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The core idea of On Yue (《乐论》) is that Yue makes people harmonious (乐和同), and Li shows people’s differences (礼别异). And the core idea of Yueji (《乐记》)is that the great Yue is a kind of harmony of sky and earth (大乐与天地同和), and the great Li has the same order to the sky and earth (大礼与天地同节). There are some essential differences between these two books. On Yue (《乐论》) systematically discussed and developed the early Confucian thought of Li (礼) and Yue (乐), and concentrated on Xunzi’s view of social reality then. Yu...  相似文献   

From Han Yu’s yuan Dao 原道 (retracing the Dao) to Ouyang Xiu’s lun ben 论本 (discussing the root), the conflicts arising from Confucianists’ rejection of Buddhism were focused on one point, namely, the examination of zhongxin suo shou 中心所守 (something kept in mind). The attitude towards the distinction between mind and trace, and the proper approach to erase the gap between emptiness and being, as well as that between the expedient and the true, became the major concerns unavoidable for various thinkers to integrate the two teachings and to propel academic development. “To understand by mind” and “to blame for matter” were of crucial methodological significance for transcendence in both Confucianism and Buddhism. The arguments of Confucian scholars like Zhang Zai and the Cheng brothers on the identity of mind and trace and the unity of void and solid are mutually manifested. The same mind with the same principle means “mind is principle.” The “common axis of Confucianism and Buddhism” exists in the emphasis on mind beyond trace. The unification of mind and trace or the accordance of body and function has actually become the cardinal foundation for the possible mergence of the Three Teachings.  相似文献   

R.Rorty 等着《历史中的哲学》(Philosophy in History)1984T.O’Hagan 著《规律的终结》(The End of Law)1984H.Putnam 著《理性、真理和历史》(Reason,Truth and History)1981H.Staten 著《维特根斯坦和戴利达》(Wittgenstein and Derrida)1985R.Bernstein 著《超越客观主义和相对主义:科学、解释学和实践》(Beyond Objectivism and Relativism:  相似文献   

刘高岑 《哲学动态》2006,(12):27-30
约翰·海尔(John Heil),是美国华盛顿大学(Washington University in St Louis)哲学系教授,美国《哲学季刊》的北美编辑。长期从事心智哲学、形而上学和认识论的研究,尤其致力于从形而上学维度研究心智问题,先后出版了《真正心智的本质》(The Nature of True Minds,1992)、《合理性、道德与自我兴趣》(Rationality,Morality,and Self-Interest,1993)、《精神因果》(Mental Causation,1993)、《心智哲学导论》(Philosophy of Mind:A Guide and Introduction,1998,2004)、《从本体论的观点看》(From an Ontological Point of View,2…  相似文献   

The terms du (獨) and shendu (慎獨) frequently appear in transmitted texts, notably, among others, the Xunzi and Liji. Drawing reference from the poetry of “Shijiu” (鳲鳩) (Ode 152) and “Yanyan” (燕燕) (Ode 28) in the Book of Odes (詩經), the recovered texts of “Wuxing Commentary” (五行 說) and “Confucian Poetics” (孔子詩論) have provided new material for re-shaping our current understanding of the concepts of du and shendu. This study will briefly survey the semantic ranges of these terms within the exegetical tradition and explore their meaning with regard to the poetry from which they are contextualized. In the final analysis du can be understood as the ontic quality of the heart-mind within the broad sense of cheng (誠 sincerity), or devout love, whereas shendu can be regarded as a process of moral cultivation. To some extent the re-interpretation of these terms finds commonality with, rather than subverts, the semantic ranges established by traditional glosses. The recovered texts have enhanced our understanding of these terms, in particular the concepts of heart-mind and emotion in early China.  相似文献   

《英国美学杂志》(The British Journal of Aesthetics)和美国《美学与艺术批评杂志》(The Journal of Aesthetcs and Art Criticism)是英美美学界的主流杂志,本文将以统计学的方法,以这两本杂志为对象进行个案研究,分析、总结杂志从1990-2000年间的文章,管窥当下英美美学研究的现状,分析英美美学研究的结构和基本趋势.  相似文献   

正吉拉·谢尔(Gila Sher),美国加州大学圣迭戈分校哲学系教授,国际形式本体论学会主席,《哲学》(Journal of Philosophy)编辑,《综合》(Synthese)主编。代表作有专著《认知摩擦——关于知识、真与逻辑》(Epistemic Friction:An Essay on Knowledge,Truth,and Logic,2016; 2017。标题与以下简称《认知摩擦》)、《逻辑的边界:一种广泛的视角》(The Bounds of Logic:A Generalized Viewpoint,1991),合著《逻辑与直觉之间》  相似文献   

