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Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a verbal recognition memory task in order to investigate whether changes in familiarity are part of the explanation for the revelation effect. For half of the test words, participants solved an anagram prior to making the old/new recognition judgment. A revelation effect was obtained: When test words were preceded by the anagram task, a higher probability of an old response was associated with the items than was otherwise the case. The ERPs recorded time-locked to the onset of the test words were separated according to old/new status andthe presence/absence of the anagram task. The ERP index of familiarity was of lower amplitude for both old and new items that were preceded by the anagram task. These findings are consistent with the view that part of the explanation for the revelation effect is a reduction in the familiarity of the critical test items.  相似文献   

The source monitoring framework (SMF; M. K. Johnson, S. Hashtroudi, & D. S. Lindsay, 1993) posits that source monitoring can be supported by varying degrees of recollection. Source judgments were made for words heard at study (male or female voice) followed by remember/know (RK) judgments in order to assess differences in degrees of recollection during source monitoring (J. L. Hicks, R. L. Marsh, & L. Ritschel, 2002). The neural correlate of recollection was examined by contrasting event-related potentials (ERPs) for R and K responses that followed accurate source judgments. The recollection ERP effect was greater for R than K responses but greater for K responses than correct rejections, which reinforces the behavioral evidence that indicates source monitoring can be supported by varying degrees of recollection. A robust late posterior negativity ERP effect was present and began earlier for accurate source judgments given subsequent R than K responses. This is interpreted as reflecting systematic decision processes that are described by the SMF.  相似文献   

The authors recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to picture primes and word targets (picture-name verification task) in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in elderly and young participants. N400 was more negative to words that did not match pictures than to words that did match pictures in all groups: In the young, this effect was significant at all scalp sites; in the elderly, it was only at central-parietal sites; and in AD patients, it was limited to right central-parietal sites. Among AD patients pretested with a confrontation-naming task to identify pictures they could not name, neither the N400 priming effect nor its scalp distribution was affected by ability to name pictures correctly. This ERP evidence of spared knowledge of these items was complemented by 80% performance accuracy. Thus, although the name of an item may be inaccessible in confrontation naming, N400 shows that knowledge is intact enough to prime cortical responses.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of two primes that converged onto the same semantic target representation (e.g., LION-STRIPES-TIGER) or diverged onto different semantic target representations (e.g., KIDNEY-PIANO-ORGAN). Balota and Paul (1996) showed that the RT effects of two related primes in naming and lexical decision are additive, both for unambiguous and ambiguous words. Only in a relatedness judgment task ambiguous words showed underadditivity, whereas unambiguous words again showed additivity. This underadditivity was interpreted to reflect inhibition of alternative meanings of ambiguous words. In this article we tested whether inhibition occurs for N400, assumed to index postlexical integration. In lexical decision, we found additive N400 and RT effects for unambiguous and for ambiguous words. In a relatedness judgment task we observed differences between measures: (1) for unambiguous words overadditivity for N400 vs. additivity for RT; (2) although, for ambiguous words underadditivity occurred for N400 and RT, the effects were different. For RT, the alternative meaning was only less available, whereas for N400 the alternative meaning appeared completely unavailable. Our results have implications for our understanding of inhibitory processes in the processing of ambiguous words and for the functional significance of N400.  相似文献   

People are better at remembering own-race relative to other-race faces. Here, we review event-related brain potential (ERP) correlates of this so-called other-‘race’ effect (ORE) by discussing three critical aspects that characterize the neural signature of this phenomenon. First, difficulties with other-race faces initially emerge during perceptual processing, which is indexed by an increased N170. Second, as evidenced by ‘difference due to subsequent memory’ effects, more effortful processing of other-race faces is needed for successful encoding into long-term memory. Third, ERP old/new effects reveal that a stronger engagement of processing resources is also required for successful retrieval of other-race faces from memory. The ERP evidence available to date thus suggests widespread ethnicity-related modulations during both perceptual and mnemonic processing stages. We further discuss how findings from the ORE compared with potentially related memory biases (e.g. other-gender or other-age effects) and how ERP findings inform the ongoing debate regarding the mechanisms underlying the ORE. Finally, we outline open questions and potential future directions with an emphasis on using multiple, ecologically more valid ‘ambient’ images for each face to assess the ORE in paradigms that capture identity rather than image recognition.  相似文献   

