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Subjects were asked to match the speeds of two moving random-dot patterns seen through circular apertures. The speed of one pattern that moved horizontally toward the right of a computer screen changed continuously. The speed of this pattern represented the target. It was to be matched with the speed of the second pattern, which moved in the opposite direction. The subject controlled the speed of the second pattern by means of an isometric joystick. The distance between the apertures on the screen as well as the subject's distance from the screen served as experimental parameters. In this way, the effects of both spatial and temporal transients of pattern speed on human tracking performance were studied. To avoid anticipation by the subject, the amplitude and the frequency of the target pattern speed changed pseudorandomly. The accuracy with which the subject performed the matching task was influenced by the mean pattern speed and the parameters of the visual field. Within lower velocity ranges, the subject's sensitivity to the instantaneous speed differences varied according to Weber's law. The cross-correlation of the velocity time courses decreased when the mean speed of the target pattern was increased. Two stimulus parameters had a strong influence on the modulation of the correlation value: (1) the angular size of the stimulus on the retina and (2) the retinal eccentricity of the stimulus.  相似文献   

The visual controlled behaviour in space is measured in 30 psychotic patients. In a room with a row of 8 equal chairs we measured the right-left-choice and the choice of distance. The neglect of the left chairs in patient with "distrust" and "delusion" let us suppose a right hemispherical dysfunction. There is no correlation between psychosis and choice of distance, but a good correlation between disturbed parental home and near distance.  相似文献   

A structural pattern recognition method for the quantitative determination of equivalence or similarity between movement patterns was examined. A chain encoding technique was implemented for the analysis of lower limb trajectories during walking and running. Conjoint angular displacement or angular velocity patterns provided kinematic data which were cross-correlated to determine geometric congruity of within and between subject motor patterns. The correlations of the movement patterns during different speeds of locomotion revealed numerical coefficients which consistently and quantitatively discriminated the similarity or dissimilarity of limb movement patterns.  相似文献   

The effect of display movement on the ability of subjects to recognize alphabetic shapes tactually was investigated. The display consisted of a computer-controlled 8-by-6 array of small airjet stimulators that could be physically translated in a small circle by means of a mechanical linkage. The experimental parameters were the stimulus duration, the angular velocity of the display, and the amplitude of the rotation. Recognition accuracy increased with stimulus duration between 100 and 400 msec. For a rotation amplitude of 0.8 cm, a maximum in recognition accuracy occurred at a rotation velocity of 400 rpm, or 150 msec. per revolution. The optimum angular velocity appeared to decrease as the amplitude of rotation increased. From these results and certain related neurophysiological evidence, a hypothetical model is suggested which qualitatively can account for the data.  相似文献   

The effect of display movement on the ability of subjects to rec ognize alphabetic shapes tactually was investigated. The display consisted of a computer-controlled 8-by-6 array of small airjet stimulators that could be physically translated in a small circle by means of a mechanical linkage. The experimental parameters were the stimulus duration, the angular velocity of the display, and the amplitude of the rotation. Recognition accuracy increased with stimulus duration between 100 and 400 msec. For a rotation amplitude of 0.8 cm, a maximum in recognition accuracy occurred at a rotation velocity of 400 rpm, or 150 msec. per revolution. The optimum angular velocity appeared to decrease as the amplitude of rotation increased. From these results and certain related neurophysiological evidence, a hypothetical model is suggested which qualitatively can account for the data.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dynamic programming matching analysis of the velocity profile of handwriting was used to examine temporally invariant characteristics of handwriting. This was done by comparing the performance of 12 subjects in writing five words under various delayed visual feedback conditions. The rate of temporally invariant handwriting decreased when delay of visual feedback was introduced. That is, the mean number of fluctuations or hesitations increased as a function of the delay time. This indicates that subjects wrote words by segmenting their movements into submovements. The relative positions of the boundaries of submovements was shown using dynamic programming matching analysis by the distribution of fluctuations along a time axis of templates. The results suggest the development of a segmented "move-and-wait" strategy under conditions of delayed vision. It was shown that in the "move" phase, subjects performed appropriate submovements as smoothly as in the no delay condition and waited during the delay until visual feedback caught up. The increased errors were due to inadequate segmentation of movements.  相似文献   

