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名人旅游是以追寻名人踪迹或感受名人文化为目的开展的旅游活动,旅游者通过品赏和休闲娱乐等方式,深刻体会名人的思想精髓,获得启示和教育。但名人旅游发展中也出现了诸多亟待解决的问题,以淄博市为例,旅游发展30多年来,淄博市的齐文化旅游开发有了长足的进步,但在与齐文化有关的名人旅游开发上面,尚存在名人思想挖掘不深,不能形成"增长中心";内容静态展示居多,参与性及趣味性不高;名人资源空间跨度大,基础设施不完善等许多问题。应该深入挖掘名人思想、增强名人旅游活动中趣味性和参与性、整合全市历史名人资源、完善与名人旅游相关的基础设施建设,方能使淄博的齐文化名人旅游登上一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

城市旅游资源开发与城市现代化建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐惠蓉 《学海》2002,(4):43-46
推进城市现代化 ,必须重视提高城市综合竞争力。旅游竞争力是城市竞争力的有机组成部分。发展城市旅游业、提高旅游竞争力有利于推动城市现代化。发展旅游业要重视城市旅游资源开发。旅游资源开发要科学规划 ,城市旅游规划要与城市总体规划衔接 ;要注重保护、开发、利用名胜古迹、建筑景观、历史文化名城 ;要注重通过城市现代化建设优化旅游环境 ;要突出地方特色 ,放大旅游城市品牌效应 ;要注重城市非物质遗产和文化产品的开发 ;要充分利用城市现代化建设的成果。  相似文献   

高科 《法音》2015,(2):28-33
<正>随着国家的宗教政策调整与大众文化旅游的兴起,国内从上世纪末期开始便兴起了一股宗教旅游的热潮。时至今日,这股"宗教旅游热"不仅热度不减,还呈现出迅猛发展的态势。在我国宗教旅游发展过程中,盲目、过度的宗教旅游开发,旅游开发导致的宗教文化庸俗化、高价香火产业链、伪宗教与"封建迷信"消费等旅游异化问题频频见诸报端,国内学界对  相似文献   

随着旅游业的快速发展和普及,单纯的观光旅游市场已不适应人们的需求,而文化旅游作为可持续发展旅游中的一种,逐渐成为当代旅游业发展的热点。现以个案研究法以及文献收集资料法,并以旅游学和旅游开发相关理论为指导,分析悬空寺文化旅游的资源优势及周边景点的开发现状,指出在原有开发过程中所出现的问题,提出对悬空寺文化旅游及综合开发的对策。  相似文献   

鄂南名人故居有着悠久的历史,是传承鄂南文化、习俗和精神的建筑艺术代表,蕴含了丰富的文化内容。其不同时期的建筑又体现了其时代特点及当时人们在审美、精神旨趣等方面的追求。虽有此丰厚的历史资源,但鄂南的旅游发展却十分不景气。文章从鄂南名人故居的基本情况入手,研究鄂南名人故居文化创意旅游产业的开发路径,针对鄂南名人故居旅游产业化中的问题,提出对应的解决措施,建议其立足地域文化,文化研究与旅游产业发展相结合,提出文化蕴含,并开发创意产品,既吸引了游客前来游玩,又给游客留下回忆的载体。  相似文献   

道教旅游文化与道教文化旅游辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"道教旅游文化"与"道教文化旅游"是道教文化与旅游经济研究领域里两个重要概念.  相似文献   

寻求文化享受,开展文化旅游活动已成为当前旅游者的一种风尚。邯郸作为中国历史文化名城、中国成语典故之都,将赵文化、磁山文化、曹魏建安文化、女娲文化、北齐石窟文化、梦文化、广府太极文化、边区革命文化相融合,丰厚的文化积淀为邯郸留下了众多与成语有关的名胜古迹和历史故事,为邯郸的成语文化旅游资源的开发提供了重要的优势条件。调查研究主要采取资料收集方法和实地勘察方法进行研究,分析邯郸成语资源开发的现状、存在的问题以及开发优势,凸显成语典故的魅力,表达赵文化的"诚"、"义"精神,传播社会正能量,为邯郸的旅游开发建设开拓更加广阔的思路。  相似文献   

水族,是我国56个民族中的一朵花,也是少数民族人口较少的民族,全国40多万水族儿女。57%聚集在三都,是全国唯一的水族自治县。水族地区旅游开发也可说是以三都为中心向周边幅射的旅游开发据点。  相似文献   

