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In the case of a 58-year-old female patient suffering from Parkinson's disease an accompanying psychotherapeutic treatment was applied because renewed decline of her condition had set in despite an initial success with an L-Dopa therapy. The positive approach disclosed new starting points to the patients which influenced her emotions and led to an improvement of her discomforts. With Positive Psychotherapy the patient got to know an instrument with which she could reappraise existing microtraumas and could better deal with conflicts in her psychologic and social surroundings.  相似文献   

Neurocognitive aspects of pain perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The perception of pain is sensitive to various mental processes such as the feelings and beliefs that someone has about pain. It is therefore not exclusively driven by the noxious input. Attentional modulation involving the descending pain modulatory system has been examined extensively in neuroimaging studies. However, the investigation of neural mechanisms underlying more complex cognitive modulation is an emerging field in pain research. Recent findings indicate an engagement of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex during more complex modulation, leading to a change or reappraisal of the emotional significance of pain. Taking placebo-induced analgesia as an example, we discuss the contribution of attention, expectation and reappraisal as three basic mechanisms that are important for the cognitive modulation of pain.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding and a more complete assessment of chronic pain syndrome, the psychosocial, psychological, psychodynamic, and psychiatric aspects of this condition should be included in patient evaluation. As illustrated in the two case studies presented, this approach leads to clearer recognition of the biological and psychosocial needs of patients, and allows for more effective treatment measures to be taken.  相似文献   

Psychological aspects of low back pain: summary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Children aged 5 to 9 years matched the shape of (a) small squares embedded in large rectangles and (b) small rectangles embedded in large squares. Predictions made were that (a) the influence of the whole on the perception of the part would be greatest at the 5-year-old level and (b) this effect of the whole would make the parts look to the child somewhat like the whole figure of which the part is a member. Both predictions were supported by the data. The 5-year-olds perceived the small squares as more rectangular, and the small rectangles as more square-like, significantly more than the older age groups, each result representing a shift towards the shape of the whole configuration.  相似文献   

分娩过程中子宫收缩导致局部缺血缺氧,产生的低氧代谢产物可刺激和敏化内脏神经从而导致分娩疼痛,同时分娩疼痛产生具有镇痛、促进产程、促进母婴身心健康等生理作用的内源性物质,如内啡肽。这一过程受到自主神经调控,自主神经又受到心理、内分泌、免疫等多种因素影响。因此,单纯或过度强调药物镇痛作用有限,并且有可能干扰正常的生理过程而带来不良反应。正确认识分娩疼痛的生理特征及意义,强调分娩疼痛的身心整体治疗,早期、合理使用非药物镇痛技术联合最短时程最小剂量的药物镇痛,可极大提高分娩过程中母婴的安全性和舒适性。  相似文献   

功能性疾病的再认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 “功能性疾病”的由来与现状生物医学模式指导下的疾病概念为 :“人体在一定条件下 ,由致病因素所引起的一种复杂而有一定表现形式的病理过程。此时 ,在不同程度上 ,人体正常生理过程遭到破坏 ,表现为对外界环境变化的适应性降低、劳动能力受到限制或丧失 ,并出现一系列的临床症状。疾病是致病因素对人体的损害和人体对这些损害的防御代偿等作用的矛盾。这一矛盾双方在整个疾病过程中不断进行斗争 ,直到疾病痊愈或人体死亡时才告终结”[1] 。生物医学模式有两个基本假设 :(1)还原论 ,即认为所有疾病均可线性地还原到某一病因或细胞结构变…  相似文献   

