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A flexible and inexpensive data acquisition and display system based upon the KIM-1 microcomputer module is described. A simple signal-conditioning circuit and program are shown that will allow events to be counted at rates to 1,000/sec and stored in successive time bins. The program counts events from each of two event detectors and stores the count of each detector in an independent set of time bins. Up to 127 16-bit bins are available to each event detector and bin width can be varied from 1 msec to 1 min. A separate input can be used to time-lock data collection to a specific stimulus allowing poststimulus histograms or IRTs to be collected. The collected data can be sequentially displayed as a decimal number on a built-in LED display and stored for later analysis on an inexpensive audio cassette recorder.  相似文献   

Several stimulus configurations have been described for measuring the threshold for vibration perception. One such configuration, used primarily for screening for peripheral nervous system function, for example, consists of a matrix of 24 rows and 6 columns of tiny pins vibrating at 230 Hz, with the even rows of pins vibrating in opposite phase to the uneven rows. In order to determine which class of mechanoreceptors is being tested with such a stimulus, the frequency dependence of the threshold for vibration perception was measured with a similar stimulus configuration in a group of younger subjects and in a group of older subjects. Moreover, the stimulus configuration could be changed from opposite phase stimulation to equal phase stimulation, wherein all pins vibrated with equal phase. In the range above 160 Hz, it appeared that in younger subjects the threshold of the Pacinian receptor system was evaluated with both modes of stimulation, although the sensitivity for opposite phase stimulation was reduced relative to the sensitivity for equal phase stimulation. In the older subjects, equal phase stimulation also appeared to evaluate the Pacinian receptor system. However, with the opposite phase stimulation, the non-Pacinian receptors tended to be evaluated. Below 100 Hz, sensitivity was greater for opposite phase than for equal phase stimulation in both groups. Moreover, with both modes of stimulation, a sensitivity maximum at 40 Hz could be obtained, which was tentatively ascribed to the rapidly adapting class of mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the visual system’s sensitivity to variations in luminance (visual contrast) within a particular area of the retina is affected in a bottom-up fashion by the ambient contrast levels in nearby regions. Specifically, changes in the ambient contrast in areas surrounding the target area alter the sensitivity to visual contrast within the target area. More recent research has shown that paying attention to the target or target area modulates contrast sensitivity, suggesting a top-down influence over contrast sensitivity that is mediated by attention. Here we report another form of top-down influence over contrast sensitivity that is unlikely to be mediated by attention. In particular, we show that knowledge and/or expectations about the levels of visual contrast that may appear in upcoming targets also affect how sensitive the observer is to the contrast in the target. This sort of knowledge-driven, top-down contrast sensitivity control could be used to preset the visual system’s contrast sensitivity to maximize discriminability and to protect contrast-sensitive processes from a contrast overload. Overall, our results suggest that existing models of contrast sensitivity might benefit from the inclusion of top-down control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cognitive and sensory function are correlated in older adults. Sensory function may provide an index of neurological integrity (common-cause hypothesis). Declining sensory input may also directly impair cognition (direct-cause hypothesis). Accordingly, sensory function should more strongly predict cognitive performance and should account for more age-related variability in tasks with higher sensory demands. In a cross-sectional adult life span sample, visual contrast sensitivity was a better predictor and accounted for more of the age-related variability in high sensory-demand tasks, compared with low sensory-demand tasks, consistent with the direct-cause hypothesis. The results suggest a direct role for sensory function in cognitive aging when task conditions place heavy demands on sensory processing.  相似文献   

A gap detection task was examined for its usefulness as a measure of tactile spatial sensitivity and as a measure of anisotropy. In Experiment 1, sensitivity was measured with a gap detection task both with and without a latex glove at three locations on the hand: the fingerpad, fingerbase, and palm. Results showed that sensitivity varied as a function of location and was correlated with changes in the density of innervation of the primary afferent fibers. In accord with other measures of spatial sensitivity, the glove had a moderate effect on sensitivity in the gap detection task. The results both with and without the glove were more similar to those obtained using another measure of spatial sensitivity, the grating orientation task, than to those obtained using the smooth-grooved task, which is considered an intensive measure. In Experiments 2-4, anisotropy was examined using the gap detection and grating orientation tasks, as well as the smooth-grooved task. Locations on the index finger, palm, and arm were tested. Results indicated that anisotropy was revealed only by tasks that relied on spatial cues. The differences between spatial sensitivity measured in the proximal-distal orientation as compared with the lateral-medial orientation varied by location and were as much as 2.35/1. The results are discussed in terms of what they may reveal about the underlying mechanisms responsible for tactile anisotropy.  相似文献   

Hemispheric symmetry in contrast and orientation sensitivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Construction of a universal feeder for a cost of less than $200 is described. The feeder consists of two plywood panels, the first of which is circular and has grooves cut around its margin to hold reinforcers. This circular panel is secured to the second, rectangular panel so that it is free to rotate. A brush fixed onto the axle of a stepper motor above the circular panel sweeps the reinforcers away from the circular panel. Another stepper motor rotates the circular panel after each delivery to prepare the next reinforcer for delivery.  相似文献   

