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为了解我国近十年来临终关怀的研究热点,为今后临终关怀的发展提供参考。基于中国知网数据库的962篇文献,运用CiteSpace进行可视化分析,总结出14个热点关键词,可分为四类:护理,晚期患者,影响因素,死亡教育、生死观等认知状况。得出13个突现词(研究前沿),可分为四类:临终关怀对象,如临终患者、护理人员等;护理模式及伦理;心理反应和认知;老龄化。由此可见,临终关怀领域的研究有很大的发展空间,国外的研究已较为成熟,对国内的研究有很大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

人文关怀是护理学的本质,医学模式的转变、优质护理的开展以及患者关怀需求的增加,使护理人文关怀受到广大研究者的热议。就国内外专家学者对护理人文关怀概念、理论、结构要素和关怀实践发展进行分析和综述,总结我国护理人文关怀概念主要包括互动关系、尊重原则、情感表达和专业行为;护理人文关怀理论研究应充分考虑人文关怀的多向度、全面性和持续性,并提出未来护理实践发展应正视差距,推动制度改革,把握整体性与动态性、共性与个性、继承性和创新性之间的关系,以期为护理人文关怀理论及其实践的发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

海波 《佛教文化》2009,(2):101-103
临终关怀是在当代人文关怀思潮影响下于西方率先兴起的新事物,是一种以对西方现代医疗体系的反思为理论基础。而建立起来的新型医疗模式。临终关怀以全球癌症发病率的持续升高和世界人口呈老龄化趋势为直接刺激因素而产生,现在这项事业在世界各国正如火如茶地展开,造福了无数家庭和个人。临终关怀自产生至今不到半个世纪,无论是理论研究,还是具体实践,在各方面都有待于完善和成熟。实际上,临终关怀的思想可以上溯到古老的传统文化,在佛教里面我们可以找到和现代临终关怀相媲美的思想和实践。  相似文献   

为全面分析癌症病人临终关怀领域研究的发展现状及面临的问题,进一步提高我国癌症病人临终关怀的护理水平,基于Web of Science数据库,应用Histcite分析软件及文献计量学方法对该领域研究进行统计分析,检索时间为2006年~2016年,共检索到相关文献2 200篇,并呈逐年上升趋势。以美国、英国和加拿大等国在此领域中研究最为活跃,Journal of Pain and Symptom Management收录此领域研究文献最多。分析发现,发达国家在本研究领域中居于领先地位,我国还需不断探索临终关怀的相关服务体系,以提高癌症病人临终时的护理质量。  相似文献   

通过研究大量国内外临终关怀立法的政策、文献,将其立法现状进行综述,并对今后我国制定临终关怀法律法规政策等进行探讨,以期促进更多学者的关注,推动我国临终关怀立法的实现。临终关怀立法在我国除台湾地区外,尚无明确法律条文规定实施;西方国家则制定了涉及国家财政支持、服务机构及从业人员、临终关怀服务对象等多方面较完善的临终关怀法律法规,保障了此项服务的科学发展。建议我国在遵循相关立法原则的前提下,明文规定临终关怀各要素,同时建立、健全我国医疗保障制度,从根源上推动国民对临终关怀服务的理解和支持。  相似文献   

通过对加拿大颁布的临终关怀相关政策和指南的研究,探索加拿大临终关怀模式的特点和优势。阐释了加拿大临终关怀的界定和发展,并从发布、主要内容、应用三个方面介绍了加拿大临终关怀实践模式指南。认为加拿大临终关怀发展成熟,呈现出国家支持、覆盖面广、服务内容全面、服务专业化、人性化、规范化的特点,其实践模式指南的颁布对世界临终关怀领域都有着重要的影响,期望加拿大临终关怀的成功经验能为我国提供借鉴,推进我国临终关怀事业的发展。  相似文献   

通过对临终关怀研究热点的分析,剖析研究热点的发展状态和发展方向,给予国内临终关怀研究方向以提示。应用PubMed数据库对近5年有关临终关怀的文献进行检索,将检索结果导入书目共现分析系统(BICOMB),统计高频主题词,提取频次阈值大于42的高频主题词43个,形成词篇矩阵和共现矩阵。应用SPSS 19.0软件对词篇矩阵进行聚类分析,得出临终关怀的9类研究热点。利用共现矩阵对9类研究热点进行战略坐标分析,用以描述各研究热点的发展状况。  相似文献   

