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Nicola Döring and Alex Gundolf's article on the development of 'moblogs' or mobile weblogs allows us to approach recent mobile phone industry developments from an academic standpoint. Pointing to the convergence of mobile and Internet technology, 'moblogs' provide a means for users to archive their lives via photos that can be taken via a mobile phone and viewed via the Internet. Nokia have named their product to provide this service 'lifeblog', and it is this uncensored publication of everyday life that Döring and Gundolf investigate, from subjects as mundane as a user capturing his waking state everyday, to as personally and globally historic as the moblog by a US soldier in Iraq. What we are seeing in the 'moblog' is how organically some product development is in the mobile world--the early moblogging software came not from operators, handset or software manufacturers but from the social software community that thrives on the Internet. It is precisely this level of organic, spontaneous product development that occurs as a by-product of networked communities that many companies seek and often fail to emulate.  相似文献   


This paper looks briefly at the relevance of infant and young child observation courses to work with adults and then goes on to describe how a normal young child aged 2% coped with two quite sudden changes in her life and the psychological mechanisms she used to manage her anxieties. These mechanisms - displacement, use of transitional objects, fantasy and symbolism - might equally be used by adults in later life when faced with uncertainty and change. Links are then made to psychotherapeutic work with adults.  相似文献   

Cultural Psychology: Implications for Basic Psychological Theory   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A theoretical argument for the importance of culture in psychological explanation is offered. It is maintained that the view that culture is integral to psychological theory rests on a meaning-based view of culture and on the recognition that culture is necessary in individual psychological development. Research on cognition and on the self is discussed briefly to illustrate ways in which work in cultural psychology is contributing to basic psychological theory. In future research, greater attention needs to be given to developing more sensitive understandings of culture and to incorporating these understandings in the constructs and methods of the discipline. In conclusion, cultural psychology is shown to represent a perspective to bring to bear in all types of psychological inquiry. While building on existing work in the field, cultural psychology offers an alternative vision that underscores respects in which psychological development represents an open, culturally mediated process.  相似文献   


Traditional personality theories do not consider the impact of culture on personality development. Yet, to provide culturally relevant services to the increasing Hispanic population in the U.S., more culturally relevant theories must be identified. This paper presents Relational Cultural Theory (RCT) as an alternative model to understanding Hispanic values and personality development. The RCT concepts ofmu-tuality, connections, growth-fostering relationships, “five good things,” power over, and self-boundaries are used to describe how Hispanic values can be viewed in a more culturally relevant way. A vignette shows how clinicians can use RCT as an alternative model to provide more effective treatment in their work with Hispanic populations.  相似文献   

葛兰西的文化霸权理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李震 《学海》2004,(3):55-62
葛兰西的文化霸权理论既是研究社会权力关系体系的一个切入点 ,同时也是探究文化与政治、经济之间复杂动态关系的有力工具。本文分析了葛兰西理论中“文化霸权”、“市民社会”、“有机知识分子”等概念的内涵 ,进而探讨了文化霸权理论对西方马克思主义和后殖民主义的影响。  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and method   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Torgerson  Warren S. 《Psychometrika》1952,17(4):401-419
Multidimensional scaling can be considered as involving three basic steps. In the first step, a scale of comparative distances between all pairs of stimuli is obtained. This scale is analogous to the scale of stimuli obtained in the traditional paired comparisons methods. In this scale, however, instead of locating each stimulus-object on a given continuum, the distances between each pair of stimuli are located on a distance continuum. As in paired comparisons, the procedures for obtaining a scale of comparative distances leave the true zero point undetermined. Hence, a comparative distance is not a distance in the usual sense of the term, but is a distance minus an unknown constant. The second step involves estimating this unknown constant. When the unknown constant is obtained, the comparative distances can be converted into absolute distances. In the third step, the dimensionality of the psychological space necessary to account for these absolute distances is determined, and the projections of stimuli on axes of this space are obtained. A set of analytical procedures was developed for each of the three steps given above, including a least-squares solution for obtaining comparative distances by the complete method of triads, two practical methods for estimating the additive constant, and an extension of Young and Householder's Euclidean model to include procedures for obtaining the projections of stimuli on axes from fallible absolute distances.This study was carried out while the author was an Educational Testing Service Psychometric Fellow at Princeton University. The author expresses his appreciation to his thesis adviser, Dr. H. Gulliksen, for his guidance throughout the study and to Dr. B. F. Green, Jr., for valuable assistance on several of the derivations.  相似文献   

