted to the use of first order temporal relations, which are available within 2-frame apparent motion sequences. That is to say, the accuracy of observers' judgments did not improve in any of these experiments as the number of distinct frames in an apparent motion sequence was increased from 2 to 8, and performance on tasks involving affine structure was of an order of magnitude greater than performance on similar tasks involving euclidean structure.  相似文献   

The interplay between stereopsis and structure from motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a series of psychophysical experiments, an adaptation paradigm was employed to study the influence of stereopsis on perception of rotation in an ambiguous kinetic depth (KD) display. Without prior adaptation or stereopsis, a rotating globe undergoes spontaneous reversals in perceived direction of rotation, with successive durations of perceived rotation being random variables. Following 90 sec of viewing a stereoscopic globe undergoing unambiguous rotation, the KD globe appeared to rotate in a direction opposite that experienced during the stereoscopic adaptation period. This adaptation aftereffect was short-lived, and it occurred only when the adaptation and test figures stimulated the same retinal areas, and only when the adaptation and test figures rotated about the same axis. The aftereffect was just as strong when the test and adaptation figures had different shapes, as long as the adaptation figure contained multiple directions of motion imaged at different retinal disparities. Nonstereoscopic adaptation figures had no effect on the perceived direction of rotation of the ambiguous KD figure. These results imply that stereopsis and motion strongly interact in the specification of structure from motion, a result that complements earlier work on this problem.  相似文献   

The effects of line length and of spatial or temporal distance on illusory line motion (i.e., on the perception that a stationary line unfolds or expands away from a previously presented stationary cue) were examined in five experiments. Ratings of relative velocity decreased with increases in stimulus onset asynchrony between appearance of the cue and appearance of the line (from 50 to 450 ms), whereas the extremity of ratings of direction (i.e., strength of the ratings of illusory line motion) increased with increases in stimulus onset asynchrony (from 50 to either 250 or 450 ms). Ratings of relative velocity increased with increases in line length, whereas ratings of direction were not influenced by increases in line length. Ratings of relative velocity and direction were not influenced by increases in the distance of the near or the far end of the line from the cue. Implications of these data for attentional theories and apparent-motion theories of illusory line motion are discussed.  相似文献   

Norman JF  Dawson TE  Butler AK 《Perception》2000,29(11):1335-1359
The ability of younger and older adults to perceive the 3-D shape, depth, and curvature of smooth surfaces defined by differential motion and binocular disparity was evaluated in six experiments. The number of points defining the surfaces and their spatial and temporal correspondences were manipulated. For stereoscopic sinusoidal surfaces, the spatial frequency of the corrugations was also varied. For surfaces defined by motion, the lifetimes of the individual points in the patterns were varied, and comparisons were made between the perception of surfaces defined by points and that of more ecologically valid textured surfaces. In all experiments, the older observers were less sensitive to the depths and curvatures of the surfaces, although the deficits were much larger for motion-defined surfaces. The results demonstrate that older adults can extract depth and shape from optical patterns containing only differential motion or binocular disparity, but these abilities are often manifested at reduced levels of performance.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, younger and older adults judged the perceived motion of three-dimensional (3-D) figures that rotated in depth either unambiguously or ambiguously. Both groups were found to be equivalent in judging the direction of single rotations of the simulated 3-D objects (Experiment 1). In Experiments 2 and 3, a single unambiguous rotation (prime) was followed 0-3200 ms later by an ambiguous rotation (target). Motion priming was indicated by the disambiguation of the second rotation by the first rotation. 3-D motion priming was initially found to be similar in young and old, but it rapidly reduced in the older participants compared to the younger ones. Using a nonluminance depth cue--occlusion--to induce 3-D motion, diminished contrast sensitivity in the elderly was ruled out as a cause of the reduced priming. The results show that 3-D motion priming exhibits robust age-related decline. An age-related decrease in temporal persistence may account for the reduction in 3-D motion priming in older adults.  相似文献   

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