在临终阶段,帮助患者克服对死亡的恐惧,与患者建立心灵和情感上的沟通,帮助其提高生命质量,有尊严、有意义地度过生命最后的时光显得尤为重要。运用叙事医学理论,结合阿图·葛文德《最好的告别》一书中的案例,分别从医护人员、患者、患者家属三个视角,探讨叙事医学对临终关怀发展的指导意义。相较于传统医学模式,叙事医学模式下的临终关怀能够引导医护人员和患者正确对待衰老与死亡、促进医护人员叙事能力的提高、鼓励患者自我需求的叙事表达、关注家属面对亲人离世时的心理护理、改善家属在医疗决策中的辅助作用。叙事医学对临终关怀的发展具有指导意义,有望进一步推进临终关怀的应用进程。  相似文献   

论医师的人文执业能力及其培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了“医师人文执业能力”的概念,认为培养该能力是现代医学教育的潮流,是新的医学模式对医师素质的要求,是构建和谐医患关系的迫切需要,是基于病人的需要;最后提出有关培养医师人文执业能力的途径和方法:完善人文医学课程的设置,发挥专业教学的作用,营造良好的人文医学教育氛围,创建医学人文教育的平台和载体。  相似文献   

临终关怀护理的现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医疗卫生水平的不断提高,人们对临终关怀的需求亦处于增长之中。纵观国内外临终关怀的发展,在不断发展中尚存在诸多的问题。本文从临终关怀的现状着手,分析启动时间、关怀内容、社会支持和服务的机构与模式四方面存在的问题,为以后的研究指明方向。  相似文献   

Iris Marion Young took a strong stance against humanitarian intervention and other so-called legitimate instances of what she calls ‘official violence’. Nevertheless, she was also aware that there may be some situations for which military humanitarian intervention should at least be considered. Young was concerned that some states will use their obligation to defend against human rights violations as a mechanism in securing or maintaining global dominance. In addition, she recognized that what counts as a violation of human rights is not uncontroversial; human rights norms and conventions are interpreted, negotiated, and otherwise contested. In this article, I build on Young’s arguments for a social connection model of responsibility by applying it to a situation where a forceful response to violence might be justified. I juxtapose Young’s position with the emerging international standard called ‘the responsibility to protect’ in order to suggest an account of intervention for global governance relations.  相似文献   

This paper examines four interpretations of the observation that humanitarian intervention might be used ‘selectively’ or ‘inconsistently’ in order to elucidate the normative commitments of the deliberative process in international relations. The paper argues that there are several types of concerns that are implicit in the accusation of inconsistency, and only some of them amount to objections to humanitarian intervention as a whole. The paradox of humanitarian intervention is that intervention is prohibited except where the intervention is humanitarian, yet humanitarian reasons never exist in isolation, and it is nearly impossible to determine the real reason for intervention (or any other collective action) in the international arena. The problems revealed by an examination of inconsistency in the example of humanitarian intervention turn out to be general problems with applying the norms of practical reasoning to moral questions dealing with collective agents.  相似文献   

The possibility of using private military and security companies to bolster the capacity to undertake intervention for human rights purposes (humanitarian intervention and peacekeeping) has been increasingly debated. The focus of such discussions has, however, largely been on practical issues and the contingent problems posed by private force. By contrast, this article considers the principled case for privatising humanitarian intervention. It focuses on two central issues. First, does outsourcing humanitarian intervention to private military and security companies pose some fundamental, deeper problems in this context, such as an abdication of a state's duties? Second, on the other hand, is there a case for preferring these firms to other, state‐based agents of humanitarian intervention? For instance, given a state's duties to their own military personnel, should the use of private military and security contractors be preferred to regular soldiers for humanitarian intervention?  相似文献   