Studies of tactile spatial pattern perception have, for the most part, been carried out using the fingerpad. On the basis of these studies, models have been developed linking spatial pattern identification and resolution with underlying neural structures. It has been suggested that with appropriate scaling, these models would apply to the processing of spatial patterns presented to other sites on the body. Spatial sensitivity was examined on another site on the body, the palm, using two measures, letter identification and grating orientation. The results from these measures were compared with results from similar studies conducted on the fingerpad and with estimates of the density of innervation of the fingerpad and palm. To produce levels of performance similar to those on the fingerpad required letters on the palm 50 mm in height, seven to nine times larger than those used on the fingerpad. Gratings had to be six to more than seven times larger on the palm to produce the same levels of performance achieved on the fingerpad. For the two types of receptor systems sensitive to spatial information, the ratio of density of innervation between the fingerpad and the palm is estimated to be 5.7:1 and 8.8:1. Performance of spatial tasks on the palm can be predicted quantitatively from fingerpad data with a moderate degree of accuracy. Qualitative comparisons between the palm and fingerpad data indicate that spatial patterns are processed similarly at the two sites.  相似文献   

Pelekanos V  Moutoussis K 《Perception》2011,40(12):1402-1412
Embodied cognition and perceptual symbol theories assume that higher cognition interacts with and is grounded in perception and action. Recent experiments have shown that language processing interacts with perceptual processing in various ways, indicating that linguistic representations have a strong perceptual character. In the present study, we have used signal detection theory to investigate whether the comprehension of written sentences, implying either horizontal or vertical orientation, could improve the participants' visual sensitivity for discriminating between horizontal or vertical square-wave gratings and noise. We tested this prediction by conducting one main and one follow-up experiment. Our results indicate that language can, indeed, affect perception at such a low level of the visual process and thus provide further support for the embodied theories of cognition.  相似文献   

D'Angiulli A 《Cognition》2002,85(1):B11-B19
In one experiment, observers were instructed to generate small and large visual mental images in a light-adapted or a dark-adapted viewing condition, and to rate the vividness of each image. In light-adapted viewing, small images were generated faster than large images. However, the pattern of results was reversed in dark-adapted viewing. Furthermore, the dark-adapted images were more vivid than the light-adapted images. The results show that mental images can be mapped onto some regions of the contrast sensitivity function (CSF), so that the latency (and vividness) of a particular image can be predicted. Since the CSF reflects visual processes occurring mainly in V1, the results agree with functional magnetic resonance imaging data in indicating that early visual pathways participate in imagery. Nonetheless, imagery and perception may involve different processes hosted by the same neural structures as indicated by the direct relationship between image latency and contrast sensitivity.  相似文献   

High-resolution CRT displays are subject togeometric distortion: lines that are straight in the internal coordinates of the graphics software and hardware are curved when projected onto a plane in the observer’s line of sight. As the available resolution of CRT screens increases, it becomes more difficult to measure and correct for this distortion. We present a simple, highly accurate method for determining the mapping between internal coordinates and the viewing plane. It requires that an observer, using a calibration program, adjust triples of displayed points until they are collinear. A metal straightedge placed between the observer and the screen aids in this judgment. We describe the calibration of an IBM Enhanced Graphics Display in high-resolution mode (350 × 640 pixels), and illustrate how to use the estimated mapping to choose internal coordinates to draw undistorted figures that are accurate to within 0.5 pixel. The method can be used to assess or to correct the accuracy of visual displays. The method is relevant to experiments in spatial vision, spatial perception, perception of dot patterns, and any application in which geometrically accurate stimuli are required.  相似文献   

Current approaches to the study of infant pattern vision have yielded interesting findings but have not yielded a set of data or principles from which general predictions can be drawn. We propose an alternative approach based on measurements of the contrast sensitivity function (CSF). This approach has been successfully applied to the study of adult vision. In principle, the approach allows one to predict the detectability of a wide variety of two-dimensional patterns if one knows the observer's CSF. Two experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, CSFs of 1-, 2-, and 3-month infants were measured using a fixation preference paradigm. The results indicated noteworthy development between 1 and 3 months particularly in sensitivity to high spatial frequencies (fine stripes). The low-frequency attenuation characteristic of adult vision is observed at 2 and 3 months but not always at 1. In Experiment 2, CSFs of 2-month infants were measured at a lower luminance level. The results indicated that low-frequency attenuation became less pronounced as would be predicted if it were a manifestation of lateral inhibitory processing. The manner in which the CSF can be used to make general predictions is described. The CSFs of Experiment 1 are then used to successfully predict infants' detection of patterns used in two frequently cited experiments. We also propose a simple model of infant pattern preference and show that the model accurately predicts the results of a number of well-known experiments.  相似文献   

