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Attitudes toward emotions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work outlines a theory of attitudes toward emotions, provides a measure of attitudes toward emotions, and then tests several predictions concerning relationships between attitudes toward specific emotions and emotional situation selection, emotional traits, emotional reactivity, and emotion regulation. The present conceptualization of individual differences in attitudes toward emotions focuses on specific emotions and presents data indicating that 5 emotions (anger, sadness, joy, fear, and disgust) load on 5 separate attitude factors (Study 1). Attitudes toward emotions predicted emotional situation selection (Study 2). Moreover, attitudes toward approach emotions (e.g., anger, joy) correlated directly with the associated trait emotions, whereas attitudes toward withdrawal emotions (fear, disgust) correlated inversely with associated trait emotions (Study 3). Similar results occurred when attitudes toward emotions were used to predict state emotional reactivity (Study 4). Finally, attitudes toward emotions predicted specific forms of emotion regulation (Study 5).  相似文献   

As a keynote to a conference bringing together psychoanalysts and analytical psychologists, this paper addresses different mythic attitudes toward the unconscious, Starting with the caricatures of Oedipus and Narcissus that the author feels Jung and Freud originally projected onto each Other in the course of their quarrel. He moves on to the fairytale-like stories of Perseus and Beauty and the Beast to discover mote complex images of the stance taken in relation to the unconscious by present-day analysts: working within both die Jungian and the Freudian traditions.  相似文献   


(Britt, Steuart Henderson. Social Psychology of Modern Life. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941. Pp. 562.) Reviewed by Edwin Oscar Smith.

(Zipf, George K. National Unity and Disunity. Bloomington, Ind.: Principia Press, 1941. Pp. 408.) Reviewed by Leonard Carmichael.  相似文献   

Attitudes and beliefs towards psychotropic medication were evaluated among psychiatric outpatients, patients receiving buprenorphine treatment for substance abuse, and a group who reported never having used psychotropic medications (non-users). The Drug Attitude Inventory scale and the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire General were used to assess attitudes and beliefs of 49 participants. Non-users exhibited more negative attitudes and beliefs toward psychotropic medication than both psychiatric groups.  相似文献   

Two studies assess attitudes toward the childless life-style. One study uses an unstructured response style in order to determine the motivation for and effects of the decision attributed to the person intending to be childless. The second study assesses the relationship between self-reported attitudes measures. The studies suggest the person selecting the childless life-style may be viewed by others as less well adjusted or misguided in this choice, which is inconsistent with the majority of published data on the childless spouse.  相似文献   


Previous research has shown that priming the individual self can increase the accessibility of individual self-cognitions. In turn, we hypothesized that blame for immoral behaviors also would increase, leading to higher assignments of punishment, but that the size of this effect would depend on whether the behaviors violated perfect or imperfect duties. To test these hypotheses, participants assigned yearly bonus penalties to employees who had performed dishonest, disloyal, unfriendly, or uncharitable acts. As expected, the individual prime increased punishments, and this effect was accentuated for violations of perfect duties relative to violations of imperfect duties.  相似文献   


The current study was conducted on 60 Israeli female inmates. Our aim was to examine the differences among women convicted for drug, violence, and fraud offenses by socio-demographic variables and self-control and aggression levels. Results revealed that the drug group was characterized by measures attributed to chronic delinquency, and the fraud group was found to fit the pathway to low crime. At the same time, the violence group was not characterized by any of these patterns. The findings were discussed in relation to their theoretical contribution and applicability.  相似文献   


After briefly describing the purpose, structure, and functions of a typical family planning center, the paper suggests and gives support for a more relationship-centered service delivery system. The major thesis of the paper is that these centers should adopt a system which recognizes and promotes intimate human relationships, and that marriage and family counselors would be highly valuable resources in such a system. The paper stresses the importance of attending to the myriad relationship issues involved in the entire process of enabling individual couples to more effectively plan and control their own fertility. Several ways in which the marriage and family counselor can work with and within the family planning center are outlined.  相似文献   

Ethnic Intermarriage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Americans are marrying out of their ethnic groups at an ever-increasing rate, reflecting the expectation that people in this country will assimilate into what has been termed the "melting pot." We know, however, that not all ingredients in the pot have melted and that ethnic values and identification remain with us for generations. The difficulties inherent in intermarriage then become intensified by being unanticipated. We confuse the idea that we are all created equal with the belief that we are all the same.
This paper presents a paradigm for understanding the family patterns and typical problems of intermarried couples, and offers suggestions for clinical intervention. We will present a framework for helping spouses to recognize, understand, and negotiate their differences. We are keenly aware of the perniciousness of negative stereotyping in our culture and in no way wish to contribute to that tendency. We wish instead to provide a map that, although covering only limited aspects of the terrain, may nevertheless provide a guide to explorers seeking a path to expand our clinical sensitivity and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Acculturation Attitudes of Potential Emigrants: Jewish Youths in Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper investigates the acculturation attitudes of potential emigrants and their relationship to value priorities, cultural identifications, and psychological well-being. The results confirm that potential emigrants have a well-formed system of acculturation attitudes and that integration is the predominant acculturation attitude of the majority of potential emigrants. Preference for acculturation attitudes other than integration is associated with the psychological distress of potential emigrants. The research confirms that personal value preferences underlie acculturation attitudes of potential emigrants, thus indicating that each acculturation attitude allows accomplishment of different motivational goals in the situation of emigration. Cultural identifications of Jewish potential emigrants in Russia are discussed in light of their relationships with value priorities and acculturation attitudes.  相似文献   

Female college students' attitudes toward women were investigated to determine the effects of housing, class status, and general field of study, and to provide standardization and reliability data for the AWS scale. Spence and Helmreich's Attitudes Toward Women Scale was administered to a large sample of female college students in a coed, moderately sized, private, Eastern secular college. Results indicated that seniors tend to hold more liberal attitudes toward women than underclasswomen and students in Business and Education tend to hold more conservative attitudes toward women. Interaction effects were observed and reported. Type of housing was not related to attitudes toward women. The split-half reliability technique revealed a strong internal reliability of .92 for the AWS.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Using the concept that homicide and suicide are complex sociopsychiatric phenomena clearly influenced by cultural norms and values that define which behaviors are viewed as deviant, the investigators constructed a small-sample model to determine relevant qualitative attributes of public opinion. A stratified factorial sample of 258 subjects distributed among eight large cities throughout the world was selected for interviewing. The 2,603 resulting statements were then subjected to content analysis and categorization. Results indicated that people in cities, regardless of location, are most concerned about crimes of violence, especially homicide, and those against property. Other kinds of life-threatening offenses such as arson, war, and suicide are seldom seen as important “crimes.” Many people endorse a problem-solving approach to dealing with crime and criminals, but a reservoir of traditional, punitive attitudes clearly remains among the less educated, lower socioeconomic classes. A commonality of many attitudes in these various urban centers does suggest that modern communication techniques may well have a modulating effect on culture-bound orientations toward crime.  相似文献   

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