Brain-imaging studies report that separate neural correlates are associated with processing of different types of humorous materials. However, such evidence lacks temporal information. In this study, we examined the temporal dynamics of humour comprehension between two types of jokes: semantic (SEMs) and pun (PUNs) jokes, using electroencephalographic (EEG) techniques. Thirty SEMs and 30 PUNs were presented to 16 healthy subjects, and their EEG data were concurrently recorded. PUNs consequently showed a larger N400 amplitude than did SEMs, without a specified scalp site, which implies that PUNs induce greater surprise and semantic violation. Meanwhile, SEMs induced a larger P600-like amplitude at the posterior site, which implies that, in order to understand SEMs, higher working memory loads are needed to form novel associations and successfully frame-shift. A possible explanation is the differing logical mechanisms used to understand SEMs and PUNs: the former builds on semantic relationships, the latter on phonological causality.  相似文献   

Event-related potential studies of attention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past 30 years, recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) from normal individuals have played an increasingly important role in our understanding of the mechanisms of attention. This article reviews some of the recent ERP studies of attention, focusing on studies that isolate the operation of attention in specific cognitive subsystems such as perception, working memory, and response selection. Several conclusions are drawn. First, under some conditions attention modulates the initial feedforward volley of neural activity in intermediate visual processing areas. Second, these early effects can be observed for both the voluntary allocation of attention and for the automatic capture of attention following a peripheral visual transient. Third, these effects are present not only when attention is directed to a location in 2-dimensional space, but also when attention is directed to one of two spatially overlapping surfaces. Fourth, attention does not modulate sensory activity unless sensory systems are overloaded; when sensory systems are not taxed, attention may instead operate to influence memory or response processes. That is, attention operates to mitigate information overload in whichever cognitive subsystems are overloaded by a particular combination of stimuli and task.  相似文献   

This article presents two studies using event-related potentials combined with an autobiographical memory (AM) retrieval task and a lexical judge task to explore differences in AM retrieval among differently attached individuals and to further explore whether the source of these differences is the schematic information processing mode or strategic information processing mode. The effectiveness of the information processing mode is also studied. The results revealed that differences in the AM extraction of different attachment styles were due to the strategic information processing mode, while no differences were found in the schematic information processing used by individuals with different attachment styles. Further, the strategic information processing used by the securely attached group was more flexible and efficient than that used by the insecurely attached group; moreover, the strategic information processing mode used by the avoidantly attached group was more stable and consistent than that used by the anxiously attached group.  相似文献   

Previous research by M. W. Prull, L. L. Light, M. E. Collett, and R. F. Kennison (1998) has shown that older adults are not susceptible to a memory illusion referred to as the revelation effect. The authors examined the robustness of Prull et al.'s findings by having participants solve a word fragment (Experiment 1) or an anagram (Experiment 2) prior to the recognition memory decision. In both experiments, younger and older adults showed a reliable revelation effect. These results simultaneously challenge both the conclusion that older adults are not vulnerable to the revelation effect and the conclusion that aging is associated with increasing susceptibility to memory illusions.  相似文献   

In four experiments involving 184 participants, people rated their confidence that particular events had happened in their childhood (e.g., "Broke a window playing ball"). If participants had to unscramble a key word in a phrase just before rating it (e.g., "Broke a nwidwo [window] playing ball"), confidence ratings increased-the revelation effect. However, the pattern of revelation effects depended on the particular way in which participants processed key words (e.g., visualizing vs. counting vowels in the word window) approximately 10 min prior to rating life events that contained those words. Prior exposure to key words never in itself directly affected confidence ratings. These results demonstrate that one can manipulate the revelation effect by altering the processing that participants perform on words prior to unscrambling them. These results also pose difficulties for many accounts of the revelation effect. The major puzzle posed by our present findings is that unscrambling key words increases confidence that an event has happened in childhood, whereas prior exposure to these words does not.  相似文献   

