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《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):153-160

This article describes the personal and professional experiences of the author while working as a mental health trainer in Serbia. In addition, various approaches to victims and perpetrators are reconsidered, along with the ethical implications of this work. The relationship between working with violence in a war zone and in a peaceful society is also explored.  相似文献   

This essay distinguishes three types of appeals to experience in ethics, identifies problems with appealing to experience, and argues that appeals to experience must be open to critical assessment, if experientially-based arguments are to be useful. Unless competing and potentially irreconcilable experiences can be assessed and adjudicated, experientially-based arguments will be problematic. The paper recommends thinking of the appeal to experience as a kind of story telling to be evaluated as other stories are.  相似文献   

Terror management research has often shown that after reminders of mortality, people show greater investment in and support for groups to which they belong. The question for the present research was whether or not this would extend to Euro American investment in their identification as White. Although it seemed unlikely that White participants would directly exhibit increased identification as Whites, we hypothesized that mortality salience would increase sympathy for other Whites who expressed racial pride or favoritism toward Whites. In support of the hypothesis, a White person expressing pride in his race was viewed by White participants as particularly racist relative to a Black person who does so in Study 1, but was deemed less racist after White participants were reminded of their own mortality in Study 2. Similarly, in Study 3, White participants rated an explicitly racist White employer as less racist when they were reminded beforehand of their own mortality. The results were discussed in terms of implications for affiliation with racist ideologies and terror management defenses.  相似文献   

Review of Religious Research - We examine an understudied connection between religion and sexuality: beliefs about the reality of supernatural evil (Satan, hell, and demons). After controlling for...  相似文献   

In their professional and academic roles as well as their personal and political efforts, many psychologists seek to understand, and ultimately help resolve, the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. Too often, however, they overemphasize the centrality of competing narratives, partly in response to depoliticizing academic norms that demand the appearance of objectivity and neutrality. As a result, conflict‐resolution approaches such as dialog and mediation and common suggestions based on split‐the‐difference compromise favor a status quo in which the side with more power, Israel, remains dominant. In contrast, a critical psychology perspective consistent with justice‐based conflict transformation understands that even‐handed empathy‐seeking and negotiations prioritizing procedural minutiae can achieve neither justice nor reconciliation.  相似文献   

This article raises the nature of Evil as a dimension of spiritual reality and indicates some experience-based and some theologically based perspectives on the nature of Evil. The author offers a new perspective on the nature of Evil based on an extension of earlier work on a six-factor model of spirituality.  相似文献   

汉娜.阿伦特对极权主义制度下的邪恶现象有两种表述方式,即“根本的邪恶”和“平庸的邪恶”。前者的根本特征表现为破坏了人类发展和和进步的概念,致力于把人变成多余的人的事业,以及消灭了人的法律人格、道德人格以及作为个体的人;后者的特征体现为无思想和肤浅性。阿伦特为思考极权主义专制制度下邪恶现象产生的根源以及个人应该担负何种道德责任提供了一种全新的视角,从而为建立一种以思想为核心的个人责任伦理提供了理论上的可能。  相似文献   

Derek Parfit claims that “Williams and Mackie…do not use the normative concepts that I and other Non-Naturalists use.” Whatever we think of Parfit’s interpretation of Williams, his interpretation of Mackie should be rejected. For understandable historical reasons, Mackie’s texts are ambiguous. But if we apply to the interpretation of Mackie the same principle of charity Parfit employs in interpreting Williams, we find decisive reason to interpret Mackie as using the same normative concepts as Non-Naturalists.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will discuss the responsibilities that scientists have for ensuring their work is interpreted correctly. I will argue that there are three good reasons for scientists to work to ensure the appropriate communication of their findings. First, I will argue that scientists have a general obligation to ensure scientific research is communicated properly based on the vulnerability of others to the misrepresentation of their work. Second, I will argue that scientists have a special obligation to do so because of the power we as a society invest in them as specialists and professionals. Finally, I will argue that scientists ought to ensure their work is interpreted correctly based on prudential, self-interested considerations. I will conclude by offering suggestions regarding policy considerations.  相似文献   

荀子“性恶”论辨正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荀子所言的"性"和"恶"都有其自身特殊的含义,"性"是指人的自然生理欲求与反应以及心表现出来的天生的"知"与"能","恶"是指人的行为或社会秩序不符合礼义之道而表现出"偏险悖乱"的状态.在此基础上,荀子认为心生而不具有礼义之道,故不能以礼义作为思虑的标准,因此心的认知常常表现为偏执之蔽,进而在面时情欲时亦无法做出正确的判断和选择,最终做出"偏险悖乱"的行为而成恶了.所以,荀子所谓的"性恶"是指作为"性"之心由于生而不具有礼义,且亦不能认知礼义之道而易导致事实上的非礼义的"偏险悖乱"的状态.  相似文献   

恻隐之心:“同感”、“同情”与“在世基调”   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、问题的提出恻隐之心,人皆有之(《孟子·告子上》);无恻隐之心,非人也(《孟子·公孙丑上》):最能体现儒家对人性理解的一个关键词,莫过于恻隐之心。因此,把握恻隐之心的深刻内涵,对我们理解儒家的人性论至关重要。究竟何为恻隐之心?它与孟子提到的其他三种心(羞恶之心、辞让之心恭敬之心、是非之心[参见同上])关系如何?近年来,西方学者往往从同  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期的善恶观一方面纵情宣扬世俗物欲的幸福,另一方面竭力歌颂现实理性的德性和自由,同时还自觉揭示了人性及现实善恶的矛盾.这既为后来的善恶理论奠定了基础,又有着至今仍须警惕的局限性和教训.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the occurrence and impact of chronic adversity for young adults who grew up amidst poverty and community violence. Young adults in such contexts, particularly those who have been involved with the courts, are not commonly conceptualized through the developmental lens of complex trauma but rather described by maladaptive behaviors and risk to society. This grounded theory analysis explored how participants perceive and make meaning of their experiences. Interview data revealed consistent narratives of childhood neglect and psychological maltreatment, chronic loss, intergenerational trauma exposure, and the resulting survival-based adaptation. We identified 3 primary themes across the participant narratives: (a) lack of need fulfillment; paradoxical experience of self, others, and the world; and persistent sense of purpose and meaning. Findings illuminated the complexity of ongoing struggle, adaptation, and resilience in adult survivors. The need for an increased focus in trauma-informed treatment of adults in underresourced communities is discussed.  相似文献   

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