We present a design for an olfactometer, suitable for fMRI experiments, that can be constructed at extremely low cost. The olfactometer presents odors directly to the nose via a nasal cannula at unobtrusively low flow velocities, with no large assemblies required on or near the subject’s face. The olfactometer can be controlled manually, or by computer via a serial interface. A validation study verified that the olfactometer reliably presents odors to test subjects. Errors and response latency times decreased with increased flow rate in an orderly manner, as expected.  相似文献   

An inexpensive system for on-line coordinate plotting is described. Users with access to a computer running ALGOL or FORTRAN, and equipped with analog-to-digital converters, can build the system for less than $50. The program is readily modified for the individual user’s requirements, and interactive features allow data correction and analysis to be carried out during coordinate plotting, with operators warned of plotting errors as they occur.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the power and sensitivity of several core driver workload measures in order to better understand their use as a component of future driver distraction potential evaluation procedures of the in-vehicle human machine interface (HMI). Driving is a task that requires visual, manual and cognitive resources to perform. Secondary tasks, such as mobile phone use and interaction with in-built navigation, which load onto any of these three processing resources increase driver workload and can lead to impaired driving. Because workload and distraction potential are interrelated, a comprehensive method to assess driver workload that produces valid and predictive results is needed to advance the science of distraction potential evaluation. It is also needed to incorporate into New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) testing regimes. Workload measures of cognitive (DRT [Detection Response Task] Reaction Time), visual (DRT Miss Rate), subjective (NASA-TLX [driver workload questionnaire]), and temporal demand (Task Interaction Time) were collected as participants drove one of 40 vehicles while completing a variety of secondary tasks with varying interaction requirements. Of the evaluated measures, variance and power analyses demonstrated that Task Interaction Time is the most sensitive in detecting differences in driver workload between different in-vehicle HMIs, followed by DRT Miss Rate, NASA-TLX and finally DRT Reaction Time. There were relatively weak correlations between each of the four measures. These results suggest that Task Interaction Time, coupled with a reliable visual demand metric such as DRT Miss Rate, eye glance coding, or visual occlusion, more efficiently detect differences in driver workload between different HMIs compared to DRT Reaction Time and the NASA-TLX questionnaire. These results can be used to improve the understanding of the utility of each of these core driver workload measures in assessing driver distraction potential.  相似文献   

Flicker contrast sensitivity in normal and specifically disabled readers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
F Martin  W Lovegrove 《Perception》1987,16(2):215-221
Temporal contrast sensitivity for counterphase flicker was determined for specifically disabled and normal readers to investigate whether the two groups differ in the functioning of their transient systems. In experiment 1, temporal contrast sensitivity was measured over a range of temporal frequencies with a spatial frequency of 2 cycles deg-1. Disabled readers were less sensitive than the control subjects at all temporal frequencies. In experiment 2, temporal contrast sensitivity was measured at a temporal frequency of 20 Hz over a range of spatial frequencies. Disabled readers were less sensitive than the controls at all spatial frequencies, with the differences between the groups increasing as spatial frequency increased. Both these findings are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis of a transient-system deficit in the visual systems of disabled readers.  相似文献   

Relatively low doses of alcohol produced large, significant, dose-related increases in the time required to recover foveal contrast sensitivity following bright light exposure. Nine subjects participated in a double-blind experiment involving three dose levels of alcohol (including placebo). The luminance parameters of the test were comparable to those encountered in practical situations such as driving. The alcohol-induced delay in glare recovery is probably retinal and lasts for several hours after drinking.  相似文献   

Driver distraction is a major cause of road crashes and has a great influence on road safety. In vehicles, one of the common distracting sources is navigation systems (NSs). The navigation system (NS) can distract the driver due to following directions and reading the provided information through its display. These tasks take the driver’s attention from the primary task of driving and may cause poor driving performance, increasing the risk of crashes. In this paper, the effect of the environment (i.e., urban areas and rural areas), the navigation system display (NSD) size, environmental illumination, and gender on young drivers between the ages of 18 and 29 years mental workload was investigated using a simulated driving experiment. To evaluate each driving condition, the NASA-TLX (NASA Task Load Index) workload assessment tool, and a distraction evaluation element, were introduced and used to assess the overall workload, the workload subscales and the distraction by the NSD. The assessment showed a higher perceived overall workload for urban areas and night driving as compared to a rural areas and daytime driving. Moreover, the results showed a greater perceived distraction by the NSD in urban areas compared to driving in rural areas. The subjects also felt distracted when using the small NS compared to using the large NS. The study concluded that urban areas driving, and night driving creates higher perceived workload than rural areas and daytime driving. Furthermore, small NSD leads to more perceived distraction than large NSD while driving. The NSD designers may utilize this research findings to optimize NSD designs to improve driving safety, performance and comfort. Moreover, this study contributes to our understanding of the effect of the NSD size on driving workload and distraction.  相似文献   

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