Movements are time-dependent processes and so can be modelled by time-series of coordinates: E.g., each articulation has geometric coordinates; the set of the coordinates of the relevant articulations build a high-dimensional configuration. These configurations--or "patterns"--give reason for analysing movements by means of neural networks: The Kohonen Feature Map (KFM) is a special type of neural network, which (after having been coined by training with appropriate pattern samples) is able to recognize single patterns as members of pattern clusters. This way, for example, the particular configurations of a given movement can be identified as belonging to respective configuration clusters, where the sequence of clusters to which the time-depending configurations belong, characterizes the process as a 2-dimensional trajectory. The advantages of this method are that: the high dimensionality of the original processes is reduced to two dimensional trajectories, the clusters are automatically determined by the network, and all data for further analyses can automatically be transferred into a data base. Thus, the processes can either be visualized and analysed by an expert or again processed by further automatic analysing tools, as has been done with similarity matrices. The disadvantage is that a KFM-training needs a huge amount of information, which normally is not available from experiments. However, the Dynamically Controlled Network DyCoN (a special type of KFM) makes it possible to reduce the amount of original training data substantially--e.g., by adding stochastically generated ones. Currently, DyCoN is used in several projects in order to generally support analyses of processes in sport. It should be emphasized that the presented approach is not meant to improve the understanding or to develop models of human movement but to give a survey of the advantages and methodological aspects of net-based movement analysis.  相似文献   

Learning a bimanual rhythmic task is explored from the perspective that motor skill acquisition involves the successive reparameterization of a dynamical control structure in the direction of increasing stability, where the intentional process of reparameterization is itself dynamical. Subjects learned to oscillate pendulums held in the right and left hands such that the right hand frequency was twice that of the left (2:1 frequency lock). Over 12 learning sessions of 20 trials each, we interpreted the decreasing fluctuations in the frequency locking to be an index of the increasing concavity of the underlying potential, a measure of stability; the time required to achieve the 2: 1 pattern was interpreted as indexing the relaxation time of an intentional dynamic. Power spectral analyses of the phase velocity ratio exhibited two strategies for acquiring the interlimb movement pattern: (a) adding spectral peaks at integer multiples of the left hand frequency or (b) distributing power across many frequencies in a l/f-like manner. Results are discussed in terms of the promise of a dynamical approach to learning coordinated movements.  相似文献   

There are close functional similarities between apparent motion perception and visual pattern matching. In particular, striking functional similarities have been demonstrated between perception of rigid objects in apparent motion and purely mental transformations of visual size and orientation used in comparisons of objects with respect to shape but regardless of size and orientation. In both cases, psychophysical data suggest that differences in visual size are resolved as differences in depth, such that transformation of size is done by translation in depth. Furthermore, the process of perceived or imagined translation appears to be stepwise additive such that a translation over a long distance consists of a sequence of smaller translations, the durations of these steps being additive. Both perceived and imagined rotation also appear to be stepwise additive, and combined transformations of size and orientation appear to be done by alternation of small steps of pure translation and small steps of pure rotation. The functional similarities suggest that common mechanisms underlie perception of apparent motion and purely mental transformations. In line with this suggestion, functional brain imaging has isolated neural structures in motion area MT used in mental transformation of size.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported, which were designed to test predictions of an account ofsame-different matching that assumes that bilaterally symmetric backgrounds provide extraneous evidence towardsame, whereas asymmetric backgrounds provide evidence towarddifferent. When all backgrounds within a block of trials are of the same type, appropriate adjustments of response criteria can be made to accommodate the irrelevant evidence and thus maintain acceptable levels of accuracy. However, when backgrounds of different types are mixed randomly, compromise criteria are adopted. This compromise-criteria account predicts distinctive interaction patterns for reaction times when blocked versus mixed presentations of various background types are compared. The predicted interactions were obtained for asymmetric- and no-noise backgrounds in Experiment 1 and forsymmetric-, asymmetric-, and no-noise backgrounds in Experiment 2. The findings support the general view that extraneous display attributes are weighted into the evidence for same anddifferent, with criteria settings used that minimize errors under the noisiest conditions.  相似文献   

An experiment on mental transformation of size, in pairwise comparison of simultaneously or successively presented figures with respect to shape, is reported. Regardless of type of presentation (simultaneous vs. successive), figural complexity, and similarity within pairs of different-shaped figures, median latencies of both same and different responses were approximately linearly increasing functions of the linear size ratio between the patterns to be compared. The slopes of the functions showed significant effects of figural complexity and similarity for simultaneous but not for successive matching. The results suggest that successive matching was done by encoding a subpattern of the first stimulus in a pair as a mental image, transforming the image to the size format of the other stimulus, and then testing for a match; in simultaneous matching the process of encoding, transformation, and comparison appeared to be executed several times for each pair of figures. The interpretation was illustrated by a random walk model, which provided a good fit to the results. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 22 August 1998  相似文献   