The popular reading of xing yu nei 形於內 (being actualized from the internal) in Wuxing creates a predicament in the understanding of “xing 行 (behaviors)” which is not xing yu nei. As stated in Wuxing and other early Confucian texts, including The Doctrine of the Mean, The Great Learning, the Mencius and Xunzi, xing 形 is a process involving multidimensional content including not only deliberated decisions and actions, but also attitudes, facial expressions, and even the charisma that possesses power to transform the world. Xing 形 always operates in an effortless natural style, rather than under cognitive control. Xing yu nei signifies that virtues are possessed to a perfectly deep degree. Therefore, “not xing yu nei” does not mean that “behaviors” are forced by external pressure and thus hypocritical, but rather that although they also originate from internal virtues, the virtues in this case are not deep enough to enable multidimensional and natural manifestations. Xing 行, representing the way of the “human,” is the approach to and is on a continuum with “de zhi xing 德之行 (the behavior of Virtue),” which matches the way of Heaven. Shendu 慎 獨requires paying close attention to and regulating the intentions and emotions emerging at the heart/mind, which is the fundamental work when making the effort of “xing” towards “de zhi xing.”  相似文献   

第一部分前史 N.CaPaldi《康德、纯粹理性批到,中的时间:Reason:The Normative Strueture of Science) J.E.Dotti《权利问题和事实问题》(Quid iuris科学结构的规范》(Time in Kant’5 Critique of Pureund quid faeti)M.Flonta《<纯粹理性批判>中的牛顿物理学和纯自然科学》(Newtonsehe Physik und reine Natur-wissensehaft in der reinen Vernunft) Ch.Maeann《始原与先验客体》(The Urgrund and the Transeendental Objeet) E.PaPadimitriou<<论康德<纯粹理性批判,的哲学史前提》(Zu den Philosophie罗sehiehflie{len、or…  相似文献   

The Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period were key eras in which the family-kingdom-state political structure handed down by the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties transformed into the more familiar four-dimensional political structure of body-family-kingdom-world. The most important of the transformations was the independence of the body. The collapse of the feudal politico-religious structure dominated by emperors, lords and the senior officials allowed the social body to become independent of the overall structure of family-kingdom-world and became a structural element itself. As well, the teaching of Confucian ren 仁 (humanity) expanded the independence of the body to a moral and spiritual level, thus providing another agent for the politico-religious structure of body-family-kingdom-world. The emergence of this new agent provided another political agent “having no right to administer but the right to comment” outside the ruling group. As a result, the assumption that to “rectify” meant to “administer” was developed in the pre-Qin period. This became the Way of Administration, the ultimate meaning of which is to complete one’s human nature and to know destiny, which is the purpose of the Way of Governance. Subsequently, the Way of Administration and Way of Governance together formed one of the most significant political ideas in Chinese history.  相似文献   

正范笔德(Peter van der Veer)是荷兰皇家学院院士、德国哥廷根马普研究院族群与宗教研究所所长,他于2014年出版了《亚洲的现代精神》(The Modern Spirit of Asia:The Spiritual and the Secular in China and India,Princeton University Press)一书,在其中提出了"宗教—灵性—巫术—世俗"的结构链(Syntagmatic chain of religion-magic-secularity-spirituality),颇有雄心地希望总结亚洲世俗性现代化背后的宗教、灵性和巫术等一系列精  相似文献   

The term xin (心), usually translated as “mind,” “heart” or “heartmind,” is considered a major problématique in traditional Chinese philosophical discourse, and it is usually analized in conjunction with xing (性, human nature). Contemporary scholars consider xin—more or less uncontroversially—as a sort of container of emotions and feelings, or, as On-Cho Ng defines it, “the very home of volition, sentiments and intellect” (Ng 1999). This paper aims to further explore the impact of the physiology of heart (xin) rhetoric within political discourse during the early decades of the Western Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 9). To that end I will first analyze the importance of physiological vocabulary in political argumentation, focusing mainly on the importance of heart (xin), its central role as the ruler of the body, and on the analogy between the heart and the sovereign of the state. I will then analyze the use of the expressions unanimity and duplicity—literally, pitting one heart (yixin 一心) against two hearts (erxin 二心 or liangxin 兩心).  相似文献   

In the past 40 years, Chinese research in the field of philosophical aesthetics has made great progress in basic research and academic contributions. The Chinese approach to the ontology of contemporary aesthetics has played the most important role in this historical transition. A shifting paradigm of the ontology of aesthetics—from the concept of “practice” (shijian實踐) to the concept of “living” (shenghuo 生活)—is assisting to integrate Chinese aesthetics into the context of globalization, and the future of Chinese aesthetics is both Chinese and global. “Aesthetics” is not just Ganxue 感学 in the sense of Aesthetica, it is also is a Juexue 觉学 that is closer to the sense of Aisthetik in Chinese context.  相似文献   

The Dhammapada is a collection of 423 Buddhist aphorisms or teachings intended to provide ethical guidance. The poetic and sometimes profound sayings of the Dhammapada, which can be translated as "Way of Truth," are attributed to Buddha, who founded Buddhism in India in the 6th century BC. These writings, part of the sacred Sutra Pitaka, illustrate the Buddhist dhamma, or moral system. The following excerpt deals with the human mind and the consequences of immoral actions. 《法句经》是由423段格言或者教训组成的集子,其用意在道德教诲。《法句经》据说都是佛陀所说。佛陀是公元前6世纪时在印度创立佛教的人。《法句经》的语句是诗意的,有时寓意很深刻。作为经藏的一部分,这些文字揭示了佛教的“法”或者道德体系。下面的摘选谈的是人心和不善行为的结果。  相似文献   