There is general consensus that performance on a number of cognitive tasks deteriorates following total sleep deprivation. At times, however, subjects manage to maintain performance. This may be because of an ability to switch cognitive strategies including the exertion of compensatory effort. The present study examines the effects of total sleep deprivation on a semantic word priming task. Word priming is unique because it can be carried out using different strategies involving either automatic, effortless or controlled, effortful processing. Twelve subjects were presented with word pairs, a prime and a target, that were either highly semantically associated (cat…dog), weakly associated (cow…barn) or unassociated (apple…road). In order to increase the probability of the use of controlled processing following normal sleep, the subject’s task was to determine if the target word was semantically related to the prime. Furthermore, the time between the offset of the prime and the onset of the target was relatively long, permitting the use of an effortful, expectancy-predictive strategy. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 64 electrode sites. After normal sleep, RTs were faster and accuracy higher to highly associated targets; this performance advantage was also maintained following sleep deprivation. A large negative deflection, the N400, was larger to weakly associated and unassociated targets in both sleep-deprived and normal conditions. The overall N400 was however larger in the normal sleep condition. Moreover, a long-lasting negative slow wave developed between the offset of the prime and the onset of the target. These physiological measures are consistent with the use of an effortful, predictive strategy following normal sleep but an automatic, effortless strategy following total sleep deprivation. A picture priming task was also run. This task benefits less from the use of a predictive strategy. Accordingly, in this task, ERPs following the target did not differ as a function of the amount of sleep.  相似文献   

The Simon effect (SE) usually is described as the performance advantage that results when a target and its associated response share the same spatial code, as opposed to when they do not, even when the target's spatial code is task-irrelevant. To some, this task-irrelevant code represents the location of the target with respect to the participant (Simon & Craft, 1970), whereas to others (Umiltà & Nicoletti, 1992) it represents the location of the target with respect to the locus of attention. By using a spatial cuing procedure, we simultaneously tested both of these hypotheses and found evidence that both types of codes produce independent SEs, therefore providing evidence that multiple spatial codes can simultaneously influence performance in a Simon task.  相似文献   

Tasks that precede a recognition probe induce a more liberal response criterion than do probes without tasks—the “revelation effect.” For example, participants are more likely to claim that a stimulus is familiar directly after solving an anagram, relative to a condition without an anagram. Revelation effect hypotheses disagree whether hard preceding tasks should produce a larger revelation effect than easy preceding tasks. Although some studies have shown that hard tasks increase the revelation effect as compared to easy tasks, these studies suffered from a confound of task difficulty and task presence. Conversely, other studies have shown that the revelation effect is independent of task difficulty. In the present study, we used new task difficulty manipulations to test whether hard tasks produce larger revelation effects than easy tasks. Participants (N = 464) completed hard or easy preceding tasks, including anagrams (Exps. 1 and 2) and the typing of specific arrow key sequences (Exps. 36). With sample sizes typical of revelation effect experiments, the effect sizes of task difficulty on the revelation effect varied considerably across experiments. Despite this variability, a consistent data pattern emerged: Hard tasks produced larger revelation effects than easy tasks. Although the present study falsifies certain revelation effect hypotheses, the general vagueness of revelation effect hypotheses remains.  相似文献   

An event-related potential (ERP) probe was used to examine various models of ambiguous sentence processing. ERPs to light flashes were recorded during and immediately after auditorily presented ambiguous and unambiguous target sentences. Each target sentence was preceded by either a relevant or a neutral context sentence. Principal component analyses of the ERPs indicated that although certain components varied as a function of ambiguity, none of the components varied as a function of preceding context. These findings provided some support for a postdecision model of ambiguity processing which suggests that both meanings of an ambiguity are always processed, even when prior disambiguating context is available.  相似文献   