This article overviews relational‐cultural theory and developmental relational counseling (DRC) and reports the results of a randomized study evaluating supervisory relational health as defined by DRC theoretical constructs. As measured by an adaptation of the Relational Health Index (Liang et al., 2002 ), counseling students enrolled in clinical courses identified clear preferences for supervisory relationships that promoted accurate relational awareness, compassion, clarity, feedback receptivity, and responsible use of power.  相似文献   

Developing a Cultural Theory of Mind: The CIAO Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study of children's knowledge about minds is an extremely active area of developmental psychology. This article discusses the reach of this research and the theoretical views guiding it. It then presents some cultural variations (within the United States) in behavior explanation and explains the relevance of that variation to developmental theory. A theory ofearly mind reading that is presented incorporates culture, introspection, analogy, and ontogeny (CIAO).  相似文献   

Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Race remains a significant issue in the lives of many people in Australia. For example, Indigenous Australians lives continue to be marked by social and economic disadvantage and everyday experiences of exclusion. Within this context, the Community Arts Network Western Australia promote social change and the empowerment of Indigenous groups through community cultural development. With an emphasis on community strengths and resources, community arts practice is employed to create, promote, and improve opportunities for participation, network development and empowerment. In this article, we explore these projects from a community psychology orientation, which is committed to developing opportunities for inclusion and also exposing the workings of power in everyday settings. Although there have been many positive outcomes that have resulted from the different activities with communities, there have also been significant barriers to transformative practice, in particular, issues of racialisation and continuing colonisation. We discuss our efforts aimed at understanding racism, which have included engaging with critical race theory and whiteness studies within the context of Indigenous and non‐Indigenous partnerships for change. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

余日昌 《学海》2002,(4):119-123
如何对当代海外新儒学进行恰如其分的定性 ,应当根据他们自己的如是说。海外新儒学力图融合中西方精神并实现传统与现代的对话 ,其观点、方法和目的都很有特色 ,突出地表现为所谓“文化资源论”的深刻理念 ,而且与“新传统主义”有所区别。  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2012,35(1-2):68-79
Latina immigrants face a number of challenges as they adapt to their new culture. This article presents Relational Cultural Theory (RCT) as a model for understanding the challenges Latina immigrants may present in psychotherapy. The RCT concepts of mutual empathy and empowerment, connections, condemned isolation, the central relational paradox, and power-over dynamics are used to understand the challenges Latina immigrants experience. Sociopolitical and cultural factors that interact to produce power-over dynamics are identified to show how Latina immigrants are at increased risk for major disconnections. A vignette shows how clinicians can use RCT to provide more culturally relevant treatment in their work with Latina immigrants.  相似文献   

The authors propose an integration of relational‐cultural theory and reality therapy. The authors contend that the traditional assumptions of reality therapy are consistent with the relational aspects of relational‐cultural theory and together provide a culturally responsive approach for diverse clients. The authors also include an overview of the 2 theories as well as highlight the convergences and divergences. In addition, the authors present a case illustration depicting the integration method in practice.  相似文献   

Lack of assertiveness is considered, in the sense of the theoretical concept of Ullrich de Muynck and Ullrich, to be due to such components as 1. abnormal attitude toward oneself, 2. fear of criticism and failure, and 3. inadequately developed social skills; after this, the term 'assertiveness' is defined. Previous therapeutical approaches to the remedying of unassertiveness and the underlying theoretical assumptions are critically examined and discussed with particular reference to their effectiveness. These include the training programs developed by Salter and Wolpe which are characterized by certain onesidedness as well as the concept of Ullrich de Muynck and Ullrich, which has a sound theoretical basis and a rather differentiated or specialized structure. Reference is also made to the author's own research projects.  相似文献   

A Theory of Cultural Values and Some Implications for Work   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

The psychoanalytic literature suggests migration entails an intra-psychic challenge of separation–individuation that necessitates the assistance of internal and external objects. While this has been illustrated by anecdotal data and clinical case material, it has not been previously tested in the general migrant community. This study examined three Chinese-American groups who varied in the availability of external objects (i.e., primary caretakers) and stability and solidity of internal object and self representations due to varying developmental stages at the time of migration, and assessed whether, as predicted by some psychoanalytic writers, they would have differential need to embrace their native culture to support their transition. Results showed that unaccompanied minors who migrated without their parents during adolescence evidenced a stronger Chinese cultural orientation than both accompanied minors who migrated with their parents during childhood (perhaps due to less access to external objects) and unaccompanied adults who migrated without their parents during adulthood (perhaps due to less well internalized objects), lending empirical support for the psychoanalytic postulation. Implications of the findings for future research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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