The variable that affect motor programming time may be studied by changing the nature of the response and measuring the subsequent changes in reaction time (RT). One notion of motor programming suggests that aiming responses with reduced target size and/or increased target amplitude require more "complex" motor programs that require longer RTs. In a series of five experiments which movement time (MT) was experimentally varied target size neither influences RT when the movement amplitude was 2 or 30 cm nor when the target sizes differed by as much as a factor of 16:1. Increasing the movement amplitude from 15 to 30 cm also had no influence on RT. Movement time, however, did affect RT, with 200-msec movements having longer RTs than 120-msec movements. Target size and movement amplitude did not appear to be factors that influence programming time or program complexity.  相似文献   

This article presents a developmental account of changes in the visual guidance of locomotion. In contrast to the impressive efficiency of adult locomotion, locomotor activity is not under prospective control at the onset of human mobility. Infants require extensive crawling and walking experience before responding adaptively to variations in the terrain. At the same time that they are learning to navigate in increasingly varied environments, their bodies and skills are rapidly changing. Learning generalizes from safe, flat ground to novel surfaces but it does not transfer to new methods of locomotion. We account for these patterns of generality and specificity of learning by focusing on the role of exploratory behavior in detecting threats to balance control.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported, which were designed to test predictions of an account of same-different matching that assumes that bilaterally symmetric backgrounds provide extraneous evidence toward same, whereas asymmetric backgrounds provide evidence toward different. When all backgrounds within a block of trials are of the same type, appropriate adjustments of response criteria can be made to accommodate the irrelevant evidence and thus maintain acceptable levels of accuracy. However, when backgrounds of different types are mixed randomly, compromise criteria are adopted. This compromise-criteria account predicts distinctive interaction patterns for reaction times when blocked versus mixed presentations of various background types are compared. The predicted interactions were obtained for asymmetric- and no-noise backgrounds in Experiment 1 and for symmetric-, asymmetric-, and no-noise backgrounds in Experiment 2. The findings support the general view that extraneous display attributes are weighted into the evidence for same and different, with criteria settings used that minimize errors under the noisiest conditions.  相似文献   

Prolonged space flight, specifically microgravity, presents a problem for space exploration. Animal models with altered connections of the vestibular ear, and thus altered gravity sensation, would allow the examination of the effects of microgravity and how various countermeasures can establish normal function. We describe an experimental apparatus to monitor the effects of ear manipulations to generate asymmetric gravity input on the tadpole escape response. To perform the movement pattern analysis, an imaging apparatus was developed that uses a high‐speed camera to obtain time‐resolved, high‐resolution images of tadpole movements. Movements were recorded in a temperature‐controlled test chamber following mechanical stimulation with a solenoid actuator, to elicit a C‐start response. Temperature within the test cell was controlled with a recirculating water bath. Xenopus laevis embryos were obtained using a standard fertilization technique. Tadpole response to a controlled perturbation was recorded in unprecedented detail and the approach was validated by describing the distinct differences in response between normal and one‐eared tadpoles. The experimental apparatus and methods form an important element of a rigorous investigation into the response of the tadpole vestibular system to mechanical and biochemical manipulations, and can ultimately contribute to improved understanding of the effects of altered gravity perception on humans.  相似文献   

Previous research on the properties of haptic space has shown systematic deviations from Euclidean parallelity in haptic parallelity tasks. The mainstream explanation for these deviations is that, in order to perform the task, participants generate a spatial representation with a frame of reference that integrates egocentric and allocentric components. Several studies have shown that the amount and type of deviations are affected by the configurations with regard to the arms and the rods to be matched. The present study reports 4 experiments that further address the effects of task configurations and body movements. Experiments 1 and 2 replicate and extend previous results concerning haptic matching task and acoustic pointing tasks. The third experiment includes acoustic cues aligned differentially to the reference and test bars. The fourth experiment concerns a geometrical matching task performed in the rear peripersonal space. Results show that haptic deviations from the Euclidean space are modulated by the available cues and by the body configurations. This indicates the need for further analysis on the role of body, arm and shoulder positions, and movement effects in haptic space perception.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(1):27-54
Four experiments designed to assess observers' ability to perceive whether or not something is within reach, under a variety of circumstances, are reported. Actual reaching ability is influenced by the posture in which reaching is to be done (e.g., with the arm alone, extending the arm while bending from the hip, and main- taining balance while bending from an upright standing position) and by the surface layout that confronts the reacher (e.g., the height of a surface to be reached and the presence of barriers to bending). Our investigation reveals that perceivers are sensitive to these influences on their reaching ability, although some are quite complex biomechanically. The results are discussed in the context of the demands that they place on computational and ecological accounts of perceiving what is within reach.  相似文献   

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