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杨思梁 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1341-1354
陈立的工业心理学生涯跨越70年, 但主要活动集中于1935至1937年, 1977至1990年代中期, 中断40年而再续, 可谓波澜起伏。除了1935年撰写的《工业心理学概观》, 陈立的主要贡献源于后一阶段, 其中包括:恢复了中断多年的中国心理学教学和研究、建立了中国第一个与管理有关的专业(工业心理学)和第一个国家重点实验室、培养了国内第一批工业心理学硕、博士、继承和发扬了实地调研—实验室研究—理论学习相结合的工业心理学传统; 陈立还通过写作和其他形式的呼吁, 促成了中国管理学的兴盛。但他晚年却觉得自己一生是失败的, 主要是因为他认为工业心理学没能做到 “指导人走向最适宜的机会, 并在此过程中实现最高的自我”。  相似文献   

张亚东 《学海》2004,1(2):111-120
英国以及其他欧洲国家的移民,到达美洲后成为美洲殖民地劳动力的主要来源。他们大多以契约劳工的形式出现,只是在一段时间内丧失人身自由而沦为白奴,契约期满后则恢复自由并可另谋生计。在重商主义者看来,白人奴役制有严重缺陷,即在商品制造和贸易方面会与宗主国发生竞争。他们  相似文献   

20世纪的美国现象学心理学简评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍麟 《心理科学》2004,27(1):239-240
20世纪中叶逐步形成与发展的美国现象学心理学以胡塞尔现象学为哲学基础,总体上体现为一种内源性研究取向,强调反思和描述人的心理现象的结构与意义,主张发展作为人文科学的心理学,坚持把“生活世界”作为心理学研究的重要根基,重视意识“意向性”的心理学价值,发展特有的心理学研究程序与方法。处于非主流心理学地位的美国现象学心理学对心理学的发展产生了一定贡献,但其影响又是有限的。  相似文献   

陈永明  张侃  李扬  韩布新 《心理科学》2001,24(6):718-720
二十世纪心理学在我国从无到有,蓬勃发展。特别是近20余年来.心理学的基础和应用研究的领域越来越广泛,心理学科研、教育和临床应用工作以及组织机构建设等各方面均取得了很大成就,心理学从业人员队伍也在不断壮大。我国心理学家与国际同行的交流、合作以及在国际心理学界的影响不断增加。为了总结历史,展望未来,值此人类刚刚跨入新世纪之际,中国心理学会组织全国理事和国内各高校的  相似文献   

本文回顾了近40年中国老年心理学的研究成果,并从研究主题角度与美国老年心理学研究进行了比较。发现中国老年心理学主要聚焦于老年人心理健康研究,同时也在老年人家庭人际关系和社会支持领域研究有较为丰富的研究成果。但国内对老年人的认知能力、人格、情绪情感探讨较少,既缺少前沿的基础研究,也缺少对复杂能力、复杂情感等的系统研究。结合中国人口老龄化现实,本文提出了21世纪中国老年心理学的未来研究取向:基础研究和应用服务研究的双向结合,中国文化特色取向,个体-环境交互作用取向和个体差异取向。  相似文献   


The author provides an overview of Heinz Werner's life and contributions to the field of developmental psychology during the first half of the 20th century. She focuses on his early work in Vienna and Munich as well as his tenure at the Psychological Institute in Hamburg, up through the time when he became a named Professor in Psychology at Clark University. Recognized as one of the founders of developmental psychology, Heinz Werner worked in the areas of perceptual development, comparative psychology, and symbol formation. Versatile in rigorous experimental methodologies, and in observational and phenomenological methodologies, Werner's approach to development stood in contrast to other approaches of development, both past and current. For Werner, development was a heuristic, a way of looking at processes in a variety of domains, including ontogeny, phylogeny, microgenesis, biology, developmental psychopathology, neuropsychology, and comparative psychology. Werner viewed development as proceeding from a state of relative globality and lack of differentiation to a state of increasing differentiation, articulation, and hierarchical integration, but he also stressed that individuals can function at different developmental levels under different times and conditions. Werner's holistic, organismic, comparative, and contextual approach to development transcended interdisciplinary boundaries, allowing him to study the interrelatedness between thought, language, feeling, perception, and culture.  相似文献   

The future of pediatric psychology is reviewed and placed in brief historical context in relation to children's psychological health care. Contemporary trends affecting the delivery of psychological services, research, and clinical training are highlighted, with suggestions for future development. Pediatric psychology is a child-based, developmentally-focused multidisciplinary practice directed toward psychosocial and neuropsychological issues of health and illness in children and youth. Pediatric psychologists need to develop strong professional identities as health care psychologists combined with a collegial and collaborative arrangement with physicians to ensure the future growth and development of pediatric psychology in the next century as a major vehicle to promote children's health care.  相似文献   