This paper considers the fundamental change introduced by Ferenczi in 1919 by proposing the use of countertransference as an instrument. Basically it reconsiders the concept of analytic neutrality; mastery of countertransference is reached through tolerating it, overcoming resistances against it, demanding a very intense involvement of the analyst, as opposed to the image of the surgeon or the mirror. The paper analyzes the implications of this position for psychoanalysis. It places these concepts in the scientific and personal context in which it was written, then follows the later developments of these ideas in Ferenczi's own work, as well as in that of some other authors, and comments on the effects of these ideas on the psychoanalytic movement. Finally it poses some questions regarding our present use of countertransference in clinical work, with two brief vignettes highlighting these points.  相似文献   

Richard Dietz 《Synthese》2013,190(1):139-170
Comparative concepts such as greener than or higher than are ways of ordering objects. They are fundamental to our grasp of gradable concepts, that is, the type of meanings expressed by gradable general terms, such as ??is green?? or ??is high??, which are embeddable in comparative constructions in natural language. Some comparative concepts seem natural, whereas others seem gerrymandered. The aim of this paper is to outline a theoretical approach to comparative concepts that bears both on the account of naturalness for comparative concepts and on the theory of gradable concepts. The approach is novel in that it carries some basic assumptions from Peter G?rdenfors?? conceptual spaces account of categorical concepts over to comparative concepts. The offered approach is more general than G?rdenfors?? account in that it supplies a framework of graded categorisation that includes his categorisation rule as a limiting case. Importantly, it provides also a new argument for adopting G?rdenfors?? particular model of categorisation.  相似文献   

This article applies the term ‘migrant humanitarianism’ for the hitherto neglected humanitarian activities of migrant organisations (MOs). First, it assesses the state-of-the-art on MOs in migration research and recognises common shortcomings within the existing literature. Second, it reviews humanitarian studies literature on aid actors and shows that local or non-Western forms of aid, as well as MOs have so far received only limited attention. Third, it presents the development studies on MOs’ role in their members’ country of origin, which focus mainly on remittances and the migration-development nexus. Fourth, it examines organisational studies which offer frameworks for analysing MOs in multiple countries and crises. Fifth, it discusses how neo-institutional and associational theory, as well as the transnational approach, can help fill gaps in research on MOs in humanitarian action. It then applies these theories to the Islamic Community Milli Görüs (IGMG) as a case study of MOs in humanitarian action. It shows that IGMG is a strong, autonomous actor, despite the fact that it does not fully adhere to the traditional humanitarian principles. Finally, it indicates themes for further research.  相似文献   

Considering that negative intergroup emotions can hinder conflict resolution, we proposed integrative emotion regulation (IER) as possibly predicting conciliatory policies towards outgroups in violent conflict. Two studies examined Jewish Israelis’ self-reported IER, empathy, liberal attitudes, and support for humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. Study 1 (N?=?298) found that unlike reappraisal Jewish Israelis’ ability to explore emotions (e.g. IER) promoted concern for others’ emotions (empathy), which in turn predicted support for humanitarian aid (while controlling for education level, and religiosity). Study 2 (N?=?291) replicated this mediation model, additionally confirming that liberal attitudes (upholding equal, fair treatment for minorities) moderated the relation between IER and support for humanitarian aid. Thus, IER linked more strongly with humanitarian support when the commitment for liberal egalitarian beliefs was high. Preliminary results hold important theoretical and practical implications regarding the potential to empathise with outgroup members in intractable conflicts.  相似文献   

Self and social identity are key elements in the understanding of a person’s strivings for health and well-being. This review (i) examines the concepts of self, social identity, and psychological well-being; (ii) integrates empirical evidence that relates various self-aspects or social identities to psychological well-being; (iii) analyzes within a stress and coping framework the well-being consequences of socially devalued self or threatened identities, perceived discriminations, challenges of acculturation and identity management; and (iv) delineates the role of self, social identity and related psycho-social variables as moderators and mediators in pathways leading to psychological well-being. Besides listing some methodological issues and empirical deficits, major concerns for future research are also identified. An explicit self and social identity perspective of this research synthesis brings personal and social aspects together, and this interface offers exciting opportunities for research advancement.  相似文献   

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