Thomas W. Polger 《Synthese》2009,167(3):457-472
Consider what the brain-state theorist has to do to make good his claims. He has to specify a physical–chemical state such that any organism (not just a mammal) is in pain if and only if (a) it possesses a brain of suitable physical–chemical structure; and (b) its brain is in that physical–chemical state. This means that the physical–chemical state in question must be a possible state of a mammalian brain, a reptilian brain, a mollusc’s brain (octopuses are mollusca, and certainly feel pain), etc. At the same time, it must not be a possible (physically possible) state of the brain of any physically possible creature that cannot feel pain. Even if such a state can be found, it must be nomologically certain that it will also be a state of the brain of any extraterrestrial life that may be found that will be capable of feeling pain before we can even entertain the supposition that it may be pain. It is not altogether impossible that such a state will be found... . But this is certainly an ambitious hypothesis. (Putnam 1967/1975, p. 436)
The belief that mental states are multiply realized is now nearly universal among philosophers, as is the belief that this fact decisively refutes the identity theory. I argue that the empirical support for multiple realization does not justify the confidence that has been placed in it. In order for multiple realization of mental states to be an objection to the identity theory, the neurological differences among pains, for example, must be such as to guarantee that they are of distinct neurological kinds. But the phenomena traditionally cited do not provide evidence of that sort of variation. In particular, examples of neural plasticity do not provide such evidence.  相似文献   

Event-related potential (ERP) research is a valuable technique for understanding neural mechanisms underlying cognition. With few exceptions, this research has used minicomputer-based data-acquisition systems, thus limiting ERP research to labs with large computers. The hardware and software presented here allow the Apple II+ or Apple IIe microcomputers to present stimuli and collect data from as many as three electrode sites. A fourth electrode site may be used to monitor eyeblinks and allows the exclusion of those trials in which an eyeblink occurs. After the data are collected and averaged, they are stored by subject, task, and electrode on disk where they subsequently may be displayed, analyzed, or downloaded to a mainframe computer.  相似文献   

The revelation effect refers to the tendency to call an item on a recognition test old if it is preceded by a cognitive task that involves the processing of a similar stimulus (Watkins &; Peynircioglu, 1990). It has been proposed that the revelation effect occurs because of an increase in the familiarity of the test items in the revelation condition (Luo, 1993; Westerman &; Greene, 1998). In the present experiments, the revelation effect was investigated in recognition tasks that were not based solely on the familiarity of the test items but,also, on a recall-like retrieval process. A revelation effect was not found on an associative-recognition task or on a plurality recognition task. The results of this study show that the revelation effect does not occur when the contribution of familiarity to recognition decisions is reduced by factors that encourage the recollection of the study episode.  相似文献   

The central issue addressed is whether there are electrophysiological markers for high-language proficiency in adults. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 19 young adults who demonstrated either "normal" or "high" language proficiency. ERPs were obtained during a sentence-processing task and analyzed for specific response components elicited by different word types. The ERPs in the normal and high-language proficiency groups were similar for early sensory related processing but differed in the later components thought to be more closely related to lexical access and post-lexical processing. The findings for the ERP waveforms suggest that adults with high-language proficiency show slightly faster lexical access over left anterior brain regions for closed class items, and a reduced reliance on contextual information contained in sentences.  相似文献   

An event-related potentials (ERPs) study examined word-to-text integration processes across sentence boundaries. In a two-sentence passage, the accessibility of a referent for the first content word of the second sentence (the target word) was varied by the wording of the first sentence in one of the following ways: lexically (explicitly using a form of the target word); conceptually (using a paraphrase of the target word), and situationally (encouraging an inference concerning the referent of the target word). A baseline condition had no coreference between the two sentences. ERP results on the target word indicated multiple effects related to word identification and word-to-referent mapping processes. Both the explicit and paraphrase conditions, but not the inference condition, showed a reduced N400 relative to the baseline condition, consistent with immediate integration by lexico-semantic processes. A 300-ms effect (P300) was found in the paraphrase condition. The results were consistent with an immediate integration hypothesis and furthermore differentiated a lexical (N200), a conceptual (P300), and a situational (N400) component for this integration. The conceptual basis appears not to extend to predictive inferences.  相似文献   

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