Thomas Teo 《Human Studies》2011,34(3):237-255
After identifying the discipline of psychology’s history of contributing pioneers and leaders to the field of race research, epistemological problems in empirical psychology are identified including an adherence to a naïve empiricist philosophy of science. The reconstruction focuses on the underdetermined relationship between data and interpretation. It is argued that empirical psychology works under a hermeneutic deficit and that this deficit leads to the advancement of interpretations regarding racialized groups that are detrimental to those groups. Because these interpretations are understood as actions that bring harm to certain racialized groups, and because these actions are made in the name of science and knowledge, the term epistemological violence is applied. Reflections regarding the meanings and consequences of this term in empirical psychology and the human sciences are presented.  相似文献   

蔡玉辉 《学海》2007,(6):87-91
20世纪初英国实施的《失业工人法》、《劳工介绍所法》和《失业保险法》对解决当时严峻的失业与贫困起到了一定的作用,其更大意义在于确立了社会保险和福利政策的基本原则.这些法令出台的动因是英国社会对19世纪后期以来社会形态、政治生态、思想文化状态和国际环境的必然反应.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨19世纪初──20世纪初基督新教在广州的发展概略。笔者将基督新教在广州近百余年的发展大致分为两个阶段。即第一阶段:1807~1842年,这是新教在广州的艰难草创时期,这一阶段传教士们的主要工作是围绕文字布道、医药布道、个人布道等方面展开的。第二阶段:1842~1910年,这是新教在广州的蓬勃发展时期,这一阶段来广州的传教差会与人数明显上升,且医疗、文字出版、教育、慈善等工作成为传教士们整个传教事业的核心。在中国新旧社会交替的时期,传教士们的这些工作对广州的近代化产生了积极与重要的影响。  相似文献   

Although social science work on the body has demonstrated its thorough socialisation, social psychology has barely recognised the mutual interdependence of the physical body and the social world. Accordingly, we propose that social psychology might be enriched and extended by detailed investigation of changes in the activity of the empirical body alongside processes of meaning-making during social interaction. We illustrate our proposal with a case study of changes in blood pressure during conversation, explored in conjunction with analyses using four discursive frames: gaining voice, identity negotiation, joint action/knowing of the third kind and positioning theory. We argue that this approach challenges the artificial separation of social psychology from other sub-disciplines, might inform social psychological analyses of emotion and belief and allows it to address substantive topics, such as psychopathology, which it typically largely excludes.  相似文献   

Power, sex, and violence are three themes that characterize a good deal of 20th-century experience. Connections among these themes can be demonstrated through archival and field studies and by laboratory experiments, in the core disciplines of political psychology as well as in literature and art. Understanding and explaining this power-sex-violence fusion is an urgent theoretical and practical imperative. Two tasks are especially critical: understanding the nature of power-striving and how it might be tempered, and understanding how and why people construct "differences" among themselves. With its broad interdisciplinary tradition, its variety of traditional and innovative methods, and its links to the real world of human affairs, political psychology is well placed to assume this intellectual agenda.  相似文献   

For the past decade and a half, Aristotelians have tried to counter the following criticism articulated by John Doris: if we look at personality and social psychology research, we must conclude that we generally neither have, nor have the capacity to develop, character traits of the kind envisioned by Aristotle and his followers. Some defenses of Aristotelian virtue ethics proceed by trying to insulate it from this challenge, while others have tried to dissipate the force of Doris's critique by showing how virtue ethics and recent findings in personality psychology share surprisingly extensive common ground. For example, in their 2009 books, Daniel Russell and Nancy Snow both argue that the empirical research regarding character complements - not undermines - virtue ethics. Specifically, each argues that the situationally sensitive Cognitive-Affective Personality System (CAPS) developed by Walter Mischel and Yuichi Shoda can be integrated into a virtue ethical moral philosophy and theory of character. In this paper, I raise several objections to their attempts to use the CAPS model to rehabilitate Aristotelian virtue ethics and argue that, as a result, this model has not been shown to have the promise Snow and Russell allege it has.  相似文献   

张晓东 《学海》2007,3(3):51-56
准则功利主义与行为功利主义围绕行为的功利标准等问题展开了长期的理论争论。两派的争论打破了元伦理学此前的一统天下,推进了当代功利主义伦理学的发展;但这只是功利主义伦理学同一理论谱系的内部争论,它没有也不可能超出旧功利主义的传统理论基地。唯物史观在深刻揭示、批判功利主义理论之资产阶级道德意识形态本质的同时,在正确理解的功利基础上,实现了对新旧功利主义的理论超越。  相似文献   

汪顺宁 《哲学动态》2002,3(6):42-45
一 自梁启超在1902年10月16日的<新民丛报>上撰文将尼采思想首次引入中国之后,迄今已整整一百周年.从唐俟(鲁迅)[1]开始至今,尼采文本的中译本之多,已经不少于十个(含全译本和节译本).  相似文献   

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