心身研究的诊断标准(DCPR)是由国际调研组提出的心身医学研究临床诊断概念和结构框架.人们对影响躯体疾病的易损性,病程,预后,康复的心理因素的评估受到日益关注.DCPR的研发理论基础是将来源于心身研究的心理变量转变成用以鉴别诊断的可操作性诊断标准.ICPR是一个简单、有效和可靠的定式访谈工具,可用于筛查、诊断心身疾病和心理生理障碍.补充ICD- 10、DSM、CCMD的临床诊断应用的不足.包含了十二组心身综合征,其目的是将影响躯体状况预后和治疗价值中的心理变量转化为客观的心身医学研究用诊断标准用工具.这十二组症状包括健康焦虑,死亡恐惧症,疾病恐惧症,疾病否认,持续的躯体化症状,转换性障碍,继发于精神障碍的功能性躯体症状,周年反应,精神消沉,易激惹心境,A型行为和述情障碍.提出心身疾病临床多轴诊断系统.  相似文献   

心身疾病是指那些心理一社会因素在疾病的发生和发展中起重要作用的躯体疾病。其概念决定了心身疾病不具有专业领域性,不同心身疾病有着不同的病理变化。发掘其病理共性、找寻规律性,对该学科发展的标准化方向至关重要。该文从中医基本病机层次,探讨了心身疾病的发生、发展与变化的机理,试图对科研与临床操作提供有益思路。  相似文献   

心身疾病是指那些心理-社会因素在疾病的发生和发展中起重要作用的躯体疾病.其概念决定了心身疾病不具有专业领域性,不同心身疾病有着不同的病理变化.发掘其病理共性、找寻规律性,对该学科发展的标准化方向至关重要.该文从中医基本病机层次,探讨了心身疾病的发生、发展与变化的机理,试图对科研与临床操作提供有益思路.  相似文献   

Basing ourselves on the writings of Hans Jonas, we offer to psychosomatic medicine a philosophy of life that surmounts the mind-body dualism which has plagued Western thought since the origins of modern science in seventeenth century Europe. Any present-day account of reality must draw upon everything we know about the living and the non-living. Since we are living beings ourselves, we know what it means to be alive from our own first-hand experience. Therefore, our philosophy of life, in addition to starting with what empirical science tells us about inorganic and organic reality, must also begin from our own direct experience of life in ourselves and in others; it can then show how the two meet in the living being. Since life is ultimately one reality, our theory must reintegrate psyche with soma such that no component of the whole is short-changed, neither the objective nor the subjective. In this essay, we lay out the foundational components of such a theory by clarifying the defining features of living beings as polarities. We describe three such polarities:
1)  Being vs. non-being: Always threatened by non-being, the organism must constantly re-assert its being through its own activity.  相似文献   

Psychosomatic medical theory of the late European Renaissance is reflected in the works of Shakespere. The period's conceptions of cardiovascular involvement in emotion, experiential causation of psychosomatic disorders, and repression of emotion as pathogenic, are described with reference to quotations from the Shakesperian plays. It is concluded that the premodern holistic approach to organismic functioning lends itself well to interpreting psychophysiological phenomena, and that contemporaries could profit from a philosophical reorientation concerning mind—body relationships in the disease process.  相似文献   

The Trait Evaluation Index supposedly controls for social desirability of the alternatives in each triad by using forced-choice methodology. This claim was tested using 63 Ss asked to select the most desirable alternative in each triad. With a significant Chi-Square for an item interpreted as lack of control for desirability, 77% of the items yielded significant Chi-Squares.  相似文献   

Despite numerous efforts to identify a Rorschach profile uniquely associated with and helpful in diagnosing psychosomatic conditions, none has been demonstrated to exist. Although certain Rorschach characteristics have been consistently observed in studies of patients with psychosomatic diseases and can shed light on personality features of these individuals, similar characteristics are encountered in a variety of other conditions as well. This state of affairs is attributable not to short-comings in the Rorschach test, but rather to inadequate conceptualization and categorization of psychosomatic disease.  相似文献   

人们在对未知问题作推测,或对已解决的问题作解释时会涉及两种观点的论争。一元论与二元论的哲学观点论争在今天的医学领域中已转化为在病因、发病机制中的还原论与整合论的论争。  相似文献   

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