桂滇黔三省区拥有丰富的佛教文化遗产资源,在文化旅游兴起的大背景下,桂滇黔佛教文化遗产旅游作为文化旅游的重要组成部分,必将拥有广阔的发展前景。通过运用SWOT分析法分别就桂滇黔三省区汉传佛教文化遗产旅游开发的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁展开具体分析,并在此基础上提出桂滇黔汉传佛教文化遗产旅游开发的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着旅游业的迅速发展,五台山以其优越的人文和自然资源成为外出旅游的主要目的地之一。但是五台山旅游的开发还存在几个问题:宗教圣地形象没有突出,优美自然风光不能展示,特色纪念品开发不足,旅游开发没有带动周边发展。为此提出几点发展建议。  相似文献   

Is it morally permissible for financially privileged tourists to visit places for the purpose of experiencing where poor people live, work, and play? Tourism associated with this question is commonly referred to as ‘poverty tourism’. While some poverty tourism is plausibly ethical, other practices will be more controversial. The purpose of this essay is to address mutually beneficial cases of poverty tourism and advance the following positions. First, even mutually beneficial transactions between tourists and residents in poverty tourism always run a risk of being exploitative. Second, there is little opportunity to determine whether a given tour is exploitative since tourists lack good access to the residents' perspectives. Third, if a case of poverty tourism is exploitative, it is so in an indulgent way; tourists are not compelled to exploit the residents. In light of these considerations, we conclude that would-be tourists should participate in poverty tours only if there is a well-established collaborative and consensual process in place, akin to a ‘fair trade’ process.  相似文献   

Although well accepted by consumer behaviourists in general, self‐concept has received relatively little attention from tourism researchers. This is despite the potential it would appear to offer in terms of enabling an enhanced understanding of how tourists feel and what they seek from the tourism experience. The application of a model of self‐concept in this study suggests self‐concept may provide an alternative segmentation base, giving insights into how people perceive themselves in the tourist role and their consequent behaviour. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

Azzano  Lorenzo  Carrara  Massimiliano 《Philosophia》2021,49(5):1943-1952
Philosophia - A popular stance amongst philosophers is one according to which, in Lewis’ words, “identity is utterly simple and unproblematic”. Building from Lewis’ famous...  相似文献   

At its origins, analytic philosophy is an interest in language, science, logic, analysis, and a systematic rather than a historical approach to philosophical problems. Early analytic philosophers were famous for making clear conceptual distinctions and for couching them in comprehensible and lucid sentences. It is argued that this situation is changing, that analytic philosophy is turning into its mirror image and is thereby becoming more like the kind of philosophy that it used to oppose.  相似文献   

This article investigates the development and promotion of the Char Dham Yatra (or Char Dham), a Hindu pilgrimage route in the Himalayas, to challenge some prevalent assumptions and models in current scholarship concerning pilgrimage and tourism. I argue that the current prominence of the Char Dham is closely tied to the efforts of public tourism agencies and the coming together of a popular religious concept (Char Dham) with a unit of tourism development (circuit). Turning to promotional literature, I find that, while the Char Dham is increasingly framed to incorporate tourist interests, it continues to retain a religious profile. Contemporary Char Dham guidebooks combine and sometimes merge tourist and religious selling points. The Char Dham is promoted as a picturesque pilgrimage that allows for both homage and holiday. Contrary to popular opinion, the findings of my research suggest that the interplay between pilgrimage and tourism produces changes in, rather than the removal of, pilgrimage religiosity and associated religious communication.  相似文献   

Do philosophers and ordinary people conceive of subjective experience in the same way? In this article, we argue that they do not and that the philosophical concept of phenomenal consciousness does not coincide with the folk conception. We first offer experimental support for the hypothesis that philosophers and ordinary people conceive of subjective experience in markedly different ways. We then explore experimentally the folk conception, proposing that for the folk, subjective experience is closely linked to valence. We conclude by considering the implications of our findings for a central issue in the philosophy of mind, the hard problem of consciousness.  相似文献   

REIN RAUD 《亚洲哲学》2003,13(2-3):131-143
The article traces the genesis of soku, a particle elevated to the status of an operator of dialectical logic by Japanese philosophers of the Kyo?to school, to a translation problem that occurred when Buddhist thought spread from India to China. On the basis of the analysis of its most famous locus of occurrence, a passage in the Heart Sutra, it is shown how eva, a Sanskrit particle with the function of distinguishing between logical types of sentences, was transformed into a modifier of identity statements and an indicator of the inability of language to express deep-level Buddhist insights exhaustively.  相似文献   

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