“Xin 心 (Mind)” is one of the key concepts in the four chapters of Guanzi. Together with Dao, qi 气 (air, or gas) and de 德 (virtue), the four concepts constitute a complete system of the learning of mind which is composed of the theory of benti 本体 (root and body), the theory of practice and the theory of spiritual state. Guanzi differentiates the two basic layers of mind—the essence and the function. It tries to attain a state of accumulated jing 精 (essence, anima) and nourished qi, in which qi is concentrated in a miraculous way, through a series of methods of mind cultivation and nurturing, including being upright, calm, tranquil and moderate, and to concentrate the mind and intention. The doctrine of mind of the four chapters of Guanzi influenced Daoism and Confucianism and is a key link in the history of Chinese thought. It is a prelude to the merger of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism.  相似文献   

在维特根斯坦的后期著作《哲学研究》中,有一些涉及意向性问题的论述。我读它们的时候,总觉得它们是有所针对性的,像是针对布伦塔诺和胡塞尔的。最近阅读新近出版的《维特根斯坦的声音:维也纳团体,维特根斯坦和魏斯曼》(The Voices ofWittgenstein:The Vienna Circle,Ludwig Witt-genstein and Friedrich Waismann)(以下简称《维特根斯坦的声音》)时,这一猜想得到某种程度的证实。在《维特根斯坦的声音》中,尤其是其中的“心理学的概念”一章,对布伦塔诺及其意向性的概念,对“意图”、“期待”、“打算”、“相信”等与意向性密切相关的…  相似文献   

In this article, I examine Martin Heidegger’s 1950 lecture/essay “The Thing” (Das Ding) in two ways. First, as a piece influenced by chapter 11 of the Daodejing. And second, as a postwar writing which can be interpreted vis-à-vis the Black Notebooks and his other writings. There are instances in “The Thing” which are analogous to his statements found in the Black Notebooks and his other writings which describe and clarify his controversial political affiliation. In brief, I suggest here that Heidegger’s articulation of the concept of wu 無 of chapter 11 of the Daodejing as the void of the jug in “The Thing” may potentially describe his controversial engagement with German National Socialism as part of his response to the call for German mission. Notably, the fundamentality of the void of the jug is comparable to the exclusivity and exceptionality of the Germans in their mission; and the use of the void of the jug as outpouring is an interesting way to emphasize his disagreement with the regime by pointing out that his support to German National Socialism is not to the extent of brutally annihilating the Jews.  相似文献   

凯吉尔:“担忧的仪式:生物技术与文化”(Caygill,H.,“Liturgies of Fear:Biotechnology and Culture”,The Risk Society and Beyond,Sage,2000)生物技术的发展被认为给人类生命的未来带来了潜在的不可逆转的威胁,由此产生了一种忧虑文化。这种文化在宗教的、政治的和艺术的文化界限内被思考和建构。这一逐渐显现的文化,可以用回应生物技术威胁的三种理想型的观点为例证来阐明:1995年教皇约翰·保罗二世的通谕《生命的福音:人类生命的价值和不可侵犯性》(Evangelium vitae:the Value andInviolability of Human Life);1992年英国医…  相似文献   

8.道德哲学一本高水平的最新伦理学入门书是J.L.麦基(Mackie)著《伦理学:虚构正确与错误》(Ethics:Inventing Right and Wrong)。霍斯波斯的《人的行为》(Human Conduct)是一本特别好的教科书。G.J.沃诺克的《当代道德哲学》(ComtemporaryMoral Philosophy)是20世纪中以英文撰写的一本简短而易懂的道德哲学历史著作。该作者的《道德的对象》(The Object of Morality)试图分离出那些确实是道德的道德判断的内容。P.H.诺埃尔-史密斯(Nowell-Smith)的《伦理学》(Ethics)是一本语言分析者的入门书。厄姆森(Urmson)的《伦理学中的情感理论》(The Emotive Theory of Ethics)不但是对被逻辑实证主义所抛弃的道德哲学的论  相似文献   

The essay starts by questioning how the debate at the dam over the Hao River between Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi arose. It describes the source of ideas that led Zhuang Zi to speak on the enjoyment of the fish (yuzhile 鱼之乐) and points out that the meaning of the debate rests in bringing about the emergence of the true subject of “enjoyment.” It highlights this meaning by analyzing the essential content and value orientation of Zhuang Zi’s ideas on the joy of heaven (tian le 天乐) and perfect enjoyment (zhile 至乐). Following up on this thread, the essay goes further to analyze the true meaning of Zhuang Zi’s theory concerning the “great speech” of “non-speaking.” This essay holds that the debate is a parable, an external representation that unfolds an internal tension between two different levels contained within Zhuang Zi’s thought, rather than simply a debate between these two thinkers.  相似文献   

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